Categories > TV > Doctor Who > Sanctum (Working Title)

Sanctum (Working Title)

by IAmBadWolf 0 reviews

"The Doctor. You have to get the Doctor." Who is the woman, and why does she want the Doctor?

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance, Sci-fi - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-08-31 - Updated: 2006-09-01 - 617 words

The TARDIS suffered a violent shake.

"Okay, how is everyone?" The Judge asked, standing up herself.

The human man, John, rubbed his head. Ii've had better days, that's for sure."

The human girl, Ana, winced in pain. "I think I've broken my wrist."

The Judge smiled. She took out her sonic screwdriver, bent down towards Ana, and said, "Just let me.... and uh.... here
we are. Yes. This'll work." She stood. "Better?"

Ana rubbed her wrist. "Yeah. You fixed it, thanks." Her Spanish accent wasn't quite as thick as it had been before.
She'd been around John too much. Suddenly the Judge grabbed the console.

"Judge, you a'right?" John asked, standing.

The Judge just waved her arm around. "Yeah... I..." She felt a wave of dizziness. "I'm perfectly fine..." She added, before falling into John's arms.

"You caught her. Is she alright? Has she fainted?" Ana asked, standing.

John looked at Ana, then the Judge, then back to Ana. "You know, I really don't know."

"Oh, be careful, Juan," Ana said, saying 'John', but it coming out like 'Juan', because she was from Spain.
The year 2123, to be exact.

"No, that's alright, I'm just gonna bang her up a bit, she'll be fine, you'll see---I'm bein' careful, Ana." He added, seriously. "Don't worry yourself over nothin'." John was from the wild west, the year he came from was 1883.

"You would be worried too if you would stop and think for a moment," She said. "You know that the Judge is the only one
who knows how to fly the TARDIS."

John set the Judge down, and picked up a scanner.

"I know that, Ana. I'm just not panicking because I know the TARDIS. And I know that the TARDIS can fix her up.
Just remember, you're new, and I'm not."

"I hope that you are correct, Juan."

John laughed. "Oh, I'm correct alright! Wait. Uh, oh."

"Don't you see, I told you this!" Ana said, throwing her hands up in the air.

John looked at Ana. "It's nothin' big. I just can't figure out the scanner. Never used it b'fore."

Ana yanked it away from him. "Give it here." Just as she took the scanner, it fell, and broke, because the TARDIS
had gone into the time vortex.

"That can't be good," John said.

Ana rolled her eyes. "Oh you are so quick witted, Juan!" She huffed, "Why is it moving on it's own!?"

"It's alive, Ana," He said with more then a little bit of awe. "And it's a she," he said, even more awestruck.

"I don't believe in such things," She said.

He laughed. "But you're form the future. Ain'tcha got livin' ships there?"

She took a breath, and looked at him. "No. It's all robotics."

"That's.... wha?" He didn't undersatnd. "Like a robot, ya mean?"

"Yes, that's what I.... you still haven't answered my question!"

He shrugged. "The TARDIS does this sort of thing on her own."

"But where is she going?"

"Beats me. I never been able to read those computers."

Ana groaned. "Could this day get any worse!?"

As if in answer to her question, the TARDIS stopped. "Well, werever she was goin' to, we're there now."

"Are you going to see where we are?"

John shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

Suddenly the Judge wandered in, wobbely. "Listen..." She said. John ran over to her, and Judge put her weight
on him, eyes drowsy.

Ana said, "Judge, how did you--"

But John shut her up. "We're listening, Judge." He sat her down on the floor.

The Judge nodded. "You have to get him."

"Get who?" Both companions echoed.

"The Doctor. You have to get the Doctor." And then she passed back out.
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