Categories > Original > Romance > Homestuck Fanfic

Eridan x (TROLL!) Reader

by Gamzee151 0 reviews

This is basically a flushed kismasis with Eridan.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2016-12-02 - 99 words

Okay, so for those of you who don't know what a kismasis is, it is basically hate dating for these things called trolls. They have these things called quadrants. Matesprit; Auspitice; Kismasis; Morails. Matesprit is dating, kismasis is hate dating, morails is closest friend, auspitice is basically counseling for morails and matesprits. LEARN YOUR HOMESTUCKS

You groaned as Eridan pulled out another shirt, holding it up to his chest.
"It's shit," you deadpanned. Eridan frowned and pulled off his shirt. You froze as he put the other one on. He looked up at me and pushed up his glasses
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