Categories > TV > Captain Scarlet > Kara Zor-El's Daughter Morgan Zor-el

The Ultimate

by morganzor-el 0 reviews

You learn something new everyday!

Category: Captain Scarlet - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2016-12-10 - 1022 words - Complete

Kid Flashs Point of View
I couldn't be. Could it? Another speedster besides him. "Your, your a speedster. Just like me." She looked at me funny. "What? No, I'm a kryptonian. I can't be a speedster" She told me. I could sense it. I know she is. "No, i can feel the speed force in you. Your a speedster" Her face was full of emotion. Fear, pain, confusion, sadness. "I... I..

Super girls Point of View
"I... I..." I tried to speak but the pain in my chest was growing a lot more. I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and tried to walk to the window to get some room from the boys. But half way there I collapsed. I started coughing. I could see blood on the floor where I was coughing. I then heard Robin yell at Super boy " Go get Batman NOW!!!!" I started to cough more. "KF get over here and help me!" Robin yelled orders at Kid Flash. My eyes started to blow a piercing white blue. My arms folded back over my chest into an X. I could hear the voices inside my head again. All the pain and fear and sadness. "NO Super Girl. Come on stay with me" I heard Robin yell choking on tears. Wally was by my side. I started to load with energy. "Robin I know what is happening. The speed force is trying to suck her in" "WHAT!" Robin yelled. "Hold her hand and then hold my hand and I'll show you. I could see Robin nod and then things went critical.

Inside Super Girls head (Robins Point of View)
I opened my eyes. We were in the the speed force. "WOW" was all i could manage. KF started to explain that all the pictures around us were Super Girls memories. I looked around to see a young girl with.... what that can't be! Super Women and The Flash. Are those her parents I'll have to ask later. I looked over to see Super Girl fighting an evil Superman and an evil Super Women. She was holding her stance pretty well. Then all of a sudden the two combined and were a huge Monster. It spoke "You are nothing Morgan! You are worthless and I wished you were dead!" I looked over to see "Morgan" aka Super Girl crying and trying to get up. "You have no friends, no family, you are weak and helpless!" The thing made a nasty laugh and shot a huge laser at Morgan who screamed in pain.

Inside Super Girls Head (Morgans POV)
"AAAAAAHHHHHHH" I screamed. No one can here me. I'm done for. The I saw a flash of red and yellow and then I was standing next to Robin and KF. "Guys!" I ran and tried to hug them. But I went through them. "We aren't really here Morgan. We are communicating like a FaceTime call." KF explained. "I need help guys. PLEASE!" I turned around to see the monster running towards me. I froze in fear. It picked my up my the neck and then pulled Robin and KF so they were actually there. "I want you guys to feel the pain of watching someone you love die right before your eyes!!" It started to squeeze my neck and I struggled to breath. I kept kicking my legs till I had no power. I looked at Robin with tears in my eyes. " you." I struggled to say to him. "Don't say that you are gonna be ok." He shouted to me. I felt lightning go through the best and go through me. I yelped as the beast dropped me. I'm gonna die I thought. But then I felt strong arms wrap around and we flipped over the monster. I shut my eyes until we landed on solid ground. I opened my eyes to see robin holding me proactively against him. He was breathing hard. He looked up and smiled at me. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Ya.... I thin AAAAAHHHH!" I looked down to see the monster had me in its grasp again and held multiple kryptonite to my chest. I started to glow and I crossed my arms into an x. "SUPER GIRL!!!!"

Super Girls head (Robins POV)
"SUPERGIRL NOOOOOOOO!" I screamed. She was glowing again but going critical now. I ran as fast as I could to her and I grabbed her hand. I then realized we were inside her head again. She was on the ground with superman on top of her. "YOU LET ME DIE!!! YOU LEFT ME ADN I WAS KILLED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" He screamed. "No, I never didn't wan you to die. Mom sent me away I did than to leave but i had to." She sobbed to him. "LIAR!!!" He punched her through the chest and her eyes widen. "NOOO" I screamed. I knew it wasn't really. It still hurt to watch though. I shot "Superman" dead again. I then ran over to her a sat down and put her head in my lap. "Super girl listen to me. This isn't really. You're actually ok." She wouldn't respond to me. "Morgan listen to me. I love you. This isn't really. I would never let this happen to you. Please come back to me." I saw a tear a slide down her cheek and then everything went white. When I opened my eyes we were back with the ugly monster.

Super Girls head (Morgans POV)
I looked up to see the monster. She saw her friends on the ground broken and not moving. "YOU MONSTER!!!!" I was fuming with anger. "Ultimate X GO!!!!" I screamed. I flew up in the air and crossed my arms in and X and I started to glow blue,red and yellow. "MORGAN NO!! Don't do it!" Robing yelled to me. "I have to save you, it's worth it if I don't live!" I shouted over the roaring energy. I curled up into a ball and gather energy. I could here Robin yelling at me to stop. I let the energy go with a scream.
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