Categories > TV > Captain Scarlet > Kara Zor-El's Daughter Morgan Zor-el


by morganzor-el 0 reviews

Morgan has to go into surgery to save her life

Category: Captain Scarlet - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2016-12-10 - 346 words - Complete

Robin POV
She started to cough up a lot of blood. She was shaking even though people were helping her. "We need to prep her for surgery. I know how to stop this. Put the needle in her arm and we will start. Robin,KF,Super Boy.....OUT!!!" Batman yelled at us. They got the needle in her arm and she went to sleep. We waited in the all for what seemed like days. but it was only a couple of hours. She went in to surgery at 8 and it was now 11. Batman walked out and said we could see her in 30 mins and then he wanted to talk to her also. So we all waited in the hall together.

Olive Queen/Green Arrow POV
I looked for Morgan everywhere. I finally found her at MT.Justice. I climbed up the wall and went in through the window. I saw Morgan laying in bed asleep. She looked so peaceful. Barry and Kara would of been proud. I went and sat by Morgan. I started to cry. I was suppose to protect her. I was suppose to save her from Ultimate X. It will kill her. I let her down and I let my best friends down. I told Felicity and Thea that all four of us will be in contact soon. I set of a krypton ear piece that will set of when she wakes up. And she will find us. I sat there in silence staring at that beautiful face. I heard people coming. I got up and kissed her. I heard the door slam open and someone shouting. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" I ran to the window jumping straight through the glass. I could here yelling as I got into my mustang and drive off.

Robins POV
Who the heck was that! And why was he kissing Morgan. I yelled at him to get away which he did but promised he would be back to rescue Morgan and to protect her. He wont get near Morgan. I'll stay by her side forever.

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