Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Eroninja: The Limelight

Fu: Home Is the People You Live For

by TheLemonSage

A story which shines a spotlight on the kunoichi in Naruto's life as he continues in his goal to unite the shinobi world in a way that would make Jiraiya proud

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2016-12-27 - 12322 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Eroninja: Limelight

Fu: Home Is the People You Live For

Author’s Note: Events of chapter happen between chapter 82 and 83 of Eroninja

Fu was running as if her life depended on it, which considering if people knew one of her pursers was a Bijuu, most people probably would have probably understood. But considering the Bijuu in question looked like a child most people watched the display somewhat bemused, which only grew as a horde of other children followed in their wake. The mint green haired jinchuriki laughed joyfully as she was forced to dodge to the side when Nel leapt to tag her. Although she missed her target, it did force her to stop running allowing the other children to catch up. While surrounded by the laughing children, Fu effortless danced among them to avoid being tagged.

She almost cleared them, but was hit by a small human shaped projectile. Fu had her breath knocked out of her as she flew several feet from the impact. At which point she was then surrounded on all sides as the other kids piled on. A brown-haired woman approached the pile of laughing children and diving in tossed several gently to the side as she searched for the one that she was responsible for. Finding her charge, she said, “Come on Nel! I don’t have time to be chasing after you. You said you wanted to help with guarding today’s shipment after all.”

She tossed the diminutive Bijuu over her shoulder like she was holding a bag or pursue as she began to walk away. Nel pouted as she crossed her arms while being carried away stating, “But Seven, this is the last time Nel will get to see Fu. Fu’s leaving the village soon. Don’t pretend you don’t care.”

Seven paused to look back at her former host before she just shrugged as she replied, “Don’t act like this is her last day on the planet. You’ll see her again. But, you need to grow up and be responsible if you want everyone to stop treating you like a child.”

“No Nel doesn’t,” the tiny Bijuu countered, “You just treat Nel like she is a child because she is small. Rangiku acts like one all the time, but because she has big boobies, you think she is an adult.”

“Trust me,” Seven replied with a highly-amused smile, “Very few people think she acts like an adult.”

Nel showed she wasn’t exactly as childish as her stature and behavior tended to suggest as she whispered to herself with a major tone of jealousy, “Naruto does.” The Bijuu guessed it was due to her having feelings for the Blond man, but found her child-like form blocked her from exploring them in the same way her mature looking sisters were able to.

Fu finished waving to the children that had joined in her game of tag with Nel as they were collected by the wheezing woman who had been watching them. She followed after the two Bijuu, wishing to say her goodbyes so heard Nel’s complaint as well. But, hoping to distract her from it said, “Don’t worry Nel. I will be around for a few more days. Besides, Fu will come play with you every time she visits.”

“Promise,” the skull wearing child-like Bijuu said eagerly as her dark mood faded.

“Promise,” Fu replied with a happy grin. She quickly moved in front of Seven as she added, “Fu will visit you as well Chomei.”

The Seven Tailed Beetle just shrugged as she replied, “Do what you want?”

Fu smiled despite the cold reply since she knew her former tenant tended to act thorny in public. But, wanting to tease her a little, the former jinchuriki wrapped her in a big hug as she said, “Fu knows you love her.”

“Hey let go,” Seven said the young woman arms encircled her stomach.

Despite the Bijuu’s act, her cheeks did color as the green haired woman whispered into her ear, “She knows this because of how eagerly you eat her pussy.” Fu then quickly tongued her ear before disengaging to walk in front of the Bijuu while facing her.

She enjoyed the way the Seven Tail’s face flushed and let out an amused laugh as Nel having not heard what was whispered stated, “Your back feels really warm all the sudden.”

“Shut up,” Seven replied called back towards her sister acting as a backpack, before regaining her composure. She studied her former host and couldn’t help giving a small smile in the face of the large happy one that the young woman wore. Although they hadn’t been particularly close in their previous life together as Bijuu and host, she still found it somewhat easy to read the young woman. As such, despite her appearing rather upbeat, Seven felt there was some trepidation hiding just beneath the surface. “Is everything alright?”

Fu’s demeanor dropped for a moment as she looked like she was about to open up, but then she brightened again pushing her apparent concerns deeper before replying, “Yes, everything is fine.”

Seven wasn’t convinced, but seeing Naruto approaching and sure he would get to the bottom of things said, “Okay, well we have a mission to get to.”

She walked past the green haired woman allowing her diminutive sister whom she was carrying behind her shoulder like a sack to wave, “Bye Fu, Nel will see you later when we get back.”

Fu waved happily back at the Bijuu, but let out a small, “eep” when her lover said from behind her, “I sent you out to get more tape over an hour ago.”

The former kunoichi of Waterfall spun around to see Naruto giving her a disproving shake of his head, which was offset by the amused smile that he wore. She smiled back as she said, “Fu’s sorry. She got distracted when she bumped into Nel.”

“Really,” the blond man replied sounding skeptical that it was a meeting of happenstance, “What about yesterday when you showed up several hours late?”

“Fu got lost on the road of life,” the mint-green haired kunoichi replied by repeating an excuse she had heard several times from the leader of Team Kakashi since becoming a kunoichi of Konoha.

Naruto’s frown lost the amusement that he had worn as it became more serious. This caused Fu to grow somewhat nervous as she wondered if her behavior over the past few days had made him upset. Particularly as she had asked him to help pack her belongings for the move to Ame so that she could join Konan’s reformed Akatsuki, but had found dozens of excuses to delay it.

Naruto sighed as he noticed that his lover was growing worried her behavior had made him angry, which wasn’t the case. However, as he was quite sure that he had gathered all the supplies that they would need for the days packing, including the packing tape which had gone missing and that he had sent her out for, he was concerned something deeper was at play. Holding up the tape that he had bought before seeking her out, he said, “Should we get started?”

Fu nodded so he began to head towards the Hidden Eddy Inn. As they made their way there, he noticed the his fellow Jinchuriki was growing more pensive. Taking a guess at what was bothering her, he stated, “If you’re unsure about joining Akatsuki. I’m sure Konan would understand if you wish to back out.”

His lover looked over at him in surprise. But recovering her balance said, “It isn’t joining Akatsuki which is bothering Fu. She is concerned that Ame will not be as welcoming of her as Konoha has been.”

Naruto nodded in understanding since Taki had treated her with contempt and disdain until its leadership had made a deal with Akatsuki to hand her over rather than trying to protect and defend her. As such, it was easy to understand why she would be concerned that she might be moving into a similar environment as her old Village. He smiled as they reached the Hidden Eddy Inn and upon entering proceeded to her apartment. He heard her sigh as they stepped inside upon her seeing all the boxes which were packed up and just waiting to be taped. He smirked as an idea accord to him, so tossed the bag of tape he had purchased aside and pulled her close to him before teleporting out of the apartment.


A moment later they appeared in Konan’s bedroom causing Fu to ask, “Where are we?”

“Ame,” Naruto replied as he moved to make sure the penthouse where she stayed was empty. Looking over his shoulder he said, “Let’s just take the day and explore.”

A wide smile appeared on his fellow Jinchuriki’s face as she nodded in agreement with the idea. Together they slipped out of the penthouse using the balcony and Naruto was glad that they arrived during a relatively dry moment having not really considered Ame’s normal weather. However, once they had reached ground level they had only made it a few blocks before the heavens opened up again. Something which immediately singled them out as visitors as the other people around them almost without breaking stride began pulling out umbrellas, or in most cases the heavy rain jackets that most Ame citizens seemed to prefer. Still, Naruto doubted many people felt they were a potential threat, particularly as he noticed many of them smiling as Fu gleefully ran from overhang to overhang of the various shops.

They stopped under one as the rain picked up in intensity and the droplets began to almost sting. Together they watched most of the other people carry upon their business and Naruto understood why most citizens wore the heavy rain jackets almost constantly. Beside him, his mint haired lover giggled as she said, “Fu probably should stop wearing white if she moves here.”

Naruto looked over, and felt his dick begin to swell as she cut quite the seductive visage to him. Although, she was wearing a black sports bra and shorts beneath her white outfit, his imagination didn’t have a hard time picturing what she would have looked like without them as they showed through her wet clothes. He noticed a few of the men passing who appeared to be having similarly impure thoughts about his lover. He wasn’t particularly annoyed by the other men staring at her in such a manner as it filled him with a certain amount of pride. However, Fu upon becoming aware of them, she grew a little self-conscious so moved to step behind him.

Looking around for a place they could retreat to until she dried, he found the next best thing so grabbing her hand ran across the street. Fu giggled again as they ran through the rain once more before reaching a shop which sold raingear. The woman running the shop was somewhat surprised at their soaked arrival as she made it clear that she wondered how one could travel so deep into the country without the proper rain attire. For a few tense moments as she regarded them suspiciously, Naruto feared that she might alert the authorities. But, then Fu sneezed softly which caused the woman to quickly go into warm proprietress mode as she handed them towels and began making them tea.

Informing her they were looking for clothes suitable for the elements, she quickly gave them a rundown of the latest fashions. As the woman chatted with them while having them try out various outfits, he couldn’t help noticing that some of her questions seemed rather probing. Still, considering Ino’s, and to a lesser extent Ayame’s, penitent for gossip, he found it pretty easy to imagine the woman’s initial skepticism of their situation might have been her instincts telling her there might be a juicy bit of gossip behind their showing up at her shop. Yet, her questions made it clear her thoughts were traveling down the rails that they were two star crossed lovers who had been forced to abandon their belongings and home to be together.

He initially smiled as Fu seemed to play along, although it faded as she began to describe some of the issues the couple identity she was crafting was fleeing from. Particularly as she began to describe how the people back in her original “home” had treated her as a monster and then revealed that it had been him and “his family” who had first treated her as a person. She also revealed that recently she had received a new opportunity in Rain, but feared accepting it would open her to finding a place more akin to her old home, rather than her current one. The shopkeeper obviously found it strange any place could treat the upbeat girl as a monster, so found it easy to assure her the people of Rain would gladly accept her.

Fu smiled politely as a result of the woman’s reassurances. But, Naruto had no difficultly spotting how it wasn’t reflected in her eyes. Not that he could blame her since neither of them could be sure how the woman would react if she knew both of them had been jinchuriki.

The woman continued to make small talk as she tried to pry more details out of Fu in regards to what the opportunity was. She didn’t have much success as Fu instead began asking questions about locations they should visit. The shopkeeper began giving them the lowdown on various attractions of her home, and once they were decked out in their new rain gear they bid the woman farewell.

Having selected clothes which would obscure their identities, they began holding hands once they had slipped into the crowd to head to their first destination. Upon arriving to the mostly finished construction site where Pain’s Tower had once stood. Naruto found it to be somewhat bittersweet since it had been the place where Jiraiya had died. Yet, since what was being constructed in its place would serve as the base of operations and home of Konan’s version of Akatsuki. There was also a sense of pride in all that he and his lovers had accomplished.


Fu could tell Naruto was feeling several emotions which covered the entire emotional spectrum at standing in the location where his sensei had died. She really couldn’t say she sympathized as before meeting Naruto and the others, she had never experienced such a bond. She did have teachers growing up, however their sole interest in her had been to shape her into a useful weapon. As such, although a few of them had died on missions during her training. Their passing had never bothered her on an emotional level.

A part of her would admit there was a little jealousy directed towards Naruto because his upbringing had allowed him such emotions. Still, she knew it was a double-edged sword considering he had lost two of his important teachers.

She felt some concern arise within her as she realized that now she had many important people in her life whose passing would undoubtedly hurt her. The concern arose from the belief that should she lose one of them, she wasn’t entirely sure how she would handle it. After all, Naruto had experienced both loss and connections with others long before she had made her first bond, and yet after losing Iruka there had been a period where it looked like he might give himself to darkness. If she was being completely honest with herself, she recognized that she would have easily followed whatever path he sought to follow in the aftermath. Particularly since he was her most important person.

Still, Fu felt a sense of unease at the thought. But rather than focusing on it decided to drop the matter completely. Instead, she turned her focus to the nearly completed Akatsuki headquarters. The main portion of the building was made of stone and looked like a large arch which was several stories tall. Extending from the sides of the building were single story wings which from the air probably made the entire building look like a stylized Y. There was a large courtyard which led up to the main entrance, at the center of which resided a large pool of water. At the center of the water a large square tarp had been erected in order to hide what was there.

She felt a sense of curiosity to take a peek, but Naruto seemed to sense what she was thinking as he said, “I wouldn’t try it if I were you. From what I’ve heard Konan wants it to be a surprise so has placed several barriers to discourage people from taking a peek.”

Fu tilted her head to look at her lover and despite the heavy hood they both wore could see his eyes glinting with amusement. Fu wasn’t exactly willing to admit that he had read her mind as she replied, “Fu wasn’t thinking about that. Perhaps it is your own desires that you are fostering on her.”

Naruto chuckled in amusement as he said, “Perhaps. I’ve been curious about it ever since I saw the tarp when visiting Yugito. Particularly since Konan won’t give me any hints. I’m dying to know what’s in there almost as much as if it were a birthday present.”

Fu wouldn’t have understood the reference in the past, but having celebrated several of her own since moving to Kohana began to feel an even stronger urge to learn what was being hidden from view. A small dubious smile began to appear as she suggested, “Perhaps we should test the barriers out.”

For a moment, it appeared Naruto was considering it, but quickly stopped himself from traveling this particular path of temptation as he said, “As tempting as that is. I don’t want to disappoint Konan.”

Fu considered stating they would only disappoint her if they got caught. But, she stopped herself since she knew Naruto would feel he had regardless. Deciding it was best to remove themselves from the temptation, she began to pull him away as she said, “Fu, wants to continue our date. Let’s go check out the market.”

Naruto nodded as he allowed her to lead him away. While they walked towards their next destination, Fu marveled at the unique architecture of Ame. Having explored almost every nook and cranny of Konoha, she found herself rather excited at the idea of discovering the details of the village that in many respects had the personality of a city many times its size. She attributed this to perhaps being a byproduct of the vision of the man who was most famous shinobi to hail from it. She found it easy to imagine that a man like Hanzo had intended for Ame to be an architectural marvel for the empire he sought to build.

By contrast, from what she learned of the First Hokage, she found it easy to understand why Konoha. Although several times larger than Ame, still had the feeling of being a small village. This was because he had hoped to build a place where clans and their families could live in peace.

She wondered briefly what kind of place Naruto would build. She found it rather strange that nothing immediately came to mind. Especially, as she felt it would be relatively easy to say that he’d build a place more akin to Konoha, as opposed to Ame. But, she felt that perhaps that might have been too simple of an answer. Or, more simply not an answer that could really be answered at the moment because he hadn’t finished writing his vision into the tapestry of history.

After all, if she used herself as an example, back when she had lived in Waterfall. She could have easily seen herself erecting a village like Ame where she lived in the tallest tower looking down on all the people who had once looked down on her. Moreover, if she was being truly honest then she would have wanted them looking up at her in fear. Particularly since even to this day, she would describe the feeling that she harbored for the people of Taki as hate. A point she knew some people might be surprised by considering she had still protected them. But, it hadn’t because deep down she had been seeking their love and acknowledgement. Her actions had only been because she had no reason to expect things outside of Taki would be any better for her.

Still, she knew a part of her likely had hoped they would come around. Particularly when considering how quickly she took to life in Konoha. If Taki had been hell, then Konoha by comparison was definitely heaven. An assessment which wasn’t even taking into account the number of times she had been sent there while riding the dick of her lover. In fact, she found that while in Konoha, she had been allowed to actually grow as a person. A quirk she felt was highlighted as a result in her now speaking in the Third Person. When in Taki, life had been simply training, mission, and repeat. She wasn’t encouraged to be anything other than the current host of the Seven Tails and everything in her life was tailored to that end. As such, any sparks of independence were quickly stamped out.

Yet, Konoha by contrast almost seemed to crave it in its shinobi. In fact, so much so that outside of a few raised eyebrows the first time she had spoken in such a manner, nobody had really questioned it. She smiled softly as she suspected that in a village that sported a man calling himself the Green Beast, and whom had a younger version of himself walking down the streets on their hands while holding boulders up with their feet. Most people just assumed whatever was in the water was affecting her as well. For Fu, it had started out as a means of breaking out of her shell to stand out, and when nobody had tried to force her back in, found it had become ingrained in her. Almost as if beneath the quiet, angry woman she had been in Taki, there had been a happy one just waiting for someone to tell her to have fun.

Which she supposed made the prospect of leaving Konoha to join Akatsuki so nerve-racking for her. She looked up at Naruto again, and although she couldn’t see his face, she didn’t have trouble picturing the soft smile that was almost always present. Or, was also represented in the brightness of his eyes. Naturally, she wondered how that was the case since while for her Heaven and Hell represented to different and unique places on the map. For him, she pictured that for him, they must be the same place. After all, although perhaps not to a similar degree as her, he had experienced people who had held nothing but disdain for his existence. In fact, unlike her experience, many of the people that had once held his own existence against him, were some of the very same whom were now championing him as a hero of the village.

She suspected that was why Naruto had experienced so little difficulty with making the decision to support Yugito in her desire to leave Kumo. Having seen his village change their opinion of him, although something he had desired, awakened in him the realization that for most of them, their support was due simply to how his actions had benefited them. That wasn’t to say they were bad people, especially since that was how most people made such decisions. But, in essence they were just people trapped in group thinking for the most part. She had benefitted greatly from it in her coming to Konoha at a period of time when the mob mentality on Jinchuriki in Konoha was relatively high in part thanks to Naruto’s actions. Yet, having switched their opinions once, Naruto was keenly aware that if the village began to disagree with his actions, that opinion would begin swinging in the opposite direction. It might not even be because he had changed as a person, but because the group thinking involved was determining his actions weren’t in line with what they desired any longer or to their exclusive benefit. As such, he refused to chain his choices to the easily changed mentality of the masses. Instead, he believed it was on an individual basis which determined the extent of his loyalty to the various groups involved, with his lovers taking priority over all. Since in many respects they had proven time and again they would stick with him through the highs and lows. Not just when he was riding high in popularity.

That wasn’t to say he completely dismissed the concerns of those outside his harem when coming to decisions about a proper course of action. But, to say that he felt it was unacceptable for his lovers to suffer to achieve an objective for the benefit of people who might feel no loyalty to them in turn. After all, while public opinion about Jinchuriki or former jinchuriki like Gaara might currently be high in Suna and Konoha. It may have swung in the opposite direction for the one remaining in Kumo particularly as a result of Yugito’s defection. Fu didn’t believe this to be the case, particularly as from what she had heard, the Raikage had done all that he could to make sure Yugito had been branded as a traitor. One whom had been seduced away by a terrorist hoping to rebuild her powerbase under the noses of clueless members of the alliance. Yet, she wondered if the host of the Eight Tails didn’t have the benefit of such a powerful bond with the Raikage, if now he would be feeling the sting of public opinion shifting against him because he shared a classification with Yugito.


Fu paused in her reflection as she realized they had reached the market place. The Ame market which was called the Water Needle was rather unique from most of the village in that it wasn’t so much built of a conscious design, but the result of the skyscrapers that surrounded it and suspended it. The market was reachable by several large walkways at the upper levels of Ame, which formed the shape of a pentagon where they met up. Naturally, as it was a meeting of crosswalks which effectively joined all of Ame together, it was a place where numerous stalls and shops sold their wares. From what the woman who had sold them their raingear had told them, they had learned that due to it being such a huge draw of Ame’s relatively few tourists, not to mention the large amount of foot traffic of people living in the higher levels of Ame as it was the only direct route when wanting to travel from one end of the village to the other the spots were highly prized. But, they were given out on a first come, first served basis every morning so it felt somewhat strange seeing a stall selling high price jewelry, next to one that was selling melons.

Yet, it was a part of its charm as according to what they had been told there was generally a mad dash every morning. Naturally, shinobi were on hand to ensure passions for the perfect spot didn’t grow inflamed to the point where rivals were chucking each other over the railing. But, Fu noticed that many of the stalls almost appeared customized to allow for the fastest travel possible. Also, apparently, some enterprising individual sold their customized stalls as they had built up records for being able to get theirs to the center the fastest. Fu found that she was actually looking forward to moving to Ame for that fact alone, imagining it would be fun watching the mad dash. Not to mention spectators gambling on the winners.

It was also a place where various street entertains or soapbox prophets applied their trade. Fu found it hard to imagine they would feel it was worth the effort, since at first glance the market was open aired. However, she figured that was only because for the moment it had stopped raining as she noticed several pillars raising at set intervals around the outer perimeter of the market. Opposite the tall pillars were shorter ones which surrounded an opening in the center of the pentagon of the central area. Connecting the tops of the two pillars were wires, which upon her noticing the tarps strung between the taller pillars she realized allowed a roof to quickly be pulled into place. She also realized that due to the downward slope all the rain would fall into the center thus why she assumed it was called the Water Needle.

Fu grew excited at the prospect of seeing if she was right and more importantly if the image of a column of water her imagination was creating lived up to reality. She began scanning for a spot in the city proper where she could watch the water fall into the sea that the city was built on. However, as she did so she began to frown as her senses screamed at her something was off. Not exactly able to place it, she looked towards Naruto and noticed that he seemed to be engrossed in one of the people preaching to the passersby. At first, she had assumed it would be one of the Cultist from the Descendants of the Moon having spotted several such street preachers.

However, to her surprise the person his cloaked gaze was staring at wasn’t promising a world where every dream would become reality provided their goddess was returned to the world. Instead, the woman who was standing with an umbrella opened above her head despite the lack of rain at the moment, was demanding the people of Ame tear down the God they had falsely worshipped, or more accurately the Angel that had used to serve him.

The woman had long green hair which was sticking out from beneath the bandana which displayed her forehead protector. Fu noticed that the Ame symbol was scratched out, which she knew the old Akatsuki had done to symbolize their break from their former villages. It had been a gesture mirrored by Ame shinobi who had been loyal to Pain during his reign. A practice that Konan had requested be changed after she took over since she felt if they were going to work with and join the Alliance, then they couldn’t claim to be outsiders to that system.

It wasn’t hard to imagine why the woman who was also wearing a violet kimono beneath a soft purple poncho would have scratched out hers considering her words. Focusing on them as she began winding down her speech she couldn’t help thinking her uneasy feeling was tied to it, “People of Ame, how much longer are you going to be fooled? When Pain first arrived, many of us quickly jumped to his side, and even worse remained silent as he butchered any with the slightest tie to Hanzo. Worst still, is that Hanzo warned us that he was a false god, but we refused to listen. Now here we stand as his false angel makes us the same false promises. She promises that if we follow the Alliance, the days of peace we all desire will surely arrive. That our lands will not be the battlegrounds for future conflicts of the major villages.”

One of the few people listening appeared to be doing so merely to jeer as he said, “Oh stuff it already! Hanzo was the reason the previous wars ravaged our homes. At least Pain was trying to put a stop to it.”

“By what? Attacking the Leaf,” the woman replied incredulously, “Stealing the Bijuu from all the Shinobi Villages? The only reason Ame isn’t a smoldering cinder is because he was stopped before it was too late. Your false god built up a notion that he was undefeatable and worse yet, you allowed him to practically rape our own sacred dead to do so. Do you truly feel a man that would turn our beloved friends and families into corpse puppets to dance to his tune truly cared about the wellbeing of Ame?”

The man to his credit at least looked uncomfortable by what the woman stated, and Fu admitted that she couldn’t really claim that to be the case either. Which although Nagato may have started with the belief his actions were for the greater good of Ame. He began to justify whatever actions he took as being acceptable so long as they were in pursuit of his goals. She figured that was a fine stance to take, provided one was willing to eliminate anyone working against them, since it was a path littered with the creation of enemies. But, she also felt the woman had a point in that he probably lost sight of his goal in his anger and hatred of the Shinobi World and Konoha in particular. She was sure that Pain would have felt that by destroying the current system which benefited the Five Major Shinobi villages the most, that Ame would have benefited thus making all his actions alright. But, along the way, he began viewing the people who believed in him as a means to bringing about that end as well, not the people that were supposed to be the primary recipients of the good born of his actions.

The woman grew retrospective as she said, “I was taken in by their lies as well. But, how can I view it to a great honor when our dear friends become a vessel for what we thought was his divinity when his death showed us what a sham it all was. Pain only cared for himself, and his willingness to let Ame become the focal point of the ire of the Shinobi World is no different than Hanzo’s.”

The same man as before called out, “Then why call yourselves the Salamander Resistance?”

“Because, while they both nearly lead Ame to ruin,” the woman replied, “At least Hanzo was honest in his desire to make Ame into a great power for his benefit. Pain, was no different, but sold us lies so we would gladly give up everything to bring his selfish vision to life. Even those precious to us.”

“Get lost,” another man shouted, “Lady Angel turned against Pain when he lost his way. The reason Ame is doing so well now is because she saw the light and joined the Alliance.”

The woman folded her umbrella as she replied angrily, “And thus we should forgive her for her lies? What about those who marched off to their deaths believing in the snake oil they sold?” The woman sighed as she said, “But, I see that I’m wasting my time with you all. You’re more than willing to write off those of us who had friends and loved ones sacrificed to Pain’s vanity so long as you’re allowed a modicum of comfort. You’ll gladly ignore the fact that she lied to us as readily as he did and in truth was the one doing it to our faces.”

Fu’s unease suddenly spiked in alarm and she felt Naruto’s hand tense around hers, but then it felt like she was holding hands with a statue. Slightly confused by his reaction, she recognized the reason for her alarm though was the woman’s tone had seemed to take on a note of not only disappointment, but had an edge to it. Almost, like a person who had realized that their words wouldn’t bring about the outcome they wanted and so had decided more extreme measures needed to be used. This quickly helped her lock on to the reason for her earlier unease as among the crowd had been people that had seemed completely in line with the views being exposed by the speaker. Yet, rather than coming closer to listen, they had remained spread out throughout the crowd. At first, Fu had written it off as simply being people of a like mind who knew what was being stated was unpopular so didn’t wish to show they thought similarly.

Yet, noticing that these people were now moving from where they had been standing as the woman closed her umbrella while saying, “But, perhaps if we take your comfy lifestyles from you. Others will realize the lies they’ve been fed.” Fu quickly realized something very bad was about to happen which was highlighted as smoke began to rise from bags the quickly retreating spectators had left behind.

“Naruto,” Fu shouted turning towards her lover to clue him in.

“I’m on it,” he shouted as he quickly formed a seal for one of his clone jutsu. Not recognizing it off the bat, she watched as multiple versions of him appeared around the market place near the smoking bags. Snatching them up, the clones leaped into the air where the now extremely smoking bags exploded, however the explosions themselves seemed rather muted making her guess the clones had been of the imploding variety which had counteracted much of the explosive force.

The market place erupted into chaos as the vendor and shoppers began panicking upon realizing what had happened and not wanting to be present in case there were more explosives lying about. Fu thought she heard other explosions going off in the distance, but focused more on her immediate surroundings as Naruto removed his cloak revealing that he had entered Sage mode, which she figured explained why he could make the imploding version of his clones, as well as his earlier tense stance. Focusing on the larger group of now openly fleeing individuals he shouted, “I’ll go after them. You grab the speaker.”

“Right,” Fu replied towards his back as he created more clones to chase after the retreating bombers as they ran down separate walkways. Focusing on her query Fu had the feeling that she had masterminded the attack since unlike the others, she wasn’t openly trying to escape the scene in a blind panic. Instead, she was moving with the flow of the crowd without making it apparent that she needed to get away. It made Fu suspect that although surprised her bombing had been thwarted, she was trying to gauge if it was due to Ame having been aware of their actions or simply bad luck.

Fu aware that fighting the woman among the panicked crowd would result in needless casualties, simply joined the flow as well hoping to attack her in a more open area. Hoping her rain cloak would help her blend in, she observed the woman as she directed her gaze towards the walkways where Naruto was capturing her less composed compatriots. Fu noticed what appeared to be a frown appearing under the mask covering the lower portion of her face. Then without warning she simply threw her umbrella up in the air where it began to spin rapidly in a circle. Fu reconizing the attack new in moments senbon would begin raining upon them so quickly threw a kunai that had an exploding tag affixed to it. She bullseyed the handle of the umbrella before the tag exploded removing the threat.

However, it had served its purpose as her query must have been wondering how Naruto apparently had been eagle-eyed enough to identify her partners, but had overlooked her. Now that she was aware that she hadn’t been overlooked, Fu half expected her to begin running madly for the end of the path. But, instead it appeared that she had wanted her pursuer to reveal themselves in such a flashy method for another purpose, which was to panic the crowd even further. The crowd had from the previous explosions been almost stampeding universally in one direction away from the center. But, the one Fu had set off caused the crowd to become unsure of what was the safest direction to flee. As such some people began running back towards the center while others continued trying to push forward. Fu cursed herself for what she assumed was a tactical mistake, but realized the result would have likely been the same if the people had been peppered with senbon.

With the crowd now an undulating mass of confusion as people began smashing into each other while trying to escape in two different directions, she lost sight of her target. Coming to a stop, she found part of her was tempted to race down the walkway figuring the woman would try to flee, but realizing she was dealing with a crafty opponent, she couldn’t ignore the possibly that she would try to past her. It turned out neither scenario was accurate as Fu’s danger senses flared to life causing her to trust her instincts as she had to dodge to her left side. She barely avoided having her neck sliced open although her cloak wasn’t as lucky as her target decided to eliminate her pursuit rather than flee it.

Fu tried to focus on her opponent, but quickly had to dodge again, although this time it was a man running wildly for his life. The former jinchuriki cursed as she figured in most situations she could easily deal with her attacker, but while there were many benefits to becoming a jinchuriki when it came to power and abilities. Almost all of them were actually weaknesses when fighting in a crowded walkway filled with innocent people, especially when one’s opponent wasn’t forced to hold back any.

Yet, Fu wasn’t completely out of luck as she quickly prepared a defense as her opponent readied to fire a water bullet at her. Unable to dodge as she didn’t want the jutsu to hit a passerby, she took the full brunt of the attack. Blown off her feet she smashed into the opposite railing.

Her opponent appeared surprised that the cloaked woman she faced hadn’t even tried to dodge. For a moment, she appeared torn between just fleeing or verifying that she had dealt with the threat. Ultimately, her caution won out as she began to slowly approach, likely feeling that not making sure the threat was taken care of could bring more dire consequences.

The woman reached behind her, and Fu assumed that she was grabbing a weapon to end her. As such, Fu quickly made a handsign and expelled a large mass of scaling powder. The woman appeared surprised, although she assumed it was more from the fact that her face was a mask of chakra chitin, which also coated her entire body, as opposed to the fact that she had been playing dead. Regardless, the Ame kunoichi was caught unawares as the fine powder covered the area illuminating it to the point where it blinded her.

Fu leapt to her feet intending to smash a chitin encased fist into the side of her opponent’s head to bring the fight to a close. However, as she closed with the woman, the Ame kunoichi brought forth the hand that she had buried inside her pouch. Rather than a kunai as Fu had expected what she threw were tiny round pellets which upon hitting her exploded into smoke. Fearing it to be poisonous, Fu held her breath while continuing her charge, but as she felt something being pressed against her back, she realized the smoke had simply been meant to blind her. At which point the exploding tag her opponent had affixed to her went off.

Fu was relatively unharmed by the explosion as the chitin armor that she was encased in had taken the brunt of the explosion to little affect. Although, the same couldn’t be said of the rain gear that she had been wearing over it. Having intended to cherish it as a memento of her date with Naruto, it’s destruction filled her with an immense anger that she intended to take out on the woman who had ruined it.

However, to her disappoint the Ame kunoichi wasn’t sticking around to receive her beating. Fu caught sight of her quickly though as she was running for the end of the walkway to escape into the city of Ame. She didn’t know if the woman felt the explosion had finished her off, or figured at this point escape was her primary concern. Having recognized her opponent was rather skilled at tactically thinking, she figured it was more the second case then the first as the longer she remained in the area the greater her chance of being captured were.

The chitin plates on her lower back shifted allowing a pair of wings to appear which she used to take to the air in order to fly after her target. She frowned as she noticed another woman dressed as a civilian also running after the Ame kunoichi. She couldn’t quite make out what she was shouting as she flew past but noted that she sounded hysterical. Fu figured it out quickly enough though as the Ame kunoichi spun showing the small child in her arms.

Fu quickly surmised the civilian woman and her child had likely hidden themselves hoping for the walkway to clear only for the Ame-nin to happen upon them. Still, considering the esteem she was holding the Ame kunoichi’s tactical abilities in, Fu couldn’t help feeling that taking a hostage was a blunder. For one, the child who appeared to be only a few years old, would only attract further attention once she made it off the walkway. As such, it seemed to be a move a person would make when truly painted into a corner, not while still in the process of escaping.

Yet, again the kunoichi seemed to be one step ahead of her as without missing a beat, she spun to face forward again, and in the process tossed the child over the railing. Fu didn’t hesitate in abandoning the pursuit as she veered off to dive after the child, who appeared to be a young girl. With her wings and armor, it didn’t take her long in catching up. At which point she then allowed the chitin armor to fall away as she turned to fly under the screaming child so that she could catch her gently in her arms.

Wrapping her arms around the girl with plenty of time to spare, she then shifted direction to fly back up to the walkway, where it appeared the woman was on the verge of throwing herself after her child as well. Fortunately, several individuals were holding her back as Fu flew past the railing. As she touched down, the child’s mother didn’t hesitate in running up as she took her petrified child from her.

With a voice filled with gratitude the woman said, “Thank you! I don’t know how I can ever repay you!”

Fu smiled as she said, “Fu is glad she was able to help.”

She was about to add that she needed to get going in order to find the Ame kunoichi before she got too far away, but was stopped as a voice shouted, “Hold it right there! You’re under arrest for suspicion of involvement for today’s bombings.”

Yet before Fu could state her innocence, the woman whose daughter she had just saved stepped between her and the Ame shinobi racing towards them shouting, “This angel had nothing to do with that! The real culprit has to be the woman she was chasing.”

The shinobi she addressed was obvious caught by surprise at the woman’s statement, but said, “Regardless, considering she is likely a foreign shinobi, we’ll be detaining her until we can investigate what happened.”

The woman looked like she was about to protest, but Fu unable to find any signs of her query placed a calming hand on the woman’s shoulder saying, “Fu understands. She doesn’t wish to cause unnecessary trouble.”

The Ame-nin appeared relieved as he said, “Thank you!” She began to understand why as he directed his gaze to the market place at the opposite end of the walkway where Naruto was fighting off the shinobi trying to take him into custody, while also keeping the terrorists that he had captured and gathered restrained with clones. Sending her a look asking for sympathy he asked, “Do you think that you can convince him to stand down?”

“Fu will see what she can do.”


Naturally, she was able to get Naruto to calm down by making him realize that he wasn’t really helping their situation. Fortunately, there had been plenty of people that hadn’t joined the throng of those who had left the area to vouch for them as having stopped the bombing. But, sadly that hadn’t been enough to prevent them from being detained since it was also quickly determined that they had snuck into the village as they hadn’t registered at any of the entrances.

As such, despite their actions the Ame-nin weren’t entirely sure they weren’t there for some nefarious purpose so had taken them to their Bureau of Torture and Interrogation. They had been questioned several times, but most of them at present had been related to how they had snuck into the village. To which both of them had simply replied that they needed to talk to Konan. Granted, neither of them were particularly pleased at involving her, but they had agreed it would probably be better looking and more believable for Konan to come up with the excuse. As opposed to them doing so, and it not matching what she said.

Sadly, they had learned that there had been two other bombings which had been successful and was why it had taken several hours before she could attend to them. When the holding cell they were in opened, Konan smiled at them softly as she said, “I’m being told that despite stopping one of the bombings today. The two of you have been less then forthcoming with how you managed to sneak into Amegakure.”

Naruto stood from the floor where the two of them had been resting on each other, helping Fu to her feet, he replied, “We weren’t sure you would want us to.”

Konan nodded as she stated, while also informing them, “I’ve taken the liberty of telling them about the kunai that you gave me. Although, I was of the opinion that you’d use it should we need your help. Not so you could sneak into Ame for a holiday.”

Fu quickly interjected, “That was Fu’s fault. She was having second thoughts about coming here to join Akatsuki. Naruto thought it would help her to explore the village before committing.”

The green haired kunoichi could tell Konan wanted to know if what was bothering her had been resolved. However, instead she stated, “Well, considering what the two of you did today. There are many people who are glad that you did. Myself included.” Konan stood aside of the door stating, “Please continue to enjoy all our village has to offer.”

“Lady Konan,” a dark haired kunoichi said sounding rather upset, “I understand that you would feel grateful to them. But, they still broke the rules with how they entered the village.”

“Fuyo,” the leader of Ame replied with an understanding tone, “What they did wasn’t done with any sense of malice. Also, considering how we were caught off-guard today. We should consider it a blessing and since it is possible that Fu may be calling our village home soon. I want to extend a welcome mat, not yank it out from beneath her.” She favored the tan girl with a soft smile as she added, “Not to mention, if I’m correct, a part of the reason she is concerned about the possibility of living here is she was concerned she wouldn’t receive as warm a welcome as she did in Konoha.”

Fu nodded, causing a slight smile to appear on Konan’s face, but it fell as the former jinchuriki asked, “What happened to the woman Fu let escape? Did you manage to capture her?”

“Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to pick up a trail after she entered the village,” Konan said, although her tone obviously carried a note of concern. There also appeared to be a fair measure of guilt mixed into it.

However, Fuyo’s also appeared to be a mix of emotions with the most predominate being sadness. Naruto more from picking up on Konan’s mood asked, “Who was she?”

“Her name is Suiren,” Konan answered causing a grimace to appear on Fuyo’s face at hearing the name said aloud. “She appears to be a member of the Salamander Resistance.”

“Appears to be?” Naruto said confused since considering the woman’s role, he would have assumed that she was a key member.

“That’s right,” Fuyo snapped, “There is such a thing as proving a person’s guilt before snapping to judgement. You’d think considering how the Raikage accused you of having a hand in Yugito’s defection that…”

Her tirade was cut short as Konan said, “Fuyo, I’m sure Naruto didn’t mean to imply anything. He likely has no idea who Suiren is or how important she is to you.”

Considering the few times he had seen the laidback young woman around Shikamaru as they worked on the upcoming Chunin Exams. He was somewhat surprised when rather than apologizing for her outburst, she simply stated, “I should get going. There are still quite a few preliminary reports that I need to go over.”

Konan watched the kunoichi leave before letting out a small sigh as she said, “I apologize for her outburst.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Naruto replied having a rather good idea of what the woman was feeling as he was quite sure it mirrored what he had when Sasuke had first defected.

Konan gave him an appreciative smile before indicating that they should leave. Both Naruto and Fu fell into step with her as the green haired kunoichi asked, “It seems to Fu that you feel some responsibility for this woman’s actions.”

“Not just hers,” Konan admitted as she guided them out of Ame’s Bureau of Torture and Interrogation. “When Pain and I took over the village from Hanzo, we instigated a purge of all those loyal to him. Many of the members of the Salamander Resistance were genin or chunin away from the village at the time. But, had ties to those who were loyal to Hanzo. Most went underground while waiting for a chance to raise up in resistance.”

Fu noticed a frown cross Naruto’s face for a moment, and she figured it was due to the reminder that Konan had taken part in actions as horrid as the ones that had recently been visited upon him and Konoha by Sasuke. She could tell Konan likely was keenly aware of it as well, and was perhaps worried she was tainted in his eyes. Yet, Naruto although he couldn’t act overtly by pulling her to him, let his words convey his feelings for her as he stated, “I haven’t forgotten our conversation about snow. Just because it covers the world in pristine white doesn’t mean the grim it covered is gone. The important thing is to make sure not to cover the snow with more.”

Konan’s gaze quickly shifted to her lovers, and Fu figured it was a conversation important to the two of them as she noticed the blue haired woman appeared touched and relieved by his words. Hoping to clear up something she was confused by the green-haired woman asked, “Fu does find it strange you would be caught by surprise that this Suiren may be a member.”

The woman who would be leading the new Akatsuki focused on her as she said, “As with most movements, the Salamander Resistance has become a rallying point for any who oppose me. Initially, the worst we would have labeled them as was mischief makers. They would mainly hold meetings decrying my role as leader of Ame or leaving graffiti stating as much. With some opposing the moves I have made in regards to the Alliance, the groups pro-Hanzo stance attracted many new members.”

“Fu does not think this Suiren joined because she wants a world where Ame attains supremacy from conquest.”

Konan’s face became a mask of guilt as she stated, “No, she likely joined because of her personal hatred for me.”

“Why?” Naruto asked concerned.

“Fuyo and Suiren were part of a team,” Konan began explaining. “The third member was a young woman named Ajisai. Like many, all three of them came to believe in Pain’s vision to bring peace to the shinobi world. They were wholly devoted, and as genin we sent them to spy on the Chunin Exams held in Suna. They kept a low profile but brought back much valued intel, primarily on friends of yours Naruto.”

The blond man’s eyes grew wide in surprise, but realizing why said, “To have some ideal of the capabilities of my allies for when you moved on me.”

“Yes,” Konan stated before continuing, “As such, I saw fit to promote them to Chunin before promptly sending them out again. This time to follow up on some rumors about a secret weapon being stashed in the Land of Grass which Akatsuki would then collect. Unfortunately, the team’s attempt to infiltrate the village was uncovered, and Ajisai was killed during the battle that resulted while her teammates barely escaped. We later sent a team to retrieve Ajisai’s body, and that is probably when Suiren turned against us.”

Fu wasn’t sure why since up till that point everything sounded rather mundane. After all, even if the Ajisai woman hadn’t had a Kekkei Genkai, her body would have value to a rival village. As such, sending a team to retrieve or destroy it was rather standard fare. Yet, Naruto seemed to have a better understanding as he said, “You didn’t retrieve it because of loyalty or to deny Grass. You did so for Pain’s ability to use bodies as puppets.”

“Yes, using the same method that identified Yugito’s sister, we were able to determine that Ajisai would make a powerful corpse puppet” the blue haired woman admitted, “More to the point, the body would later become Sage.”

Fu’s eyes grew wide in shock at the reveal as she could suddenly understand why Suiren had rebelled. She figured it had to hurt the woman seeing that the effort to bring back her teammate’s remains had only been so Pain could use her as a new corpse puppet. Still, she figured the woman aware of his power had buried her resentment down deep, at least until Naruto had removed him as a threat. In point of fact, she was rather sure that was also when the Salamander Resistance became much more vocal. Still, she doubted this Suiren had made her support of them vocal, instead quietly supporting them while feeding them intelligence. Yet, seeing their campaign of being nuisances and spreading the word weren’t garnering them the support that they had desired. The bombings had been a drastic step forward in the campaign to shift public opinion against Konan.

Naruto’s concern was obviously focused on Konan as he asked, “If this Suiren turned against you can you trust her teammate.”

“I have no doubts about Fuyo’s loyalty,” Konan stated with an air of certainty. “Suiren believed her friend’s body should have been placed in a state of honor due to her sacrifice for them. From what we have learned at her apartment, she felt our using her remains clearly demonstrated that we didn’t truly care for the shinobi of Ame anymore. Fuyo though to this day still believes that Ajisai would have been proud to continue to be of service in moving Pain’s ambition forward.” Reaching the entrance to the building she said sadly, “In a perverse way, they were both right. We had forgotten in our ambition what we were fighting for, while Ajisai likely wouldn’t have cared since she so completely believed in what Pain was trying to achieve.”

Ame’s leader opened the door for them as Naruto asked, “Is there anything that I can do to help?”

“For now,” Konan said with a soft smile for her lover as the three of them were alone, “no. But if that changes, you’ll be the first to know. For now, why don’t the two of you continue your date.”

Fu smiled at the idea and grabbed Naruto’s hand before leading him away as Konan gave them a wave before stepping back inside. The green haired kunoichi could feel the concern radiating off of her lover so resolved it was her turn to make him forget his troubles.


Which was why they ended up in a small private room at a karaoke bar. “Your brother is a hikikomori. Wearing nothing but a jersey. He’s a hikikomori,” Fu sang happily while mirroring the dances moves of the artist, a popular idol singer from The Land of Honey named Terakado Tsuu who was experiencing a resurgence in her native country. Following the words on the video she sang. “He’s old enough to know better… I’ll make you go out and put on some proper clothes.” In traditional Tsuu fashion the song came to a close with Fu saying, “Quite being a burden and go do volunteer work or something!”

Fu giggled as the screen went blank while waiting for her to make her next selection. Naruto clapped amused giving her a wide smile, yet it faded as Fu began focusing on what to play next. Aware of what he was doing, Fu browsed through the songs trying to find something that would permanently lift his spirits. But, she recognized it was probably an impossible task considering his concerns about what had transpired earlier.

They had been aware of the Salamander Resistance, but mainly because it had come up during the Raikage’s rejection of Yugito’s joining Akatsuki. Fu imagined that a part of the concern Naruto was feeling might be that because of the actions he had taken on Yugito’s behalf, the Raikage may be helping the group opposed to Konan. It was a possible reason why they suddenly felt brazen enough to use violence to accomplish their goals.

Yet, while she wanted her lover to cheer up. She felt his reaction to the troubles facing Ame also explained why she hadn’t been able to define what kind of village he would build. That was because, a village or even a city was too limiting in scope. There wasn’t really a village design that would fit him, because he wasn’t willing to define himself in such a way. Instead, it was the women that he bound and took into his life which helped expand his world view, and because of that he was worried about what troubles faced Ame as much as he would for Konoha. It helped Fu to understand that his goal for peace among shinobi wasn’t to make everyone have Konoha like values. But that he wanted to create a varied world where despite people having differences, sometimes even passionately so, at the end of the day those differences made the world so much more interesting.

It also highlighted for her, that Akatsuki would allow her to do more to help bring such a place about. That even if the people of Ame had rejected her because they believed she was still a jinchuriki, by showing them that they had nothing to fear from her. She could do her part to help make her Family’s ambition a little more likely to happen. With that understanding she selected the next song, but rather than moving to sing before the screen, she plopped down on the couch Naruto was sitting on between his legs. He appeared confused by her actions until she grabbed his hands and slipped one beneath her shirt and buried the other in the black shorts that she wore.

Looking over her shoulder she said, “It’s time for you to make Fu sing!”

Naruto had no problem inferring her meaning as he pressed his lips to hers. Their tongues quickly entwined as he began to fondle her breast and rub her pussy. Fu moaned into his mouth as her nipples hardened and he began rolling the one on the breast he was caressing. She felt his cock begin to hardened and she mewed as he stopped rubbing her puss to push his middle finger inside.

Fu broke their kiss as he began working the digit inside her so that she could sit back firmer against him to spread her legs wider. With more room to work with Naruto added another finger and began quickly diddling her increasingly wetter snatch. Fu bit her lip as the hand clutching her breast moved at the same tempo as the fingers working her quim.

Hearing the squashing sounds raising up from her shorts and feeling it demonstrated how wet she had become, she pulled away from Naruto. Slipping to her knees, she pulled her shorts down enough to expose her glistening snatch, before resting her forearms on the small table before the couch. Naruto quickly undid his pants to free his cock, and slipped down to his knees behind her. Fu cried out as in one fell swoop she was filled to the brim with Uzumaki meat.

Naruto hearing her musical voice cry out in pleasure, did his best to keep her singing as he relentlessly slammed himself into her over and over. Every time he bottomed out, Fu’s cries would reach their peak before softening as he pulled out until just the tip remained. Fu began pushing back to meet his thrusts as she tried to muffle her cries, fearing that even with the sound proofing she would alert the other patrons as to what they were doing.

Yet, her lover seemed to take that as a challenge so rotated her so that she was on her back. He then pulled her shorts from her legs as he placed them on his shoulders. Then getting to his feet, he leaned forward to bend her in half as he began piledriving his dick into her. Fu tried to muffle her cries by biting a knuckle, but every time he bottomed out his dick seemed to crush her womb sending a wave of pleasure through her. A wave which seemed to grow bigger each time it pulled back as his cock withdrew.

Growing concerned she said, “Fu’s going crazy! She’s going to scream if you don’t stop!”

Naruto smiled at her as he said, “I thought that was the idea. Let’s see how high of a note you can hit.”

He then picked her up as he stood, where he kicked his pants free of his feet. Then turning around, he planted her on the couch, where he pulled out of her completely as he removed his shirt. Although somewhat disappointed, Fu was glad for the respite as she had feared just how loud she would have been. But, it didn’t last as Naruto grabbed the back of her knees as he pushed them into her chest while began munching on her pussy. She mewed as the pleasure returned to a muted degree as he lapped up her juices. But he then gripped her ankles as he spread her legs out widely before jamming his cock back inside her.

Fu gripped the back of the couch as Naruto’s powerful thrusts drove her into its cushions. The Waves of pleasure returned in full force before it became too much for her to bear as it rolled over her, causing her to cry out, “Fu’s Cumming!!!” Naruto continued to pump into her as he rode it out. When she sagged in exhaustion the white light she had seen behind her eyes had turned into a muted yellow one which was blinking, she heard Naruto mutter a curse before pulling out of her.

Sitting next to her on the couch, he leaned forward to hit the flashing button on the table. From the intercom built into the panel, the woman working the front desk said, “Sir, your time is up. Would you like to extend your visit?”

Naruto was about to reply when Fu slipped to the floor to press the button to answer, “Fu figures we’ll need four more hours.”

“Very good,” the woman said, “Would you like us to bring you some refreshments?”

Gripping Naruto’s still hard cock she answered, “No, Fu has everything she needs in front of her.”

“Okay, well please let us know if you need anything else.”

Fu didn’t bother to reply as her mouth was already full with her lover’s manhood as she tasted herself on him. She rubbed her pussy wanting to feel him inside her again, but also wanted to be on equal footing with him when that happened. To achieve that end, she began sucking on the tip of his cock while she used both her hands to stroke the rest of his length. When she began rolling her tongue around the head of his cock, he groaned and buried his hands in her hair. She continued her ministrations until he began pumping his hips, and swelled up. A moment later she received her reward as his cum shot out against the back of her throat. She moaned as she nearly came from the taste of him upon his seed hitting her tongue. Waiting until the deluge came to a stop, she let him pop free of her lips and then opened her mouth to show him his seed. She then made a show of swallowing it, before showing him it was gone.

She then turned away and picked one of the longer songs the machine had to offer. As it began to play, she climbed into his lap and guiding his length to her entrance moaned as she began to sink down his rod. When it was fully buried inside her, she said, “This time Fu wants to sing a duet.”

Naruto gave her a smile which showed that for the moment he had forgotten about the troubles of the outside world as he replied, “I’ll let you take the lead.”

Fu pulled her shirt and bra over her head as she said, “Fu doesn’t think you know what duet means. But, she has plenty of time to teach you.”

Beginning to raise herself off him before sinking back down, she leaned in to kiss him as she planned for them both to reach their climax together by the end of the next song.

Ties into main Story between Eroninja 82 + 83

Author’s note: Hello everyone, I thank you for your patience and do apologize for how long it has been since I posted anything. Life has been rather hectic so I found my writing time on the weekends severely reduced. I hope the wait was worth it. As to what I will be working on next, it will probably be Little Black Book chapter 8. The main reason being it will focus on the Village Hidden in Darkness, and as such is something I want to provide before moving forward with the main story. My goal is to have that finished in the next several days, at which point I’ll begin dedicating myself to working on chapter 83 of Eroninja.

Also, back around Feb of 2015 I did a poll for which characters should get Limelight chapters. I’ve just finally reached the point where the winner Mabui would get hers. However, in light of Sage being mentioned in this one, I’m wondering if I should do a chapter to focus on her first. As such, I’ve updated my poll on DeviantArt. The reason I am asking is I don’t want to deny you readers the winner, but I feel Sage’s would be more relevant to the current Arc, while what I have planned for Mabui would fit better during the Chunin Exam one. But, before I make the change I wanted to put it to a vote. After all, the people who voted the first time have waited for almost 2 years.

Anyway, let me take the time to thank those that read and review as always. So until next time, take care. Sincerely, The Lemon Sage
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