Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Eroninja: The Limelight

Sage: Empathy is the Hardest Thing to Learn

by TheLemonSage

A story which shines a spotlight on the kunoichi in Naruto's life as he continues in his goal to unite the shinobi world in a way that would make Jiraiya proud.

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2017-05-02 - 10747 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Eroninja: Limelight

Sage: Empathy is the Hardest Thing to Learn

Events happened in Chapter 84 after Kiyomi’s meeting with the Tifa, Yuffie, and Aeris.

Sage was sitting in a meditative trance wearing just a gray sports bra and loose fitting matching shorts while on the bed of the hotel that she was staying in. She tried to center herself, but it proved to be difficult as Naruko shouted, “Yes! Right there!! Right fucking there!” To make it that much harder for her to concentrate, the headboard of the bed that she imagined the blonde kunoichi was on began banging into the wall separating the rooms. The picture which was hanging on the wall on Sage’s side began moving in time with the thumps coming from the Naruko’s until it fell off to disappear behind her bed.

Sage let out a small frustrated sigh since Naruko and Naruto had been enjoying each other like that off and on since he had appeared in Rain mid-afternoon the previous day. Trying to ignore the blonde woman’s cries of pleasure, she again began to steady her breathing, this time trying to use the rhythmic thumps as a way to focus. Instead, though, her imagination began to take over as she pictured Naruko on her back gripping the headboard, while Naruto laid atop her driving himself into her. Sage’s imagination then switched her fellow construct of Kiyomi out, to replace it with her, but she quickly cleared her thoughts as she knew that was not going to help her find her center. Especially as Naruko cried out, “Yes!!!!”

The thumping came to an end and Sage waited a few moments before retrying to focus her thoughts. She was just about to achieve the state that she needed to enter in order to view through the eyes of the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, but she fell out of her meditative posture as the banging resumed just as the cavern where Kiyomi and Tier had hidden the statue had begun to come into focus. She considered shouting for them to give it a rest, but having never really lost her cool before, she found her anger was quickly replaced by curiosity at her reaction. But, she didn’t really have to ponder for long why, as she moaned softly when her hand, having traveled of its own accord between her legs, began tracing along the wetness which had appeared on her shorts.

She resisted getting lost in the pleasure as she was determined to overcome the hurdle preventing her from connecting to the statue. Moving over to a chair, she rested her knees on the armrests and used the strength of her legs to lift herself up as she entered her meditative state. Hoping the exertion of keeping herself suspended over the cushion would distract her from the other distractions that she was facing. It served to do the trick as within several breaths, the room began to fade away to be replaced by the underwater cavern where they had hidden the statue after taking it from Akatsuki and freeing the Bijuu. The cavern was completely still, which was rather soothing especially due to the lack of quiet and stillness that she had enjoyed recently. However, although she didn’t see anything amiss in the cavern, a nagging feeling began to eat away at her.

She kept her conscious within the statue trying to determine the sense of her unease, but she was pulled back to her hotel room by Naruko shaking her saying, “Earth to Sage. Earth to Sage.”

Focusing on the blonde’s too close face, she asked with an annoyed tone, “Why are you determined to prevent me from meditating?”

Naruko pulled back partially in surprise since Sage rarely showed emotion as she said, “Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” Sage began to feel her face flush as she realized her fellow construct was still naked, and that leaking down the inside of her legs was a combination of Naruto and her fluids. Sage’s body also began to react as she felt a sudden desire to bury her face into the woman’s pussy. Naruko almost as if she was taunting her, stretched her arms over her head as she added, “Hey, do you want to spend the day with Naruto? I was supposed to spend the day with him, but a contact reached out to me. They claim to have some useful information on the Salamander Resistance.”

Sage pulled her attention from a strand of cum that was on the verge of dripping from Naruko’s well fucked snatch. Although she found the prospect intriguing, especially since she had half suspected she’d spend it just listening to Naruko’s moans all day. She still asked, “Should I not accompany you? Are you sure that you can trust this contact?”

Naruko smirked as she said, “I’m the Toad Sage of Mt. Myoboku. I’m more than capable of handling any surprises that come up. Besides, this woman worked with Master Jiraiya in the past it seems, especially after he learned that Pain was based here.”

Sage nodded, although she felt a sense of unease that she couldn’t exactly explain. But she quickly attributed it to being associated with the slight tremor of worry in her tone as she inquired, “Did you ask Naruto if he wanted to spend time with me? I am sure he has other lovers who could take your place.”

Shaking her head in admonishment Naruko said, “You’re never going to get anywhere if you don’t seize the moment.” Leaning in, she said, “If you made your interests known, instead of spying on us, then you’d probably already be one of his lovers.”

Sage nodded, but with a slightly annoyed inflection in her tone said, “I haven’t spied on you in months. I told you, it was merely to satisfy my curiosity.”

Naruko waved dismissively saying, “Sure, sure. But judging from the stain on the front of your shorts. Your body wants that curiosity satisfied, and your tepidness is why my pussy is the only one which is filled with cum while you woke up all grouchy.”

Sage flushed in annoyance as she dropped down onto the chair’s cushion to hide her soaked shorts. Before Naruko could tease her further, she pushed out at her sister causing a repulsive wave to propel the woman from her room. She quickly followed after her as Naruko landed in a chair similar to the one Sage had been occupying as the rooms were mirror copies of one another. The blonde woman smirked as she said, “So should I tell Naruto that you’re interested?”

Grabbing the door separating their rooms, Sage said in a flustered tone, “Yes!” before slamming it shut.

She listened to her fellow construct’s laughing at her reaction while she said, “I’ll let him know.” Sage meanwhile turned away and pressing her back against the door wondered why she was suddenly so nervous since she had been around Naruto multiple times.


Sage watched as Naruto was talking to a mob of grateful Rain citizens who had stopped them while they walked through Ame. She found herself feeling a little annoyed by the interruption to what although wasn’t a date exactly, made her nervous in ways she felt an actual date would. Particularly as it had started out with Naruto asking her what she would like to do, and in the moment, she couldn’t think of anything. He had given a few ideas, and upon seeing she didn’t have an opinion one way or another had suggested they walk the village to see if they could find something.

They had spent much of the time in silence with Naruto making a few attempts at conversation. But her answers had been quick and efficient leaving little room for follow up inquiries. It had been when Naruto began probing about her specific likes and dislikes where she began to falter. The frown that formed on his face as she had answered that she didn’t have any hobbies, outside of monitoring the statue or training, only grew when he asked what her favorite foods were to which she had replied she didn’t find the question relevant. When he had asked why, she had answered, “Because, eating is a necessity in order to maintain proper body function. Whether the food is good or bad should not factor into it. Only the nutritional benefit derived from the task.”

“Okay,” he had replied quickly, “But surely there are certain dishes that you like better than others.”

Sage had been about to reply that she didn’t understand what he meant as she often picked the most nutritious selection from whatever restaurant she was in. Which she figured he would have understood from her previous statement about the benefit to time dedicated to the task of eating. But, before she could, a couple that had recognized him had run up to begin thanking him for his actions in saving them. Other people had then joined in as Naruto and Fu had become local celebrities due to their preventing the Salamander Resistance from blowing up the market place they had been at.

Sage began to analyze why the people talking to him bothered her so. She struggled to put it into words, but recognized that it was motivated from a similar place as to why she had felt frustrated with Naruko that morning. At which point she recognized the emotion that she was feeling was jealousy. She wondered why though, as she couldn’t lay any claim to Naruto other than he was someone sleeping with a woman she was associated with. It was easy enough to understand with Naruko, as her spying on her fellow construct had awakened in her a curiosity, and despite her self-exploration, she doubted she had achieved the same heights of pleasure. As such, she was desirous of something Naruko had, and whether she meant to or not, had spent most of the night and morning rubbing it in her face.

Yet, she didn’t understand why watching Naruto talk with strangers was getting under her skin. But, it became clearer as she noticed his posture was far more relaxed and he was smiling more readily as he accepted the people’s gratitude, while also telling them that they didn’t need to thank him. She turned away, as the sight of him having a better time with strangers was beginning to hurt. Her gaze settled on a street preacher and she listened to the woman proclaiming, “Are you tired of living in a world that doesn’t care for you. A world that seems to derive enjoyment from kicking you when you’re down. Then come and join the Descendants of the Moon. We can offer you a world in which your greatest desires will be granted.”

A man that had obviously been drinking shouted, “Oh yeah! Then show us your tits!”

The woman without missing a beat replied, “If that is what you desire,” and then without a hint of modesty lifted her robe to reveal much more than her breasts. The man and his friends ogled the woman, and then after giving them enough time to commit her nude body to memory lowered it back down. Aware that she now had their undivided attention she added with a seductive tenor “If you want any other desires granted, then why not follow me to this afternoon’s mass?”

She began walking away and Sage wasn’t too surprised when the man and his friends followed after her. Although, she was surprised as a few other men and women that had witness the scene also began to follow. She found that she was rather tempted to as well, although only to satisfy her curiosity on whether or not the woman would follow through with the sexual fulfillment that she seemed to be promising. But, also to find out what desires laid in her heart. However, she was startled from such thoughts when Naruto said, “Sorry about that. Has something piqued your interest for us to do?”


“No,” Sage answered causing Naruto to frown, as he had hoped she would give some hint of what she wanted to do.

Giving a half-hearted grin he said, “Alright, let’s keep walking then.”

She nodded, and they made it a few blocks before she stated, “You do not enjoy my company.”

“What makes you think that?” Naruto asked.

Sage’s voice didn’t betray whether she was bothered by the idea of Naruto not wanting to be around her as she stated, “When you were talking to those people, you were having a much better time. Your expressions such as smiles also appear to be forced in your dealings with me.” Naruto frowned to which she added, “However, frowns come naturally.”

Naruto nervously rubbed the back of his head, before stating, “It isn’t that I don’t enjoy being around you. But that I’m not sure how to behave.”

The Orange-haired woman gave him a quizzical look before saying, “Yet, you have no problem knowing how to act around strangers.”

Chuckling anxiously, and feeling a cold sweat starting to appear, he replied, “Well, yeah. For them, I just needed to be myself. There isn’t any pressure there.” Sage still didn’t quite understand, and truthfully Naruto didn’t either. At least not in a way that didn’t seem offending, but guessing that might be the best way, he said, “Well the truth is, you kind of come off to me like a robot.” She stared at him with a face that almost literally seemed to scream, does not compute. As such he explained, “That isn’t to say something is wrong with you. But, it just doesn’t seem like you are really interested in the world around you, and are just observing it.”

“That doesn’t make sense,” Sage stated stoically, “That act of observation alone would suggest one is interested.” Naruto began to laugh, causing her to grow even more confused as she added, “That was not a joke. But a statement of fact.”

“I know,” Naruto replied feeling some of the tension that had been building in him due to the former Path of Pain’s not giving him much to read in terms of whether or not she was enjoying herself begin to fade. “I guess that is what made it funny.” Returning to the topic at hand, he explained, “Like I said, it’s not that I don’t enjoy being around you. I just don’t know how to read you. In most interactions, you can kind of get a sense of what the other person is thinking. But, most times I have no idea with you. Take our time together thus far, the reason I was growing anxious is because I can’t tell if you are having a good time or not.”

Sage regarded him for a moment, but then stated, “You do not seem to care when other people are around.”

“I suppose that is true enough,” Naruto said giving her a sheepish smile, “But, that is mainly because we’re usually around Naruko and you tend fade into the background.” He smirked slightly while adding, “Although, it is kind of hard not to when she is around. But, you seem fine with that normally as I also assumed you just liked to observe the people around you, since it would be rather new to you. Yet now, it kind of feels like you’re just indifferent to… well everything. The only time you’ve seemed engaged, to me, was when you were saying that if peace was my goal I should have forced Yugito to remain in Kumo.”

Sage recognized there was a fair amount of truth in Naruto’s words, since for the most part, she did feel mostly like a spectator. Partly due to her having accomplished the goal Kiyomi had created her for so early on. Her agreeing to join Akatsuki wasn’t due to her believing in Naruto’s vision, but because her sister Naruko was, and for the most part she had no reason not to. Furthermore, despite her spying on Naruto with his lovers, and her body’s reaction to his presence, she didn’t particularly feel a call to be with him. In fact, shortly after Naruko had spotted her and Katsuyu spying on her, she had stopped. Not out of embarrassment, although there had been some. But, because she had come to the conclusion that she had learned all that she could from her observations, which was basically that sex felt good. Yet, she hadn’t felt a burning desire to take it to the next step, particularly considering she wasn’t sure how to feel about potentially being Bound to Naruto.

That wasn’t to say that she didn’t have any emotions, as what had prompted her desire to return the deceased summons to their various homes had been that she felt empathy for them having been a corpse puppet like herself. Although, at times she felt she still was one in a sense, since Kiyomi hadn’t given her life because she had wanted a daughter. But to serve as a means of controlling the Statue containing her brethren in order to free them. It was Naruko that had suggested that they were a Family, but she didn’t know if she felt that was the case. Particularly since she didn’t know what it was that constituted it. After all, Naruto and his lovers called their group The Family, and well she doubted many people should they learn the truth would consider it be such.

“I hope I didn’t upset you,” Naruto said likely believing her silence was due to her feeling insulted.

She shook her head as she replied, “Your assessment of me is fair.” Moving to a railing she looked over the small sea that Ame resided at the center of while explaining, “I do not feel like I belong to this world. What you describe as me fading into the background is simply me observing my environment, which I have no connection to.”

“What about Naruko and Kiyomi?”

Sage wasn’t sure, as there was a flicker of something, but thinking of how she reacted to Naruko that morning she said, “Naruko at times, makes me feel, like there may be something. I reacted rather emotionally to her teasing today. But, I believe it is because much like me, she is also a construct and so desired a Family and as another construct of Kiyomi’s, she felt I could fill a sister role in her fantasy.”

Naruto fought back a frown, and a desire to defend Naruko, since he had no doubts his fellow sage truly considered Sage to be a sister. Particularly as it was at her behest that Naruto had agreed to spend the day with the orange-haired kunoichi, and as she had put it, “Show her a good time.” He smiled, since he was of the belief that Naruko’s sudden need to meet with an informant had been a ruse to get the two of them together. Still, he stated, “She would be devastated to hear you say that.”

“Why,” Sage asked genuinely surprised, “She only knew me for a few moments before deciding that we were a Family. I saw no reason to dissuade her and have at times called her such, but simply stating it does not make it so.”

“That is where you are wrong,” Naruto replied quickly. “That, and the feelings that come with such a statement is all that you need. But, it does require both people to form the bond. Naruko sought to build one with you as sisters, and I believe she will continue to do so for as long as you will let her. I believe you are also not as cold blooded about it as you are trying to portray.”

Naruto began to walk away, so Sage began to follow after him before stating, “I did not mean to portray it in any matter. I was merely stating facts.”

“Perhaps,” Naruto replied with a knowing smirk, “But you are excluding certain evidence to the contrary.”

“I am not aware of any missing details,” the orange haired woman stated.

“Well, if you don’t feel anything for your sister,” Naruto said while his smirk grew into a grin, “Why do you insist on tagging around with her?”

“I do not insist upon it,” Sage stated, “I…”

She frowned as she couldn’t really think of a reason to explain her behavior. She tried to picture what her life would be like without Naruko around, so imagined herself having traveled to a town without her. Yet, after checking into an inn, all she found was that she would sit in the room since she had no reason to be in the town in the first place, or any real desire to explore it. Yet, Naruko quickly popped into her imagination to grab her by the arm before dragging her to the various sites. Which while Sage still wouldn’t feel any excitement from, she found herself watching Naruko’s reactions. Almost as if she was living vicariously through her.

Focusing ahead as they walked, Sage asked, “Do you recommend that I sever ties with Naruko?”

She could tell her question caused Naruto some distress, and she surmised that it was perhaps because he feared Naruko would be upset with him. Yet, after a moment he sighed but answered, “If you think doing so would benefit you. Then yes, it might give you a new perspective to strike out on your own.”

Sage focused ahead as she stated, “I still fail to comprehend you.”

Naruto looked at her to ask, “Why’s that?”

“Your reaction made it clear that my question caused you some concern,” Sage said as she moved further down the pathway. From her vantage point she could see the market that Naruto and Fu had saved during his previous visit to Ame. Seeing it filled again, she was surprised that people would so quickly return to a place that had so recently been attacked, and finding it as strange as she found Naruto continued, “Yet despite that, you gave me the possible answer that I believe caused you to react in that manner in the first place. Considering your reaction, the more beneficial answer would have been to say, no.”

Naruto rested his elbows on the railing, and smiled as he watched people going about their business at the market. Focusing on Sage, he said, “True, but it wouldn’t have been the honest one. Or, what was best for you.”

Sage didn’t give a reaction although she felt the corner of her mouth assume the beginnings of a frown. This was because she couldn’t really process Naruto’s reply to her in conjunction with his actions for Yugito. Particularly, since she had upon learning he valued his lovers more than his ambition. Had decided that his actions on Yugito’s behalf had been decidedly selfish, and about continuing his long-term happiness at the potential expense of others. Which although his reasoning for why he was willing to endanger the Alliance’s existence had been sound, was still prompted by his selfish inability to allow his lover to suffer. In short, he had been unable to deal with the potential outcome of Yugito being mad at him or possibly coming to resent him for making her stay. Yet now, he was willing to risk Naruko’s anger and perhaps resentment.

Thinking it over, she wanted to give a frustrated sounding sigh, but settled for dispassionately saying, “Your actions for Yugito would suggest that you would make the choice that benefits you the most in the eyes of your lovers.”

“Is that really how you see me?” Naruto asked, before letting out a sigh when she nodded her head. Moving to join her at the railing he rested his elbows on it, and after a few moments said, “I made the choice to support Yugito’s, because I believed it would be best for her. She was forced to be a jinchuriki, and she never resented it until it became clear the leadership of her village only saw her as a tool.”

Sage shook her head in disbelief as she stated, “She was naïve to believe otherwise. The sole purpose of jinchuriki were to be used as weapons of war. Being treated politely or well, does not negate that fact.”

Naruto nodded, and felt Sage hit the nail on the head at least when it came to some of the issues he had with his father. People could dress it up as they wanted, but ultimately his father had turned him into a weapon. To him, it really didn’t matter if it was to be an agent of destiny or because Minato had been unwilling to let the nine-tailed fox slip from Konoha’s grasp. Because at the end of the day, as far as the other villages were concerned he was a weapon of war. However, while agreeing in spirit, he replied, “You’d be surprised how easy it is to lose sight of such things. Especially, when it is a fact that is being withheld from you.”

The orange-haired kunoichi stared at Naruto, still finding it hard to believe that Yugito would be ignorant that because she carried a Bijuu, she wouldn’t be allowed to live a life outside of being a kunoichi of Kumo. Considering the neutral expression that she had on her face, she was surprised that Naruto was able to pick up on what she was thinking as he said, “People can be like a fish that has only lived in an aquarium. It isn’t aware of a larger outside world, but then something like someone tapping on the glass causes them to look beyond it for the first time and it causes them to question everything they know.”

Sage was about to question him about how an intelligent woman such as Yugito could be ignorant about how her holding a Bijuu would preclude her from living just any way she wished. Yet, before she could, her own aquarium received a metaphorical tapping in the form of a loud explosion. Looking in the direction of the sound, she saw black smoke rising into the sky, and while she may have dismissed it normally as the Salamander Resistance had grown bolder in the weeks since Naruto first thwarted them. Yet, seeing the smoke was rising from the section of Ame where Naruko was supposed to meet her contact, she found herself running in its direction with an unfamiliar feeling gripping her heart.


Sage was staring at the remains of the Hostess Club that Naruko was supposed to be in when the bomb went off, and according to many of the witnesses, had been in the room with the explosion. Her gaze shifted to Naruto as he talked to one of the investigators. Upon arriving to the scene, she had inquired about whether or not he could feel Naruko’s presence via her foxmark, but he had informed her that she had been masking her presence when the explosion had gone off, and didn’t know if he would have picked up on her death if she had been present.

She found his calmness rather baffling in the face of his potentially losing a lover. Yet, when she had questioned him as to why he wasn’t acting distraught, he had answered simply, “Because, I’m confident that I would know if she was dead.”

It was an answer, which to her surprise, had infuriated her although she hadn’t expressed it. She knew that considering they hadn’t found a body, there was a chance Naruko was unharmed. But, she didn’t understand why she wouldn’t have given some sign. Yet, before she could ponder Naruko’s reasons, the man the female sage was bound to approached saying, “The investigator thinks this was likely a targeted strike rather than the more typical bombings the Salamander Resistance normally pull off.”


“He says there were multiple explosion points, the weakest it seems was placed on the table in front of the couch that Naruko was occupying in the private room,” Naruto informed her still sounding detached as if he wasn’t discussing his lover’s possible death. “He believes this was to drive her into the real explosion. He also says it is likely that the blast carried her body over the platform and into the sea. They are scrambling divers now.”

“But you don’t think so,” Sage said heatedly and almost sounding bitter due to his calmness.

Naruto arched an eyebrow, and trying to keep his emotions under control stated, “I can only hope that she is okay.” He gave a worried smile while adding, “Plus, it might be a bit cliché, but knowing there isn’t a body…”

“Doesn’t mean anything,” Sage snapped angrily, “She could have been close enough to the explosion to practically have been vaporized and we won’t find out for hours.” She saw Naruto wince at her statement, and for a moment saw all the emotions that he was holding back. Realizing that she wasn’t exactly in control of hers, she tried to take a steading breath while wondering what was wrong with her. “I’m sorry,” Sage stated, “I’m not sure why I snapped at you.”

Naruto placed a comforting hand on Sage’s shoulder and giving her a sad smile stated, “It’s because the bond that you weren’t sure that you shared with Naruko has suddenly become very real. Let’s just hope that it isn’t too late for both our sakes.”

Sage nodded, suddenly wishing that she could take back the things she had said. But, before she could voice as much she noticed the investigator that Naruto had been talking to was now talking to a woman with a blanket over her shoulders. Figuring she was relevant she asked, “Who is that?

After following her gaze, he answered, “She was the woman entertaining Naruko just before the bombs went… Hey where are you going?”

Sage’s eyes shifted from their normal dark color to the Rinnegan as she quickly closed with the woman pushing past the investigator where she clamped her hand over the supposed informant’s throat. The woman was about to complain, but stopped due to Sage’s Rinnegan boring into her. Already unnerved as she recognized the ocular jutsu as belonging to Pain, a look of pure terror appeared in her eyes as she looked beyond the woman bearing god’s eyes to see a being raise up behind her, so in a panicked voice asked, “What the hell is that?”

The Ame investigator who had been about to reprimand Sage for mistreating a key witness was confused as he asked, “What is what?”

Sage answered them both, although her gaze remained fixated on the woman, “What you are seeing is the King of Hell. Be aware that any lie you tell me will result in the consummation of your soul.”

“You can’t do this to me,” the woman shouted, “I didn’t…”

“Do not finish that sentence if you value your life,” Sage interrupted.

“Miss, I’m afraid that you can’t behave in this fashion towards a key witness. If you believe she was involved then please bring whatever evidence you possess to light.”

Sage looked back at the man who took a step back also recognizing that she possessed Pain’s ocular jutsu. Which was why he didn’t seem to react as she stated, “I’m about to.” Turning back towards the woman she laid out her reasons for suspecting the hostess, “You sent a request to Naruko to meet claiming you had evidence about the Salamander Resistance. I believe you are a member.”

The woman didn’t exactly deny it as she truthfully said, “I’ve been working with Jiraiya’s network for years.”

Sage seemed prepared for her statement as she replied, “Which would have been harmful to Pain and perhaps led to his ouster. A goal the Salamander Resistance would have been pleased by. Yet, Naruko was joining Akatsuki, which is being headed by Konan, who the Resistance opposes. Therefore, your alliance with Jiraiya does not exclude you from attempting to kill Naruko.” Letting some menace enter into her voice she stated, “You will now tell me who ordered this attack, or you’ll die.”

Naruto was about to step in since although it appeared the investigator was going to let the interrogation continue, he felt it was crossing a line. However, the kunoichi’s resistance quickly crumbled in the face of Sage’s terms as she stated, “It was Kandachi. He ordered the hit not only because of her joining Akatsuki, but also because she was a student of Jiraiya.”

Naruto cursed remembering the encounter he had with the former right hand man of Hanzo during his travels with his teacher. He was about to inform Sage of as much, but noticed several of the spectators preparing to attack with a barrage of shuriken and kunai. “Watch out!” he shouted as they let their weapons loose. He created a wall of clones that he sent to intercept the attack, but it appeared the Salamander Resistance had done their homework on him the anticipated such a tactic. As such they staggered their throws so that the first wave dispersed the majority of the clones allowing them to focus on their targets him and Sage.

Even with the smoke kicked up by the destruction of Naruto’s clones, the shinobi of the Salamander Resistance had good reason to suspect their attack would succeed. However, even though most were already preparing to retreat since they knew a confrontation with Naruto would not go well for them should the barrage fail. A feeling of pure terror appeared in their hearts as the smoke and their weapons blew back in an instant to reveal Sage with her rinnegan. Most of them fearing it was the second coming of Pain dropped to their knees as if to beg for forgiveness since his wrath had been terrible. Yet, Sage’s eyes quickly returned to the woman whose throat she had possession of as she began gurgling. To which she attributed the cause being the kunai now buried in the back of her neck. Her gaze shifted beyond the dying woman to see a green haired one positioned on the roof of the club.

Unlike her colleagues though, she at first glance seemed shocked by Sage’s appearance rather than afraid. Yet, when she focused on her eyes, a look pure hatred appeared on her cloth masked face, which was further reflected in the woman’s eyes. Pulling one of two umbrella which were strapped to her back, she pointed the end at Sage and depressing a trigger in the handle caused it to fire senbon after senbon. Sage used the hostess that had lured Naruko to the club as a shield to absorb the projectiles, and tossed the corpse aside once the umbrella ran empty.

Sage leapt to give chase to her assailant while Naruto shouted after her before creating clones to follow the other members of the Salamander Resistance who had recovered once Sage’s focus had shifted from them. Many of whom, were already calling Suiren a patron saint of the resistance for her bravery because of her willingly picking a fight with a god.


Sage was only several rooftops behind her quarry when she tried to use her Bansho Technique to pull the woman towards her. However, although the green haired kunoichi appeared to stumble for a bit, she remained rooted to the roof making it clear that she was running using chakra. Sage planned to use her jutsu again the next time her target jumped, but before the ability recharged the woman reached the edge of the roof and dropped down.

She frowned since although she figured the woman had been caught by surprise at her having the Rinnegan. It was clear that she had some idea of the abilities that it possessed. She dropped down to the street where her target did, but found the woman had seemingly disappeared. Sage, didn’t let that bother her as she bit her thumb and pressed her hand to the ground. A dozen small Chameleons appeared and she quickly attached chakra strings to them which caused the Rinnegan to appear in their eyes as they spread out over the area. Having been allowed to sign the contract after returning the corpse that Pain had used, she often used the Chameleons as spies. Particularly when Naruko had met with individuals she had considered untrustworthy.

An image of Naruko smiling appeared in her mind from a time where they had laid waste to a group seeking their lives. The memory caused Sage to feel a pain that was akin to being stabbed. It felt so real, that her hand covered her chest, and she realized that it had originated from her heart. Her eyes hardened as one of her summons located the woman as she easily navigated the twist and turns of the alleys that she was traveling through. Wishing to ease the pain she was feeling, she decided she would rip every secret the woman possessed from her skull and use them to crush the Salamander Resistance to the last man and woman.

Taking to the rooftops, she easily caught up to the kunoichi and then dropped down in her path. She gave the woman credit since even as she was skidding to a halt, she pulled an umbrella from behind her shoulder. Upon pointing it at Sage, she depressed the trigger causing a stream of fire to shoot out from the end. Sage raised her hand and used Shinra Tensei to repel it and cursed as the fire appeared to wash over the woman. However, as the fire died it appeared the umbrella had been designed with such an occurrence in mind. Sage heard something click and imagined another attack was forth coming, but countered by raising her left hand which morphed into a futuristic energy cannon. She fired a wide area blast, hoping to stun rather than annihilate her target.

The blast did the trick as it wrecked the woman’s umbrella and blew her back several feet. Sage slowly closed with the kunoichi as her hand shifted back to normal while stating, “You’re going to pay for the suffering that you have caused me.”

The woman scoffed unafraid, and sounding dead inside as she replied bitterly, “How you can say that while wearing her face is unforgivable.”

Sage paused in confusion, remembering another incident when a woman had confused her for someone else. She had later learned it was because the woman Fuyou had believed she was her former teammate, who had died, and later served as the body Kiyomi had used to give her an existence. She suspected the woman before her shared a similar story, but from the pain of her teammate’s loss had blamed Pain and now Konan. A pain she was using to justify her actions regardless of who got hurt along the way. Realizing that she was acting in a similar manner caused Sage to hesitate as she approached the woman to steal her secrets.

Suiren wasn’t sure why the woman she believed was Pain had hesitated, but she knew an opportunity when she saw it. She quickly pulled the ball of exploding tags that she had been planning to detonate when he had closed with her, and tossed it at the corpse of her old teammate. She delighted in the fear that she saw appear, even as it hurt to see it on the face of her friend. Yet, she began scrambling in the other direction as she knew the puppet master might have other puppets at hand to take up the pursuit.

Sage saw her short life flash before her eyes as the ball closed with her face, and found it to be full of regrets. Although towards the end there was a moment of peace that perhaps she would be reunited with her sister. She closed her eyes as she accepted her end, but she was surprised to find herself lifted before the sounding of the explosion. When it did go off, she found that it sounded far off in the distance.

Opening her eyes, she found that she was being held in Naruto’s arms and that they were in Naruko’s bedroom. Her eyes drifted to a three-pronged kunai that she knew Naruto had given all his lovers, and frowned since she knew Naruko always carried it with her. She stared up at Naruto who gave her a soft smile as he asked, “Are you alright?”

Sage nodded while he set her down, and then her head exploded into pain as he slammed his knuckles down onto it. She looked at him in surprise, but he quickly explained, “That’s for being such a reckless idiot. I know you’re hurting right now. Gods know that I am. But…”

He trailed off, and Sage saw a crack appear in the calm visage that he was trying to portray. She felt a sense of respect grow for him as she knew that he had dealt with the pain that she was carrying on several occasions already. He turned away from her as he pulled a scroll and unsealed his cloak as well as a pair of knuckle daggers. He moved to the window and stated, “Stay here?”

“Where are you going?”

She could tell Naruto was considering not telling her, but he eventually stated, “One of my clones believes it has found their hideout. All the others were destroyed in pursuit of the group that served as a distraction for Suiren, the woman you chased after. It appears they were probably observing Naruko and me during our enjoying Ame the day before so planned to use her as a distraction while other groups eliminated my clones chasing their accomplishes. However, one of them probably didn’t stick to the route he was given and so my clone was able to tail him.

“I’m going as well,” Sage stated as she moved to follow him.

Naruto frowned and she knew he wanted to tell her no because of how she had been acting. She would normally say that was the proper course of actions. Yet, after a moment he sighed before stating, “Fine, we don’t have time to delay. They’ll likely figure out one of them didn’t follow the script and realize that they need to abandon their base.”

Sage nodded so leapt after Naruto. They quickly arrived at the base, and found that it was difficult to approach without being spotted as it was a warehouse in one of the lower districts. The building was alone near the edge of the water with almost no cover to allow for a stealthy approach. Naruto turned towards her asking, “Any ideas?”

“One,” Sage replied biting her thumb again and this time summoned a rhino almost as big as the building. The towering beast charged towards warehouse, and to both of their surprise, it didn’t seem to attract any fire as it smashed into the building’s side. The summons dispelled once inside, and they used the smoke to cover their approach. However, upon reaching the building they found all those inside already unconscious.

They shared a confused look, but then a voice called out, “It took you two long enough.”

Naruko appeared from one of the offices as she dragged an unconscious Kandachi behind her. She smiled widely, and despite Sage being profoundly happy to see her. She was as surprised as anyone as she lashed out to slap her.

Naruko was caught by surprise and raised her hand to her now burning cheek. Sage couldn’t explain her actions or any of the feelings that she was being bombarded with so took off. Naruko’s gaze shifted from her sister, to Naruto and seeing a similar warring of emotions said, “Let me guess, I have some explaining to do.”

“Tons and tons,” he said torn between hugging his lover or following Sage’s example.


Sage listened to the shower running in Naruko’s room, although it was currently only occupied by Naruto. Her sister was at Ame T and I department as they questioned the members of the Salamander Resistance. A Resistance that appeared to still be going strong as one of the things Kandachi made sure everyone knew was that his capture didn’t mean the group was finished. Since Suiren hadn’t been among them, Sage figured it was more than an empty boast to sow fear.

When Naruto had returned, he had taken the time to explain why Naruko hadn’t informed them that she was alive. Mainly, that with the Resistance believing she was dead, it had allowed her to easily locate the group as toads that she had summoned before the meeting followed the observers that had been watching the club for signs that she had escaped the explosion. She had done so without their notice by having the toads summon her to Mt. Myoboku. Then, she had simply had another toad summon her back to Ame. When the bottle had begun to smoke, rather than fleeing from it into their kill zone she had simply cut the jutsu thus returning to the toads’ home. Once the toads had found the base, they had summoned her back once one of them had sneaked inside.

Still, the Salamander Resistance hadn’t acted entirely as Naruko had expected since while she had hidden her survival from Naruto and her because she felt they had put observers on them. Naruko had figured the attack on them had been meant to eliminate Naruto as well. But, when the group had faltered upon seeing her Rinnegan, Suiren had decided to silence the Hostess instead. With the element of surprise lost, the group had broken off to return to their base which had made things even harder for Naruko the returning members had arrived during her battle with Kandachi.

It had turned out that the Salamander Resistance wasn’t the only ones that hadn’t acted as expected, since the reason Naruko had wanted Sage to spend the day with Naruto was because she had thought her fellow daughter of Kiyomi might keep Naruto grounded with her logic should she need to fake her death. Sage felt disappointed in herself for not living up to her sister’s expectations. But, when she had expressed as much to Naruto, he had smiled stating that she now had a better idea of how Yugito could have lived in ignorance for so long.

Sage had hated to admit it, but she figured now she could empathize with the former host of the two-tails. But, she also could understand why the other women bound to Naruto were so confident that he could fulfil the goal he had. Mainly because, he had shown her that even as the world sought to crush his spirit, he had the strength to prop up others even when he himself was hurting. Still, while she knew one reason why Naruto hadn’t fallen to pieces had been due to his wanting to hope Naruko had been okay. She figured the other part had been because she had been in the process of doing so herself. As such, Naruto had acted in the role Naruko had intended for her to fill.

Sage had apologized for failing to live up to her sister’s expectations, but Naruto had smiled telling her that Naruko shouldn’t have put either of them in such a situation. A small smirk appeared on her face as he had then mentioned that he was going to let Anko think up an appropriate punishment, before excusing himself to take a shower.

Sage found that although she was still angry at her sister, in the end the experience had caused the blinders she had to be removed. Despite her acting like a simple observer in life, she realized she was a participant and now found she was eager to join Akatsuki to stop groups such as the Salamander Resistance. She wished to stop the suffering that such groups callously inflicted while using violence to argue about who should be in charge of this place or that. Yet, her near death experience had also made her aware that there were other things that she wanted, one of which was a shower.


Naruto was scrubbing his face when he felt another presence with him in the bathroom, despite being aware that the Salamander Resistance was now targeting him, he knew Naruko had made the hotel a fortress against spies and assassins to keep her real connection to him a secret. Still, while he could understand his lover’s reasoning for keeping him in the dark, especially as even he was forced to admit that he was a horrible actor and got away with his Harem lifestyle by the fact that no one had ever really questioned him about it. He stated sounding miffed, “Don’t even try to use sex to get me to forgive you.”

He opened his eyes as Sage replied, “That wasn’t my intention. I was not aware that I was in need of your forgiveness.”

He quickly regretted his surprised reaction as the soap got in his eyes, causing him to say, “Shit! Sage, I’m sorry I thought you were Naruko.” Trying to clear his blurry vision he asked her, “Can you hand me a towel? I got soap in my eyes.”

“Here,” she said and despite it sounding like her voice was behind him. He still reached out to the side trying to find the towel he believed that she would be holding outside the shower curtain. After a moment, it was placed on his shoulder and although confused he took it and began rubbing it along his face to clear away any remaining soap before soaking his face. He turned his gaze to look out the shower to thank her, and had expected Sage’s silhouette to be highlighted on the curtain, but not finding it prepared to finish his shower. But then Sage said, “Would it not be polite to thank me?”

He spun towards her voice and was greeted by the sight of her naked body. His eyes grew wide, and he quickly averted his gaze. Sage though drank in the sight and even focused hers on his cock feeling an eagerness to experience it for herself. Naruto expected her to say something to explain her behavior, and when she didn’t, focused on her face. To his surprise, she was openly ogling his body. After a moment, he asked, “Enjoying the view?”

She looked up and a small blush appeared on her cheeks but she answered with a detached, “Yes.” Figuring that she would explain herself, she said, “Today has enlightened me to certain deficiencies about myself.”

“Sure, I can understand that,” Naruto said knowing hard days like today were what defined people. Not the easy ones where they claimed that they would act one way or another. Still, he felt her explanation didn’t exactly answer him, “Still, how does that translate to you standing naked in a shower with me.”

Sage tilted her head, before asking, “Is a shower not a place where one normally stands naked?”

Naruto wasn’t sure if she was teasing him or not, but siding with not he replied, “No, I meant…”

Sage wrapped her arms around his neck as she interrupted by asking, “Kiss.”

Remembering when she had asked after witnessing his lovers ask for some before their raiding a slaver group to rescue the woman also called Suiren who had once been enslaved by Kanji, he leaned forward to comply only to find himself pulled into a deeply passionate one. Responding to it, he pushed his tongue against hers needing to coax it to life. But, once she got the hint, found it to be a willing partner.

When they separated, Sage’s normally dark and emotionless eyes were filled with a heated desire, which carried over into her voice as she said, “I want to become an active participant in my life. I used to watch you with Naruko and the others, and although I claimed it was only because I was curious. I now believe I was not being honest with myself. I had believed my feeling separate from the world gave me an insight the rest of you lacked. Yet, I was only fooling myself.”

Naruto smiled at her as he said, “Maybe about a few things. But, I valued your insights. I knew I could count on you to keep me honest.”

“Even though they were from someone who proved today that she did not know what she was talking about? I feel like a fool for admonishing you about acting in Yugito’s best interests.” Sage replied in confusion.

Naruto ran his finger under her chin as she looked like she was about to look away in embarrassment. He softly said, “You weren’t being foolish. You were speaking honestly based on your life experiences. As you learned today, you can look at a situation logically one day, and emotionally the next. I would have loved to have gone on a rampage against the Salamander Resistance in order to get Revenge for Naruko today. But, I knew doing so would invalidate everything my Family has been working for. We aren’t defined by who we were yesterday, but those events help define us in the present which is where we truly prove we are the people we imagine ourselves to be.”

Sage got lost in his blue eyes, which although similar to her sister’s, shined with their own unique light. Dissecting his words, she knew they made a logical sense since yesterday she wouldn’t have been share she would have cared if asked how she would act should Naruko had died. Yet, today if a few situations had broken differently she would have become a cold-blooded murder to avenge the same woman. As such, his words seemed to have more weight to them then she would have normally attributed to them.

Sage closed her eyes before stating, “Kiss.”

Naruto smiled before leaning in to comply expecting this one to be more lighthearted. But, as soon as his lips touched hers, her hand reached out to begin cradling his cock. He groaned as her hand fondled his balls while she said, “I do not want to end the day with today’s events being the only one I learn from. Please show me how good it can be to experience pleasure by someone else’s hands.”

Naruto grinned widely as he gripped her by the ass and then pulled her body up against his while stating, “Finally, something has grabbed your interest for us to do.”

Sage actually giggled softly recognizing he was teasing her due to how their day had started off due to her disinterest. Reaching around to grip his ass in a similar manner as he was holding hers, she answered. “If I was being honest earlier it has piqued my interest for quite some time. I suppose I just needed a push in the right direction to express it.”

Naruto lowered his lips to hers before stating, “Here’s hoping it won’t take such extreme events to get you to express yourself in the future.”

Accepting his tongue, and letting out a soft moan as his right hand slipped from her ass to between her legs, she didn’t believe that would be an issue. Particularly due to her pussy coming alive as his fingers began rubbing the outside of it. Having performed the act herself several times, she couldn’t truly process why it felt so much better, since he was using several of the same techniques she had. Yet, she figured that it was perhaps due to it being someone else who was dedicated to making her feel good, as opposed to a task taken up by herself. Much as she had witnessed how people could buy an item for themselves, but seemed more appreciative when someone else surprised them with it.

Kissing along his chest and neck, she reached his ear to ask, “W…what do you want me to do?”

“Just feel good,” he replied.

“B…but,” Sage began but found herself suddenly reversed to be pulled under the shower head and then pushed up against the wall. Naruto brought his cock between her thighs and up against her pussy. After pushing her legs together, he began pumping his hips dragging his dick over her dripping slit. She moaned softly which grew in intensity as his hands traveled from her thighs along her sides up to grab her breasts. She arched her back as he fondled her breasts while rolling and pinching her nipples.

Reaching over her shoulder, she gripped the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss while she began moving her hips as well. Adding her own friction to the mix caused her to break away from him to use the wall as support and to push herself back against him. She also began to angle her pussy so that her clit dragged along his cock causing her to coo deliriously as he would pull away to the point where the tip of his cock lost contact, but then ram into it as he pushed forward again.

Naruto also began to lose himself in the simulated fucking. Which was why as Sage began angling her hips more trying to keep his dick in contact with her clit that much longer. When he would push forward it began catching along her entrance. Things came to a screeching halt when on a forward thrust it easily slipped inside. He managed to catch himself before much more than the head disappeared inside her, but Sage finding the new feeling so much more exnihilating began to push back. Placing his hands on her ass, he managed to stop her while he fought a minor battle with his conscious.

Naturally the devil inside him told him to claim her, since he doubted any of his lovers would care. Especially as it was apparent several of them were lining up other women for him. Yet, it was the good side of his personality that won out as he recalled his own words to Sage from just a few moments earlier. Knowing that it would invalidate the trust his lovers had in him to claim Sage without first informing them of his desire to, despite all the times he had proved himself previously. He managed to pull out of her, yet still felt an almost magnetic pull towards her. Yet, it wasn’t just the thrill of exploring a new lover, but a result of the disappointed and unfilled look of lust Sage openly wore as she stared at him from over her shoulder.

As such, he once more closed with her, but dropped to his knee in order to bury his face in her snatch. Sage moaned contently, if still somewhat disappointed by the turn. Still as Naruto reached his arm up from between her legs while his tongue explored her depths, she gripped his hand tightly between both of hers as she used his forearm to rub her clit against. Which she coated in her release as she shouted out in climax having nearly done so when he had slipped inside her.

Sage wanted to slip to her knees, but Naruto quickly stood to steady her. Feeling his still unsatisfied cock poking her butt, she turned to face him and was about to drop down to service him with her mouth, but was stopped as he said, “Let’s save that for a later date. Truth is, if we continue much further, I’m going to betray the trust of a lot of people.”

Sage nodded, but wanting more asked, “Do you think we can do this again? Without the need to hold back.”

“Yes,” Naruto said, “I’ll talk with everyone, but let’s set a tentative date for when Akatsuki is officially reformed. In the meantime, I’d like to get to know the present Sage better as well.”

“I would like that also,” she replied figuring that she’d also needed to learn about the woman that she had become as a result of the day’s events.

“Good,” Naruto replied before sheepishly asking, “Would you mind stepping out of the shower though?”

Sage nodded although she was confused as to why considering all that they had just shared, but as soon as she did, felt the temperature of the shower shift to almost freezing. It caused a small smile to appear on her face, which remained in place until long after Naruto left. Leaving her with another new feeling, which was anticipation for the day of Akatsuki’s formal reformation as she figured despite all the events Konan had planned for the day. It would be the night that she would most enjoy.


The next day, Sage was sitting in the hotel’s restaurant with most of the other occupants staring at her in fascination. Although she considered it possible that word may have spread about her possessing the Rinnegan, she figured the most likely reason was the numerous stacks of empty plates that she had piled before her. A result of having ordered half the menu in favor of trying to find a dish that she enjoyed.

“Sage,” a rather surprised Naruko said from behind her. Which wasn’t too surprising from Sage’s point of view as she would rarely eat more than one dish at a meal.

The orange-haired woman dabbed at the side of her mouth with a napkin while she thought of something to say. She wanted to apologize to her sister, but also felt that she was owed one as well.

Naruko showed that she agreed as she came into view while she stated, “I’m sorry about what I put you through. To be honest, I thought you’d barely be affected. I know I kind of forced the whole Sister thing…”

“I forgive you,” Sage replied, “And I believe it is partially my fault that you thought I wouldn’t be affected by your passing. I am glad to be your sister, and truly happy I am not only realizing this as a result of your real untimely passing.”

Naruko looked happy as she wrapped her arms around Sage stating, “You’re the best little sister in the world.”

“Unlikely,” Sage replied as she extracted herself from Naruko’s grip, “For I plan to take great satisfaction from the punishment Naruto is having Anko think up for you.” She watched as a look of horror appeared on her sister’s face, and adding to it held up the large bill from her meal before stating, “Also, breakfast is on you.”

Naruko numbly began pulling money from her shorts pocket as she called after her sister, “You were only kidding about that first part, right? Right?! Tell me you just developed a warped sense of humor! Come on Sage!”

Sage though simply looked back giving her sister a smirk, before going off to enjoy more of what her new outlook had to offer her.

Next Chapter: Mabui
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