Categories > Books > Harry Potter > It's Only Love

It's Only Love

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

After Slughorn's party, Harry Potter realizes he likes Luna as more then a friend...then Luna tells Harry how she feels, in a way only Luna could. Both characters confronted with the nature of love...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Luna - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2016-10-30 - 3189 words


I do not own Harry Potter. I don't own any of the Character's, Places or Things from The Harry Potter World. I make NO Money or Profit of Any Kind. The same goes for any unoriginal lyrics or poetry.

Not yet beta read

Harry returned to Slughorn's dreadful party in a state of satisfaction he care not to admit to himself. He may have discovered shocking and disturbing information regarding Snape and Malfoy (and if you haven't read the half blood prince get your mind out of the gutter) but he also was right, and that felt good.

"Hello Harry," A voice hummed from beside him. Harry turned his head and saw a smiling Luna. "It seems you were right about Draco."

Harry gaped. "How did you..."

"I followed you." Luna admitted without a shred of guilt. "I had thought you had left me."

Harry starred at Luna as he felt his stomach plummet not having realized he had effectively ditched her at the party. "Luna I swear I would never do that. I just saw Mal..."

"I know, as I said I followed you." Luna giggled softly. Harry had never heard Luna giggle before but he rather liked the sound.

"Oh...well what I meant was, you're my friend Luna, and I would never ditch you." Harry insisted,

"Not even if Ginny walked up to you and whispered in your ear that she wanted to hump you." Luna sang causing Harry to do a spit take despite not drinking anything.

"How did you...I mean No...I mean...No...I...I would never cheat on you." Harry said getting confused and flustered.

"Good to know but you can't cheat on your friends...well I guess you can just not by mating." Luna smiled her eyes glazed as she looked at Slughorn's wobbling gut as he danced with the Vampire.

Harry blushed as he realized what he had implied. "I ...I be...RUDE!"

Harry accidentally shouted the last part causing Luna to look at him with interest. Harry continued at normal volume. "I'm with you right now as your friend Luna, and I take that very seriously. I don't have many friends and I don't take them for granted. I would never abandon one. Especially after you followed me into the Department of Mysteries."

"Ginny followed you too." Luna reminded him. "As did all of your other friends. They've known you longer. We are hardly friends, though you are the best friend I ever had."

Harry shook his head as Luna said this in her dreamy, unfocused way. She didn't seem upset about it but Harry was. He was about to reply when he saw Slughorn approaching them again, his gut swaying as the inebriated professor stumbled towards them. Harry quickly grabbed Luna's arm and pulled her towards the exit. Managed to wave by the Slughorn as the two fled the party, though Luna seemed unaware.

"That was a fun party." Luna sung with her light Irish accent.

Harry paused and grabbed Luna by the shoulders so she was facing him. "Luna I'm happy that you consider me one of your best friends but you're one of mine as well Luna. I may not have known you as long as the others. Luna you mean the world to me, you are one of the nicest people I've ever met and you helped me more last year then all my friends put together, not to mention the adults in my life, including S...My godfather. I value my friends Luna, now more than ever and I don't throw them away lightly."

Luna's eyes were wider than normal as Harry said this. Harry was surprised himself of his outburst but had to admit he meant every word of it. Luna whispered in her soft high voice that seemed to sake, "You really mean that Harry."

Harry nodded as he stared into her shining silver eyes. "If it weren't for you I, I'm not sure I would have made it through that year. When I first met you I didn't know what to make of you. I thought you were as loony as everyone said you were, but they are all wrong, I was wrong. You are smart and brilliant. You don't deserve to be treated the way you are. You deserve thousands of friends, but you do have me and I know that my friends are your friends, especially all of who went into the D.O.P together."

Luna was looking at Harry like he just told her that the Quibbler was the best thing he'd ever read. Her eyes were bright and held a look of astonishment. She seemed to shake as she uttered. "Thank you Harry. That is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."

Harry rubbed the back of his head as he looked at her sheepishly, feeling his checks turn red. "Well it's true Luna."

Luna's face seemed to glow as a small smile touched her slips. Then she slowly walked through Harry's arms and wrapped her own around Harry, hugging him with all the emotions that she felt.

Harry was somewhat surprised by Luna's awkward hug, yet he hugged her back and somehow the embrace didn't feel so awkward anymore. Harry felt a warm feeling flow through him as he held the small, delicate women in his arms. Harry could help but notice how small she really was and was scared that if he hugged her too hard she would break. Harry found himself feeling very protective of the young blond. It was this thought that caused Harry to have an epiphany. He fancied Luna Lovegood. Thoughts of embarrassment and Ron's mocking reaction to fancying Loony Lovegood flashed through his eyes, but as Luna pulled away from his hug and beamed at him, he found himself incapable of caring about such things.

With their hand entangled in each over's the two young lovers slowly made their way to Ravenclaw tower. Luna was simply beaming with such enthusiasm she was showing her teeth. Luna could not remember the ever being this happy, even when her Mother was alive. She had always respected Harry, even before she met him Luna had heard of his heroics and witnessed it first hand during the Try Wizard Tournament. Meeting him last year showed her that he was a humble kind young man as well. He was the best teacher she ever had during DA, She was also the first person to treat her like she was normal, even if he didn't think so. Luna was many things but stupid was not one of them. She knew she was strange and different. If she wasn't so, people might take her ideas more seriously, but she liked who she was, and never bothered to look into her peculiar tendencies

Luna shook her head and refocused her train of thought. As soon as she did she felt her skin shiver as she remembered the intensity of her feelings when Harry had returned her hug. Noticing her shiver, Harry slipped of his Robe and wrapped it around Luna. Harry could help but smile back as Luna closed her eyes and softly thanked him. She seemed to shudder as her own emotions shook her to the core. Luna opened her eyes with compassion and understanding, her mind calming her as she realized what she was feeling.

"I love you Harry." Luna hummed as she continued the walk to her dormitory, not realizing right away that she had to pull Harry with her. Luna turned around and looked at Harry. "Are you OK? Nargles aren't bothering you are they?"

Much to Harry's relief, his heart had resumed its beating, admittedly faster then he would have liked. Harry could hardly breathe and he could hardly move his stiff arms and wobbly legs. Luna was staring at him with slight concern of Nargles but that was it. Had she really just said what he thought she had.

"L..Luna?" Harry stuttered his voice horse. "Did...Did you J...just say."

"I love you?" Luna finished looking thoughtful. "I think so, it was what I meant to say but Nargles can scramble my words a bit...Harry?!"

Luna seemed alarmed for the first time since Harry met her, but he had not noticed. He was too busy trying to stay on his feet as he nearly feinted. Luna helped him to the floor and sat down beside him. Harry's mind was all over the place. In his living memory no one had ever told him they loved him. It was something he secretly had always wanted to hear, but he never expected to hear it like...that.

Harry struggled to speak and forced out. "Why would you say that?"

Luna looked at him. "I said it because I meant it, why else would I say it? If you think it was Wrackspurt's, I am wearing charms to protect me from that."

Harry felt himself grow frustrated, the fact he nearly feinted in Luna's arms not helping his mood. "Merlin Luna, you don't just say things like that."

"Why not?" Luna replied confused and curious at the same time.

"Just because..." Harry retorted "You just don't OK. "

Luna giggled and to Harry's frustration his stomach did somersaults. "People say they love each over all time. Haven't you told someone you loved them...Harry."

Harry looked away. "Just my parents, but they never... no one's ever...but Luna...You don't just say you love someone. We haven't even kissed yet or gone on a date...well as more then friends."

"We've known each over for just shy of a year and four months. I know you Harry and I know that I love you." Luna smiled more tenderly then before.

Harry nervously glanced at Luna and again looked away. He struggled to get the subject back into safer territory, "You mean you love me as a friend, do you fancy me, you mean you me?"

Luna's focused as she went into deep thought. "Yes I love you as a friend, I fancy you and I like...Like you...I think. I'm also in love you."

Harry gulped as he croaked. "In Love with me? You can't just...You have to mean it, truly mean it with..."

"I do Harry." Luna whispered as he chanced a look into her eyes and couldn't look away. They seemed so wise right now when minutes earlier they seemed so innocent. "You don't need to worry Harry. I know you don't love me, or fancy me, or me though I'm not sure what that means. You've made me happier than I've ever been Harry, even when my Mother was alive. I just wanted you to know how much you meant to me. I never wanted to upset you."

Harry looked at Luna. Her eyes seemed less bright now and there was a hint of longing in her voice. Harry immediately missed that bright smile on her face as he quickly spoke up. "You don't understand Luna. I do like you, I... Bloody hell, I fancy you for Merlin's sake."

Luna looked her eyes brightening as she looked both hopeful and in shock. "Really? You Do?"

Harry was blushing fiercely but pressed on, her smile depended on it. "Absolutely Luna, I think you're beautiful, wonderful and sexy...I didn't mean to say...not that I didn't mean..."

Luna actually blushed at this. "Thank you Harry, I think you very sexy as well."

Harry buried his face in his hands as he continued. "But Luna, you don't just say that you love someone Luna so bluntly. It's..."

"I'm not scared," Luna said. "I mean I am scared but I've never let that stop me, I don't care much for fear so I ignore it. I may not be as in love you with you as a married couple but saying you fancy me either means you love me but are too scared to admit it and get hurt by that love or that you fancy me but not for who I am under my skin."

"It's just not that simple." Harry muttered wistfully thinking back at the disaster of Cho and the complete mess that is Ron and Hermione. "Love his hard, love is complicated."

"It's only love." Luna hummed as she looked bemused at Harry. "Love isn't complicated, people are. I love you Harry and if you really love me too then we will be happy together. If you don't love me then I'll be sad until I move on and fall in love again. I just want you to know I love you, with all my heart. I just want you to be happy. And that I will be there for you whenever you need me."

Harry looked at this girl, this women who had said that she loved him. He didn't know what to say but he realized as he looked into her eyes for the first time in his life without a shadow of a doubt, that he was truly loved by someone. "Luna..I..I.."

"Just say it Harry," Luna pleaded bearing her emotions like she never had before. "If you feel it then say it, if you don't I'll understand. I never expected an answer I just thought you should know. Thank you for the happiest night of my life, and thank you for being you." Luna's eyes seemed to tear up as she continued on towards her dormitory.

Harry watched her go his mind still reeling from everything that had happened. A part of him wanted to go after her and tell he loved her and make her smile again...but did he love her...really? He thought he loved Cho, hell he thought he was in love with Ginny, but neither of them had told him they loved him. Cho had hardly said she had liked him at all.

Harry his friendship with Luna flash before his eyes, He saw Luna comforting him by the Thestrals, he saw her pulling him out of his grief after Sirius died. He remembered how she rescued him from Draco's attack by wearing those Godric awful glasses. The memory made Harry smile more than any of the others. He also remembered her fighting alongside him at the DOP and how she seemed to put her new friends before herself. Most of all he remembered the overwhelming feelings that coursed through him as he held her in his arms. Before Harry knew what he was doing he was sprinting down the hall.

Harry felt his lungs bursting through his chest as he caught sight of Luna listening to the Ravenclaw door's riddle. "What is at the end of a rainbow?"

"Luna!" Harry shouted trying to catch her attention.

"No, it's definitely not "Luna," She muttered to herself. "The obvious answer is a pot of leprechaun gold but that seems too obvious."

"Luna!" Harry gasped as he reached and started panting.

"Oh hi Harry do you know the answer." Luna asked with a smile.

"Luna...I love you!" Harry shouted desperately.

"Oh I got it." Luna said getting excited. "The end of rainbow is w."

The door opened and Luna gave Harry a quick hug before running into the dormitory. Before Harry could blink the door had shut and asked. "How can the number four be half of five?"

Harry stared at the door for a few seconds before turning around walking up to the wall and started bashing his head upon it. This lasted for ten seconds before Harry herd the door open and swiftly turned around. Luna standing in the open doorway as she took a tentative step she muttered. "Hi."

Harry felt his blood turn to ice, the adrenaline had long since left him and now he had once again become a nervous wreck. Still he couldn't help but smile. "Hi Luna."

Luna seemed to swallow as she nervously asked. "Did you just say..."

"I love you." Harry blurted out before he fear overcame him.

"Why would you say that?"Luna gasped as she seemed to tremble.

Harry chuckled as he felt a sudden sense of Déjà vu. He felt his voice shake as he replied. "I said it because I meant it, why else would I say it?"

Luna bolted across the room and lunged into Harry's arms. Luna started kissing him but it was not how he would have expected her too. She was kissing his lips, but his cheeks, his nose his eyes his forehead, all over his face. Overwhelmed Harry caught her coming in and their lips finally met. Luna froze and her eyes were wider than ever before as she stared into Harry's, lips still connected. Then she closed her eyes and grabbed Harry's head and tried to crush their lips together with as much force and passion as she could muster. Harry grabbed Luna's head and added to the forced causing her to let a breath but high pitched moan get his lips. Luna seemed to lick Harry's lips that obliged as he parted his mouth. Luna's eyes opened again as their tongues danced, Luna swooned as her eyes rolled up the back of her head as she closed her eyes and purred with happiness.

Harry could tell along they had been entwined in passion. It felt like hours but was likely only minutes, before they parted. Luna's eyes were close as she looked as if she had achieve inner peace even as she gasped for breath.. Harry smiled madly as he caressed her face with his hand and Luna sighed and shook, all but collapsing into his arms. Harry felt his chest get wet as he realized Luna was crying. Harry started to panic before he heard her whisper. "Godric It's only love Harry but I have so much of love it hurts. I love you Harry, I love you so much."

Harry smiled as held her realizing why Luna had said she loved him. She didn't shelter feelings, she embraced them and reveled in them. Luna could not remember the last time she had felt truly loved and as Harry followed her and focused on his own emotions he found himself crying with her. If it was anyone else Harry would have been horrified but with Luna in his arms he felt like a vagabond that had finally found his home.

The two young lovers stared into each other's eyes and Harry so overwhelmed spoke from his heart.

"Marry me."



"Oh bugger..."

I hope you enjoyed this little one-shot about the simplest and most complicated thing in the world (Luna)

If you like Harry/Luna stories please read my story called The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood.

Please leave reviews and follow/favorite my story,

OH what is the answer to the riddle, if you get it without looking it get to name a character in The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood. Make it strange if you like but try to pick a useable name though, I will overrule it if I have to
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