Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

A Loony of the People

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

If we don't stand together we are going to die alone. We are all going to die. If you don't stop the hate now then one day all of us will be gone, no more faces, no more us, this hall will be empty...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Kingsley,Luna,Ron - Published: 2017-02-16 - 4660 words - Complete

"Her magical core has been severely drained but it was not permanent. In fact it should only take a couple of hours before Luna continues breaking the fundamental laws of magic. I gave her a quick once over and some calming potions, but she refused the dreamless sleepers for some reason." Madam Pomfery was interrupted from her report by a deep authoritative voice.

"Where is she now?" The minister asked.

Filius replied "I believe she is with Potter, recovering from having one of her closest friends try to kill her. Then watching him die the way he did, along with her enemy who was trying to help a way."

"We all saw what happened in the Pensieve," said the Headmistress. "I believe that concludes the interviews for today. We will have Miss Lovegood and Professor Potter contact you some time in the following week."

Kingsley nodded in deep thought. He looked around at the other professors in this hastily assembled meeting and wondered how to proceed. It had been quite the day for him and the Ministry. After the Hogsmeade investigation, he had to attend to previous reports of a break in the Department of Mysteries. The Department had been trying to conceal the evidence that the break in ever took place. Of course even the Department of Mysteries only has so much secrecy over the Minister, who quickly found out and made sure to reprimand those responsible. Even worse was finding out exactly what was stolen. Files on Pandora Lovegood. Of course, Madam Pomfery insisted that Luna was still recovering in the Hospital wing during the theft but with that girl who knows...

Then there was the incident that had him here at Hogwarts. Two students had killed each other, in front of the entire school. The Aurors were still cleaning up the remains. The first thing he had done when he entered the meeting was to demand that students learn the consequences of colliding spells, especially two reducto's. Most shocking however was what he saw in the pensive. Luna had used her powers to stop the explosion. He was aware of Luna being a magic using squib but this was something else entirely.

"Actually Headmistress I feel it would be for the best if the Aurors stayed at Hogwarts for the time being." Kingsley said, earning looks from the Hogwarts staff. "In the span of two days, there have been two attempts on Miss Lovegood's life and three student deaths! I believe that there should be an Auror guard on permanent reserve at Hogwarts"

"But Minister..."

"No buts Minerva, This cannot be tolerated. It hasn't even been a year since the Carrows were terrorizing Hogwarts and the final battle with You Know Who was fought on school grounds. This cannot be accepted. Over the years there have been Dementor's, Dragon's, Death eaters, there's a killer tree on Hogwarts grounds, and a chamber built specifically to hold a bloody Basilisk. It cannot be denied any longer, HOGWARTS IS NOT SAFE!"

The room was silenced as the Minister continued. "The Ministry has for the most part allowed Hogwarts free reign. That shall no longer be the case. I will have Aurors on constant post here for security purposes. They will be here to help enforce rules and prevent deaths. You cannot deny the good this will do. Imagine how the battle would have gone if Aurors were already stationed here waiting to stop the Dark Lords forces. Now understand that the Ministry's presence will not at all be like Umbridge's reign, which was disgraceful in the best situations. The Ministry will only ensure safety among the students. I am also putting an end to incompetent teachers, as I've gone on to understand the only DADA teacher that did not try to kill or cause serious harm to Mr. Potter was Snape.

Sprout raised her hand. "What about Lupin he was a great..."

"He was a Werewolf as well! He tried to kill Potter during the full moon because he was not responsible enough to take his Wolfsbane potion that night. He was my friend during the war but he still deserved to be sacked for that incompetence. I feel the same way about most of you here as well"

"I find myself very...disappointed with the Hogwarts staff. Why did no one stop Mr. Corner from making a duelers oath with Mr. Malfoy? Why didn't the school call the Aurors when the chamber of secrets was opened? You fear the Ministry more than a Basilisk?

"Absolutely" said Filius who was giving the Minister a cold glare. "I know what the Ministry is capable of. I have seen what happens in the Department of Mysteries..."

"Watch it Filius," The Minister warned.

"I'm not going to break my unbreakable vow but I do know. You know I know. So you must know my feelings on the Ministry. Dumbledore's judgment may have seemed strange at times but I perfectly understand why he made the separation of school and Ministry a top priority."

"Well Dumbledore is gone, may he rest in peace. I am here and I am putting Aurors in the school to protect the students. I am not asking, This is an Order!"

The room fell silent before the Minister spoke again. "I will also be placing some guards to protect Potter and Lovegood, since they are still in danger from the (pardon my language) Mudblood haters."

"Do you think it wise to put guards on Lovegood, The girl already suspects the Ministry will harm her," The head mistress spoke.

Kingsley spoke carefully. "Even more of a reason to keep an eye on her. The girl needs to see that we can be trusted. Paranoia is very dangerous and she has incredible power. Honestly, her very presence is a danger to the students. We must protect her from them. We must protect her from herself. Most importantly, we must protect the other students from Luna Lovegood, while she is still at this school."

"You ok, Luna?" Harry whispered as she awoke from her sleep. They were in Harry's private quarters where Luna had been regaining her strength. Luna's eyes focused on the fireplace as she thought about her latest dream.

"The Ministry has played their hand. They are using recent events as an excuse to have Aurors placed in the school for protection. On the surface it seems like a good idea, a great idea. Merlin knows Hogwarts has not been the safest place for children over the years...but..."

"Why now?" Harry finished her thought. "You think they have other motives."

"I know they do. I'm not sure what their motives are, only that they involve me. They want to put me under extra guard. This is what the Nargles meant. Remember they said the killer is incredibly dangerous. Not from his actions but the consequences of them."

"The killer will unintentionally cause it to happen," Harry finished. "Draco caused this to happen by being responsible for all three deaths...including his own. This feels too well planned."

"That's because it is Harry," Luna hummed.

They sat in silence a while longer before Luna spoke. "What's it like?"

Harry waited for Luna to finish but realized she had. "What's...What like?"

"What's it like to take a life." Luna whispered as she stared into the fire

"I'm not really sure. I still don't really feel like I killed Voldemort, though I can't say I feel guilty for him either way. His life wasn't worth a thing. I may have killed a death eater during my final escape from private drive. I knocked a Death eater off his broom. I don't know if he died though, why?"

Luna looked at him for a second before returning her gaze to the flames. Her voice was almost monotone as she voiced her deepest thoughts. "I...I tried to kill him...Draco. I was just so angry...and hurt. I just lost control. Next to you and Dad he was my closest friend. He helped me through one of the worst times of my life. I never felt that way before...when I found out it was him. I saw red and the room turned red. I saw Fire and the room burned like fire. He fled and I followed. I wasn't thinking, I just wanted to...In the room I saw a cabinet shaking...I didn't even hesitate to set it on fire. If he had been in there I would have killed him. I didn't even hesitate..."

Luna met Harry's gaze with tears in her eyes. "Then he died, I saw him die and I could not help him. I got my wish but...I couldn't save him, I couldn't save either of them. I saw the way the spells hit and how they...d...died. I didn't see a killer, I saw my best friend die the worst way possible..."

"I wanted to hurt him. I don't want to hurt anybody. He's dead, they are both dead. They didn't deserve it. They didn't...I had wanted this. What happening to me Harry?"

Luna burst into tears as Harry just held her and whispered soothing words in her ear. No matter what, Luna had always been a pure soul. No matter how hard things got she would never have wanted to hurt someone. Now that she had, she was full of regret, even if it was justified.

Harry felt something akin to grief as he realized how much Luna had changed. It wasn't that he didn't like her changes. She was always still the same Luna to him, but right now he realized how much she had to grow up these past few years. She had fought in the worst war in Wizarding history on multiple occasions. She stood strong despite being held captive by Death eaters. Then all of this, and the death of her mother.


Harry and Luna saw Ron's head in the green flames of the fireplace.

"Uh...They want to see Luna." Ron mumbled awkwardly.

Harry's face darkened, "Ron, do me a favor and tell whoever wants to see Luna to shove it. I don't care if it's the Headmistress or the Minister himself. Luna's not seeing anyone today."

"'s not like that. It's not them it's...well you have to see for yourself. You're not going to believe it" Ron stuttered before leaving the green flames.

The couple exchanged a look and shrugged, curiosity getting the best of them as they followed Ron through the Fireplace and into Harry's office. "Any idea on who wants to see you?"

Luna shrugged "I hope it's not...Oh."

Whatever Luna was about to say was lost at the site before her. The entire DADA classroom was completely packed with students. All their eyes fixed on Luna, who grabbed Harry's hand in fear.

Harry saw Ron still making his way through the crowd back to Hermione, who was smiling nervously. She tilted her head to the door and he saw the hallway was also jam packed with students.

"How many?" Harry mouthed to Hermione.

"Everyone," Hermione mouthed back. Harry's mouth replied, earning a stern glare from Hermione.

He turned back to Luna who was frozen like a deer in the headlights, as if the slightest movement would give away her position.

One of the first years slowly walked towards Luna, staring into each others eyes. The girl spoke in a soft voice, "Thank you."

Luna looked confused speaking for the first time. "For what?"

"You saved her life. You saved all our lives in there." One the older students said.

"I...I guess I did," Luna whispered thoughtfully. "I just wanted to help."

"What's your name?" A different first year asked.

"Loony...I mean, Luna Lovegood" Justin Finch-Fletchley answered.

Suddenly another first year girl was hugging Luna. The overwhelmed witch was now staring wide eyed around her for assistance, not knowing what to do. Harry gave her hand a squeeze and let go. She slowly patted the girls back before stiffly returning her hug.

She heard a faint sound growing louder and louder. Soon the sound had engulfed them and Luna realized the sound as clapping. Luna let go of the girl and staggered back, the often ignored girl was suddenly being applauded by the entire school. Luna felt Harry's hand wrap around her own and she saw he had tears in his eyes. Luna quickly realized that she was crying too.

Luna felt something she had not felt in her entire life...acceptance. They had accepted her as one of their own. For the first time in Luna's life she belonged.

Luna hugged Harry in a fit of tears before they slowly made their way through the crowd. Most of the younger students were hugging Luna along the way. While some older ones shaking her hand or hugged as well. It wasn't all happy faces, most of the Slytherins and certain Purebloods where sending deathly glares at Luna. However they were outnumbered by the Muggleborn's, Half bloods and so called Blood traitors.

Far be it for a golden opportunity to go to waste. At least that was the mindset of a certain of a certain brown haired witch who was now whispering in Luna's ear. "When we reach the great hall head to the podium the Headmistress usually speaks from."

Luna slowly processed what Hermione was saying before replying, "Why are we going to the great hall?"

"To give your speech of course," Hermione replied. "Just get up there and say what's on your mind. Don't be nervous and just imagine them...actually ignore that last part."


Before she knew it Luna found herself in the great hall, standing behind the podium usually reserved for the Headmistress, staring out at the sea of students. There were cries of "speech" and other more random cheers. Luna looked again to Harry who was standing in the front of the crowd, close enough for support but far enough to let Luna have her moment.

Luna leaned forward and found her voice amplified as she stuttered, "H...Hi?"

Luna looked over to Hermione, "I...I...I don't know what to say. I've never made a speech before."

After a couple of soft laughs Luna continued. "I never really spoke to many people until recently and never this many."

Luna seemed to gaze off dreamily in the distance before she whispered to herself, "Wow, there's so many people out there."

The laughter this caused seemed to snap Luna into focus, but not before she giggled as well. She had been laughed at all her life but this felt more warm and genuine. Nobody ever wanted to hear what she had to say before but now she had the entire school's attention. She looked at all the familiar faces as she recognized the face of every student in the school. She was confused for a moment when she realized a few faces where missing, until she remembered why.

It was at this moment Luna knew what she had to say.

Luna leaned forward into the podium and spoke softly. "Three of us are not here today."

The hall was silent was Luna continued. "One of my dearest friends is dead. His name was Draco Malfoy. We helped and supported each other through dark times. Yesterday he tried to kill me, today I tried to kill him and he again tried to kill me. Why?"

Luna continued, feeling very vulnerable. "Yesterday, my same friend killed one of us. Her name was Pansy Parkinson. She was mean to me at times she's dead. Why?"

"Michael used to be a friend. More importantly he was a member of Dumbledore's army! He was a hero who saved a great many of your lives including my own last year. He remained loyal to that cause until the end. Despite this, none of you mourn him. He became my enemy instead of a friend. He was always flawed but he was someone we all looked up to. He allowed his misguided hate to consume him. Through his prejudice Michael lost everything, until it cost him his life. Why?"

Luna felt tears run down her cheek as she continued. "Three hours ago Michael Corner and Draco Malfoy fought in a duel. Michael was so ashamed of his heritage that when egged on he tried to kill Malfoy. Draco was so consumed by hate that he tried to kill Michael for no reason other than vengeance. They both succeeded, and now they are both dead. We will never see them again. Their faces are gone. Why?"

" You may see today as a day worth celebrating, you survived while the bad guys died. For me it is a day of mourning. Today I lost two old friends, WHY!"

"Why are we doing this? Haven't we learned by now the cost of hate? How many more faces will we lose? How many of us, are we going to sacrifice to death for no reason? Why? I don't know why! There is no answer and there is no excuse!"

"I buried my mother when I was nine. She wanted to make the world a better place but she died first. She is the reason I have magic. She was able to accomplish things that broke fundamental laws of magic. Did you know that? No you didn't, you believed she was a loony like me. I was considered a loony before people knew my name just because they falsely believed she was."

There was silence now, some people were coughing awkwardly but Luna didn't care. "Did you know that Muggles have been on the moon? Did you know that Muggles have powered machines that can fly hundreds of people across the world without magic? Did you know that Muggles can light a room brighter than any candle. Do you realize what we could do if we learned to work together. By not giving them magic we are letting Muggles die by the thousands every day. Muggles don't live to be one hundred and fifty, they are very lucky if they make it to one hundred.

"Do you know what cancer is? It's that thing St. Mungo's gets rid of during checkups with a flick of a wand. You don't even want to know how many Muggles die from it. I know what you are saying. It's not our fault if Muggles are dying. WRONG!" Luna shouted to the shock of the students.

"It is our fault, by doing nothing we are condemning Muggles to die. Try sleeping tonight knowing that you and your family are responsible for the deaths a billions. WHY!"

Luna was a women transformed. No one could recognize the person speaking to them as Loony Lovegood. The usually quite dreamy girl was speaking with a passion that shook the students to the core. Her normally sapphire eyes seemed to be burning with fire. Her words were focused and powerful.

"Three years ago, a great war broke out in the Wizarding World. Three years later many faces are missing from this hall. Many young faces who should be joining us this year did not show. They are all gone, Why? To change the world. They died to keep you safe. They died so Muggles and Muggle born should have the same rights as all wizards. Instead I have been threatened just because I was born without the very magic that I now have. Those faces are gone and they died for nothing. Muggle, Muggleborn, Squibs, How insulting these names are. It's only one step better then Mudblood, which Wizards still use."

"If we don't change our ways soon there will be another war and very soon too. I don't want to hurt anybody, but by doing nothing I am hurting everyone. That is why I refuse to do nothing. I have got to change the world, I just have to! Only I realized something very early on...I can't...I can't do it alone. Until recently I have always been alone. I know that together there almost is nothing Harry and I can't accomplish, but fighting the Ministry isn't one of them. We need an army!"

Gasps and murmuring consumed the audience as Luna spoke. "Yes an army. If not to fight the Ministry then to defend ourselves from them. The Minister had just ordered the presence of Aurors to stand guard in Hogwarts for our safety. The Ministry is making a statement, they are always watching. Why are they doing this? To keep people like me in our place. I believe they are planning to kill or kidnap. They plan on taking advantage of our weakened state. Many of us are still recovering from the scars of war. Some of us will never recover...Like me."

Luna rolled up her sleeves and closed her eyes allowing her scars to become visible again. Many had seen them before from the recent article in the daily profit, but seeing them in person was another matter entirely.

"This is hate, this is prejudice, and this is what I have suffered for no reason other than being who I am. I like who I am. I like being me. You should like being you. If you don't like who you are, then change. Become the person you are meant to be. I am changing every day."

"I'm scared and I admit it proudly. I'm a Squib and I admit it proudly. I'm a Loony and I admit it proudly. I'm all those things but that is not my name. My name is Luna Lovegood and I say it proudly. It is the name my Mother gave me. I am a Witch not by birth but by choice. I am a Witch because my Mother gave me a gift. I wish to give this gift to the world if I have to die trying. I don't ask you to help me with this. I just ask you to stop the hate. The world is in your hands.

I have always prided myself in being an individual but if it weren't for Harry I would be dead. I learned something yesterday. If we don't stand together we are going to die alone. We are all going to die. If you don't stop the hate now then one day all of us will be gone, no more faces, no more us, this hall will be empty and cold like the world it will inhabit.

I don't want anyone to die. So let's live, for the love of Merlin, let's stop hurting each other and live with love. That is all I wanted to ever say. No more hate. Things need to change. Things are going to change Why? WHY NOT!"

The audience started to cheer as Luna raised her fist in the air. Tears in her eyes as well as many in the crowd. Some of the crowd started to boo and eventually left the room in a huff. No one bothered with the unwelcome deserters as they were too busy celebrating the spark that had been ignited that day. Igniting the flames of change.

Luna ran to Harry and embraced him. "Luna that was incredible. I'm so proud of you."

"Now I love you," Luna giggled as she kissed him, igniting cat calls from other students. "Ever since I first met you, I have loved you with all my veiled heart. Now I am able to truly love you the way I always have."

Harry grinned "Not sure if I followed all that but I think I get the gist. I love you too Luna. So what do you think of all...this" Harry gestured to crowd.

Luna tilted her head. "It makes me pity you for having to deal with fame your whole life, this attention is most definitely not for me."

Harry raised his eyebrows, "Really, you seem so happy though?"

Luna nodded as she hummed. "I've been an outcast all my life. I've been bullied, picked on, or simply ignored. Before you, I was very lonely, but I never wanted anything more than one or two friends. I never wished to belong to them."

Luna felt more tears slide down her cheeks, "Until today I never had a choice. They never accepted me until today but now they do. They actually accept me as one of their own. I'm still not truly one of them but I have a choice. And as strange or as loony as it sounds, that makes all the difference in the world."

Meanwhile the Minister watched from the doorway. He felt his stomach clench. In a matter of minutes Luna had just become more powerful and dangerous then her strange magic could ever make her. This was someone the people would follow.

Before he knew it Luna had approached him staring him dead in the eyes. She had her usual dreamy calmness but there was something else there. Luna reached behind her head to the back of her neck and removed a necklace. She held out the necklace to the Minister who stared in confusion.

"What is this Miss Lovegood?" The Minister asked with a friendly smile.

Luna spoke sweetly. "You should know since you gave it to me."


Luna hummed serenely. "Don't play dumb we both know you are too smart for that. You bewitched George Weasley to give this to me. It's a good thing you did because it helped save my life. Thank you very much sir but I must ask how you knew I would need it?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about..." The minister begun but Luna giggled her own response.

"Did you know that Draco Malfoy was going to try and kill me? Is that why your Ministry spy spit in my soup to warn me? Did you know I would ignore the warning? Did you allow me to almost die so I would accept your protection? Did you expect people to die? If so why did you let them? Did you need an excuse to take control of Hogwarts? Did you allow them to die just to get at me and the school? Why sir would you do that? Are you afraid I'll succeed in my quest? Or are you afraid of what I took in the department of mysteries? What are you hiding sir?"

They both exchanged friendly smiles but the tension in the room could be cut with a knife. The Mister spoke first. "My dear girl you really live up to your nick name."

"My dear Minister you live up to your nickname as well," Luna hummed back.

"What nickname?"

"Royal, it was your nickname on the Potterwatch remember. You truly are royalty, a king not a minister," Luna sung.

Kingsley grinned "Thank you Miss Lovegood you are indeed most kind."

Luna smiled as her eyes turned yellow, "That wasn't a complement sir, you have more power than a mere Minister should. You must be careful sir. Ministers get sacked, Kings get beheaded by the people they rule."

Kingsley's smiling facade broke as his eyes hardened. "Are you threatening me little girl!"

"Not at all little boy ha, I'm just giving you my advice, but I will say this. If I find out you are responsible for the deaths of Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, and Michael Corner, then I will do everything in my power to have you sacked sir." Luna spoke dreamily sending more gasps from the audience.

What Luna said next floored the entire room, including the Minister and even Harry himself. Luna dropped her smile and whispered coldly in a voice that was clearly not her own, "However, If I find out that I am correct and you or the ministry had anything, anything at all, to do with my Mother's death...

"We Will Fucking Bury You! HAHAHA!"
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