Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

The Moon Mother's Madness

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

May the Power of Magic guide you Harry Potter. May the Wonder of Magic guide you Luna Lovegood.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Flitwick,Harry,Luna - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2017-02-26 - 8837 words - Complete

"Harry James Potter, you test my patience."
These where the foreboding words Harry woke up to. The young Wizard quickly grabbed for his wand and rose to his least he tried to, as he found himself standing right at the edge of a strange, smooth cliff. He cussed as he lunged backwards. Harry paused as he could only feel the front half of his feet standing on solid ground. Harry looked behind him and nearly lost his balance at the sight of more cliff.
As Harry steadied himself he realized where he was, however, this gave him little comfort. He was standing over 700 feet above the cruel hard ground on the very top of the tower of Xanadu. What was worse in his opinion was the laughing specter floating in front of him.
"Harry James Potter, you have yet to successfully cast the spell, Imaginatio Potestatem in my presence. It has been over a week since Luna successfully cast the charm, yet you still fail."
Harry grumbled "A week? I thought it was a month!"
"I thought it was a year!" A voice shouted from a distance.
Harry looked over the edge of the tower to see Luna looking up from the ground. "Hi Luna."
Luna waved, and though Harry couldn't see it, he was certain she was smiling. "What are you doing up there?"
"No clue!" Harry yelled down before rounding on Nickolas Flamel. "Why in Merlin's name am I up here?"
The Spirit's eyes gleamed with mischief. "You are too focused on your mind while letting your thoughts and feelings consume you. You work best when you rely on your instincts. Which is how you were able to cast the spell when the Hogwarts Astronomy tower exploded."
"'re not going to..."
Flamel laughed. "Of course not! I am not going to blow up my tower!"
Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "Ok why..."
"You see Harry, I can recreate the same scenario by doing this." Flamel finished by shoving Harry off the tower.
Harry saw the ground rush towards him at an alarming rate. Harry searched his robes for his wand, only to remember he didn't have it on him. "Great just great." Harry thought to himself. "I defeat Voldemort only to be killed by some demented spirit."
"I heard that!"
"Harry!" Luna cried out. "Use the spell!"
Harry didn't think twice, he just reacted and yelled out the Magic Words. "Imaginatio Potestatem!"
Harry blinked and he simply stopped. He didn't feel himself stop or even start to stop, it just simply happened. Harry looked down and saw Luna grinning at him. He smiled back despite the alarming realization that he was only twenty feet from the ground.
"Congratulations Harry, Finite!" Flamel uttered with a wave of his transparent hands.
Everything suddenly unfroze and Harry continued his decent as if he had never stopped. Before he could react Harry hit the ground...the soft ground that had him bouncing like he was on a trampoline.
Luna and Flamel laughed as Harry glared at him, the effect of his glare was nullified by the fact that he was still bouncing of the earth like a grumpy child.
"You're both a bunch of wankers." Harry snapped only ensuring more laughter.
"I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time." The Spirit muttered. "I must admit, I have truly come to enjoy your company. I will indeed miss you now your time has come to depart from my world."
Luna stooped giggling as she stared at Flamel. "You mean we are going back."
Nicolas nodded. "Tonight, as the setting sun touches the ocean, you will meet me at the temple of Kubla Khan for one final lesson. It will be your toughest lesson to date but it will lead you closer to the answers that you seek."
Luna nodded while Harry asked. "We have been on this Island for who knows how long and I have never seen any temple."
The spirit seemed to vanish before their eyes as he whispered. "That is because you did not look. Take the day to rest and bid farewell to Xanadu, for tomorrow you will return to a world that needs you more than ever."
Luna embraced Harry as she hummed. "I don't know whether to be happy or sad. These last few days have been the happiest of my life."
"Mine too Luna." Harry sighed sadly, "Mine too."

Harry, Luna and Flamel sat cross legged around an ancient bowl of stone, which was full of water. It had taken them all day to find the temple. In fact it was only when the sun neared the ocean that the Temple was found. Harry had sworn that it appeared out of thin air. Surrounding them where four ancient pillars that led to nowhere. The temple had no walls and no ceiling. They could see the stars appearing in the sky as the sun was just about to touch the oceans horizon.
After a long silence, Nicolas spoke solemnly. "You are not late, nor are you early. What are you?"
Luna looked at Harry expectantly and grinned. Harry looked between the two before he guess, "On time?"
Flamel shook his head and looked to Luna. "What are you?"
Luna paused in deep thought before answering. "You are not late, nor are you early. I am me."
The old man grinned as he poured water into the stone bowl. "You are a true Ravenclaw indeed. I always loved riddles, I wrote a few famous ones myself. Now here is another. Who are you?"
Luna answered with conviction. "I am Luna Lovegood."
"Indeed but who is Luna Lovegood?" The old man whispered as he dropped a pebble into the bowl. The ripples gently faded revealing an image of Harry and Luna from their last day at Hogwarts.
"You're a mystery, a puzzle, the riddle I hope I never solve." Harry's reflection whispered.
The sun touched the oceans horizon and a solar flare suddenly flew into the bowl. The Water in the bowl was replaced by a burning flame. The old man began to place herbs into the fire, changing its colour to green. The Spirit looked upon them with harsh purple eyes and spoke in an cold unnatural voice.
Your riddles can not be solved by books and papers.
If you want to fulfill your quest for magic. You must first discover who you are.
You must awaken the sleeping dogs, even the ones you would rather let lie.
The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing.
The fire is spreading, the players are moving.
The secrets of magic lie in your minds and hearts.
It is there you must go if you wish to fulfill your Destiny!
Harry and Luna leaned forward and breathed in the smoke. The world around them began to blur as time seemed to stand still.
I have taught you all I can, The rest lies in your hands.
Depart now from Xanadu, You know what you must do.
You shall be put to the test, You must finish your quest.
Much has occurred in you absence, this could be our last chance
The Wizarding World needs you, now more than ever.
The stakes of your quest have never been higher.
It is now we must part but waste not your tears.
You have blessed me with happiness I have not felt in years.
Slowly they felt themselves rise off the ground, heading towards the sky. Luna looked down and to her shock, saw her body lying next to Harry's. She turned to see a transparent Harry staring at her. Luna quickly lifted her arm and saw right through her hand. Harry grabbed a hold of her hand and she squeezed it as if her life depended on it. Suddenly the two spirits began shooting through time and space as the surrounding stars blinded them with light.
May the Power of Magic guide you Harry Potter.
May the Wonder of Magic guide you Luna Lovegood.
Despite the darkness that suddenly engulfed them, they saw a thin ray of light in the distance. Harry and Luna swam through the black to reach their salivation from this devastating nothingness. Just as they were about to reach the light they heard three familiar twisted voice as they were shot into the light.

Luna giggled as her mother tickled her tiny toes. The three month old girl was too adorable for Pandora to resist as she pretended to gnaw on the child's feet. Pandora loved her daughter with all her heart and the Little Luna loved her Mother sevenfold. The sound of laughter was interrupted by a gasp as Luna's father entered the room.
"Pandora, what have you done to her hair." Xenophilius yelled in a panic. "You're not supposed to use magic on a child until she turns five. You could damage her soul."
"Damage her soul? That's rubbish Xeno!" Pandora grumbled. "Besides I didn't do a damn thing to Luna's hair."
"Then how do you explain the obvious changes to Luna's hair Pandora? You reverse that now before she starts barking like a cat."
"I did not use magic on my Luna, and if you think I'm that…" Pandora drifted off a she stared at her daughter's hair.
Xenophilius placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Pandora, I understand the desire to change Luna's hair…"
"I didn't do this!" Pandora interrupted. "I swear on my magic…Magic?"
Xenophilius was now very, very, very, very…confused? "If you didn't change her hair colour then who did."
Pandora's eyes lit up. "SHE DID!"
"SHE? WHO? HER? HIM? Xenophilius stuttered as he was suffering a mental breakdown.
"Luna did it!" Pandora whispered. "Luna changed her hair! Luna used magic!"
Xenophilius slowly put his hand on Pandora's forehead. "Are you feeling ok, Dora? You do remember dear Luna is a…a…"
"Squib?" Pandora finished bluntly. "Yes I know, how you think I could not know is beyond me."
"Yes she is a…Squib, Merlin I hate that word." Xenophilius grumbled. "That means she can't use magic, even accidentally."
Pandora sat in silence as she stared into Luna's brown eyes. Luna reached out her small hand and wrapped it around her Mother's thumb. Pandora could feel a small tear run down her cheek. "My baby…My baby…My Lovely Little Luna."

Pandora was sitting inside a Muggle café as she cast spells on the random patrons. She was also levitating a bottle of Saint Mungo's formula in a position her daughter could drink it from. This would have cause quite a stir from the Muggles if Pandora had not put up a number of powerful notice-me-not charms she had invented. Speaking of spells Pandora invented...
"Vis Magia"
Pandora's eyes widened as she saw the glow in another Muggles chest. "Extraordinary."
Pandora looked at her research in amazement. She quickly started jotting down notes. "It is becoming undeniable that Muggles hold the potential for magic inside them. There is no difference in the quality or the amount of magic in any individual, be they Wizard, Muggle or Squib. Despite this, only the Wizard or Witch can use his or her Magic. Through my research, I have discovered how to detect Magic. Yet now I find myself asking a far more important question...What is Magic?"

"Are you sure this is safe?" Pandora whispered.
"We won't even be staying here for long. Dumbledore is already setting up protections that will hide us from You-know-who."
"No Lilly, I don't know who?" Pandora muttered sarcastically.
Lilly shook her head "Sorry, I'm so used to James having a heart attack every time I say Voldemort."
"I think it's a Wizard thing. They clearly lack common sense. I mean if not saying Voldy's name would stop me from getting killed I would stop in a heartbeat." Pandora chuckled before turning serious. "Listen Lilly, I'm scared for you. I don't know what protections Albus is putting up and frankly I don't want to. I do know if there is single way to get through them, Voldemort will."
Lilly nodded looking to the corner of the dining room, where two young children tried to ignore the others existence. "Harry has to survive this. He just has to."
Pandora nodded with understanding, listening to the words that where left unsaid. "Your planning something, aren't you."
Lilly again nodded as she whispered. "Dumbledore is always talking about the power of love. So I have been researching it."
Pandora's eyes widened. "What is it? What did you do? Tell me, tell me, please tell me!"
Lilly laughed. "Secrecy and safety out the window as soon as knowledge is involved. You really are a Ravenclaw, Dora."
"Don't call me Dora!" Pandora hissed.
"But I heard that's what Xeno likes to call you." Lilly giggled.
Pandora blushed. "How did you know that?"
Lilly laughed as she choked out. "I didn't!"
"Slytherin." Pandora hissed.
Lilly smirked. "So...are you and..."
"Shut up!" Pandora snapped
"Aha so you are..." Lilly squealed.
"I said shut up!" Pandora glared. "You're worse than James!"
Lilly grabbed her heart in false pain. "Ouch the pain, the agony!"
"Whatever, just tell me what you safely can about this magic?" Pandora interrupted.
Lilly sighed. "I'm not sure I really understand it. It goes against the laws of magic."
Pandora smiled. "You have no idea."
Lilly thought for a moment before speaking. "Dumbledore says the power of love can do astounding things. Through an act of love, one could possibly defy the laws of magic. One could even save the ones they care about."
Pandora looked in deep thought for a moment before she spoke. "I think you and Dumbledore are looking in the right direction but from the wrong angle. Love can do amazing things, yes, even magical things. However, I believe love is not the cause but the motive."
Lilly raised an eyebrow as Pandora continued mysteriously. "People who love something will do anything for the one they love. In their mind they can even do the impossible. Love blinds people from reality and that is the key. We are capable of more than we believe is possible. I have discovered that even Muggles have occasionally achieved the impossible through magic. Magical feats that Muggles to this day can only explain as acts of a greater power."
"You mean miracles, you're talking about miracles!" Lilly exclaimed.
"Ten points to Gryffindor!" Pandora deadpanned causing Lilly to laugh. "Yes miracles Lilly. You've heard the tale of the Mother saving her child by lifting a burning car. Love alone can't do that! Love is a state of mind that affects us, and connects us. You want to lift a car you must believe you can and then actually lift the bloody thing. You must truly believe it though, otherwise you will fail."
"I don't understand." Lilly whispered.
"Neither do I, but I believe that belief has something to do with it. My theory is that the single law of magic is excepting limitations. I believe that nothing is impossible, if you can think it, if you can dream it, if you can imagine it…nothing is impossible." Pandora gasped.
Pandora wave her wand and conjured a wooden cube onto the kitchen table. "A Fundamental law of magic is that you can't perform two spells at once with only one wand. To hell with the Fundamental laws of Magic. Lilly, I want you to transfigure that cube into water, keep it in the same shape, and levitate it at the same time."
Lilly gaped. "That's impossible! How am I supposed to do that?"
Pandora glared. "It's not impossible, weren't you listening! Let go of your doubts, and will it with you mind."
Lilly raised her wand and focused all her intent on the water…only for it to turn into shapeless water and splash all over the table.
"God damn it! You do it if you're so clever." Lilly hissed as Pandora cackled.
Pandora waved her hand and the water returned to its original form as the wooden cube. If Lilly was shocked at seeing wandless magic, then seeing Pandora levitate the suddenly cubed shaped water, left her flabbergasted.
Lilly stuttered. "Ho...How? I d…don't b…believe it."
Pandora grinned and winked. "Exactly! How can one do the impossible if they believe it to be so?"
Lilly shook her head violently. "But how is this possible? How did you figure it out?"
Pandora smiled a golden smile. "I witnessed a miracle that defied the laws of magic."
Pandora got up and skipped over to the two children, one not even a toddler. Lilly followed closely behind as Pandora began speaking to the youngest. Lilly assumed it was nonsense but one never knew with Pandora.
Pandora waved her hand and Lilly's jaw dropped. "Your daughters a Metamorphmagus?"
Pandora laughed. "Nope, I charmed her."
"But she" Lilly asked Pandora who grinned with mischief.
"Lilly, do you believe in Miracles?"

"No luck finding those blasted Snorkacks today." Xenophilius announced with frustration as he entered his home. "I hope your day was better than mine Dora, how are the Potters doing? Pandora? Are you there?"
Xenophilius walked down the slanted step to the basement where Pandora's lab (and most often Pandora herself) resided.
Xenophilius was about to pound on the door when he noticed something...Silence...No explosions... just silence.
He slowly opened the door to see his Dora crying in the corner of the room. He reached out and tenderly rested a hand on her shoulders. "What's wrong dear, your visit couldn't have been this unfortunate."
Pandora looked up with tearful eyes. "It was a wonderful visit...but it will be the last."
Xenophilius pondered for a moment before a look of comprehension washed over his features. "A vision? Are you sure?"
Pandora sobbed as Xenophilius wrapped his arms up in a heart felt hug. "Is there any way we can save them, before it's too late?"
Pandora pulled back and looked into his eyes. "I...I..."
Pandora turned away from him and closed her eyes. Xenophilius wasn't certain but it sounded like she was talking to herself. He felt her tense before turning to face him with hardened eyes. "No...we won't!"
"What?" Xenophilius squawked. "You mean can't...right?"
Pandora pushed passed him and left her lab followed by the echo of a door slamming viciously into it's frame.

It wasn't even a Month later when Xenophilius aborted his current exhibition to comfort a grieving Pandora, only for him to find her grinning madly as she worked in her lab.
"Aren't you upset," Xenophilius muttered almost to himself. "I thought you would be grieving."
"I grieved before the fact Xenophilius. Today I celebrate to Lilly's success! She has done it. She may not have gone through the looking glass but she dipped her toes inside! I am on the edge of something huge, I just know it! We can feel it!"
"Success in dying?" Xenophilius yelled. "What, are you mad women?"
Pandora looked at her husband strangely for a moment before she began to giggle, which turned into full on, side splitting laughter. When she calmed down she realized he was gaping at her with his jaw dropped. Pandora decided to be merciful. "You don't know do you."
When Xenophilius shook his head Pandora turned on her wizard wireless. "I don't know how you found out about the Potter's death without hearing of this!"
Xenophilius could not believe what he heard on the wireless. "Wizards throughout the United Kingdom are in celebration! He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has indeed been vanquished by none other than a one year old boy, Harry James Potter, who survived the attacked after the Dark Lord murdered the child's parents. Details are still under investigation. We will give you all the info we can as it comes in on channel 30...Nargles rule HA!"
Xenophilius stared at Pandora who quickly gave him a peck on the lips. The poor man gasped. "He's gone...really gone...really, really, really, really, GONE!?"
Pandora nodded as she gently pushed Xenophilius out of her lab to resume work. As she was shutting the door she heard him cry out. "HOW?"
"How indeed," Pandora thought as she opened the door to answer Xenophilius. "It's rather elementary really."
Pandora leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "Mr. Lovegood, do you believe in Miracles?"
"Great!" Pandora exclaimed as she slammed the door in his face.

Little Luna. as you grew from an infant, to toddler to child, Pandora continued her work with a determination that often frightened her poor husband. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?"
Pandora looked up from the kitchen table and answered cheerfully. "Making breakfast of course."
Xenophilius took in the scene in front of him and admitted that one could interpret the twisted tableau before him as simply making breakfast. Eggs were flying cross the room, balls of fire quickly hitting each egg to hard boil them. A sphere of water was bubbling over a stove as it boiled. Pancake batter was flipping itself across the room and hitting the wall, making a splattering mess. Chairs where spinning around in the air while Pandora seemed to be arguing with herself.
"No you are doing it all wrong you stupid...The pancakes should be cooked until they are cakes...Yes that is why they are called pan-CAKES...Yes on a plate, not on the wall...Hey! Don't you throw eggs at me..."
It was at this moment that Xenophilius Lovegood, backed out of the room and gently closed the door. "And they say I'm mad."

"Mom, are you ok?" A soft voice whispered as Pandora sat by the fire with a cup of tea in hand.
"I'm fine Luna...Mom just has a lot on her mind." Pandora replied as she felt Luna join her on the couch. Luna was only five years old but she was already showing signs of great intelligence.
"Mother can I ask you a question?" Luna muttered shyly.
"Love, you can always ask me questions, besides you just did." Pandora replied emphatically.
Little Luna smiled before she looked down and whispered quietly. "Am I a Squib?"
If Luna had looked up she would have seen Pandora staring intently into the fire. "Why do you ask this?"
Luna sighed, "I've never done anything magical, even accidentally. Other than when the Weasley's babysit me I only play with Muggles. When Wizards visit which they rarely do, you seem to hide me away as if you are ashamed of me."
"NO!" Pandora yelled a little louder than she intended. At Luna's jump, Pandora calmed herself and wrapped her loving arms around Luna. "No we are not ashamed of you. We could never be ashamed of you. Your Father and I love of you with all our hearts. We could not ask for a better daughter, squib or not."
Pandora pulled back and looked her daughter in the eyes. "I wish I could tell you otherwise Luna but you do have the condition that the Ministry insensitively calls being a squib. I wish I could tell you that everything will still be ok despite this, but I'm afraid I can't. It's not easy being a Squib. You will never be able to do magic, and in this world, many will hate you for it. They will say you are different and they will be correct. They will say other things too. They will put you down, say they are better than you, call you weak, call you inferior and far worse things."
"I want you to listen to me Luna. Do not listen to them! They are wrong! These are lies! Do not let them put you down for being who you are. You do not need Magic to live a wonderful life. Billions of Muggles all over the world live the same way. They have achieved things Wizards have only dreamed of, and they did not need magic."
"Though you may be different it is no curse. To be an individual like yourself is a great thing Luna. However the individual stands alone. It is not fun being alone Luna but in the darkest of days remember this. One day you will meet another individual just like yourself, who will fill your world with light. You will find a prince who will walk through the hottest of flames to reach you, and will slay the largest of Dragons to protect you."
"How do you know?" Luna uttered quietly.
"Because I found mine Luna." Pandora giggled as did Luna.
"Dad can't fight monsters, Mom." Luna giggled.
"You'd be surprised what one can do for those they love." Pandora whispered as she kissed Luna on the cheek.. "Now it's getting late, why don't you go off to bed and when you wake up, I'll make you a nice steaming cup of Hot Chocolate."
"Ok, love you Mom." Luna said as she headed for the stairs.
Pandora could tell Luna was still feeling down, so she whispered to her. "Luna, can you keep a secret?"
Luna nodded eagerly as Pandora continued. "Muggles believe that if you wish upon a star really hard, your wishes will come true. Maybe you should try that and who knows, maybe your wishes will also come true."
Luna nodded excitedly, warming Pandora's heart. Pandora made a motion to keep her mouth zipped shut which Luna repeated with understanding before heading to bed. When Luna was gone, Pandora's smile vanished. She looked at the paper in front of her that she had hidden from her daughter.
The bridge between two worlds shall be born on lover's night
The spark to change the world shall be born when love is right
The spark shall reach the moon the day before it ignites
It shall be fostered by the dead who shall rise on the devils night
Only in death will these words of hope be broken
Only in life will dreams of love be awoken
Only through sacrifice shall the gift be given
Only through death shall life be forgiven
The bridge between two worlds shall be born on lovers night
The spark to change the world shall be born when love is right
The ink was still as wet as the tears on the parchment itself. She knew she would have to show it to her husband. She knew he wouldn't like it, but his feelings would be nothing compared to Pandora's.
"Your right." Pandora whispered to herself. "Of course you are always right you vile things. I'll do it! I'll give you magic my child...even if it kills me!"

"Dad?" Luna asked her father as she watched her Mother in the Garden. "What is mom doing?"
Xenophilius looked out the window and felt his jaw hit the floor. Pandora seemed to be having a very heated argument with three animated scarecrows. The lifeless body's of straw were wreaking havoc on their garden, uprooting the assorted vegetables and fighting with them.
"Pandora?" Xenophilius called out.
Looking away from the Scarecrows cheerfully. "What is it?"
"What are you doing?"
"We're working silly." Pandora replied before cursing to herself with a loud whisper. "No we do not think they would work better if we lit them on fire."
Xenophilius ran outside to regain her attention. "Pandora! Exactly what in the blazes are you working on."
Pandora ignored him as she hissed. "We don't think this is the same as giving someone magic. Maybe animation isn't the way to go...No! fire won't work! Well we can't just light HER on fire now can we...WHY? WHY DO YOU THINK?!"
"PANDORA!" Xenophilius shouted snapping Pandora from her strange conversation. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?"
"It's a secret." Pandora winked as her wand moved. To Xeno's horror the Scarecrows instantly burst into flames. They ran around like headless chickens, lighting the entire garden on fire. They sounded like they were screaming and cursing but he couldn't be certain. Pandora stared, cursing herself while she fumbled with her wand only to drop it into the flames. "BLOODY FAIRY'S!"
"Hey we resent that!" She replied to herself.
Xenophilius whipped out his wand and started spraying water everywhere. By the time the fire was put out the entire garden had been burnt to ashes. "PANDORA, WHAT IN THE NAME OF BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!"
Pandora picked up her heavily burnt wand, shrugged and put it behind her ear.
"PANDORA! Are you listening to me? THE GARDEN IS GONE! Do you know how long it took to place anti Humdinger wards around it? Not to mention you could have burned the bloody house to the ground...and look at Luna, you must have traumatized her with that stunt!"
Pandora looked over to see Luna peering through the window with a smile and a wave. Pandora waved back causing Xenophilius to snap. "PANDORA! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!?"
"Not really." Pandora uttered with an interestingly uninterested tone.
Xenophilius choked down a scream as he tore at his hair. "Will you at least tell me what you are doing."
"If we did you wouldn't like it." Pandora muttered as she ran into the house and into her lab.
Xenophilius yelled out. "I don't like it, NOW PANDORA!"

"We're getting close. We are simply over thinking things, we just know it is easier than we think it is. Eight years of hard work almost finished. This is huge, the things we could do with this power...It scare us." Pandora whispered as she looked towards the corner of her lab. If anyone else was present in the room, they would have noticed nothing unusual about that corner of the room. Yet the eccentric Witch stared at it with fascination.
Pandora pointed at the dark corner as she spoke reverently. "You have magic, you have magic because we say you do, therefore you have magic. If we could do the same with Luna...We could...I could...we/I..."
Pandora jumped back from the corner. "WE CAN'T...I CAN'T! It's mad, but I am mad, we are insane, that is what they say. This is different! Shut up! The visions aren't real, Filius will be fine, they will all be's all lies."
Pandora walked away. "It's not worth it. Luna will still find happiness as a...a Squib...We's bigger than that now. We could give magic to the what COST? MY SANITY? MY SOUL? The people I care about? How much blood must be shed. I can't hurt them, I won't hurt her...but she's so lonely...we see the sadness in her eyes. I see a future...of much more. Every choice we make... The visions we've seen that curses my spirit and butchers my heart...I see too much...and yet it's never enough. Too many blanks, to much up to chance."
Pandora broke down into sobs as she cried in grief. "Help me, Merlin help me!"
Then she heard a faint humming coming from above her. Pandora quietly left her lab and climbed the rickety stairs as if she were shadow, flowing through the house, appearing before her daughters room. From behind the closed door, Luna's voice flowed through the cracks and into Pandora's sharpened ears.
"Star light, star bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have this wish I wish tonight"
Luna paused in deep thought before continuing. "I wish for a unicorn and for dad to find a Crumbled Horned Snorkack. I wish I had a friend...lots of friends. I wish I wasn't different. I wish people liked me. I wish I wasn't alone anymore."
Pandora slowly stepped away from the door and returned to her lab. With a whisper, she sobbed. "You're're always right, damn it...we've gone too far...we can't stop now can we. I swear Luna, we will make all your wishes come true."
Pandora shook her head before composing herself. "Okie dokie, Lets make some magic."

Pandora moved through the Ministry halls with a haste not matched by her shorter companion. When he was dragged from his work by the Witch, he almost followed protocol and arrested her.
However as she whispered to him her identity, he quickly followed her to his office. How the woman knew which office was his, he had no idea. Once the door was shut, the woman drank a potion and revealed her true appearance to the man before her.
"What in Merlin's name are you doing here you mad woman," The man whispered harshly as he locked and silenced the room.
The women scoffed. "This is not my first illegal visit to the Department of Mysteries, though we fear it may be the last."
"It better be your last! Do you want to die?" The man hissed.
"No one wants to die Filius, but some things are inevitable." The Witch whispered. "I need your help."
Filius rubbed his eyes as he sighed. "What can I do for you Pandora?"
Pandora took out a rolled up parchment and unraveled it on the half Goblin's desk.
Filius raised an eyebrow. "What…is that?"
Pandora grinned madly. "My greatest invention of course."
Filius raised his other eyebrow. "And what do you suppose I should do with these…blueprints?"
"Build it of course!" Pandora shouted.
"Shhh!" Filius panicked. "I thought the Daily Prophet was just spewing crap, but you really have lost your mind!"
Pandora laughed. "You are probably right Filius, but so am I. This is the key, my masterpiece. If you build this we can change the world. It will be able to…"
"I know what you think it can do, but it can't. It defies the Laws of Magic." Filius argued.
Pandora leaned down to the Goblin's ear and whispered. "There are no Laws of Magic."
Pandora sat on the floor crossed legged, as she spoke to Filius. "We have figured it out. We know how to help Luna. I can change the world Filius. I can feel it in my bones. Have the Unspeakables it build by the end of the year. Say it's your idea. We believe you will need it soon."
"We? Who's we? What in Morgana's…"
"Listen carefully Filius. I have discovered a spell that breaks all the rules of magic. I'm sure if used properly I can create Magic through the Nargles, but I need the magic kept safe. That's where my invention comes in."
"Yes Nargles."
Filius groaned before squealing. "WHAT THE FUCK IS A NARGLE!"
Pandora giggled. "A mix between pixies and fairies. They…"
After an incredibly long and descriptive explanation on what the fuck Nargles were, Filius was on the verge of having his own mental break down. Pandora placed her finger on the Half Goblin's nose as she whispered. "Don't you see Filius. I could give magic to my daughter, we could give magic to the world. Muggles will cease to be, as they will all be gifted with the blessing of magic. I can make the world a better place. How can I possibly refuse this calling, no matter the cost. we need you Filius, we can't do this alone."
Filius looked at the woman he loved like a daughter and shook her head. "You truly believe you can give Luna magic."
Pandora spoke solemnly, "I believe we can unite the world. Divided we are strong but if the people of the world stood together as one, nothing would stop us from achieving utopia."
Filius sighed before he nodded. "Ah to Hades with it! Pandora, what would you have me do?"
Pandora smiled insanely as she whispered. "Build it!"

If there was one thing that got Xenophilius' blood pumping, it was a mystery and this was a most curious mystery indeed. His wife had spent many a night stuck in her lab, working herself mad. At first it had been just the odd incident of madness but to Xenophilius' dismay the strange happenings had increased tenfold.
He didn't know how Luna got herself a unicorn, nor did he understand where it had disappeared to when he returned with Ministry officials. The nearby pond which had attracted a beautiful coven of Fairy's, had long since been abandoned, as they fled from an unseen force. What really disturbed him was how Pandora would often get this glazed look in her eyes as she stared at his daughter...the idea that Luna could be involved in this madness triggered Xeno into action.
It was late into the night when a restless Xeno slowly opened the door to his wife's study. He knew she would be gone for a while...doing what, he did not know, but to follow her would be an exercise of futility. The first thing he noticed was the darkness. He waved his hand across his face yet still saw nothing. He quietly raised his wand and whispered. "Lumos!"
As a small feint light lit the tip of Xenophilius' wand the room became visible. The lab was a mess, completely in disarray. There was no sense of order, books scattered and stained, potion vials lying in precarious positions, research notes covering the floor which was unusually soft, as if dirt and not stone lay beneath the mass of papers.
Xenophilius carefully tip toed though the mess praying he wouldn't knock over a potion vial and cause an explosion. 'This place was dangerous!' Xenophilius realized. The lab was dangerous, it could blow up at any moment and his daughter lives above this.'
Xenophilius could almost feel himself be pulled to the other side of the room where a scrap book sat. Unlike the rest of the room there was an obvious attempt to keep everything away from the book. As Xenophilius touched the book he heard a faint whisper in his ear...
"Open it..."
Xenophilius nearly dropped his wand as he spun around in fright. He felt certain that despite what his eyes told him he was not alone in this basement. "Hello...who's there?"
Silence was his answer.
Uncertain, Xenophilius yelled out. "I demand that you reveal yourselves!"
He swore he heard the faintest sound...a cackle. Xenophilius shook his head as his eyes returned to the book. Flipping through the pages with his fingers he jumped in surprise when the book stopped forcefully on one specific page. Feeling his blood run cold he began to read.
"I must lose in order to gain. I give myself to them and they give themselves to us. I'm not sure what we are, that is for the best. We/they are the key. I found them in the darkness, I spoke and they answered. In the darkest depths of my mind, I created life! Now I shall create magic too!
I only wanted to give the power of magic to my daughter but now...we can give it to everything. We are our friend. We will help guide her in the blackest of times, long after she is gone. We will feed off her magic that our Moon Mother gives us. We are not yet ready. We have damaged too much to properly bless the Moon child with magic. The fates have been sealed, the end will happen soon. We must give her the Magic at any cost. Only she can finish what we start. We must..."
Xenophilius felt the book fly from his hand and into the darkness along with his wand. Another light appeared from the other side room, revealing the shadowed features of Pandora. "Hello love."
"Uh...Hello...Pandora?" Xenophilius squeaked as he backed into a desk knocking a potion to the ground...yet Xenophilius was certain it did not reach the floor.
Pandora just smiled as she looked through her book. "We ran into some trouble at Filius' so we called it an early night. He was called in by the other Unspeakable's and seemed really frustrated with our project. I can tell the building has started though. He can't talk about it so..."
Pandora smiled bashfully as she shook her head. "I'm sorry, we just realized you have no clue what I'm talking about."
Xenophilius gave a nervous chuckle as he looked around the darkened room. "Nice book." He grimaced.
Pandora looked at the book in her hand and grinned. "Yes it is, my life's work wrapped up into one little book. Not that I need it anymore."
The room was lit brightly as the book burst into flames, Xenophilius screamed effeminately as he stumbled to the ground. Before he could blink he felt her loving arms wrap around him. "Xenophilius are you OK? I didn't mean to startle you like that. Lets get you some sweet hot chocolate."
Pandora helped him up but Xenophilius squirmed out of her grasp. "No Pandora we need to talk..."
"We don't need to do anything." Pandora replied calmly. "We simply do what we must, and sometimes we do what we shouldn't."
"No more riddles Pandora! No more games! I want to know what you are doing and what you intend on doing to my daughter!" Xenophilius yelled.
Pandora tilted her head. "I'm going to give Magic to your daughter Xenophilius Lovegood. But I won't just give it to my Luna, I will give Magic to all the Muggles and we shall give magic to all the Squibs."
Xenophilius stared into Pandora's glazed eyes. "You what? Pandora...what you are suggesting is...unnatural."
"Of course it's unnatural." Pandora replied with a smirk. "It's magic!"
"That's not what I meant. You are spitting in the face of Magic. Of Logic and Order." Xenophilius stammered.
Pandora shook her head swiftly. "You sound like my old boss!"
Xenophilius glared. "I don't appreciate that Pandora."
"But it's true. So what if I spit in the face of Magic? What has Magic ever done for me? What has Magic ever done for poor Luna? Doomed to be an outcast. The future I've seen is harsh. The Muggles reject her as weird, while the Magicals only refer to her as "Luna the Squib."
"Do you think it will be any better with Magic? They will dub her "Luna the freak!" Xenophilius shouted.
Pandora flinched. "It's not so simple Xenophilius!"
"Oh that's right you want to give magic to all the Muggles too!" Xenophilius muttered. "I knew you were anti establishment but I never pegged you for a bloody Anarchist! If you exposed magic to the Muggle world, the end result would be war."
"Muggles are getting smarter!" Pandora insisted. "Whether you like it or not they will eventually discover us. Then what? If anything, revealing ourselves by giving them magic will prevent war."
"You will be stepping on the toes of a lot of powerful people." Xenophilius rebuffed. "And those same people will be after Luna. You know what would happen if she got her hands on Luna."
Pandora snorted. "So that's what this is about, you're scared of her!"
"And you're not?" Xenophilius growled.
Pandora looked away. "That is a tough question for us to answer. We are not scared of much anymore. It is inevitable."
"US? WHO'S US!" Xenophilius screamed.
Pandora grinned. "The Nargles. They speak to me and guide me. Just as they led you through this room. Just as they guide my she watches us."
Xenophilius started spinning around in a panic. "Luna! Go to bed now! Luna?"
Pandora laughed. "Don't you see Xeno. I can't explain it to you. This is far beyond your comprehension. Without the Nargles it would be beyond my own as well, yet together we can do things even the most powerful of Wizards believe to be impossible."
"I don't give a bloody damn what you believe you are capable of Pandora. I will not let you harm my daughter with you experiments!"
Pandora spoke with flames in her eyes.. "It won't be easy for her and I don't know how it will end but we must do this. For the sake of magic."
Xenophilius was incensed. "YOU ARE MAD!"
Pandora nodded. "That is why Luna must finish what I've started. My daughter is the only one I trust with this task! Don't you understand?"
Xenophilius started at Pandora with anger as he hissed under his breath. Xenophilius again stumbled, this time from the impact of Pandora's hand to his face. Pandora glowered at her husband as she whispered. "Get out."
Xenophilius nodded. "I'm taking Luna with me."
"No!" Pandora hissed.
Xenophilius suddenly felt himself being pushed by an invisible force that cackled at him. No matter how hard he tried he could not fight the force. It threw him out of the house and the door slammed and locked. He stared at the door in a loss of how everything had gone so wrong.
Inside the house, Pandora quickly began to put her plans into motion. She pulled out her quill and wrote herself instructions on a random piece of parchment.
Use the potion to see the Nargles.
You must take the Magic from them and give it to Luna.
Say the Magic words. It is finished Pandora. Your part in this tale is done.
Pandora took a moment to cry. "I'm sorry Xeno! I'm sorry Filius! I'm sorry everyone!"
After a few minutes of grief Pandora grabbed her wand and pointed it at her head. She took a deep breath and whispered.
"Gaudium Risum!"
The modified cheering charm did it's job as Pandora burst into laughter, but it wasn't enough. She cast the charm again and again until the mad Witch was rolling on the ground cackling loudly. Yet she was still not done as she raised her wand to her head one more time. The spell she needed already existed and she was no longer bound by limitations. She could break the laws of magic, so she could break through her own demented limitations. She had used it on herself many times over the last nine years and now she used it four more times.
Pandora stumbled around the room in confusion before she found the parchment she had written on moments earlier. "The Potion...Nargles...blah blah blah..."
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Pandora giggled with excitement. She quickly opened the door to see her nine year old daughter rubbing her eyes.
"Mom, it's 1:30 in the morning, I'm trying to sleep!" Luna groaned.
"Luna, sweetie, shut the door behind you or the Nargles will get out." Pandora exclaimed.
"What are Nargles?" the young Luna scoffed as the door to the lab was slammed shut...

Do you remember this part Luna?
You seem to try so hard to forget

You stared a blank stare as a stranger held a bright light by your lifeless eyes. As he moved the light from your eyes, you vaguely noticed just how white the room was. The man who was dressed in white himself seemed to be speaking to you but it made no difference...
The man left the room and began speaking to someone outside the door. You heard the voices but could not process them as they spoke.
"Will she be alright?" A broken, shaky voice asked.
"Mr. Lovegood, despite what we first believed, she has not simply gone into shock." The second voice spoke with an air of professionalism. "It seems that she has completely shut herself off from the outside world. It is almost as if she has taken a drought of living death, only her vitals are perfectly fine."
Xenophilius remained silent as he looked through the window to his beloved daughter. Her eyes saw nothing, for the last three days she simply sat on her bed and tried to stare a hole through the wall.
The Healer droned on as he pulled out a sheet of parchment. "As you can see Mr. Lovegood, her vitals are perfectly fine, her brain energy is normal, her Magical core is exceedingly high but that often is the case when one suffers a traumatic experience. She has moved around the room a couple times but does not react to any of the other Healers..."
Xenophilius was so deep in his grief, he had not registered the Healers words for a full minute. However when he did, it was as if he had been struck by lightning. "What did you just say?"
The Healer wore a look of confusion but spoke in the same droning tone. "Miss Lovegood continues to eat regularly and has regular bowel movements..."
"NO! ABOUT HER MAGICAL CORE!" Xenophilius screamed startling many of the other Healers and patients.
"Luna's magical core is extremely high." The Healer then whispered as if knowing he was speaking words best kept away from wondering ears. "To be perfectly honest, it is one of the most powerful we have ever encountered."
"BUT HOW? SHE'S A SQUi...sweet? Yes she's a sweet girl." Xenophilius backtracked. Even he realized that shouting Luna's condition at the top of his lungs, in a crowded hospital would be unwise.
"Perhaps we should continue this discussion in my office." The healer murmured discretely.
Xenophilius nodded numbly as he looked once more into the room where his daughter resided. "You really did it Dora. You actually did it!"
His voice was full of pain as he gasped. "I hope it was worth it PANDORA!"

Luna was unaware of all of this as she stared into nothingness. You had no sense of time, of reality, of anything. This was her life now, and so it would be.
Winter turned to spring...
spring turned to summer...
summer turned to autumn...
and then it was winter once more.
For twelve long months, there was no change and hope had long been forgotten. Only one father believed his daughter would ever return to him. It was exactly one year later, when it happened. What happened you ask? The answer is quite simple Harry.
"Hello." The Healer hardly heard the whisper but hear it she did. She Looked up to see you staring at the ceiling with an odd look in your eyes. "I'm sorry, I can't seem to see you. I can hear you though. What are your names?"
You were unaware of the Healer bolting out of the room to alert her superior. You where too fixated on the voices in your head. Our voices, You spoke to us for the first time that day, and for the first time since Pandora...We answered!
Names are of no matter to us little girl.
We are what Pandora dubbed, Nargles!
Welcome back to the land of the living!
Welcome back to the world of Magic!
Welcome back to England Harry and Luna!
Welcome home, It's been too long.


"Luna...wake up. Luna you have to go now." A voice whispered as she felt herself being shaken.
Luna opened her eyes to see Harry kneeling over her. "Are we back Harry?"
"I think so...though I'm not sure where we are." Harry grunted as he helped Luna to her feet. "Be careful by the way, the grounds not steady."
That was an understatement, the ground was covered in large jagged rocks. Harry could hardly stand and Luna realized why. "Harry, where are your glasses?"
Harry groaned. "No clue but if I don't find them soon..."
"Accio Glasses." Luna hummed, the glasses flew from the rubble and into her hand.
"Oh...forgot about that." Harry muttered sheepishly as Luna placed the glasses on his face.
"That's better..." Harry paused as he looked around him for the first time. "Oh Merlin!"
"Harry look it's Olivanders! Oh, and that's the Leaky Cauldron. We must be back in Diagon Alley...where is everybody?" Luna asked as her excitement turned to worry.
Harry looked around the rubble and gestured to Luna. "This might have something to do with it."
Luna's eyes widened as she realized where she was. "Oh dear."
Harry took Luna's hand into his own. "We got to get out of here, and find out what's happened since we left."
Suddenly the sound of cracks feared the air as over a dozen Aurors surrounded them. The Aurors sent stunners at them but it was too late. Harry and Luna had both vanished away from Gringotts...or at least what little remained of it!

What has become of Magical England?
Who is the Earth Mother? Who is the Earth Father?
Who stole the vial of memory's from Harry and Luna (Do you even remember that?)
What will happening next?
What will happen last?
Jaws will drop and twists will shock.
Please Review and say we rock...please?
Faster updates and shorter chapters
As long as these Bloody Nargles leave me alone!
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