Categories > Original > Romance > Bad boys girl

Chapter 5

by Fawnpanda 0 reviews

What's going on with rikki?

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2017-03-01 - 222 words

(Rikki's POV)

why aren't they helping me

I'm just laying there and they aren't helping me at all. Is this some punishment. Is this how I will die. What's going on. Ugh. I'm so tired now. I feel myself turn into something huge but friendly. hello, I'm Lola. I'm your wolf. Please don't yell or scream. It hurts our ears.

Our ears. What are you talking about. How did I you get in my head. What are you. Where did you come from. Am I going crazy. you aren't going crazy, I know you're cared. Don't be in not going to hurt you. I promise.

That's the last o heard of that voice before I fell into darkness again.

(Josh's POV)
Rikki changed. She changed into her wolf. She beautiful. Her wolf is a pure white wolf. No wonder she why confident, he wolf was very strong. I could see in her eyes she was very scared. She seemed very upset. I wonder if she will understand.

She was asleep for 29 hours. I know that's a lot but when you first shift you are always very very tired. I go into her room to find she's not there.

hey guys it's the author. I'm so sorry for not posting I've just been super busy but I promise to post more. Bye guys!
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