Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

The Totalitar Regime

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

When you were young you believed this world was a fairy tale. That good always wins, that everyone is happy and full of love. That Magic will solve all your problems. Then you got older and you lea...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Dudley,Kingsley,Luna,Petunia Dursley,Umbridge - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2017-03-07 - 5261 words - Complete

Luna awoke in the darkness feeling the cold wet stone beneath her feet. Her hand immediately reached out to the scar on her forehead. It still stung most painfully, yet Luna could at least take solace it was in the shape of a lightning bolt and not the word her Mother would have had her write.
Her Mother...that word stung more than her scar. It made her think of Umbridge, then Pandora. It made her heart ache and sent her head whirling in confusion, it also brought along many other emotions she could not place. She could place anger, sadness, betrayal, grief...
Luna flinched as she felt something cold and wet be pressed against her forehead. As the water ran down her face, Luna let out a groan of relief. The burning flesh of her scar was soothed by the damp cloth.
"Shush child." An old weathered voice whispered as softly as its hoarseness could provide. "Let me treat your scar, it will become infected if I don't."
"Who are you?" Luna whispered tiredly as she felt the cloth leave her forehead only to come back colder and damper.
"I am no one." The old woman replied. "I am just another soul, lost in hell."
Luna opened her eyes and saw a pair of dull gray eyes staring at her. "Close your eyes, let Fiona take care of you."
Luna tried to rise but felt her mind wander as the old lady washed her scar. Luna wasn't sure how long it was before she heard the second voice. "Have you found out who she is?"
"I have not asked, she needed to have her wound cleaned, not be questioned by strangers." Fiona replied harshly.
"You heard what they said. They mentioned Harry Potter?"
"Not all of us have magical children. Not all of us know of this Harry Potter." The old woman hissed. "Most of us are Squibs, and some have little knowledge of this Dark Lords bane."
A third voice hissed. "You think this is the Moonchild, they say she was with Harry Potter. Look she even has his scar."
"I don't care about any of that." Shouted the second voice. "If she knows Potter than I must speak with her."
"If speak with her you must, then speak with her later." Fiona uttered sagely. "Now you must let her sleep."
Luna shook her head with a moan. "I can't sleep, I need to get out."
An old voice chuckled sadly, Luna opened her eyes and saw the old woman more clearly as she spoke. "We all need to get out, but none of us ever shall leave this place."
Luna felt two pairs of arms pull her up to a sitting position, allowing Luna to look around.
In the torch lit room it was impossible to tell how large it was, but the rows and rows of cages went well out of eyesight. There were large groups of people inhabiting each cage, all of them in rags, a bucket of water was placed in each cage as well as a gruel like substance. Wandering down the halls outside the cages were Dementors, who caused the prisoners to shiver as they pulled upon their very souls. Luna realized that she was in one of these cages as well.
"What is this place?" Luna asked in horror
"A prison." Fiona croaked. "We are the people the Unspeakables deemed unworthy and inferior, Muggles and Squibs. We are the subjects for their experiments. This has been going on for years, some have begun to call them Totalitar but they have and always will be Unspeakables, and unspeakable their actions are."
Luna looked at the people in the cage with her, some were skinny while others had a greenish tinge to their skin. One of the younger women asked quietly. "Is it really you, are you the Moonchild, Luna Lovegood?"
Luna thought about lying but didn't see any cause to, so instead she nodded. The girl looked at her with hope and excitement in her eyes. "It really is you? You really have come here to rescue us?"
Luna's eyes dimmed as their hope crushed her. "I'm sorry...I'm as much a prisoner as you all are."
The women looked sadly but instead hugged Luna, catching Luna by surprise. "It's not your fault, we will all get through this together. The rebels won't leave you here, they'll come save us."
"Don't give her false hope." A middle age woman chastised. "I know their kind, they will use you and abandon you as soon as your value has run out. If this Lovegood girl is here it is because they have no more use for her then they have for the rest of us."
"My friends won't abandon me!" Luna snapped back.
"Then where is Potter?" The woman spat as she turned up her large nose. "Last I heard he was with you. You even have his hideous scar!"
"Harry didn't abandon me I...I..." Luna's voice faded out as her guilt consumed her.
The woman scoffed. "Oh...I see, it was you who abandoned him, well it only goes to prove my point. Wizards and Witches can't be trusted, they will all betray and abandon each other and frankly it seems Squibs are no better. That Potter is supposed to be this great Wizard but he has been abandoned his whole life."
"How would you know that." Luna hissed her eyes piercing into the older woman's.
The woman faltered before rising to her feet and storming away, stopping only to say. "Neglect is it's own form of abandonment."
Luna watched the woman walk away before rising to her feet, she felt Fiona's hand on her shoulder. "Rest child, do not waste your strength on her."
Luna shook the hand off her and stumbled towards her. On the other side of the cage the bitter woman sat rubbing the head of a young man who looked rather ill. He was pale and his skin was loose, like he had lost an unhealthy amount of weight.
Luna sat down beside the woman and asked softly. "Why would Harry know neglect, Petunia?"
If she had any reaction to the utterance of the name, Petunia didn't show it. "My sister was a Witch, I must have some of her blood in me."
"I've lived in the Wizarding world all my life, Last I recall we don't lock children in cupboards." Luna hummed as she tilted her head to the side, her eyes fix on Petunia.
"That was Vern...his idea..." Petunia choked as she thought of her late husband. Suddenly Petunia glared at Luna. "This is all Potter's fault, your kind promised if we took him in, you people would leave us alone. That this dark lord and his followers would not harm us. Receiving word that this lord was defeated was the first time I ever received good news from your world. My family moved back home and then we were attacked. Now my husband's dead and my Dudley's starving..."
Petunia burst into tears causing Luna to place a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Harry was there when your husband died, it saddened him deeply. Despite everything and as much as you hate him, he clearly cares for you and your family. Why can't you care for him?"
Petunia hissed. "I did care, that's why we tried to stomp the freakishness out of him. We took him under our roof and tried to make him respectably normal, purely out of the goodness of our hearts."
Luna hummed in thought. "I thought you wanted to be a Witch. Harry mentioned something about a letter you sent to Dumbledore. You wanted to go to Hogwarts yourself."
Petunia scowled at the memory. "I was only a foolish child then, I know better now. They say you are trying to bring magic to normal folk like us. Well let me give you some advice, don't. Magic causes nothing but trouble. It causes nothing but false hope and leads to unnatural consequences. It ruins lives and destroys families. I made sure my son never questioned her Mother's love. I swore I would never turn my back on him for something as stupid as being unable to perform those freaky tricks."
"No you just mistreated a child in your care because he could. You tried to crush his dreams because you were jealous that yours could never be fulfilled." Luna said with a look of vague curiosity. "I grew up a Squib, it would have been easy to be jealous but I always considered envy to be rather odd. From what Harry has told me and now having met you, you are the oddest person I've ever met."
Petunia looked as if she had been called a horse. "How dare you call me odd. My family is...was the most normal family you could possibly find."
"That is most abnormal indeed." Luna uttered in deep thought. She remembered how torn up Harry was from his uncle's death. Torn between his loathing and the guilt that he hated his only family. There was also the guilt that he still cared for his family in some small way.
Luna understood now, more than ever. The worse thing about her Mother was that Luna truly hated her, and this only lead to guilt. Luna hardly hated anything, to hate her own Mother...even Umbridge...felt evil.
Petunia calmed her temper as she looked down to her only child. "Hate me all you like, but don't hate my son. He needs help, they have been starting to experiment on him. The last time I saw Vernon he was hardly human anymore, he was dead to the world. Please don't let them take my Dudley. He's innocent of any supposed crimes you feel I've committed."
Luna looked at Dudley, he seemed to be wasting away before their eyes, he was definitely big but not in the ways Harry had described him. He was also turning green, something which was more worrying than anything else. "I will try to help everyone, including your son. You are right, he is innocent. He was raised to believe he was better than others. You know what you have done Miss Dursley, you do not need to defend yourself to me. I am not the one you have harmed."
Luna rose to her feet as she looked down on Petunia. "I do not hate you Petunia."
Petunia looked up in surprise. "Then what do you think of me?"
Luna frowned in thought. "To be honest, I don't."
As Luna began to walk away she heard the sound of metal bang and the other prisoners moved back in fright. Luna pushed through the crowded cell and saw the Deathly image of Kingsley Shacklebolt waiting at the gate. "Miss. Lovegood, the Minister has requested the honour of your presence."

Luna was led into a dark room, in the center of it was a large stone tablet jutting out from the floor. She was waiting for them, her eyes glaring at the scar on Luna's forehead. "Thank you for joining us dear, I know it is early but I promise you won't regret it."
Delores eyes drifted to the beings at Luna's side, her voice suddenly cold. "Leave us and seal the room."
Luna hid her relief as the accompanying Dementors glided out of the room and away from her. Umbridge grinned as Kingsley joined her side as she uttered with excitement. "Today is a day that shall live on in infamy."
Luna replied as she took in the room, ignoring the slamming of metal doors. "Days never live for long, they must end for tomorrow to come."
Delores smiled sweetly, her eyes strained from the effort. "Clever girl, truly a Ravenclaw through and through. It is good you are clever, you will be far more receptive to my plans when you understand exactly what kind of threat we are dealing with."
"I know of the Goblins if that is what you mean." Luna replied as she walked up to the stone with interest. "I have no problem letting the Goblins and LLR overthrow your totalitarian reign."
The Minister laughed. "The Goblins have turned on the LLR. They don't want to defeat us, they wish to enslave all humans. My most recent update with the spies have informed me that Potter and the rebels fled the Goblin city. Ragnok is preparing to make a declaration of war on humanity,"
"No...Ragnok wouldn't do that." Luna said as she shook her head.
Delores approached Luna and looked into her eyes. "Then why did you run from them in the forest? The Goblins wish to be treated like equals, they don't seem to grasp that they aren't our equals, or even human for that matter. They desire your power and are planning to storm the Ministry, take you for themselves. Of course when that fails they will stop me from using your power at all costs. They will destroy you Luna."
Luna looked away from the Minister, who smiled as she walked over to Kingsley. "Lower your hood."
Shacklebolt did as he was ordered, revealing his dark yet pale skin. It seemed worse than before, his skin looking somewhat transparent, making his thin skull like features even more pronounced. Delores grinned at him as she spoke in a Motherly voice. "I think it's time for another round of treatments don't you."
Kingsley looked fearfully at the stone tablet before uttering. "Yes Minister."
"Will you please just call me Umbridge, or even Madam?" Delores sighed with what looked like frustration, though her eyes remained the same cold dark colour they always were.
"Yes Madam." Kingsley drawled as he seemed to levitate onto the stone tablet. Luna looked closely at the table and realized with shock the endless amount of runes carved into the rock. Kingsley raised his scythe pausing to say. "Step back girl, you are not at a safe distance."
Luna didn't hesitate to quickly back away from the tablet. Minister did the same only in a far more dignified manner. Shacklebolt took a deep breath before closing his eyes, then he brought the scythe down into the rock. The embedded scythe had begun to glow a bright yellow and the room started to shake. Luna quickly threw her hands over her eyes, which even closed, were burning from the lights intensity.
Then the light faded and Luna's eyes were forced to struggle to adjust to the sudden darkness. When they did Luna saw Kingsley was on all fours gasping, upon the stone. He looked even worse than before, his eyes seemed larger and his skin had definitely taken on a more greenish tone. His bones seemed to be pushing against his skin. He also seemed be giving off a dark magical aurora of power.
Clapping filled the room as Delores approached the shaking man. "Bravo Kingsley Bravo, I'm ever so proud of you. How many treatments has it been now."
Kingsley shuddered before spitting blood onto the stone tablet. "6 Minister."
"Marvelous, one more to that magical number seven." Delores giggled with glee.
"I don't think I will survive the next one Minister." Kingsley replied in his dry voice, slowly rising to his feet.
"Some have and I'm sure you will too, though as it currently stands I feel it would be unwise to go higher than seven. At least not until we have some subjects survive the 8th treatment." Umbridge said as she scratched her hand.
Luna stepped away from the wall hesitantly as she asked. "What was that?"
Delores turned her eyes to Luna as she pronounced. "That is what you will be working on. It is the answer to both of our quests. Roughly nine years ago, Filius Flitwick began work on his greatest creation. Five Months later, he left the Ministry before it's construction was even completed, but asked that when it was it would be named after the woman he had loved like a daughter, who had tragically died that very morning."
Luna looked at the runes and whispered. "Pandora's box!"
Umbridge grinned. "Clever girl. Yes child, since its completion it is clear that this was your Mother's work. Only she could have designed such a masterpiece. It is a generator, a magical generator, self-fueling and self-sufficient magical energy. With it you could power the world with magic. Pandora's dream, a reality for the world. Muggles and Squibs will become Witches and Wizards. Together as one people, the Wizards will become more powerful than ever before, taking us to a new age of humanity."
Luna starred in wonder at the stone. Was this the result of Pandora's work? "The designs didn't show a stone." Luna murmured to herself.
Delores giggled. "Of course not, Pandora's box is the room below us. Of course, to entering it would fill you with so much magic, it would obliterate your very existence. So we designed this stone, allowing us to control the amount of magic we withdraw from the Magical generator. Since then we've also added a few things here and there. One of my proudest achievements was adapting Pandora's Box to give magic to lesser beings, as well as make Magical's even more powerful than ever before. "
Luna looked between the enthusiastic Minister of Magic and the sickly form of Kingsley Shacklebolt. "How did you do this?"
Umbridge shrugged. "It's basically the same ritual the ancient Pureblood family's used on their Squib offspring. This way however allows them to actually have some control over their magic."
Luna's eyes widened with shock as she shouted. "You can't do that?! It's monstrous, you're torturing and killing these people. Those who survive will lose their minds."
Umbridge sighed with frustration. "I know, death, insanity and mutations are still common side effects of curing Squibs and Muggles of their abnormalities. I also need a stronger force if I'm going to keep the world under my thumb. Since I'll be expanding my duties, it is imperative I have more...powerful Wizards working for me. Even Shacklebolt can only do so much."
"Yes Minister." Kingsley drawled, as he continued to suck air back into his lungs.
Delores walked up to Luna and kneeling down so that they were eye level. "I need your help Luna, the Ministry needs your help. Above all, the Magical world needs your help."
"The Magical world?" Luna whispered as she looked into her Mother's eyes. "The Magical world needs me to help you mutate these Muggles and Squibs?!"
Delores shook her head. "No we want you to finish your work. Cure the Squibs without mutations, insanity and death. Cleanse the Pureblood families of whatever curse has them give birth to Squibs. Above all we must put an end to the Rebellions. From Goblin Rebellions to Wizard Revolutions, we are at war on all fronts. If we do not put a stop to them, the world will descend into chaos and anarchy."
Luna looked at Kingsley who looked weak even has he floated over to his Master. Luna loomed back at her Mother and uttered. "You're creating an army."
Umbridge giggled. "Army is a rather strong word, we have a police force in the Totalitar, but they are no army, even with the power you can provide them they can't conquer anything. I merely wish to maintain order for the people. I will have order, with or without your help, but you can save many lives if you choose our side. You can stop the Wizards rebelling with just a simple speech and the Goblins can be dealt with simply enough."
Luna's eyes harden as she glared at the Minister. "You would have me betray my friends so you can maintain control over us. You would maintain the peace by taking away our freedom. You would destroy the Goblins for being different, as you do to Muggles and Squibs. I won't help you, Magic is not about power or control. Magic is about freedom!"
Umbridge scowled as she stood over Luna. "You still believe the world is a wonderful place. You believe that magic is good, but nothing is good or bad. The world is power, there are those who have it, and there are those who don't."
"You sound like Voldemort!" Luna spat out.
"Voldemort did not invent these philosophies Squib. He merely spouted them, as many have done before and shall continue to do for years to come. These words are not nice, but they are honest and true. Those who spout words of peace and love only wish to see you weak and content to remain weak. You have been brain washed into believing a lie."
"The good of humanity is not a lie." Luna shouted in a rage she had never known. "It is an ideal we fight for, even die for."
Umbridge's voice dropped down to a deadly whisper. Any attempt of kindness in her voice was gone, "When you were young you believed this world was a fairy tale. That good always wins, that everyone is happy and full of love. That Magic will solve all your problems. Then you got older and you learned the truth. You learned hatred that lies in the hearts of children. The justice of man who would rather be dead. The mercy of a world that would kill a prophet and empower a tyrant. The progress of a people who worship blood stained flags. For there to be evil, there must also be good. And good is the ultimate lie!"
Luna shook her head before uttering venomously. "When people believe the way you do, and lose faith in the ideal of a better world, that's when evil has won and the people are easiest to control. Your lies have no use to me, I will die before I forsake the world to the likes of you."
Delores suddenly smile, it was a dark sinister smile. Her eyes had seemed full of mirth, like she knew the punch line to a joke no one else would dare laugh at. "If you do not forsake the world to the likes of me, then you forsake the world to its own obliteration."
Umbridge stormed away from Luna as she drew her wand. The stone covered walls of the room suddenly began to change, the images becoming bright as the image of a city appeared on the walls. Umbridge smiled at Luna's astonished look. "Muggle technology has been quite useful, the Unspeakables are not as backward thinking as the rest of the Wizarding world. It is this forward thinking attitude of the Totalitar that will win this war."
Delores flicked her wand to the first wall and an image of the Ministry's auditorium. "The right side is the Totalitar. We are trying to maintain peace and order to a world full of disorder. We are truly at war on all sides."
With another wave of her wand the wall to the Ministry's left flickered before revealing an image of rallying Goblins. "Nothing new here, Goblins and Wizards have been fighting since the dawn of our individual species. There have been times of peace, even unity, but in the end war breaks out once more. This time I plan to stomp them out!"
The wall opposite of the Goblins flickered before revealing an image of Wizards joined together in a very white room. There was a Witch standing above then delivering an impassioned speech. Luna paled as she recognized her. "Hermione?"
Delores grinned at Luna's expression. "We may not be able to enter the LLR's hideout, but our spies have allowed us to know their movements. The Totalitar know everything, every word every thought, is in our knowledge. The LLR, on their own is nothing more than a nuisance, but with your backing, an incitement of unrest and anger in the Wizarding community. They divide the Wizarding community when we must be united."
Umbridge smiled as she flicked her wand towards the untouched wall, opposite the image of the Ministry. The wall revealed an image that confused Luna. It was simply people walking down the street. They looked exceptionally ordinary, too ordinary to be Wizards. "Terrifying aren't they, absolutely ghastly. Muggle's the scourge of the Earth. They are weak, they pollute, they spread like a disease. They rule over us, not by their actions, but by our own inaction. We hide from them and scurry from their presence. Like rats into a sewer. We are superior to them yet we let their culture destroy not only our own, but the very earth itself."
Delores looked at Luna. "You wish to give this magic? I wish to show them what magic can really do. I see three groups of people who shall be destroyed by the might of Magic. You can save the LLR through your words and actions but it is already too late for the others. The Totalitar shall replace the old dying world with a new world, a better world, a Magical world."
Luna stared at the Minister as she gloated over the twisted dream in her twisted mind. Then she turned to Shacklebolt. "You support this madness!?"
Umbridge spoke first. "He supports what I tell him to. He is lucky I don't throw him in Azkaban like the Wizarding World would do to him."
Kingsley spoke for himself albeit hesitantly. "Yes Minister, I don't like it, but recent developments have made such actions necessary."
Luna shrieked. "What could possibly justify the deaths of the majority of the human population."
Delores look darkened. "It is us or them child. They are excelling, they are gaining power, it was only a matter of time before it happened."
The Minister raised her wand at the screens and all the images transformed to reveal Diagon Alley. The Goblin's bank that was Gringott's still stood tall and proud. Then Luna saw something coming from the distance. It was a dark object in the sky, growing in size as it drew close to the bank. Witches and Wizards looked up before fleeing the streets. Goblin's standing guard ran into the bank to alert them of the inevitable.
Luna looked closely and recognized what the object was. Luna looked at her Mother and asked. "How?"
Umbridge shrugged. "The Goblins were being unruly and non-cooperative. I decided to put them in their place so I had the Totalitar lower their wards."
Luna could only watch in horror as the Muggle missile hit the bank, erupting in a explosion of smoke and fire. The fire seemed to stop before it engulfed the rest of the alley, as the wards went back up. Umbridge laughed. "You should see the look on your face. This is what you wish to help, the Muggles will not befriend you by giving them Magic. They never liked magic, never will. It seems that at some point during the Dark Lord's reign, he tried to get the Muggle Ministry under his thumb. He broke the Statute of Secrecy child."
Luna looked up in horror as the Minister continued. "He shattered it really, the Muggle government of England shared the information they had obtained with the Muggle United Nations. World leaders like our own muggle Minister confessed to having known of our world and being forced to keep it secret. They have declared a Global State of Emergency. Their goal is to find and eradicate our people."
Luna shook her head in disbelief. "We have to make peace, a war with the Muggles is an unwinnable war..."
"No war is unwinnable child." Delores spieled. "What the Muggles have in numbers and weapons, we have in power."
"Either way millions of lives will be lost, billions if you destroy the Muggles." Luna gasped as she struggled to comprehend the devastation.
"So be it, with the Muggles gone the Wizarding world shall repopulate and heal the earth of its mistreatment. I shall use their own weapons against them. They shall destroy themselves and our enemies! The way I had them destroyed Gringotts, I shall have them destroy the Goblins, your band of rebels, and best of all, the Muggles themselves. I will do this even if I have to vanquish cities or sink entire countries the way Morgana sunk Atlantis. I will finally have order!"
Luna looked at Umbridge before exclaiming. "You're mad, you're worse than Lestrange, and Riddle. If you think the Wizarding World will let you commit such evil-"
"They will if they fear for their families' lives. You would be amazed at what horrible things people are willing to do for the people they love. I just need to wait for the Muggles next strike and then I will have the Wizarding world flocking to have the Muggle threat exterminated."
Delores then looked at Shacklebolt. "When will the Muggle strike happen."
"Whenever you wish it, Minister." Shacklebolt drawled, though even he seemed worried with what was to come.
"Oh yes, I quit forgot, as Minister and Head Unspeakable I have absolute control of all Muggle repelling wards as well as protection wards. The Muggles are waiting to blow up anything Magical within a blink of an eye. Once I give the order it will take two hours for the wards to fall and then a mere thirty minutes for the Bombs to be launched and reach the intended target."
"Where?" Luna asked as fear gripped her heart.
Delores flourished her wand a final time and all the walls, the ceiling and floor revealed an image that cause Luna to practically scream in shock, horror and despair. "NO YOU CAN'T!"
Delores looked back at the image of the castle, bathed in red as the sun rose in the distance. "There is nothing I can't do. As soon as Shacklebolt let the Aurors into the castle the Unspeakables were able to infiltrate Hogwarts. They have since destroyed every Hogwarts based Ward, the only ones standing are the ones in the Ministry's power, my power. Now I will have order."
The Minister raised her wand at the image of Hogwarts and begun to speak...when a figure appeared on the snow covered grounds. A single man running from the forbidden forest to the fortress as if the Devil himself was after him. Luna gasped as she recognized him. "Harry?"
Umbridge laughed as she raised her wand, "Well this is just too perfect. I have already been using his upbringing to instill hatred on Muggles, now he shall be the face of Muggle hatred as I make him a Martyr."
"NO!" Luna shrieked as she tackled her Mother to the floor, torn between grabbing the Witches wand and clawing out her eyes. "YOU MONSTER! I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM!"
Luna felt something hard whack her on the head, sending her tumbling to the floor. Shacklebolt lowered his scythe as he gave a hand to Umbridge. "Are you alright Minis-"
"Get your hands off me!" Umbridge seethed as she slapped his hand away and rose to her feet. She pointed at Luna glaring. "You foul little creature, how dare you touch me! I should set the Dementor's on you! No matter we are already behind schedule."
"No please, you can't destroy Hogwarts, there are children in there, and Harry...I love him please have mercy," Luna cried unable to stop the tears.
Delores raised her wand for the final time and uttered darkly. "The only mercy I give, is life to those who dream of death, and compassion to those who desire pain. Lower the Wards!"
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