Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Can It Be?

I'm In Love With A Bassist

by blackparade79 2 reviews

Uncle Houdini works some magic between these two.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-09-05 - Updated: 2006-09-06 - 330 words

After watching them play, the band decided to her under their wing. A tall-esque guy with sholder length black hair walked up to me and introduced them all.
"Hey, Im Gerard, you've already met my brother, Mikey, the one with the facial hair is Bob, the one with the 'fro is Ray and the midget is Frank."
"Hey! I am not a midget." We all laughed.
"Meet us in the yard in an hour. We'll go get something to eat."
-One Hour Later-
Frank and I were having so much fun. We were running around in the street, letting out our inner maniacs. I stopped and shivered, for I forgot my hoody. Mikey then came up behind me and gave me his jacket. It was so cute, I wanted to faint. He put his hand to my face.
"Damn...your really cold. You can keep my jacket and give it back later if you want to."
"Thanks." Onward we marched. We decided to just go to Wendy's. Even though I am a vegetarian, they have some damn-good fruit salads. When it came time to pay, i looked in my wallet I had made out of duct tape to find I was a dollar short. Mikey and the total sweetheart he was, jumped in front of me and paid.
"Mikey what the hell?"
"Im sorry...I didn't want you to starve."
"Im not. You must let me pay you back later."
"No... I won't accept it...friends give eachother money."
"Mikey...where the hell did you hear that?"
"I don't can qoute me on it if you'd like." I shook my head and smiled at him. He has always been nice to me- even though I barely knew him. After we ate, we headed to the Way brother's house. Gerard's room looked like a cave. Mikey's room on the other did it smell nice. Almost as nice as the scent i picked up from his jacket.
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