Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Sleeping Dragon Wakes - Outtakes

The Sleeping Dragon Wakes - Outtakes

by AncientzDream

This is my 'how it might have gone if I decided to write it differently' series of ficlets. If there is a scene you just have to see re-done as slash or het, message me and I will see what I can do...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Horror - Characters: Harry, Lucius, Peter, Snape, Voldemort - Warnings: [?] [R] [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-09-05 - Updated: 2006-09-06 - 9182 words

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys - they belong to Ms. Rowling. I sure wish I made money from doing this, but alas, it is not to be...

Pairings: HP/SS, LV/LM, and indirectly, in a very twisted sense HP/LV

AN: The Revel simply wouldn't leave me the heck alone, so I had to write it. I'm not sure if it's complete or not, but for now I'll call it done.

I will only caution readers once - this ficlet contains sexual violence, rape and other forms of depravity. Cheers!

Standing in the doorway watching his friends interact while unaware of his presence made Harry smile even as he contemplated how best to approach the subject of the upcoming Revel; he knew Remus wasn't going to be happy to hear about it and had a feeling that Severus would try to deny how much he actually looked forward to the dark and forbidden events.

It was doubtful that Remus knew a whole hell of a lot about the ritual aspects and he would probably try to find any and every possible way to separate Harry and Severus from the reality of what would be happening later that same night. Harry was perfectly willing to admit that the Revels were sick and that he was quite addicted to the power they generated; after the first one, he been unable to deny the pure pleasure the power had brought him and now that he was looking at not so anonymously sharing in his fourth, he figured his own status as a Dark Wizard was confirmed.

Slowly wandering his way into the sitting room, he paused just past the doorway and shifted nervously as they would expect him to do given the subject matter he was about to drop on their heads like a live grenade.

"Moony, Severus? Can I talk to you two? It's important." Harry continued to fidget nervously near the doorway until they gestured for him to join them in front of the fire. Conjuring a chair without so much as a thought, he sank down into it and frowned at the cheerfully crackling fire. Ignoring the curious looks they shot at each other, he sighed loudly.

"Come on in and have a seat, Harry. You look like something is bothering you," Severus observed, one eyebrow rising sharply over the teen's nearly perfect wandless and wordless conjuration. He glanced at Remus before refocusing entirely on Harry for now.

"It will probably be easier to just spit it out, Cub. We can discuss it once we know what the problem is, okay?" Remus didn't like the mixture of uncertainty, excitement and some unknown emotion that was radiating off the younger wizard. It was almost as if he expected one of them to hit him for what he had to say. "It will be okay no matter what this is about."

"You can say that when you don't know what's bothering me," Harry stated forlornly, green eyes dark. "The first important thing is there's going to be a Revel tonight. That's why my mood was so high earlier...Tom was projecting and now that I've had time to think about it..." He shuddered almost violently, knowing they would misinterpret it as a sign of revulsion when it was in reality an anticipatory reaction.

"All I got was a quick 'busy, can't talk, Revel tonight' and a 'don't choose tonight to be curious' warning almost as an afterthought...I guess Tom forgot or doesn't know that I've seen more than one Revel already...part of me still gets sick thinking about it, but the rest of me wonders if I'll be missing out on the power and everything else if I'm not watching..."

Severus paled noticeably upon hearing the teenager's wistful, hungry and uncertain tone regarding the subject. He stared at Harry with very mixed emotions of his own while waiting for his brain to have a chance to kick back into gear. This kind of internal conflict could go either way and it was up to himself and Remus to keep the balance tipped towards feeling sick instead of curious enough to investigate. No pressure there, he groused privately.

"How many Revels have you seen?" Remus didn't like how upset Severus and Harry were becoming and couldn't think of a way to easily diffuse the situation either.

"I've seen several," Harry murmured quietly. "Last year...they're excessively brutal, pretty much nothing but an insane display of sadism and lust, but the power...the power rush is so /wonderful/..." The teen shivered a little, an action that was echoed unconsciously by Severus. Harry looked right at the older man and they shared a moment of nearly perfect understanding.

"You know how good it feels, Severus. Tom may not have realized that our bond was that open even then, but I'm pretty sure I got nearly as much of a rush off of it as he did...certainly more than the Death Eaters..."

"We had three Revels in the last year," the potions master whispered. "You...were there for all of them?" He looked like he might throw up as the implications of what Harry might have seen him doing cut at him with all the subtlety of a rusty serrated knife.

"I saw what happened, what you and everyone there did." Harry rubbed his arms briskly. "I'm not saying I agree with any of Tom's methods, but once that high hits...I can't be sure that I wouldn't have been as bad as anyone there at that point."

Remus studied both of their faces and swallowed convulsively. He definitely did not like the idea of this Revel happening so close to Harry's maturity, especially if it involved a power transfer of any kind. Something of that nature could trigger an early awakening and he couldn't even begin to fathom the psychological repercussions that seeing something like this more than once could have on such a young mind. He made a personal note to speak with Healer Monroe about this issue so the man didn't go into the teen's head completely blind.

"I can't think of anything that could possibly feel good enough to make you lose control of your morals like that..."

"Never say never until you've been there," Severus replied, pale face still a little green around the edges. "I can't even deny my actions." He nodded in Harry's direction. "He has seen me at my absolute worst."

"I've seen Tom and nearly every Death Eater at their worst," Harry mused. "It still disturbs me, but I've seen so much of it that I guess I've developed emotional calluses or something."

"Emotional calluses? Sweet Merlin, I hope not," Remus replied. "I can see that happening, but I kind of hope they're not as thick as they were before you went in and tore so many layers out."

"Yeah, well, if it's all the same to you guys, I think I'd rather be alone until after the Revel is over, but I know I probably shouldn't be...I don't know if I'll get a power surge since we're both more consciously aware of our bond, but I'd rather not find out by destroying something accidentally..." Harry sighed and shook his head.

He really didn't feel like talking about the Revel anymore - he was ready for it to start even if he did have to be alone while he rode it out. Talking about it made it more real and he needed it to go back to the realm of distant memory until he could vanish into his room forget about everything but pleasure when the power came to sweep him away. "Let's drop that for now, shall we...there's something else I'd like to talk to you two about. It's something I've been thinking about quite a bit lately and I'd like to hear what you think about it."

Hearing that tired, almost overly intense tone, both men groaned under their breath. Remus focused on the painfully nervous younger wizard and braced himself for their second difficult conversation of the night. At this point, he wasn't sure there was any way to make everything less difficult given what had passed for an upbringing in his Cub's formative years.

"What's on your mind, Cub?"

"Who exactly is Harry Potter?" The teenager tilted his head to one side and arched an eyebrow inquisitively, his green eyes begging for and demanding answers in equal measure. He stood abruptly and began to pace as his body filled up with restless energy.

"Is Harry Potter the boy that everyone knew prior to the possession, the bold and brash, accommodating and naive Gryffindor Golden Boy? Is he this darker person I feel myself becoming? Are a lot of the things I'm worried about being brought on by my maturity and the sheer hell of being a teenager? I flat out don't know who I am anymore and it scares the hell out of me!"

"I wish I could offer better advice, but honestly, I find myself with very similar questions." Severus kept his tone as even and calm as he could to - hopefully - help keep the teen from becoming any more agitated than he already was. "I was only in my early twenties when Albus decided to start thinking for's been almost fifteen years since I was freely myself and I am still trying to figure it all out." Severus grinned wryly at Harry and shrugged unhappily. "I don't have a looming magical maturity and the hormones of a sixteen year old boy to deal with, thank Merlin, but I do understand at least part of what you're going through and tonight's Revel isn't going to make it any easier."

"Exactly," Remus agreed. "I think you wouldn't be dealing with this sensation of split selves if Albus had just left you alone, but that was clearly too much to ask for. As it is, your constant proximity to Tom was bound to make you a bit darker, and the removal of the spells that enforced certain behaviours are making you doubt everything you thought you were...this is, sadly enough, something that we can help you work through, but only you have the answers to your questions about your true self."

Deflating abruptly, Harry dropped back down into his chair and gave voice to a pained sounding groan.

"That's what I was afraid you were going to say..."

Giving his Cub's shoulder a supportive squeeze, the werewolf stood and stretched with a low groan. "As much as I don't want to drop out of this conversation just when we were starting to get some where, it's nearly moonrise and I have to go disappear for the night...maybe it won't turn out to be the major event that both of you are afraid it will be..."

Severus nodded to the retreating werewolf and contemplated just how terribly naïve and prudish the man must be to think that the Revel wouldn't affect them just because they weren't right there to experience it. Distance certainly hadn't proven to be effective in protecting Harry from them.

"How did you react to seeing the other Revels?" Severus inquired once he was certain that Remus was completely out of earshot for the night, leaving him alone with Harry. "You were so heavily suppressed that I'm not sure you could've reacted properly..."

Snorting gracelessly, Harry smirked at the potions master.

"It's probably a good thing I was under those compulsions or I might have raped one of my dorm mates," he stated candidly. "As it was, I'd be up all night wanking myself raw..."

"That would be maddening...please never suggest that to the Dark Lord as a punishment...the very thought of being at the Revel and being forbidden from participation..." Severus shuddered visibly. "I think I would go mad if that happened. I'm not clear on how you managed it without being more adversely affected."

"I guess it helps to not personally have experience with what I was missing out on. Other than a few abortive attempts at dating with Cho, all of my sexual knowledge and experience has been filtered through Tom," Harry admitted unhappily. "It's been a study in learning control of myself if nothing else..."

"All of've never had intercourse? Surely someone other than that ridiculous Ravenclaw must have approached you with an offer. You're the bloody Boy Who Lived, for Merlin's sake! What good is fame if none of your hangers on offer you sexual favours?" Severus' mouth twitched with the effort it took to keep a straight face as he watched Harry process the concept of Severus Snape talking about fan-girls.

Finally catching on to the older man's amusement, Harry sighed and shook his head.

"Partially, I was turned off by the idea of someone wanting the idea, not me...silly as it is, that was how I felt. Add to that some sort of compulsion that kept my sex drive under wraps and...the only times I felt lust and all of the normal sensations of being a hormonal teenage boy after my foray with Cho was during a Revel..." Harry shrugged diffidently. "Needless to say, what with all of those compulsions gone and all...I can't even begin to describe how painfully horny I've been for the last week..."

"Oh no...and now you're looking at a about salt in a wound..."

"I am actually a little nervous about this Revel. If Healer Monroe is correct about the way our bond is set up now, then I may have to work my butt off to not share in the whole bloody thing...or I could just relax and enjoy myself."

Swallowing very nervously, Severus studied Harry with intent curiosity before speaking again.

"Relax and enjoy your self?"

"Yes, exactly, Severus. Just relax and let myself feel what Tom feels and enjoy myself. It's probably going to hit you, too, though to a slightly lesser degree. What were you planning to do? Deny that it's happening and be miserable all night, something you said you couldn't bear to do?"

"Oh, sweet Merlin..."

"Ah, I see that hadn't penetrated yet." Harry sniggered at his own appropriate play on words.

"I was happier in denial..." Severus groaned.

"Once the Revel starts, I'll remind you of who your Master really is and you'll be fine," Harry stated matter of factly.

Frowning, Severus glared half-heartedly at the green eyed teen. Then part of his ritual vow flashed into the forefront of his memory and he flushed with equal parts embarrassment and arousal. For no reason that he could explain, this young man had stopped being his student and had become something he couldn't quite categorize. /...I will hold your bond above all others.../Harry has a stronger hold on my loyalty than Voldemort and I'm probably going to be alone with him for most, if not all, of the Revel...alone with a libidinous, powerful, and handsome young man...

"Exactly how were you planning on doing that?"

"I'm going to claim what's mine," Harry replied. "You crave the rule of someone more powerful than yourself, which I most definitely am. At this particular moment in time, I am equal to Tom in power...does that have your attention, hmmm, Severus?"

Mouth opening to deny Harry's claim, Severus abruptly closed his mouth when the teen held up a hand and seemed to go into a light trance. Blushing because the much younger wizard did, indeed, have his full and undivided attention, the spy grumbled under his breath and wondered what this odd behaviour meant. Then it dawned on him - he had seen it before. Harry was talking to the Dark Lord and that knowledge twisted his stomach into knots faster than anything else he'd found out so far that night.

/Are you there, my little Serpent?/ Voldemort could feel the roil of lust, hunger, disgust and anger that were fuelling Harry's mood long before he bothered to make contact. /You're in a bit of a snit tonight./

/Isn't the Revel about to start?/

/Yes, very soon, but there will be the Initiations first./ Voldemort settled into a boneless sprawl on his throne and contemplated Harry for a long moment. /When you didn't press me about my warning, I became curious. Have you witnessed a Revel before when I wasn't so keenly aware of your presence?/

/I saw all three last year. Why?/

/You can't decide if you're going to absolutely revolted or aroused and excited beyond thought, can you?/ Oh, this is going to be fun, the Dark Lord purred to himself and decided then and there to share every scrap of sensation with his little Serpent. If he didn't manage to seduce him to the true pleasures of darker magic, then he could at least make a solid attempt at breaking his will or his sanity. Any combination of the above options would work for him.

/It's both actually. Your methods are a bit disgusting and the Revel itself is very much exciting./

/Ah...pity you can't come play properly. I think that would be deliciously exquisite to see.../ Voldemort contemplated the sight of his little Serpent fucking some prudish little muggle born whore while she screamed for mercy and groaned silently, mind filing that thought away for future reference.

/Thanks, but no thanks./ Harry caught part of what Tom was thinking and shook his head. And to think I teased Severus about being a dirty old man...Tom takes the cake for that title.

/You'll eat the power like a starving man and still try to deny the source? Is that it?/ came the slightly offended sounding retort.

/I know where the power comes from and how many die for all of us to share in it,/ Harry countered. /I freely admit to loving how it feels and to being a bit disturbed over how it comes to, I definitely don't deny what's going on./

/Then why refuse to join in when your participation would only deepen the pleasure and level of power you receive?/

/I'd rather explore my sexual options on a /slightly more normal level before I jump into something that completely depraved, thank you very much.//

Giving Harry and his surroundings more attention than he had been bothering to previously, Voldemort first received the sense that the teen was not alone, followed by the presence of the Dark Mark near the younger wizard once he focused more fully on that person. One of my Death Eaters is there...who...? A quick mental tally was all it took for the intelligent mad man to draw the not so obvious conclusion.

/Why is Severus Snape there with you, of all people? I'm more than a little surprised that your mutual hate hasn't driven you to an equally mutual attempt at murder by now./

/What makes you assume I have someone with me?/ Harry was intrigued and disturbed that Tom had been able to make such an astute deduction.

/I can feel the presence of people around you if I focus closely enough and there's no mistaking the feel of my own Mark. Are you going to take your pleasure in his body? Is that your idea of exploring your sexual options more normally than at the Revel itself?/ Voldemort laughed harshly. /Silly boy...using someone you hate is as depraved as anything I do./

/I am quite aware of Snape's quirks and fetishes thanks to more than a few Revels, meetings and raids, Tom. I, personally, do not plan to endure another Revel alone and since he was kind enough to deliver a supply of the Wolfsbane potion to Remus in the midst of his travels, he is who I happen to have available to vent on./

/Does he know that you plan to use him thusly? Severus has never been one to submit himself easily and he certainly never offered himself to me./

/He has an inkling of what I have in mind and he hasn't completely come to the realization that I am deadly serious,/ Harry replied in all honesty. /He will submit himself to me tonight or he will find himself regretting it./

Purring his pleasure over hearing such a threatening statement from his little Serpent, Voldemort easily misinterpreted it to mean that Harry would use any level of force necessary to sate his lusts that night and the idea of his potions master being brought low by a sixteen year old boy excited him to a fever pitch.

/Oh, do feel free to make him regret it if he tries to deny you,/ he encouraged Harry. /All I ask is that you leave him in sufficient condition to continue his travels./

Satisfied that he had misdirected the older wizard away from questioning why Severus was there with him, Harry let his satisfaction and eager anticipation flow across the open bond he shared with Tom.

/He may need a few potions, but I'll leave him able to travel if it's that important to you./

/He has some important potions to make for me, my little Serpent. Enjoy the night with your most hated professor.../

/Oh, I plan to, Tom. I plan to enjoy it very much.../

Lounged on his throne with a loose limbed, lazy grace that belied his eagerness for the night's festivities, Voldemort seemed all the more intimidating for his cold, unfazed exterior. His conversation with Harry had only served to deepen his anticipation, as had the knowledge that the younger wizard would be, however indirectly, participating in the night's festivities.

"Wormtail," he commanded quietly.

"Yes, Master," Peter murmured and offered up his left arm the moment the Dark Lord's hand began to reach down to him. Excruciating pain erupted throughout his body and he fought to swallow all but the smallest of whimpers; the pain ended as abruptly as it had begun and the sound of apparition filled the large audience chamber.

Rising to his feet, Voldemort spread his arms in a magnanimous greeting and waited until all of his gathered followers were kneeling at his feet before speaking.

"Welcome my loyal Death Eaters! Tonight we are rejoined by my complete Inner Circle and we welcome another twenty initiates to our ranks. Remember your own beginnings during this ceremony, for there is a Revel to follow!"

The large double doors at the back of the room swung open and banged against the walls with a resounding sound that reverberated through the room dramatically and there, framed in the large opening, stood two columns of six finely robed, silver masked Death Eaters. Between the Inner Circle members were three columns of initiates in their own much simpler robes and plain white masks.

Marching forward in a swirl of robes, the twelve fanned out to stand to the sides of Voldemort's throne like the spread wings of a gigantic bird of prey and the twenty initiates filed forward to present themselves in three rows before the Dark Lord. As if responding to some silent cue, they all went to their knees before him and waited with bowed heads.

Pleased by the precision and overall assurance of the initiate's actions, Voldemort moved forward to properly loom over them, his crimson gaze studying the kneeling initiates like a dark god deciding if he would accept or decline an offering he had found on the altar of his temple.

"Before I welcome you into my service, you must understand that the Dark Mark is a magical oath that will bind you to serve me and my cause of ridding the Wizarding world of those who are unworthy of the magic they wield, those whose impure blood has led our society to the despicable level it is now at." Voldemort paused, crimson gaze bright and chillingly cold as it passed over the ranks of kneeling Death Eaters and Initiates. "Back out now and your release into death will be quick. Betray me once the Mark is done and I will leave you begging for a mercy that is painfully slow to answer."

The majority of the soon-to-be Death Eaters shifted nervously, but a scarce few remained resolute and Voldemort was pleased. These few might prove to be the replacements he needed for those Inner Circle members who had grown weak and unreliable.

Harry felt it the moment the Initiations began, his eyes flaring bright with eager lust and pleasure as Tom's enjoyment washed over him in gentle waves for the time being.

"It always feels so incredibly good even though I know exactly what is making him feel good," he mused aloud and startled Severus out of his own musings. "In a way, I almost wish Remus could feel what it's like just once so he'd know what we're feeling..."

"I think it's a bit more intense for you than it is for me and the rest of the Death Eaters," Severus murmured. "You get almost everything he feels on top of that first, undiluted burst of power, not the lesser rush that I will likely receive. As it is, I find myself..." He stopped, face flushed with embarrassment and arousal when he realized exactly what he had been about to say.

"Tom knows you're here. He thinks you stopped to deliver a supply of the Wolfsbane to Remus while you were travelling," Harry stated without warning of the change of topic. "I have given him the impression that you are reluctant to take my demands seriously and that I am willing to use whatever methods necessary to get what I want once the Revel starts."

" did he know...?" Severus sounded confused and his face reflected it. "He shouldn't be able to tell where I am like that..."

"He felt that I had company and focused to get a feel for who it might be. He felt your Mark and made a remarkably good leap of logic when he realized it was you."

"And you led him to believe that you would resort to force if I refused to submit myself to you tonight? Why would he believe that you would or could rape someone?"

"I want what I want tonight," Harry stated before Severus could open his mouth to say anything further. "And nothing and no one is going to deny me. I think he can see that in my mind and maybe he even feels it in my reactions." He shrugged. "Wanting doesn't mean I'll act on it but you might be surprised."

"Just seeing that look in your eyes..." Severus shivered as he came to the rather unexpected realization that Harry was deadly serious; he knew he should be afraid of what that implied, but instead it was all he could do to bite back an eager sound of needful lust. Finding out exactly how Harry planned to secure his submission suddenly seemed like a very tantalizing train of thought...

"What do you want, Severus?" Harry's voice was a silken, power filled purr that caressed the older man from head to toe and coaxed a needy sounding moan from between the potions master's parted lips. "Tell me what it is that you crave."

"You will now prove your willingness to follow my orders and your ability to do what must be done to cleanse our world." Looking on as each man came forward and proved that they were willing and did indeed have what it would take, Voldemort smiled privately as the screams of pain and pleas for mercy washed over him like the most perfect musical notes that dropped into sudden silence with the confidently spoken Avada Kedavra of one of the Aurors who had chosen to join him.

Several of the initiates had demonstrated a creative cruelty that proved exactly why they had found themselves locked away in Azkaban and he noted those who took true pleasure in their 'work' while automatically assigning them to raiding parties in the back of his mind. Making other plans for those who had shown more restraint, he smirked and rose to loom over them yet again.

"You have proven yourselves to be quite capable, but now is the time to prove your worth. Come forward to accept my Mark without flinch or cry, my newest Death Eaters. Come forward to be welcomed."

"Oh, man," Harry breathed and rubbed his face with both hands as Tom's building excitement began to truly impact on his consciousness. "I'm sorry...I know I said I thought I wanted to be alone for this earlier this evening but I...can't bear to be..."

"Has it started yet?" Severus' tone was full of eager apprehension mixed with lust and anticipation and pure unadulterated need.

"It's just the Initiations right now, at least I think that's what he's doing...he's Marking them..." Harry shook himself back into focus. "It won't be long before it does start, though. I'm going down to the Ritual room in case there are any power issues. "

"There's a bed and everything all set up for you," Severus murmured, black eyes bright with arousal and more than a little fear. He really wasn't sure what was going to happen tonight and that uncertainty was driving him closer and closer to the edge. "Do you really intend to claim me as yours...?"

"I have every intention of doing exactly that, so come on down with me. I think you need this as much as I do."

Following with far more eager anticipation than he would ever willingly admit to the younger wizard, Severus pulled the door of the Ritual room closed to the point where it was just barely ajar and turned to look at what the house elves had done to prepare the room for Harry's maturity. He fought to relax when he saw a bed that looked so much like his own.

Gesturing for the newly Marked Death Eaters to join the rank and file of his lesser followers, Voldemort stalked down from his raised dais and came to a stop on the centremost rune of an intricately carved ritual circle.

Excitement stirred through the ranks of the more seasoned Death Eaters and the Inner Circle shifted with eager anticipation. Their excitement quickly spread to even the newest of the recruits when thirteen naked wizards and witches walked into the room, their faces blank with the tell tale effects of the Imperious curse.

Looking into the vacant eyes of each sacrifice as they moved to stand in a circle around him, Voldemort smirked maliciously and let his aura flare to life in a visible display of power that deepened his hold on the thirteen and dropped them to their knees the moment he wished it to happen.

"Before you kneel those who chose to try to escape me after declaring their intent to join me," he intoned. "For their betrayal, this is their punishment and your reward for loyalty and obedience."

Drawing a slender silver blade from somewhere in his robes, he sliced his palm and moved with serpentine grace from sacrifice to sacrifice as he marked them on their brow and chest with his blood. Returning to his place in the center of the circle, he gestured sharply at the floor to splatter his blood on the rune at his feet and the circle flared to life with a rush of power that drew gasps from the surrounding Death Eaters and whipped his robes around his body as if he stood in a high wind.

Panting softly when he felt the first stirrings of death magic, Harry turned a predatory gaze on the potions master and beckoned him over to him.

Unsure why he obeyed that silent summons, but feeling completely unable to deny it, Severus advanced on the intensely aroused teenager. Stopping by the bed when Harry raised his hand, the spy arched one brow inquisitively and shuddered when the younger man's aura burst into view and whipped around and through him. Crying out sharply, head thrown back from the intensity of the pleasure that lashing power made him feel, he wasn't even aware of the Divesto that Harry had cast until the teen shoved him around to face the bed.


"It's about to begin, Sev...and this is going to be the best Revel ever...thirteen for the sacrifice is going to give up so much power it'll hurt to feel it..." Placing a hand between Severus' shoulder blades, Harry shoved him down towards the bed and teased between the older man's cheeks before casting a lubrication charm inside his startled body.

"I'm going to get you ready now and you're not going to fight me. You can of course, but I wouldn't recommend it..."

Anything Severus might have said in protest was silenced by the slide of a long, agile finger into his tight hole. Crying out as much from surprise as a mixture of discomfort and pleasure, Severus buried his face in his arms where they braced his body against the bed and prayed that the boy truly knew what he was doing even as it never occurred to him to say no.

All thirteen victims stiffened visibly when the circle closed around them and Voldemort released his hold on their minds. Beginning the first part of the ritual, he savoured their panicked, desperate struggles and braced himself for the first surge of power.

"Vox illae vitualamen est vehementer captus, reus ut meus vox quod per mihi illis quisnam es fidelis volo! Ego excito vestri vox quod edo is!"

The rune Eihwaz formed on the foreheads of his victims, marking them as his, and Voldemort spread his arms wide as he cried out the last syllables and the men and women circling him arched violently and screamed and shrieked as their magic was forcibly ripped from their cores and devoured by the creature that stood in the centre of the maelstrom.

Holding the lion's share of the power close, Voldemort rode the energizing, euphoric rush as the pleasure of this dark act drove him to a powerful climax. Aware of Harry the moment the younger man's pleasure impacted his own, Voldemort shuddered and forcefully drew his attention back to the matter at hand. Throwing the other half of the power out through the Mark into his followers, who cried out as one in their ecstasy and writhed in a haze of lust and seemingly god-like power.

Harry lost all sense of control the moment the rush of power hit his core. Crying out incoherently, he pulled his fingers free of Severus' loosened hole and shoved his cock inside without any further warning and came hard. Still achingly hard, he continued to thrust into his lover's body and loved that Severus bucked up to meet him with eager cries that drove his lust to even greater heights; he felt the exact moment the secondary rush hit his lover, the clenching tightness of his passage adding to his pleasure as the spy came against the bed beneath him.

Shocked by the abruptness of Harry's first thrust, Severus clawed at the comforter in a vain attempt to escape the relentless assault on his body and senses. That his body betrayed him by pushing back to meet the intruder was not lost on him and he surrendered to the inevitable as pleasure burned across his skin. Just when he thought he had settled into his position as bottom for this coupling, the power of the Revel slammed into his core and drove a scream of triumphant completion from his open mouth even as Harry's every movement inside his spasming passage sent shockwaves of hot and cold pleasure throughout his twitching body.

Basking in the pleasure he, Harry and his followers were feeling, the Dark Lord felt their every doubt and misgiving fade under the burning, addictive need to feel this sensation again and again. Splattering more of his own blood on the central rune, Voldemort began the second chant that would bind the souls of his sacrifices to the ritual room's power nodes.

"Ego redimio cruor quod phasmatis of meus vitualamen ut is locus of vox pro totus vicis! Per meus cruor ut vestri ego excito vestri phasmatis!"

Every carefully enunciated word carved four runes deeper and deeper into the chests of the thirteen sacrificial lambs until their blood flowed in a torrent over the floor, soaking Voldemort's feet as they bled out violently. Feeling their impending deaths, the crimson eyes wizard drew a complex rune in the air and cackled madly when the power levels reached a breathtaking crescendo as the thirteen died simultaneously, leaving him surrounded by the glowing silvery mist that was all that remained of the men and women who had shuffled into the room under his Imperious.

"Is solemnitas of vox suscipio per is, meus vitualamen viscus quod patientia!"

The blood on the floor absorbed rapidly into the stone and the thirteen swirling forms circled Voldemort once before darting off to be absorbed into the major node runes that supported the ritual room's power. Sparing barely a glance for the now desiccated husks that surrounded him, panting softly as the dark sensuality of the ritual he had just performed wormed its way past his usual cold reserve, Voldemort repeated the final phrase of the ritual and soaked up the ecstatic cries of his followers.

"Is solemnitas of vox suscipio per is, meus vitualamen viscus quod patientia!"

A second rush of power more intense than any other he had ever felt drove Harry to withdraw and shift the shuddering body of his lover fully onto the bed before he descended onto him once again. Driving back into Severus' pliant and eager body, the teen took his lover with bull like force until his next orgasm threw him forward like a physical blow, arching his body with a mingled roil of pleasure and pain so intense that he had no warning before his orgasm whited out his vision and drove his own scream of triumph from his writhing body.

Sprawled out on the bed, crying out wantonly with every thrust of his lover's body against and into his own, Severus writhed and responded as actively as he could given his pinned position. Distantly aware that his master was experiencing something he had no inkling of, the potions master shuddered galvanically and came hard enough to almost pass out when his master's seed filled him with burning heat.

Distantly aware of Tom's presence and intense pleasure through the still burning rush of shared power, the teen continued to slowly writhe and thrust into his lover as the ritual continued to a crescendo of power that only he and Tom shared in.

/More,/ he hissed against the nape of Severus' neck. /Pleassse...Tom.../

Voldemort returned to his throne and settled in to watch as the initial group of previously invisible prisoners came into view with a wave of his hand and his Death Eaters descended upon them like wolves. The first screams pierced the relative quiet of the large room and sent a shudder of arousal through his body, causing him to hiss his pleasure. Focusing on Harry through the clear openness of their bond, he moaned under his breath. His little serpent was so hungry for pleasure and power...the very thought of what chaos they could cause together drove another moan from his part lips.

/So much more,/ he hissed in reply and slid a hand into his robes to stroke his erection while he watched the debauchery that was going on practically at his feet.

Observing Voldemort for a few minutes, Lucius was relieved to note that his Lord's mood still appeared to be very high. Separating himself from the pack when he saw the Dark Lord move to pleasure himself, Lucius crawled forward on his hands and knees to lay himself at the Dark Lord's feet with the memory of the first time he had given himself up so completely playing through his mind. After nearly fifteen years of utter and complete freedom, he wasn't sure how easy it would be to give him self up to that level of servitude again but if the Dark Lord chose to master him fully there would be no fighting what he himself had offered the domineering man.


Voldemort tasted the utter submission that flavoured Lucius' scent before he was even aware of the noble's presence at his feet. Looking away from the rape and torture he had been so thoroughly engrossed in watching, he groaned his pleasure at seeing Lucius offering himself so freely at his feet. It had been many years since Lucius had done this and he had almost forgotten how much he loved to debauch and demean the proud and haughty Malfoy patriarch.

"Do you think to throw yourself at my feet now to avoid the punishment you have properly earned, Lucius?"

"No, Master...please...I can't bear it any longer...please..." At a loss for words, uncertain of how to ask for what his body and psyche had been craving for fifteen years, Lucius nearly wept from his frustration. "I /Need/..."

"You need to be broken and remade into whatever I desire you to be, my Silver Fox? You need to be used by someone who knows how to make you feel alive?" Voldemort shifted restlessly as his own desire surged accordingly. "You want me to hurt you, don't you, Luciussss."

"Yes, my Master," Lucius moaned and pressed his body up against Voldemort's legs like a large cat, his silver eyes luminous in the dimly lit room. "All of that and's been so long since I felt anything real..."

"Then suck me, my pet, and remind me why male Veela descendents are such a jealously coveted breed," Voldemort commanded and shifted to make room for Lucius between his knees. The beautiful man pulled his robe open and the Dark Lord threw his head back and groaned deep in his chest before mastering his own responses and sending his pleasure and the sensations that caused it to the younger wizard he was bound to.

Letting his fractured attention shift focus between the pleasures offered by the blonde that was working his length with such slavish devotion and the writhing mass of animalistic debauchery that was taking place in front of him, he wallowed in the ever deepening lust and pleasure that was rebounding between himself and Harry. He wasn't normally one to share his toys, but he would gladly share Lucius with him. Between that and whatever pleasure Harry was taking from his use of Severus, the boy wouldn't know what had hit him by the time this night was done.

"Such a hot mouth...that's a good pet," he groaned and rocked with the rhythm of the blonde's movements. Lowering one hand, he fisted it in the hair at the tender nape of his favourite catamite's neck and tightened his grip until the blonde whimpered from the pain of his punishing hold.

Moaning gutturally when Lucius approached Tom in such a submissive manner, Harry found himself more excited by the thought of what they would do to him than with anything else that was going on around Tom. He had already withdrawn from his lover and flipped him over so he could take him while he saw his face when the hot, wet sensation of having a mouth on his erection drove a cry of surprised pleasure from his mouth and he bucked up into the all encompassing experience of sight-taste-smell-sound-touch that Tom was bombarding him with.

Always before, their bond had been cluttered with the static of pain and an imperfect connection, but everything was crystal clear and the boy had no way to defend against such a powerful sharing of thought and experience. Briefly unaware of his surroundings, he clawed at his own skin and Severus' as Voldemort exerted full dominance over the proud man who had laid himself at their feet.

Stunned by the sight of Harry arched by pleasure above him, Severus tried to pull his master down onto his body and rolled his hips against him in an effort to regain his full attention.

"Master...please..." he moaned and gasped when Harry opened Avada Kedavra eyes that flashed with red for just a moment. "Please..." The younger man shifted up his body to kneel over his face and he didn't question him. He simply opened up and accepted the hard flesh that was being guided into the hot wetness of his mouth.

"Suck it, Pet...suck it like you love it..." Harry growled out and lost himself in pleasure, any further encouragement coming out in the sibilant tones of Parseltongue.

Ears filled with the screams and grunting groans of the Revel taking place at his back and the lower, hissed sounds of his master's pleasure, Lucius Malfoy lost himself in the consuming, instinct driven Need that had led him to this very position when he was barely sixteen years old. He whimpered at the painful grip his Master had taken on the hair at his nape, and that was all the warning he received before the searing burn of a playfully whispered 'crucio' lit his nerves on fire with a pain that threatened to overwhelm the pleasure of having his master use him again.

He screamed around the flesh that filled his mouth because he knew to do anything else would mean his death if he was lucky and far worse if not. That same hardness that he had been so eagerly fellating now forced itself deeper, thrusting into him with bruising force and his renewed pleasure twisted itself up into knots around the agony until he couldn't tell where one sensation ended and the other began.

Part of him struggled to reject the punishing abuse he was being forced to endure, but the less human majority welcomed it with an undeniable eagerness that drowned out his weakening protests. Overwhelmed by the long denied call of his blood and the seductively pulsing power of the Revel, he surrendered to his Lord's possession of his body. Opening his mouth wider to accommodate his Master's erection, relaxing his throat as much as he could to allow him deeper inside of him, he sucked whenever he was allowed a moment to do so. The bruising thrusts of the man fucking his mouth drove eager whimpers and moans of pleasure from him and the burning heat of orgasm built rapidly in his shivering body.

Keenly aware of the exact moment when Lucius' human side stopped struggling against the Veela, Voldemort pressed his advantage and used his mouth even more brutally, the hands that clawed at his hips and thighs adding the spice of pain that he needed to push his own pleasure over the edge into release. Riding the waves of pleasure, part of his mind searched for any resistance on the part of the younger male and assured him of his complete submission even as he felt the blonde spasm and shudder in his grip, then go pliant and cat-like in the afterglow of his orgasm.

"That's my pet," he hissed playfully and urged Lucius onto his lap once the blonde had finished sucking and licking away the last of his semen. Crimson gaze roaming over the bloody and ruined bodies of the first round of victims, he prepared to stake his own claim on one who had once belonged solely to him. This time, he would make certain that nothing and no one could shake his control of the slowly writhing, wanton creature he held on his lap. Sliding a hand between Lucius' legs, he thrust two fingers into him without warning and savoured the blonde's eager whimper even as he smirked.

"Were you assuming I would want you, hmmm, my deceitful little Malfoy whore? Is that why you prepared yourself before you laid yourself at my feet?" Withdrawing his fingers, he thrust four in with no concern for the tightness of the other man's orifice. Lucius' sharp cry of pained pleasure excited his dark lust all the more, but he demanded an answer none the less. " not lie to me, pet."

"Needed to feel this way and I couldn't do it to myself..." Pushing back on the fingers that were abusing his hole despite the pain, the silver haired noble pleaded with his master for what he needed to feel complete. "No one else is strong enough..." He shrieked with pleasure and pain when the fingers were yanked away and replaced by the sudden thrust of something much longer and thicker into his still tight and barely lubricated ass. Spasming and shuddering as he fought to accept the forceful invasion, head thrown back in the painful ecstasy that was this man's utter control over him, Lucius Malfoy gave himself up completely yet again.

Shocked into a scream of his own when Tom crucioed Lucius, causing the blonde's scream of pain to reverberate along the intensely sensitive flesh of his achingly hard cock, Harry blindly thrust into the sheath of Severus' mouth. Tightening his grip on his lover's hair and twisting his hand harshly, he whined his need as Tom's thrusts into Lucius became even more punishing and his own echoed his bonded's fiercely possessive power.

Accepting the abuse his young lover was raining down on him, beyond thought or care, the potions master worked only to keep from choking and to please his master. Keening and moaning his pleasure and pain, he clawed at Harry's hips and thighs as his own orgasm built towards its peak yet again.

The sensation of being balls deep in Lucius' mouth, of bumping against his face with every thrust merged with the pleasure of feeling his own body doing the same to the man who lay beneath him and became one and the same. Clawing at himself even as Lucius clawed at Tom, he arched and came with a ragged cry of pleasure that was intensified by Tom's possessive satisfaction.

Swallowing convulsively to keep from choking for a new reason, Severus whined softly when Harry pulled away from his mouth before he was done licking him clean. All sense of self had been burned away by the power of his lover's personality and he shifted his limbs to invite further use as he surrendered completely to the dominating force that possessed him.

Hardening rapidly as they explored Lucius' body and punished him for every perceived slight, Harry growled under his breath and wished he was the one bruising that pale, perfect skin. Pulling away from Severus' mouth, he slid down the quivering body that he held at his mercy and plunged back into his lubricant and semen slicked ass.

/Make him hurt,/ he hissed to the man who was his twin in truth, at least for this night. He knew no morality now...there was no sense of right and wrong...there was only pleasure and desire and the power to make it reality. /Make him scream for us.../

The exquisite pleasure of thrusting into a body that struggled however unintentionally set a fire in his blood that only this pleasure could ever come close to satisfying. Reluctantly but ever so willingly trapped in the velvet grip of the Revel's violent and nightmarish sensuality, he accepted every scrap of pleasure he could wring from the only form of sexual experience he had ever been exposed to.

Losing himself in the pleasures offered by Lucius' surrender to him, hearing Harry's hissed urgings for greater cruelty, Voldemort caught only the briefest glimpses of the debauchery and depravity that was going on around him. Dragging his nails down Lucius' back, hips driving his erection into his pet's body with the same brutal, bruising force he'd used on his mouth earlier, he shuddered and climaxed powerfully. Brief flashes of his little Serpent's abuse of his spy filled him with a deep, unrelenting arousal that he vented on the man he held impaled on his lap - he couldn't have what he wanted at that moment, so he made do with what he had.

Gaze focusing aimlessly, he let those snapshots of cruelty feed his own pleasure as the energies of pain, sex and death continued to feed the power of the ritual that was this Dark Revel.

He blinked and focused on Wormtail as the small man caught a young, barely pubescent girl by the throat with his silver hand and proceeded to beat her until she hung limply in his grip and cried piteously for him to let her go. Throwing the weeping girl-child to the floor, he laughed and bared the evidence of his obvious excitement.

Seeing her attacker in such a state, knowing what he intended to do after having seen him do the very same thing to her own mother, the girl tried to scramble away and Wormtail fell upon her like the rat he was. Biting and clawing at delicate pale skin until he drew blood, rubbing himself against her soft flesh so that his own skin was painted with the blood he had drawn, he forced her legs apart and thrust himself into her, every movement of his body punctuated by shrill screams of pain and terror.

The eager body impaled on Voldemort's lap jerked his attention away from his current voyeuristic fascination with a particularly skilful movement that left him gasping for more. He hissed at the blonde and renewed his own attack on fine, pale flesh.

Distracted from his use of Lucius' body once more, this time by a new kind of scream, Voldemort focused on one of the younger Aurors. The man had a sharply glittering blade in each hand and was taking his victim apart in a manner eerily reminiscent of the stories he'd heard of a 'Jack the Ripper'...the sight of so much blood and suffering excited him further and he focused on his lover with renewed vigour until the early hours of the morning left the Death Eaters with no more victims to torment.

Lassitude set in and the room slowly emptied as the revellers drifted away to find a place to sleep off the drunken state they now found themselves in. Sending a parting shot of pleasure to the now exhausted and replete teenager as he withdrew from Lucius' torn and bleeding body, Voldemort licked his lips at the boy's vague but lust inspiring purr of sated pleasure.

He pushed the connection to the back of his awareness and tandem apparated to an empty room. Depositing the blonde on a chaise, he summoned a healer using Lucius' mark and smirked when even in unconsciousness, the pain made him writhe and moan. Just the sight of the blonde in such a state made him wonder how Severus had fared during the course of the night. There had been no lessening of intensity in the pleasure and hunger he had felt from the younger wizard, so it could not have gone very well for the wilful spy.
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