Categories > Theatre > Rent > Drabbles

Between the Senses

by trollopfop 0 reviews

People wonder why Mark has never finished a film.

Category: Rent - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Mark, Roger - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-07-03 - Updated: 2006-07-03 - 100 words

People wonder why Mark has never finished a film.

It's Roger's fault, really. Roger is an aural person. Mark is a visual person. Roger doesn't like movies, unless the music's really good. Mark doesn't like music, unless it's playing up a scene.

Except Roger's. Roger's songs are really films, Mark thinks. When he hears them he has to close his eyes, so he sees nothing but what the song makes him see. Every time, he's amazed Roger does this with words and voice alone.

Mark has never finished a film because he can't make one that is really a song.
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