Categories > Original > Drama

kyo X syn

by dantesbigone23 0 reviews

Spoiler they fall for each other XD

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Parody,Romance - Published: 2017-06-03 - 82 words

Kyo was a little girl who loved a amazing boy called syn (bigdicksyn.) Syn was a man of many traits (looking up girls skirts with shiny shoes,getting beat ins by the girl when they realise what he was doing and wowing girls. Kyo asked syn "h-hello Syn right?" (Bigdicksyn) replied "your annoying!!" Kyo ran off crying and syn laughed. Dante aka (bigger dick than syn) smacked Syn up, syn grew powers and wowed Kyo back and they lived happy 10 mins before....
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