Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Battlestar Galactica: Returns

Chapter Three

by Treadstone17 0 reviews

Chapter Three

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2017-06-15 - 3590 words - Complete


Kara and her father were given adjoining VIP quarters on board the William Adama for the evening. Lee had thrown a wonderful dinner for his guests, and they soon retired to their quarters. Nick stayed up for a while with his father and his sister, but he advised them he had a little more work to do that night on the Op Plan for the mission, and excused himself. The Governor and his daughter were to head back to their half of the fleet in the morning.

Kara and her father had a rarity together-they both had beers. Kara had become more of a wine drinker, thanks to her mother Judy, but she didn't mind a brewski every now and then. Usually, she and her father drank soft drinks together, but not tonight.

At around 2330, they each went to their separate sleeping quarters. Kara was asleep in minutes. But around three hours after dozing off, she heard her father screaming "Starbuck, no!" Kara turned on her light and rushed to her father's bedroom.

He was breathing heavily, with sweat running down his face, his hands slightly shaking.

Kara sat down beside him and put her arms around him. He was sweating as if he had run a marathon, but Kara knew what had caused it. After simply comforting him for a few moment, she spoke.

"Another nightmare, dad?", she said with concern on her face. She hated seeing him like this.

"You win the toy Viper model, Starbuck", he said, beginning to come out of the grips of the vision. That made Kara smile a little.

"It's OK now, dad", she kissed him on the cheek, "as you can see I'm all here."

"I know you are honey, but these nightmares...", his voice trailing off for a second, "I'm not getting them as often as I used too, babe, but they scare the hell out of me."

"I know they do, dad", she said, still holding him, "I probably could say 'they're just dreams, you know', but that would be unfair and it wouldn't be true."

"Kara, in a way, you're right they're just dreams when you come down to it, but I didn't get these dreams even after I was shot down in Afghanistan and was on the run behind enemy lines for nine days. Not once."

"You need to take up mom's advice and go see Doctor Beazos on the Gandhi, at least to talk things out", she was worried about him but tried to minimize that in her voice.

"I've already done that, Kara. I had my first session about ten days ago. It's been so busy since that I haven't gone back yet. I am planning to make an appointment after we get back to our half of the fleet or, what did you say it was to Lee? The 'ass-end' of The Colonies?"

Kara gave out her mischievous laugh at that remark, "Well, Governor, you're not as stubborn as you'd like all of us to think you are", she said playfully to him.

"Just do me one favor, Starbuck: don't tell your mom yet."

That made Kara frown, "You haven't told mom? Why the frack not?", she rarely got upset with her father, but even in the midst of comforting him after this latest nightmare, she couldn't understand his logic.

"I just want to see how a few sessions go, honest", he told her, getting up. She followed him into their shared dining area, and he pulled out a Pepsi for both of them, "I think I eventually want your mom in on these, but I'd like to see if I can make some progress first."

"OK", she said, twisting the top off her bottle, "I'll forgive you this time, Governor", she said with a mixture of mock and real sternness, "Mom's the best woman in the world, and you know that."

He looked at her, taking a seat across from her, "Yes, she is, Kara, and to tell you the truth, her oldest daughter is no slouch herself", and they clinked the bottles together.

They sat up for about an hour, enjoying each other's company, even in the middle of the night. It reminded Kara of her late-night talks with him in his study when he was President and even after he left office. Those talks had taught her more about life than any book had ever done.

They finally headed back to their bedrooms, the Governor giving his daughter a healthy hug and a kiss on the forehead, and then going back to bed. The rest of the night went peacefully.

After the wonderful meal Captain Nicholas Bond had eaten with his father and his older sister, he returned to his quarters. The meal had helped to unwind him from the stresses of the mission so far. Running into only women and children, and all of them looking like skeletons had stunned him, and almost made him feel guilty having such a great meal.

He sat down at his computer in his quarters, to go over his log for the day, and to add any notes on what he still wanted in the Op Plan that he and General Grayson were putting together. He was deep in reading when a pair of obviously female hands grasped his shoulders and started to massage them.

Nick smiled to himself but made like he didn't notice a thing that was going on. The lady behind him knew better.

"Well, be that way, Captain Axman Bond, and see where it gets you", she said in Russian-accented English.

Nick still didn't look at her, "Why Ensign Natalia Schrevrenko, I didn't know it was you?", he said with mock innocence.

"A likely story, sir", she said, as he got up and put his arms around her, giving her a passionate kiss that lasted a minute, maybe two.

"So you're planning to hold out on me for my little prank, Natalie?" They still held each other tight.

"You would not enjoy such a thing, I can promise you, Captain Bond", she smiled at him impishly, "We Russians don't surrender very easy."

"Oh, yeah", Nick arched his eyebrows, "Well, my dear, I can hold out pretty well myself", he said with a chuckle.

She broke the embrace, "Is that so, Captain?", she turned and started to walk away from Nick. Her top came off over her head, and she began to undo her bra, "I think you'll surrender to me before too long, sir." She kept walking towards the bedroom.

"Yes, I surrender already!", he said with some laughter. He then sighed and started after her. Duty calls...

The following morning on Aerilon, General Trevor piloted a Raptor to the surface, bearing Gaius and the two Cylon Admirals. The General had ordered to Captain Mathers to have a large detail to meet them in Goath. He not only wanted safety for his guests, but he wanted to impress upon them that the two Cylons were respected, and, more importantly, trusted among the troops.

The group approached where Sundown was. There were dozens of inhabitants behind the soldiers and were gathering around in a semi-circle, more out of curiosity than anything else. When they got close to the group, Captain Mathers called out to her forces.

"Ten-HUT!", she said with emphasis, and immediately, most of the soldiers present snapped to attention, saluting smartly, "Admirals Of The Fleet On Deck!"

Trevor looked over at the three leaders. Maris, being far and away the oldest, didn't do more than raising his eyebrows and nod in approval. Larna was neutral, but Gerrod still seemed a bit uptight about it all.

"Admiral Tyrol, Admiral Baltar, welcome to Aerilon", Cory Mathers said, still saluting.

"Thank you, Captain", Caprica said with a smile. Like Kara, she saw a bright future ahead for Cory Mathers, "It's good to see you again, Sundown.", and she shook the CAG's hand.

"Thank you, Admiral", Cory smiled, "It's been a while since I got to say hi."

After the formalities, the General and Captain escorted their two guests over to the three leaders of the ensemble, that now numbered almost nine-hundred.

General Trevor spoke up, "Mr. Pride, Ms. Flock, Mr. Prence, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Rear-Admiral Galen Tyrol, and Admiral Caprica Baltar, United Earth Defense."

The three spokespersons nodded without any hostility, but still curious about these Human-looking Cylons.

"Welcome, Admirals", Maris spoke for the group, "to Aerilon. We are honored by your presence. We've prepared a breakfast for you, will you join us?"

"Thank you, sir", Galen said, "we appreciate your hospitality. Food in the mess can get boring after a while", which made everyone, even the inhabitants chuckle.

It was a wonderful breakfast, consisting of eggs and a bacon that was very much like pork, and fresh water that had been transported to the surface. After the meal, General Trevor asked that the party, including Captain Mathers, retreat to a less-crowded area, so they could talk about the reason for the visit.

Before they began, Admiral Caprica spoke to them, "Thank you for a fantastic breakfast. The food onboard is OK, no matter what Galen says", and she gave him a mock stare, "but it's nice to have a fresh breakfast. I think you all."

Maris nodded for them all, then got right to it, "I didn't know Cylon's could eat, Admiral", he said with a very neutral voice. The two Admirals had been prepared for that and even understood it.

"We do, Mr. Pride, believe me." She smiled, "If we didn't, Gaius would never get a decent meal away from the Mess onboard my ship", which made Gaius blush, and despite himself, made Maris laugh.

"She can cook, and you can't?", Maris continued, "and you call yourself a son of Aerilon!", he said, but with a wink at Gaius who actually laughed. He would never fully grasp humor, but he had come a long way.

That broke the ice a bit, and the three natives began asking questions about and to the two Cylons.

"How hard was it to break from the other Cylons, and come to the aid of humanity?", Gerrod asked with some archness.

"At first?", Caprica answered, "I won't lie, it was difficult. Being a Cylon was all I knew. Hating Humans was all I knew. But I was lucky enough to see that we're really no different. The people on Galactica were the bravest people I've ever met, and they were the reason why I eventually made the effort to close old wounds, not open new ones."

"Galen?", Larna said looking at The Chief.

"For me, ma'am, it was a little different. You see, I didn't even know I was a Cylon until halfway through the journey to Earth."

"I don't understand what that means, Admiral?", she said with confused tones.

Galen smiled, "Don't feel bad, it took me until I got to Earth to really figure it out myself, Ms. Flock." And he told her about how he, Tory, Sam, and Tigh had been "switched on" in the Nebula; and how they had all decided to continue serving Galactica.

"So apparently, some two-thousand years ago, I and the other four who didn't know we were Cylons, had perfected "resurrection technology" that would allow humanoid Cylons to be transferred into a new body when they were, uh, killed."

Larna looked as if she had been hit by an electric shock, "You couldn't die?"

Galen went on to explain the differences between him and Caprica, and more about the process, ending the discussion on that subject, "And, in the end, Galactica and Pegasus destroyed every Cylon Resurrection Ship and the main Resurrection Hub. As far as we know, all Cylons are mortal now."

"And, Larna", Caprica spoke again, "And for those of use who remained with The Fleet, that's what we wanted. What good is an existence if it never ends? There's no meaning to a life then. You throw morals, and love and friendship out the window. They have no meaning. I married Gaius because I loved him, and it didn't matter that he was Human. All of my friends, outside the few Cylons that are left, are Human. I learned to cook from the wife of our Fleet Governor Justin Bond, who was the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth at one time. And he and his wife adopted Admiral Kara Thrace-Bond, who is Second-In-Command of our Fleet, and is Caprican."

General Trevor was next, "And I must tell you when there was a coup attempt onboard the Galactica, Admiral Tyrol stopped the mutineers, which helped Admiral Adama regain control of the ship."

"I might also add", Gaius stated, "that there is a young lady on Earth whose mother is Cylon and her Father is Human. She is a pilot with UED, and also helped stop the terrorist attacks on New Caprica."

That really caught their attention. "I thought you said Cylons couldn't have children?". She looked at Gaius.

"Most can't. I actually got pregnant, but I miscarried the baby. That was before Gaius and I were a permanent couple. But that was different. The child's father was the Executive Officer onboard the old Galactica, and he was a Cylon."

Maris Pride grumbled to himself, You need a chart to keep everything straight with this lot, "Where is that Cylon now?"

It was General Trevor's turn, "He was murdered along with his Cylon Wife during the terrorists' attacks that I mentioned five Earth years ago. He retired as a Hero of Earth."

The three leaders went quiet for a moment.

"And may I add one more piece of information", Caprica asked Maris.

"By all means, Admiral. It gets more convoluted?", which made Caprica flash her winning smile.

"A little. I was, as Galen said, Model Number Six of the models that could resurrect. There were about a dozen of Sixes who made it to Earth. There was one, her name was Rebecca. She undertook a suicide mission to board a Baseship during the Earth-Cylon War. She planted a computer virus on that ship, which scrambled the vision, if you will, of the Cylon Raiders, Missiles, and Dradis. It was a huge step in us achieving victory in the war."

"She laid down her life for the people on Earth", Gerrod said almost to himself. He had come into this with so much distrust and doubts, but hearing that made him think again. Sure, they could be lying, but he couldn't see why they would."

"Three other Sixes died in the war", Gaius recalled, "one in a Viper, and two onboard Galactica."

Maris looked at the others. He had seen the instant respect the troops had given these two when they arrived; they saw the genuine pleasure Captain Mathers had shown in greeting the female Admiral. The story about the half-Cylon girl who as now defending Humanity far away. After a few moments, he looked at them.

"Admirals, I must admit, and I probably speak for the three of us to some degree, that I had a lot of distrust about this Cylon stuff. But what I've heard seem like honorable, courageous people, and I'm proud to have you among us." He stepped forward to shake both their hands. Galen clapped the man on the back when they shook.

"Sir, it's our honor to be here in helping to bring The Colonies back to what they should be."

Maris walked up to Caprica, shook her hand, then held it, and kissed her on the back of the hand, "My lady, you are among friends."

Caprica had a few tears coming out of her eyes, but it only made Maris smile more warmly at her.

The Op Plan to reconnoiter the Caprican Mountains, and to try and glean some information about this group The Kingdom, had been delayed by two days, as Lee wanted to get the plan even more finely-tuned

He had added the caveat that ground troops be on alert to land on the planet in case needed. The larger troop transport ships were on standby if needed as well. He didn't think he'd need them, but he didn't want to leave it to chance.

Justin Bond was in his second session with Doctor Beazos aboard the Mahatma Gandhi. This one was to delve a little deeper into what might be causing them.

"Have you had an episode recently, Governor?", the Doctor asked as an opening.

"Yes, in fact, I had one two nights ago", he told her honestly, "Kara and I were summoned by Admiral Adama to discuss the situation on Caparica, which isn't going well right now. We spent two nights there. The first one went just fine. The second night, I had a dream in the middle of the night, and must have yelled out loud, because Kara ran into my room almost immediately after I awoke."

"How did that make you feel, seeing her there in person, right after the dream?"

Governor Bond smiled, She sounds like Doctor Sidney Freedman from MASH. "I think it may have calmed me down faster, seeing her there right after the dream. As she said, part in jest, that 'they're only dreams', but seeing her face there was comforting."

"And the rest of the night?"

"We stayed up for an hour, talking and drinking a Pepsi, and went back to bed. The rest of the night was peaceful."

"Right now, why do you think you're having these dreams?" It wasn't a gotcha question, she wanted to see what his state of mind was about what was going on.

"Why now, and for the last year or so?", he shook his head, "I don't know why right now, but I'm certain that it has everything to do with seeing that Viper Cockpit on Cylon Earth two years ago. Thank God Kara had burned the...body, because if I had seen that blond hair from under the Viper helmet..." and some of the raw emotion from that day surface for a moment. It took him another moment to compose himself, "I'm sorry, Doctor." He said apologetically.

"Governor, if I had been there, and seen that, knowing what you saw, I would have been just as shaken, believe me", she said evenly, "I can be clinical if I want, but what you saw, and the nightmares you're going through are nothing to laugh about. You obviously love your daughter and you other two children more than anything. I want you to become at peace with what you saw."

That made Justin Bond chuckle ruefully, "It's funny you say that, because Kara insisted on taking the Recon mission with her brother to eyeball Kepler 452b, and we were worried about how she would react. I was worried when we got to the crash site. But she had made her peace with the place. I, and later my wife, are the ones who fell apart. And yet my wife had no such nightmares, for which I'm forever grateful."

"Any other ideas about the nightmares", she found herself fascinated by what she was hearing.

"No, but one thing that very few people remember about me, is that back in 2004, I was flying F-22's for the Air Force in Afghanistan. The Taliban got my bird with anti-aircraft fire, and I spent nine days behind enemy lines until I was rescued."

Doctor Beazos' eyes went a bit wider, "I'd forgotten about that. I remember hearing about that during the '20 campaign!", she paused for a moment, "and you had no such nightmares after that, Governor?"

"Not a one. Slept like a baby", he laughed at himself again.

"How close are you to your adopted daughter", she inquired, "I know you're close to all your children, but how would you describe your relationship, specifically with Kara." The Doctor had, like most people on Earth, been genuinely overcome with happiness when the world found out about the adoption. It had given Humanity a shot in the arm after the cataclysm of the War with the Cylons.

"She's our miracle, Doctor", he said, with emotion catching up to him again, "You couldn't sell to Hollywood our story. From different worlds, who happen to meet, and she becomes part of our family?", he chuckled again, "Gene Roddenberry and George Lucas would never go for it."

"Go on, Governor", she asked.

"I told Kara when we adopted her that I felt it was more than chance that brought up together. I believe it was always meant to be-that she was meant to find us, and we were meant to find her. How can a father actually explain the meaning behind all of that?"

He's as intelligent as I've always heard, she thought to herself. "You're right, it wouldn't fly in Hollywood, sir", she said with a genuine smile. Then she concluded the session.

"Governor, this has been a fascinating conversation, and I think we've made progress towards helping you get out of this cycle", she raised her hand as he began to speak, "I know, it seems like mostly background, believe me, but the fact you've opened up so much, about the dreams, about your experience in Afghanistan, about your relationship with your daughter? I think we're on the right track."

"You're the Doc, Doc", he said and smiled, "I appreciate your time, Doctor Beazos. "I'll be back soon."

He left the room. Beazos hadn't been blowing smoke up his butt. She really felt they were making progress.
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