Categories > Original > Fantasy > Everything Strange About You

Your Smile

by implicatedheart 0 reviews

Your strange smile.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2017-06-15 - 161 words


I know you think it's weird that I ask you to smile. But that's the first thing I noticed, when I met you. Your smile was so different, then anyone else's I had ever seen. Your smile makes me smile and i have no idea why. We could be at a funeral (which we were) and you made me laugh so hard that they kicked us out. It was funny because no on e understood what was so funny but I did. It was you. You were just a funny person. We didn't really go to any funerals after that. Ever since then I'd tell you to smile, and you would get embarrassed and look away. Your face turning red. You ask me why i want you to smile, why am I even smiling in a time like this. I don't answer, I just smile in hopes you'll smile back, I love your smile. I want you to know that.
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