Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Going Down To Hagrid's

Chapter 2

by ccollins1246 0 reviews

This is the second chapter of my story, "Going Down To Hagrid's". Hermione gives Ginny some advice, telling Ginny to start by talking to Harry. If you read this and like it, please put a "Y" in the...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Dumbledore,Ginny,Hermione - Published: 2017-06-21 - 230 words - Complete

It was midafternoon, and Ginny and Hermione had said their goodbyes to Hagrid, and we're heading back up to the castle, Ginny deep in thought.

"D-do you really think Harry fancies me?" Ginny finally asked, trying to keep her voice as casual as possible.

Hermione, who saw right through Ginny said with an air of exasperation "YES!"

"But...How do you know!"

"Ginny he is one of my best friends, and I have known him six years. I think that by now I would know that he is extremely bad covering these things up. An-" At that moment they heard the crunching of leaves coming from behind them, and turned to see Albus Dumbledore walking towards the castle.

"Sorry to disturb your conversation," Dumbledore began "But while we're on the subject, I think that it is wonderful that there are still people who are still able to love in thewe dark, dark times. And most of all,I think that some love, laughter, and companionship is exactly what Harry needs right now. It would do him a world of good." And with that, Dumbledore, now smiling, walked passed the two girls.

"So what should I do?" Ginny asked, all attempts at a casual tone gone.

"You should start by talking to him...Alone." Hermione told her as they continued to walk towards the castle.

☆There are more chapters to come!☆
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