Categories > Movies > V for Vendetta

Twisted Love

by DragonlingDar 2 reviews

A look into V's mind when he is putting Eve through torture.

Category: V for Vendetta - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-09-10 - Updated: 2006-09-10 - 375 words - Complete

Author: You see the torture from Eve's pov. I was pondering what it was like from V's.

Disclaimer: Movie, characters, etc are not mine.

Twisted Love

It hurt him, but he did it because he loved her. He wanted to free her from her fear, from what confined her, and he only knew one way how to, and it was to make her face it.

It hurt him, but he did it because he loved her. He tried to be as gentle as possible while also making it realistic. Everyday she was in there was torture to him, and he hated himself for what he did. The only way to remove fear, however, was to force it upon her and make her accept it.

It hurt him, but he did it because he loved her. He knew the look he would see in her eyes when she finally broke free of the fear, and knew it would be worth it. He knew the look he would see in her eyes when she realized he had done it to her, and knew it would have all been in vain.

Before he met her, everything had been clear-cut and obvious, but when he saw her being mugged by the fingermen, he felt he had to help her. He had never cared enough for another human being to help them; he had no love for any one other than himself. All he had known from others was pain. But she lit up his world as no one else had, and he let her be witness to the ending of an era, and he would let her to be the one to lead everyone into a new one.

He loved her.

And it hurt.

What he was doing to her now was nothing in comparisson to what she would have truly faced if she had been caught by the government. He was being gentle, but it hurt.

It hurt him, and he loved her, and he could only hope she would forgive him.
For if she could not forgive him, his life would truly be worthless, and he would indeed be a monster.

He hurt her because he loved her and he knew that it would make her stronger.
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