Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > Facade

Chapter 5: A Strange Denial

by Lena108 1 review

Marluxia's party finds themselves in another small town, there is animosity among Vexen's group, and Demyx and Roxas continue their... adventure.

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy - Characters: Demyx, Larxene, Lexaeus, Luxord, Marluxia, Namine, Roxas, Saix, Vexen, Xaldin, Xemnas, Xigbar, Zexion - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2006-09-11 - Updated: 2006-09-11 - 3665 words

A small field mouse poked its head out of its den, very wary of its surroundings. It was quickly growing dark and many predators were already on the prowl. The mouse raised its tiny nose into the air. There was a strange smell. One the mouse had never experienced before and, quite frankly, it was growing nervous. The scent grew nearer and the mouse scurried back into its burrow just as the heavy footsteps of strangers fell onto the ground, exactly where it had been standing moments ago.

"Are we there yet?" Axel asked for the fourth time. It was quite obvious that it was greatly annoying Marluxia (along with everybody else), but that was the whole purpose. Marluxia tilted his head back to glare at the redhead.

"Stop complaining," he commanded. "We'll get there when we get there. Now knock it off."

"It's getting dark," Axel pointed out, though it really should have been obvious as they were walking toward the setting sun. "So it'd be great if we got there soon. Y'know, unless you have this secret desire to carry me again."

"Yes, Axel, I understand," Marluxia snapped, turning forward and bringing two fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "We'll be there soon. You're not the one who has to worry about anything."

Marluxia had been right. They reached a small town with some time to spare before nightfall. Though he didn't say so, Luxord was grateful for that as well. As it would seem, he didn't particularly enjoy turning into a horse, then have to explain why he was in the horse's room in the morning. Marluxia turned to everyone and sighed. The group paused, waiting for him to say something.

"This won't be the best place to stay, but it's all we have at the moment," he told them, more to Naminé than anybody else.

"Basically," Larxene intervened. "You'll like it or sleep in their barn." That silenced any brewing protests anybody may have had. Marluxia purchased the rooms (one for each of them) and gave each their room key. Luxord, Axel and Naminé quickly headed to theirs, not wanting to change form in the middle of the lobby area. Marluxia walked Naminé into her room and shut the door behind him. He tucked her into bed and sat down next to her.

"Why are you being so kind to me?" she asked, curiously.

"Am I?" he cocked an eyebrow at her as he absentmindedly ran his fingers through her hair, rather gently. "Would you prefer I change that?" he asked, giving her hair a slight tug.

"No, it's not that," she said quickly, wincing as her hair was pulled. He actually laughed as she spoke. Naminé couldn't help but frown up at him. "What's so funny?"

"It's nothing," he assured her, actually smiling. She studied him for a moment, feeling quite lost and confused. She had never actually seen him smile before. He would smirk more often than not, and that frightened her. This, however, was a genuine smile. It was a nice one too. She was curious as to what could have prompted it.

"Okay..." she said finally, feeling slightly hesitant to let the subject drop. "If you insist."

"I do," he stated, absently pulling up the covers to tuck her in, almost as gentle as he'd been acting before. "It's almost dark. I should leave you be." He bent his head down to kiss her forehead lightly. "Goodnight."

He stood and exited the room, stealing one more glance at the girl before closing the door gently behind him. A brilliant flash of light signalled her transformation into whatever animal she would become, but Marluxia ignored it and approached Larxene, who had gotten herself a glass of something alcoholic.

"Well?" she asked after taking a swig from the mug.

"Well what?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh, please," she rolled her eyes and set the glass down. "Is it an involuntary reaction now? You have sakura petals coming out your ears."

"Hm? Oh," he said, smiling slightly and reaching up to catch one between his thumb and index finger. "Imagine that." Larxene rolled her eyes again and picked up the glass to take another drink.

"Whatever," she snapped, crossing one arm over her lap. "So... what do you think?"

"Well, I do think my suspicions have been confirmed," he said, sitting down in a chair next to her and crossing his legs. "The animals we turn into vaguely represent our personalities in some fashion." Larxene made a soft noise and thought for a few moments on his words.

"I guess that would make sense..." she nodded. "But why?"

"What do you mean 'why?'" he frowned at her. "I don't know why."

"Well, you're acting all high and mighty and deducting all of this stuff," she informed him turning slightly to poke his chest. "At least make a guess to match up to your ego." He frowned back at her, but thought, considering all explanations.

"Fine," he sighed. "It could be that we need these forms to save this world for some reason not known to us at this time."

"Then why do the others have them too?" Larxene asked, rather confused. "Like Vexen and all of them. It's doubtful that they'll save the world."

"They could be intended to be our allies," Marluxia suggested. Larxene let out a short laugh.

"You're full of good jokes today! Tell me another one," she exclaimed, shaking her head. "There's no way that they'll work with us."

"You told me to come up with a theory, so I did," Marluxia snapped, growing more irritated by the second. "You didn't say that it had to be one you would believe."

"Okay, fine!" she rolled her eyes again and downed the glass of whatever she was drinking. "You go on thinking you impossible hypotheses. I'm going to bed." She stood and set her glass down on the end table next to the chair and turned toward her room. She stopped dead then and stared at the door closest to them. "Who's in that room?"

"Axel," Marluxia answered, frowning and standing up as well to glance around her. "Why do you ask?" Larxene pointed to his door where bright flashes of light seemed to be going off every five seconds. Larxene glanced over at Marluxia's shocked face and grinned.

"I always knew he was a fast learner," she said, punching him lightly on the arm and heading for her room.


I hadn't been a long walk back to the meeting place, but it did take longer than usual due to Xaldin's transformation. Luckily, the lancer seemed to know what exactly would happen to him and when, thus saving Zexion the trouble of calming a frantic raccoon. Had he any feelings, Zexion may have laughed at the animal, or maybe he wouldn't have. It would have been rude. Either way he was rather grateful, as he suddenly realized that becoming a weasel wasn't quite as cruel a fate as he'd once imagined it.

When dawn broke, they travelled the rest of the way to the meeting place Vexen had set up. Lexaeus seemed quite glad to see his comrade. He told him of Xigbar, who was still asleep, and Saïx, who was taking a shower. Zexion sat down in an armchair near the hallway and put a finger to his chin in thought.

"Now we really only need to find the Superior," he mused, biting his lip gently.

"What of Demyx and Roxas?" Lexaeus asked, bringing out a tea cup and offering it to Zexion, who politely shook his head to decline.

"No good," he said, while Xaldin gratefully took the tea. "I lost them."

"You lost them?" Saïx asked from the bathroom doorway, apparently out of the shower. "I've never heard of anything so incompetent since Number Nine joined the Organization."

"I wouldn't be mouthing off, if I were you," Zexion told him coolly. "I am still your superior."

"Before you begin to demand the respect that comes with being a senior member," Saïx began, "it would do you well to earn it."

"And you need to realize your place," Zexion stated, crossing his arms. "If respect is given where it is due, then it's no wonder the other members speak of you in the manner that they do."

"I deserve more respect than you ever have," Saïx sneered.

"If respect comes in the form of posing as the Superior's lapdog," Zexion countered.

Saïx growled and Lexaeus could see a storm coming quickly, so he intervened in the knick of time. Zexion had far too much pride to end it himself, Lexaeus knew that much. Judging by the expression on Xaldin's face, he knew it too.

"We need to come up with a plan," Lexaeus stated loudly to draw their attention. "To find the Superior before..."

"We're going to look for the Superior?" Xigbar grinned, coming out of the bedroom, his hair not yet in its usual ponytail and hanging loosely down his back. "Cool."

"Don't be ridiculous," Saïx snapped, glaring at Lexaeus for even mentioning the idea. "I don't believe that the Keyblade master could defeat our Superior. I doubt he will be joining us at any point soon."

Perhaps it was simply the funny way that life planned itself, or maybe it was simply that he was waiting for the most dramatic moment to make his entrance, but, as if on cue, the door burst open. Everyone turned their heads in time to watch as the aforementioned Superior walked through the door.


Axel groaned and stretched as he awoke. It was a lazy day and he really didn't want to wake up just yet. He got dressed and emerged from his room, walking directly toward the bar. The first person he spotted was Luxord, who was wrapped up in an exciting game of solitaire. The gambler glanced up when Axel sat down across from him, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Ah, a worthy opponent!" he exclaimed. "Fancy a quick game?"

"No way," Axel told him. "You cheat."

"I do not," Luxord protested, defensively. "I'm just lucky."

"Right, if you mean that you got lucky when you acquired the ability to stop time and look at my cards," he said, rolling his eyes. Luxord didn't have time to retort as Marluxia approached, brushing his hair.

"Good morning," he beamed at them.

"What's so good about it?" Axel asked resentfully, cocking an eyebrow and resting his elbows on the table.

"Someone was dealt a bad hand this morning," Luxord muttered, gathering his cards and placing them almost affectionately back into the box, returning it then to his pocket. Marluxia, however, waved a hand, dismissing the statement.

"Don't worry about him," he told Luxord, softly, almost as if consoling a child. "It's to be expected." It would seem that both Axel and Luxord were quite confused by that statement, but Marluxia went on before either could inquire as to why they should expect it. "Anyway, I think we have a good chance at finding another member willing to join our cause."

"What makes you think that?" Axel asked, frowning.

"Just a hunch," he grinned in response.

"You know how I feel about your hunches," Axel said, suppressing a groan.

"Yes, I'm well-aware," Marluxia nodded, finally sitting down next to Luxord, across from Axel.

"Where are the ladies?" Luxord asked, curiously.

"You sure use that term lightly," Axel smirked, mostly speaking of Larxene. Marluxia, however, ignored their rude comrade and simply answered Luxord.

"I woke Naminé before joining you two," he told him. "She should be out here any minute now."

"And Larxene?" Luxord asked after a moment. Marluxia shook his head, eyeing him as though he were absolutely insane.

"We'll let her sleep," he said wisely. "We'll leave when she wakes up." Axel was quite surprised at that. So he'd finally learned not to disturb the little bug while she was getting her beauty sleep.

Naminé joined them shortly, exactly as Marluxia had predicted. She glanced at the three males and hesitated for a moment before picking up her chair and scooting it quite close to Marluxia's. Axel had the distinct feeling that she didn't trust him. He smirked slightly at her across the table, amused. Now all they had to do was wait for Larxene to wake up and get ready. That being said, they would be there for quite a while.


Vexen examined the vile of thick red liquid for the fourth time that hour. He was growing increasingly irritated by the second. There was not one trace of anything out of the ordinary. He had played doctor for each member still with them, drawing their blood and taking it to the small laboratory he'd set up in his room. However, he hadn't found anything different from usual. The only real difference from before was that not one member had their cloaks, but there wasn't a scientific reason to explain that. In turn, that wasn't a scientific explanation for Nobodies turning into animals at night. Logic, for the first time, had failed him. But Vexen wasn't nearly ready to admit that.

Xemnas, quite obviously, had never been much of a fan of logic to begin with. Thus, when he declared that everything that happened recently must be the will of Kingdom Hearts, even Saïx looked a bit sceptical. However, no one dared to attempt to explain to him how wrong his theory probably was. Vexen had then taken refuge in his laboratory to find evidence to prove his own theory.

Zexion entered the room quietly and shut the door behind him, studying the scientist as he approached.

"Nothing?" he inquired, moving to stand next to Vexen at the long table. He bent down to stare into one of the vials, frowning.

"Nothing," Vexen echoed and set the test tube back in its place. "I don't understand it. How could science fail me?"

"Perhaps, in that case," Zexion started, putting a hand to his chin in thought. "The situation is and always has been out of our control."

A knock resounded at the door before Vexen could say another word. Before either Nobody could respond, Xaldin entered the room and motioned for the both of them to follow him. He looked greatly annoyed for some reason.

"Xemnas has called a meeting," he stated.

Oh, that was why.

He led them to the Superior's room where several chairs were set up facing their leader. He began to speak immediately after the three of them sat down. It was clear that the only one remotely interested at this point was Saïx.

"It is clear why we have been sent here," he began dramatically. "Kingdom Hearts. Gathering hearts in the other world was not nearly enough. It needs hearts from this world as well. We must appease it. Then we will be worthy enough to have the hearts we so greatly desire. We will succeed this time, for there is no Keyblade master to stop us. We will finally reach the goal that we strive for!" Xaldin bit his lip and cleared his throat, apparently still attempting to be respectful.

"I beg your pardon, sir," he said, averting Xemnas' eyes. "I don't mean to question your leadership, but how exactly do you intend to collect hears without the use of the Keyblade?"

"We have Roxas here, do we not?" Xemnas cocked an eyebrow.

"Actually, due to circumstances beyond our control," Zexion cut in. "We do not."

"Due to six's incompetence," Saïx stated, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair. Zexion shot him a glare.

"I've had quite enough of you," Zexion snapped. "It is rather difficult to persuade him as his Keyblade was flying through the air at my face."

"Then it would be in your best interests to use a weapon," Saïx stated, smirking over at him. "Then perhaps you would be of some use to us."

"Unfortunately for you, it also takes intelligence to be of some use. Perhaps that is why you stay here most of the time," Zexion said, looking very angry. That surprised both Vexen and Lexaeus greatly. "It takes more that brute strength and madness to complete a mission successfully."

Everything happened in a split second. Saïx lunged at him, but Xigbar and Xaldin had anticipated that reaction and grabbed him by the arms, dragging him backwards. Lexaeus took that opportunity to pull Zexion away by the shoulders and steer him out of the room. Vexen followed quickly behind them and into the hallway, shutting the door behind him. Zexion tried to pull away, but Lexaeus shoved him back against the wall and held him there.

"What in the world has gotten into you?" Lexaeus demanded, frowning deeply.

"This isn't my fault," Zexion told him, seeming to have calmed down considerably while not in the presence of the berserker. "And I'm not about to sit by and allow him to insult me."

"But this is so out of the ordinary for you," Vexen stated, mirroring Lexaeus' expression. "It was difficult to determine who was going to make the first move and attack first."

"You two should know me better than that," Zexion told him defensively, frowning as well and glancing between them.

"I wasn't sure at that point," Lexaeus sighed softly, his expression almost concerned. "It's not like you to nearly fly off the handle like that." Zexion opened his mouth a few times to protest, but closed it again each time before finally speaking.

"I... forgive me," he said, looking away from his comrades. "I'm not entirely sure what came over me in there. I assure you, it will not happen again." Lexaeus and Vexen glanced at each other before the larger of the two released Zexion's shoulders. He brushed him self off and looked back up at the other two.

"So," Vexen said after a rather uncomfortable silence. "I suppose the Superior will want us to persuade Roxas to search the land and destroy all the Heartless."

"What Heartless?" Zexion demanded, shaking his head. "We've been here for a year and have yet to see one."

"So us being here couldn't be the will of Kingdom Hearts," Lexaeus mused. "If it doesn't exist here, it couldn't be its doing." Vexen frowned in thought.

"He can't lead us," Zexion stated. Lexaeus and Vexen glanced at him. "You were thinking it, I said it. He doesn't understand this world."

"I'm not sure he even understood the other one," Lexaeus shook his head with a sigh. "We collected hearts for several years and, quite obviously, not one member received one of their own."

"We're on our own then," Vexen noted. "Only Saïx is willing to follow him still, I'm sure."

"Exactly," Zexion nodded. "So it's just the five of us. We can't let on to this. We'll have to work secretly."

"I'm going to the shrine," Lexaeus announced suddenly. Zexion and Vexen both glanced over at him, surprised.

"Why?" Vexen asked. "If Xemnas finds out..."

"Yes, I know," Lexaeus held up a hand to halt him. "Tell him that I went to find Roxas." Zexion bit his lip, feeling hesitant.

"I don't think that's a very good idea," he told him.

"What other options do we have?" Lexaeus asked him. "If Xemnas finds out, then it's my neck, not yours." Zexion frowned. He honestly didn't want Lexaeus to go because he knew Xemnas would be angry, however, he knew he would never be able to persuade his comrade otherwise.

"Very well," Zexion stated, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall. "Go. But be careful. We do need you."

"Of course," Lexaeus offered him the smallest of smiles and turned to leave. He pulled the door open and Zexion watched until it shut behind him. He then glanced at Vexen, who seemed to be examining him.

"What?" he demanded.

"Interesting..." he muttered. Xemnas exited his bedroom, a stern look plastered upon his features, clearly directing it to Zexion.

"Six, I do not approve of the behaviour you exhibited earlier," he said. "Therefore, you will go in search of thirteen. Bring him back here as soon as possible." Zexion and Vexen both frowned deeply.

"I beg your pardon?" he asked. "Sir, with all due respect, I..."

"You will bring thirteen and nine to me by any means necessary. I will accept them in any state as long as they are still alive," Xemnas stated. "Worry not; you will have help, should you fail again."

"Sir, are you sure..."

"That is an order, six," he stated sternly. "I will not accept any excuses. Bering at least one of them back or don't come back at all." He turned from them and headed back into the other room. Zexion glared after him, slightly nervous. Vexen, on the other hand, looked furious. Zexion had honestly never seen him in such a state.

"Has he forgotten who helped him further this silly dream he concocted in his idealistic head?" he asked.

"There's no use arguing with him, Vexen," Zexion shook his head, still staring at the door where the Superior had left them. "We'll simply find them and bring them back here. As long as he doesn't send me with Saïx..." he trailed off and glanced quickly over to Vexen, who gave him a look of pure pity.


The sky was quickly growing dark. Most of the animals had taken refuge in their dens, slowly drifting off to sleep. The owls were just opening their eyes to search for their prey. Roxas stopped dead where he was, causing Demyx to collide with him. The former was feeling uneasy and he looked around, biting his lip gently. Demyx peered over Roxas' shoulder and sighed.

"We're totally lost, aren't we?" Roxas nodded, offering the musician an apologetic smile.

"Yeah," he confirmed. "We're really lost."

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