Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Primis

Chapter 12

by Spyash2 0 reviews

A new land. A new place. Sure how he had gotten here was...bad. Which is an understatement. And, sure, he could whine and bitch about the unfairness of it all; but that won't change anything. All h...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2017-08-23 - 5553 words

Three days after Naruto's return...

It was evening; the sun was beginning to settle, and many people on the unnamed continent were about to sleep.

However in Alphonse, the named Northern Region of said continent, a party of bandits of a hundred strong, were facing an enemy they had never seen before.

“C'mon!” William, leader of the bandit party, shouted a rallying cry to his comrades; “There's only one of them!”

Indeed. There was one. But their weaponry was ineffective against it. Arrows bounced harmlessly off the armour. Crossbow bolts didn't make a dent in it. Swords, axes, spears and halberds ricochet off the surface.

They were fighting a Panzer Soldat, or as Naruto Namikaze calls it, a Tank Solider. The bandits may have the numbers on their side, but they were at a technical disadvantage. A very heavy technical disadvantage.

In return one of the poor sods that got close with his halberd, got grabbed by the massive rotating claw. He didn't get a chance to scream when he was slammed repeatedly into the ground. The first time knocked him unconscious, while breaking his spine. The second split his skull open killing him. The Panzer Soldat kept it up before throwing the broken corpse aside.

It then proceeded to set its flame-thrower on the bandits. Many men screamed in agony as they were set aflame and tried to put the fire out by rolling in the snow. It didn't work.

The Panzer Soldat was pelted with arrows and bolts to no avail. More and more people were getting put down. The party was beginning to panic until...

“R-Run away!”

...they broke and fled.

The command wasn't even from their leader. But it was the thing that broke the chain. The second the bandit party heard those two words, they broke and fled for their lives.

Or they would have, if it weren't for the rotten corpses that suddenly appeared in a flash of light. They were laid on the ground on their sides, on their backs, and on their front. Those closest to the bodies let out terrified screams as the carcasses rose to their feet unnaturally at the exact same time.

They hacked and slashed at the zombies; dismembering, impaling and disembodying them. But for many it did little to impair them, and were promptly taken to the ground; they let out anguished screams as they were devoured.

A few however, did manage to get away. Too few.

On a nearby snowy hill over looking the the Panzer Soldat, the newly arrived zombies and the party of bandits, was a small group of three men. All of whom were wearing medieval crusader armour. A surcoat over mail with a strange circular symbol on it; with steel plate boots and steel gloves. Two were Caucasian, and the third was Asian. All of them were in their early to mid-twenties, with two having beards. The third had a moustache.

“...This is unprecedented.” said the Asian; he had a low, gruff and Japanese accent.

“Indeed.” one of the Caucasian men said; he had a heavy German accent. “Ze undead are returning. Vith technology from ze past too! Zis is most troubling. Zey are not ready to face zem yet.”

The third man growled at the back of his throat. “What about those women?” he asked in a heavy Russian accent. He looked at the fellow Caucasian, and Asian, “The ones with silver eyes? Would they stand chance against those filthy corpses?”

“It is too early to say, mein freund.” answered the German. “But against ze common ones? Ja, I believe ze vill.”

Then the German turned around and started walking. The Asian and Russian stayed in their spot, staring down at the massacre occurring before them with arms crossed.

“How rong can we remain in this realm?”

Then the German came back, carrying two mechanical staffs in hand, with the third on his back. They were the few, still working Wonder Weapons that survived the fall of the Old World. How no one had found them yet was a combination of the German's foresight, and luck.

“As long as Doctor Monty vants us to be.”

With that said he handed the Staff of Ice to the Russian, and the Staff of Fire to the Asian, before brandishing his Staff of Lightning in a twirl. The men all turned on their Elemental Staffs, and their respective element enveloped the crystal located on the top.

They exchanged looks, nodded, then looked back at the still ongoing massacre, before leaping into the fray, staves going alight with power.


Within the mountains of Alphonse the ghost of 'Tank' Dempsey stirred. He appeared in the tomb as if emerging from a heavy fog. The man grunted as he looked off in the distance arms crossed.

“I see you're up and about.”

Dempsey didn't show any outward reaction; he heard this voice before. “I'm dead, Monty. I can't do much else.”

Emerging from the shadows was an elderly man with white hair and beard. He had a receding hairline and wore clothes , made of a dark green and red linen jacket with a blue buttoned shirt worn underneath, a pair of black fingerless gloves, black trousers and shoes.

“True. But I can easily solve that, you know.” Monty said as he walked beside the ghost, hands clasped behind his back.

The former United States marine nodded. He that very much true. Doctor Monty is a being capable of doing a lot of things. “So, whaddya want from a dead man?” he asked of the near omnipotent being.

“Your help.”

Those simple words got his attention; Dempsey gave Monty a curious glance. “I don't mean to be rude, man... but what the hell can I help you with? A snap of your fingers and you can do anything and everything.” there was a pause; and the serious look the near omnipotent being gave him made him realise... “They're back aren't they?”

“No. Those Apothi-cocky-cons aren't back.” Monty looked ahead as he added, “It doesn’t mean their minions haven't found a way here though.”

“...Oh. Fuck!”

“Indeed.” Monty agreed, “I already revived the others. It's just you that's left.”

Dempsey smirked. “So the others are alive again, eh? It'll be just like old times. ” he looked at the man beside him. “Alright, let's do it.”

Monty smiled and inclined his head. The next thing Dempsey knew he was briefly enveloped by light. Then as the light died down the American found he had a pulse again. He could breath, he could feel. Everything he missed and loathed while living was back.

“Where are the others now?” Dempsey questioned as he went to open his sarcophagus.

“They're in Alphonse right now. But they're too far for you to reach them in time though.” Monty informed the man over the sound of stone moving.

It was silent for a moment; then the sound of stone being moved was heard through the room.

“But, you have a way around that.” Dempsey said as he walked back, with the Staff of Wind in hand. It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Instead of answering Monty gave the now-living man another smile. Then Dempsey looked over himself as he glowed; then he was gone from the tomb.

“Indeed I do, 'Tank'. Indeed I do.”

Giving the statue a final look, Doctor Monty smiled again before he too disappeared from the tomb.


The first thing Dempsey noticed was the snow everywhere he looked. The second thing was the biting cold wind. And the third was the zombie, trying to tackle him to the ground. Dempsey retaliated by caving in its skull by bashing his Wind staff over its head.

It collapsed like a puppet had its strings severed. Grunting Dempsey trudged through the snow with determination he hadn't shown since he was alive. He could hear fighting up-ahead, along with the sound of the fire, lightning, and ice staffs being used. Looks like the others really are here; with a low chuckle Dempsey double timed it.

There was no way in hell he was missing this party!

He came across another zombie or two, but a quick bash to the scalp with his wind staff took care of them before they could really become a nuisance. And any groups he ran into - from seven and over – he got rid of by utilising a heavily underpowered blast of concentrated wind. It was still powerful enough to break bones, deliver blunt force trauma, and blow them off their feet however.

Minutes of following the noises brought Dempsey to a small group of men, young and middle-aged, who were trying to fight off on overwhelming number of zombies. He may have been far from them but even he could hear their yells of anguish and anger.

Dempsey ran to get a closer look and he saw. It looks like they were fighting their own. The dead do not discriminate. They were doing well in fending them off though and from the looks of it, they just discovered a way to permanently put them down.

They were hacking and severing the heads. The zombies were falling like flies but there was still too many to handle. Grunting Dempsey held the trigger on his wind staff down and ran over to the small group.

Samwise, Harkness, Samuel and Dommic were in deep trouble. They were running for their lives, only stopping to kill those... corpses, that managed to get close. William, the leader of the bandit party had been killed not too long ago.

Everyone else was running for their lives, and were getting picked off one by one. And the four of them, were too tired and too cold to fight effectively.

“We're so dead...” Samwise groaned, with despair.

“Not if we keep moving!” Dommic growled, dragging Samwise along with him by the arm with one hand, and holding his own sword with the other. He let out a yelling grunt as he drove his sword through the skull of a zombie that tried to tackle him. He kicked the now re-killed carcass off his sword and continued to run through the snow.

Despite being terrified and are possibly minutes away from dying, Samuel and Harkness were moving with determination. The snow and biting cold wind was hampering their movements but they were still going strong.

They were lucky those staff wielding men came when they did. They took away a large bulk of those walking corpses, including that heavy metal monstrosity, away from them. But they were still being chased however.

They came to a halt as more zombies appeared in front of them in a flash of light. They let out a curse and they got surrounded from all sides, they got in a circle and prepared for a last stand.

But then there was a rush of air and something threw the corpses - along with the snow - off their feet and into the air. They looked in the direction the air came from and they found another person, a man in his early twenties, wearing the same type of armour, and wielding a glowing tipped staff just like the previous three walking to them.

“I'd get moving if I were you.” the man said once he was within hearing distance. He didn't stop walking either. He pressed the top of his staff against the torso of one of the zombified bandits, and they watched with horrific fascination as he was torn in half a moment later. With the snow following the top half of the torso.

The man stopped walking and looked at them from over his shoulder, “Go! Primis has this handled.”

And with that the man ran into the fray. Killing any zombies in his way.

“Come on,” Dommic said dragging a now more lively Samwise with him, “we need to go!”

“And warn someone! Anyone!” Samuel added; Dommic grunted in the affirmative and with that all four of them got the hell out of there.


This situation and circumstances brought back some memories. Whenever he put one down three more would rise to take its place. Being back in the battlefield, where all odds were stacked against him? Dempsey was filled with nostalgia. And it wasn't the good kind either.

He pressed the top of his staff against the stomach of a zombie, and watched with a satisfied smile as the undead was thrown back from the highly concentrated force of wind, that shot out of the mechanical weapon.

Too bad he isn't able to make a small tornado with this. Unfortunately, he's stuck with the non-upgraded wind staff. Still it was just as good; but it sucked he had to be close to the zombies for them to be instakilled.

Another zombie bashed over the head; another impaled with spikes that were under the top part; another was delivered a harsh kick to the ribs, before blown away point blank.

The man kept it up for several minutes. His fighting attracted more and more zombies to him. He didn't care for that; it was just another day for him. Dempsey's presence and fighting the undead didn't go unnoticed for long however.

Unknown to Dempsey who was too busy dealing with the zombies in front of him, a pair of zombies were starting to close the gap between them. He didn't know they were even approaching until he felt a searing heat on his back.

After taking care of the zombies in front of him, the man swiftly turned around, just in time to see two charred corpses fall to the ground.

“You need to be more aware, Dempsey.” a familiar voice said from Dempsey's left.

Said man chortled. “It's hard to keep track if they're coming at you from all sides, y'know.” he pointed out to the Asian.

Takeo Masaki is a man in his late twenties, sporting a neatly trimmed beard, and his hair having been tied back in a small, tight bun at the end of his scalp. He wore the same crusader armour as 'Tank' Dempsey, with the same crest. On his waist is the scabbard for his katana, Path of Sorrows, the only visible weapon he has on his possession excluding the Fire Staff.

“Vich is vhy ve are in teams.”

Walking into Dempsey field of vision, were two Caucasian men. Both had neatly trimmed hair and were aged in their late twenties to early thirties. Like Dempsey and Takeo, they too are garbed in crusader styled armour. The German had a moustache and the man beside him, who was muttering some words in fluent Russian had a moustache and long goatee like beard. Both of them were holding the Ice and Lightning Staffs.

“Nikolai, Richtofen,” Dempsey greeted, before letting out a chuckle full of nostalgia. “the four of us back together again. Seems like old times, doesn't it?”

Nikolai nodded agreeably. “Da, it does. If only Namikaze was here, then it will truly be like old times.” he said with a disheartening sigh.

They went on full alert when they heard loud and metallic thudding feet heading for them. Dempsey let out an irritated growl, as he scowled at the figure approaching. A heavily armoured, figure that was protected head to toe in a movable metal suit, and it was effortlessly crushing zombies under its feet and knocking others out of its way.

Richtofen was understandably distressed. “Vat? A Pazer Soldat? Here!? Zat cannot be possible! Zey vere meant to be lost, vhen ze vorld vas almost destroyed during ze Great Var!” exclaimed the German.

While Richtofen was voicing his dismay, he along with Nikolai, Takeo and Dempsey all reloaded their staffs – which made the coloured fluid associated to their particular staffs to retract into the staves itself, before popping out a short moment later.

Takeo glared at the Panzer Soldat with no fear in his eyes. “Nevertheress, it sharr farr before us rike many before it!”

As one Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Richtofen all aimed the top end of their staves at the face plate – the Soldat's only weak point - and pulled the trigger.

The shots of wind, ice, fire and lightning at the same time or one after the other, was more than enough to remove the protective plate after the fifth shot. It left the head of zombie inside exposed. But the men didn't stop there; they kept shooting until the suit exploded from the continued punishment. It may have been able to tank the powerful blasts, but there was only so much it could take.

And since it went up against four elemental staffs instead of one, it went down fairly quick. Having the right weapons, with enough people and knowing the weak points would make any foe go down. It merely depends how competent they are.

And Richtofen, Takeo, Nikolai and Dempsey have years of experience of fighting zombies and eldritch abominations of all types under their belt.

It was no surprise they were able to exploit its weakness and destroy it in record time before it could attack.

That was the turn of the tide. With the Panzer Soldat now taken care of, Primis got themselves in a circle, with everyone backing the man on either side of them, and started shooting at the zombies who were now running towards them.

They didn't stand a chance.

Even more so when a new arrival appeared.


It wasn't just North that was attacked however.

In the Eastern region of Lautrec, the towns of Lacroa, Stora and Hanel were under attack. It was completely unexpected. One moment everything was piece and quiet, and the next the towns residences were screaming and running for their lives as the walking dead showed up at their doorstep, devouring people they managed to get their pale dead hands on who in turn came back as zombies.

For Hanel, the zombies numbering over three hundred, appeared on the outskirts of the town. It didn't have any defences, such as walls or palisades. The zombies were able to waltz right into town and no one was the wiser to their presence... until they started leaping through windows.

While many of them tried to escape or fight back they were woefully unprepared for the sheer savageness and brutality of the dead. Fires enveloped buildings in an attempt to halt the dead. It didn't work.

Stora was similar to Hanel. It had no walls or palisades to keep out potential invaders. However the zombies, numbering five hundred in total, appeared directly in the mist of the town. This large party had three Panzer Soldat's in their mist however, and the loud sound of thrusters woke up a lot of people from their sleep.

It was then the sounds of people screaming were heard followed by the inhuman howls of the dead.
Then the zombies attacked; leaping through the building windows, bashing down their doors with their inhuman strength, or in the case of the Panzer Soldat bull rushing through a wall and allowing the zombies a way in.

A lot of able bodied people fought the dead using whatever utilities they had on hand. But they simply had too many things working against them; they were groggy from having being forced awake; the zombies were relentless and never stopping; the zombies had three Panzer Soldats that set many buildings on fire along with their residence; and finally, the zombies were stronger and faster than them.

Lacroa had two things the other towns did not: thick, and tall solid brick walls, and a local militia. The walls didn't do much to keep them out, since the walking dead appeared inside of the town. The militia were caught with their figurative pants down, but were able to respond and engage the dead as they started devouring the populace and turning them to zombies once they were done with gusto.

They had a better time fighting the zombies, hacking and slashing at them as they came. But they were only human and were inevitably devoured by the dead. However, they were able to buy the civilians time to flee the town and warn others of the impending threat.

If they managed to get that far that is.

Many towns in Lautrec, the Western Region of the continent, were under attack as well. Many were able to fend off the zombies, some outright wiping them out but suffered many causalities doing so. Others were not so lucky and were wiped out.

Other towns in other regions were under attack also. Some had to defend against Hellhounds; others had to defend against Panzer Soldat's – which never ended well for the defenders, given their major technological disadvantage – and a majority had to fight against a combination of the three, which ended up with said towns being wiped out.

One place however, would be under attack by normal zombies... and a new enemy.


At the same time within the Southern Region of Mucha, in a town named Alnwick were two silver eyed women. Both of them were garbed in a black two piece, leather bodysuit, with spaulders, gauntlets and boots made from leather and plate metal. Worn on top of them were black cloaks.

They were fighting off the walking dead that just showed up out of the blue. Both women have short hair; the first had her hair parted down the middle with one side tucked behind her ear; the second had a pixie cut.

They are Helen and Deneve.

Initially surprised at the dead sudden appearance within and - currently unknown to them - around Alnwick, the two were quick to fight them off when they began their assault.

With a scowl and a ferocious glare, Helen stretched out her arm holding her claymore and decapitated many zombies. Deneve swung her claymore to and fro so fast she had bisected and decapitated many of the walking corpses in seconds.

“Tch!” Helen retracted her arm back to its normal length, decapitating the heads of many more zombies that were in its path. “Why is the walking dead here?!” she yelled out in irritated confusion.

Deneve grunted as she slashed her claymore at a group of zombies that tried to surround her. Their heads fell from their shoulders, and all collapsed to the ground like the strings to a puppet had been cut.

“Less talking! More killing!” the pixie-haired woman barked.

Suddenly both women vanished from their spot; a moment later, they reappeared next to each other. Many zombies behind them suddenly exploded into several large chunks and a spray of blood. The women didn't have time to relax however; more and more zombies were crawling and stumbling out of the woodwork.

Helen noticed with grim realization that many of the walking dead were the townsfolk of Alnwick. Others were wearing clothes similar to the one Naruto Namikaze wore.

Growling as she scowled Helen held up her arm, pointing her sword directly at a line of zombies. Her limb stretched out and started slashing at the walking dead. Deneve held her sword out in front of her, and dealt with any zombies that got close. Helen retreated her outstretched arm and kept on with her hacking and slashing.

The two becoming literal blurs in the battlefield as zombie after zombie fell before them.

Unseen by any of the women a glyph appeared on a wall. The glyph glowed when a zombie was killed near it, but still went unnoticed. Up until a dragon's head and neck, with fire drooling from its maw, burst out of it with a loud ear ringing roar.

Alarmed at its sudden appearance, the two silver eyed women initially thought it was hostile, and were about to attack it. That was until it started incinerating the zombies, and devour the dead that were close enough for it to lunge at them.

Once it was done eating the dragon took a quick look around at its surroundings, and narrowed its smouldering, fiery eyes upon seeing the state of the town it found itself in. While the building were standing, the windows were smashed and doors were torn from its hinges.

And there was a lot of corpses lying around on the floor headless or in pieces. It looked at Helen and Deneve for a moment, memorising their looks into its brain before it retreated back into the glyph. It stayed there however instead of disappearing.

While alarmed the dragon had gone away they were a little preoccupied with the zombies. So they went back to fighting them.


The Central Region named Toulouse was untouched. As a result of this, everyone there was completely unaware of the zombie attacks that are happening elsewhere.

The city folk of Rabona were still unsettled by the Keeper. They quickly got use to seeing it, hanging around with another new comer to the city, Naruto Namikaze. It was the word from Miria, Cynthia,Yuma, Flora, Veronica and Eliza that kept Naruto and the Keeper from being kicked out of the city itself.

And the not to subtle warning from Miria, with the other women knowing the Keeper supporting her, that trying to attack the otherworldly being would be the last mistake you would ever make.

With the Keeper caught up with everything that happened in the past seven years, it was saddened to learn the twenty-five survivors had been reduced to eleven. Nevertheless it took this news in stride.

Naruto has been trying to adapt to his home dimension again ever since he managed to get back. Things in that time weren't all that boring for him either. His uniform had been taken away to get the dried blood cleaned out of it, and had retrieved it several hours later. And he had a nice bath to wash the dirt, blood and grime off his skin.

He was also asked by Cynthia to give the guards a demonstration on his FG-42 in action. He agreed to do so on the condition that no one were to get behind the targets or around the target dummies. Suffice to say they were shocked at how devastating – and loud – his battle rifle was when it's being used. The target dummies Naruto was allowed to use was destroyed beyond repair by the bullets ripping through the wood, rope and straw.

But other than that the blond mostly kept to himself; the many cycles and deaths the blond went through changed him. When night came, he would always sleep with his FG-42 on hand. The constant moans and screams of the damned were to deeply engraved in his mind to ignore.

The only time he felt safe – truly safe – was when he had his battle rifle in hand. While he wasn't afraid of death – being subject to twenty-eight of them numbed him to such a concept – it didn't mean he can or cannot feel safe.

If he couldn't go to sleep – something that unfortunately happened ever since he got out of that dimension – he would stay up for a bit and try to do something that would pass the time.

Fortunately his late night activities didn't bother anyone.


It was the fourth night since he came back. Four nights and three days, and Naruto still wasn't able to get some peaceful sleep.

He decided to do something about it, so time can pass.

As he took a stroll through the streets of Rabona Naruto noticed there wasn't a lot of guards out and about at night. There were barely any at all to be honest.

He heard a 'puff' sound beside him.

“Having trouble sleeping?” Naruto didn't show any surprise, nor did he react when the Keeper suddenly showed up and talked to him.

“Pretty much.” he exhaled tiredly. Naruto groaned as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Christ, this is annoying. I'm to used to the sound the zombies make.” he gestured around him. “This... doesn't feel normal anymore.”

“Hmm... that is a dilemma. Perhaps taking a stroll is the-” The Keeper cut itself off as it stopping moving and looked towards the North.

Hearing the Keeper cut itself off Naruto stopped walking and looked back at the otherworldly being with a questioning look. “Is something the matter?”

The Keeper disappeared without giving an answer.

While initially bewildered at its sudden disappearance Naruto wasn't too distraught the Keeper had just upped and left him. Sighing the blond was about to go back to having a stroll, up until he saw a glyph appear on the wall of a house.

Not a moment later the draconic head of Ember emerged from the glyph and took saw Naruto on the road. The blond immediately walked over because he remembered what he told her three days ago: no come back if she sees the zombies.

“Naruto! There's trouble! Come quickly!” Ember ushered him.

Before he could answer the she-dragon retreated back inside of the glyph, and to his surprise it shone as a small portal opened in the middle of it.

The blond looked both ways, unslung his FG-42 and took a running start to the portal and leapt into it.


It was an instant – but when the blond went through the glyph, he felt... a rush overcome him. Weightless even. And when he popped out the other side he was assaulted with the familiar noises of zombies.

Naruto touched the ground and rolled along it before popping back up in a kneel, his rifle raised and ready to fire. He quickly aimed the barrel of his rifle in all directions. He was a bit relieved there wasn't any of the living dead around.

There is a lot of bodies though – most were in chunky pieces, others were for the most part intact. Just had their heads and arms severed from the neck and torso.

Naruto crouch ran to one of the corpses, a man in his early years from the looks of it, and gave it a quick look over.

The blond made a face as he turned the body over on its back, and pulled up his shemagh scarf over his nose to block out the smell of iron. It helped block out the stench but not by much.

“Missing head. Large chunks of skin ripped off. Bloody tunic and trousers.” he dipped his fingers on the bloodied tunic and rubbed his thumb and fore and middle fingers together. “Warm blood too.”

He wiped his fingers on the clothing that wasn't stained by blood to get the fluid off. Naruto quickly got up as he aimed the barrel of his battle rifle ahead of him upon hearing a multitude of groans. He lowered his gun slightly in irritation at what he saw.

Shambling towards him with their arms outstretched was a crowd of zombies. Many of them were bloated severely. Mostly on their arms, legs and head. But what made him annoyed, is the fact they were the zombies from that alternate dimension!

And among them...

“...Zombified yoma, huh?” Naruto exhaled in tried irritation.

He saw how different they were compared to the teleporting ones he fought. They had several chunks of flesh skin and muscle missing, especially around the stomach and torso area. Pouring from the large gaps was a conspicuous amount of puss and blood, that was steadily forming a hardened foam like substance around their body.

Conveniently enough, said foam did not form around the gaping holes.

“I just hope you're not worse than those teleporting fuckers...” the blond told himself; taking a deep breath and exhaling Naruto brought up his battle rifle and opened fire on the first zombie that came within his iron sights, that just so happened to be a normal zombie.

The gunfire wouldn't go unnoticed however.


As they finished killing another wave of Alnwick's zombified townsfolk Helen and Deneve looked at the bodies left in their wake. The streets were almost filled to the brim with bodies and body parts. The ground literally had a river of blood.

The former clenched and unclenched her fist. Hundreds. They brought down a quarter of a thousand of them at least and the numbers of the people that were killed and reanimated as those... shambling corpses were growing more and more.

Seeing as they were getting more and more tired the longer they stayed here and fought, Deneve looked to her friend. “Helen, if we stay here any longer we'll eventually get overwhelmed. We have to go!” she told her.

Helen scowled looking as if she wanted to refuse, before sighing and giving her friend a nod, knowing a lost cause when she saw one. “Fine. Let's get out of here.”

Both women turned and started to make their way out of Alnwick; only to come to a stop when they heard gun-fire. Helen and Deneve shared a look before the latter bolted off towards the noise, with Deneve giving out a curse before following after her.

Both women moved quickly through the body littered, blood covered streets. The sounds of gunfire getting louder and louder, until they reached the source.
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