Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Undecided

The Vampire, and The Mummy

by mmaredding-chase07 0 reviews

Just... another chapter... I don't even know when this chapter will accually be in the book, nor have I finished the third chapter, so...yeah...

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2017-09-13 - 80 words

Chapter Unknown - The Vampire and The Mummy

When Colin woke up, he was glad. It had been a while since the night that fell asleep, but he wasn't quite sure how long. Even then, Colin wasn't even sure if he had been asleep. It was more like a reverse trance. His body was asleep, but his brain was up and running. It was weird and complicated. Colin did not like complicating things, so, he focused on the less complicated.
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