Categories > Original > Drama

Minecraft skins tool Review

by Gunter94Hernandez 0 reviews

Hello and welcome. Minecraft skinsTo change your

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2017-11-29 - 260 words

Minecraft skins

To change your Minecraft skin, download the classic or slim-armed reference skin below and edit it to your likings. Then sign in to your Minecraft profile at

There are also many websites that store and distribute popular skins, or if you have an iOS device, you can use Minecraft Skin Stealer. As of Minecraft version 1.8, skins can have a second layer on each body part. For information on creating a custom skin, visit the Minecraft Wiki. Only the inner part of a dual-layer skin will be visible if you use it while playing a Minecraft edition older than version 1.8.

Minecraft Skin models

If you've not uploaded a custom skin, you'll have either the classic "Steve" skin or the newer "Alex" skin, which features slimmer arms. Which default skin that you get is randomly based on your account ID and cannot be changed. This skin is also shown when you don't have a connection to the skin servers.

You can create your own skin based on either model using the reference templates below:

Slim-armed skins are only fully supported in version 1.8 and higher; if you have a slim-armed skin selected in a version prior, you will see black pixels on the arms.

Skins for other Minecraft editions

Skin packs are available for purchase on the Xbox, Playstation and Pocket editions of Minecraft. Additionally, you can upload your own skin to Pocket Edition by selecting "custom" from the skins menu. More information on changing skins in these editions can be found on the Minecraft Wiki.
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