Categories > Games > Mega Man > Phoenix Evolution

Level 5

by darkskysong 0 reviews

Level Five is ready and waiting for the unwary.

Category: Mega Man - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-09-16 - Updated: 2006-09-16 - 2209 words

AN: Um, I am sorry if any character (besides OC) is ooc. It's been a very long time since I saw my last MegaMan episode and I can't remember them too well. Now onto the chapter!


Chapter Eleven

When the NetOps walked into the stadium to begin the last level, they were very surprised to find that a maze had been constructed to take up the entire arena. They sat in the stands to await the pleasure of Mr. Danko to start the procedures, as it had been for Levels Two, Three and Four. Luckily the contestants didn't have to waste time for too long.

Mr. Danko appeared from no where to stand in front of the NetOps and Navis. He was eager to begin the level, as it would probably take them all morning to complete it. "Ah, welcome to Level Five," he pointed behind at the arena. "I assume most of you have guessed that this maze apart of the level. And you are all correct. Level Five will be testing your initiative." Mr. Danko smiled. "You and your NetNavi will begin the level at the centre of the Maze. It is your task to get out again. There are obstacles that you must overcome but be warned, each obstacle will change a piece of the Maze so you may be helping or hindering your team or other teams. The scores will be based on your times." He bowed to them. "Good luck."

The NetTeams followed the start official and she unexpectedly led them through the walls of the Maze to get to the centre quickly. They had realised the Maze was a hologram program but it was still alienating to walk in and out of apparently solid walls. At last, they stood in the spacious centre area and waited for the starting bell.

There were plenty of corridors to choose from that exited the room, so each NetTeam picked a different one. As soon as the bell went, they took off down the Maze corridors and disappeared from each other's view. The stone walls of the Maze were built high, towering over their heads.

TamaMedia officials watched the contestants' progress on the monitors hooked up to the Maze program. The first person to encounter an obstacle was NetTeam 14, Maylu and Roll.

Roll stopped suddenly in front of Maylu. "What's up Roll?" she asked.

"I'm sensing a solid wall here." Both Roll and Maylu put out their left hand. Their palm came to rest against an invisible barrier.

Maylu looked at her Navi. "I thought the obstacles would at least be something we can see."

"I wonder if there's a switch or if we have to bash our way through."

"Anything is possible." Maylu turned in a circle and came back to face the barrier. "Let's try a direct means." She took a couple of battle chips from the small belt pouch she always carried around these days. They were Static and Discord. "Static battle chip, download."

Roll laid her hands against the barrier and pushed the affects of the chip into the invisible wall. It shattered and glasslike shards fell to the floor of the Maze. Maylu and Roll waited for the after effect of breaking the barrier, but nothing happened. They shrugged and walked on. At five steps the effect kicked in.

A low whine sounded throughout the Maze then it grew louder. And louder, and louder. Soon all twenty-five NetTeams had to cover their ears, trying to block out the careening note. A few dropped to their knees in an attempt to keep their hands against their head. The whine was piercingly shrill before it suddenly cut off. At least half of the Maze wavered and then turned back to solid walls. The Maze corridors had changed on the NetTeams.

The officials chuckled at the misfortune of the NetTeams. They all knew Maylu should have used the Discord battle chip. The noise would have been less painful and the Maze would not have changed, as the invisible Discord barrier would have been neutralised by the Discord chip. They watched and waited; it wouldn't be long until two obstacles were overcome at the same time and the resulting effect of this event was unpredictable.

The NetTeams of Lan and MegaMan and Chaud and ProtoMan came against the same obstacle at the same time, though they didn't know it. It was virtually a fire wall. Chaud choose an Element Sand battle chip while Lan downloaded a Geyser. The Element Sand would smother the fire and therefore the effect but the Geyser would make the entire corridor feel like the NetTeams were walking underwater. NetTeam 7, Chaud and ProtoMan would have been fine if the obstacles had been overcome separately, but as the officials saw, they got sand rained onto them until they had run five steps to get away from the onslaught.

Once each NetTeam had come up against at least one obstacle, they started to get wise on the workings of the Maze and started choosing their chips a bit more carefully. The Maze was so big and changed so many times that it was unlikely that any of the NetTeams would meet each other. Yet as always, the Maze was contrary to the logical and some NetTeams did eventually pass each other. The next two hours elapsed with strange effects everywhere within the Maze as the teams struggled to find their way out.

NetTeam 6, Brice and PhoenixMan were nearing an exit in the Maze about two and half-hours into the final level. Blocking their way was a perfect stone wall that looked just like the Maze walls and to all appearances a dead end. Brice had figured out one of the ways of the Maze after the first six or seven obstacles, which had to be at least an hour and a half ago. At the barriers and not dead ends, there was a number two etched into the bottom of the left Maze wall at the intersection with the barrier. PhoenixMan bent down and examined the Maze wall, giving the thumbs up; that meant it was an obstacle. Brice had accidentally found the number when she had been knocked off her feet when a barrier they were trying to get past sent out shock-waves.

Both partners considered the chips that they had left to break through the barrier without affecting the Maze too much and changing their exit. They came up with a combination attack. First a fire battle chip would super heat the stone and an ice chip would freeze the stone instantly. They hoped the result would be that the extreme elements would weaken the stone enough for it to crumble, along with the adverse effect that would surely happen if they had blasted through the barrier.

"Heat Breath battle chip, download. Blizzard battle chip, download."

NetTeam 6 held their breath as they watched the results of the chips on the stone barrier. Luckily the combination had worked exactly how they hoped and the way was cleared for them to continue without major incident.

Unfortunately somewhere else in the Maze the sudden blast of a blizzard chilled NetTeam 3, Audrey and Obelix to their bones for thirty seconds. Once it stopped the Maze warmed them up in no time because they had been facing a fire wall.

As the timer ticked over three hours, two NetTeams exited the Maze from different corridors and on different sides of the Maze. They were NetTeams 6 and 7. PhoenixMan and ProtoMan were running low on energy from using all those battle chips against the obstacles, but their levels would be less used compared to the other NetNavis still in the Maze when they get out. The NetOps were also tired; they had to brave the elements, the Maze effects and physical fatigue along with their Navis.

The Maze continued to expel NetTeams over the next two hours, all worn out and ready to collapse in a heap as soon as they reached the stands. At last Level Five was over and the scores could be calculated to find the continuing NetTeams.


It had been exhausting; no matter what else it was the Maze had taken endurance and a lot of patience. No wonder it had been left until the final level. The last NetTeam had exited the Maze half an hour ago. The NetOps were anxious to see their results and find out who was in the Questing Tournament Finals.

The tournament officials were being very tight lipped. They must have known something, for all of them hid smiles when any of the NetOps passed them in the corridors.

The NetOps were gathered together in the arena for the announcement of the NetTeams going into the finals. The tension in the air was almost visible. Every NetOp and Navi waited with baited breath. An invitation only Questing Tournament was prestigious and everyone wanted a shot at a position in the finals.

"All five levels have been completed and you all have performed to the best of your abilities. Those who do not make it into the finals are invited to stay and watch the end of the tournament. I know you are all waiting for the results, so these are the six top NetTeams: Amber and CrystalMan, Brice and PhoenixMan, Chaud and ProtoMan, Lan and MegaMan, Yoshi and Swift and Yvonne and ArcherMan."

Each team relaxed and smiled at their achievement and congratulated each other. All the contestants had good sportsmanship so there wasn't a bitter person in the Stadium.

"All scores will be updated on the board outside the arena," Mr. Danko concluded.

Many NetOps congregated around the scoreboard once they had been dismissed. The scores had been close after Level Four, but the Maze had spread the NetTeams out a bit.

Chaud was pleased with himself and ProtoMan. They were the leaders; Brice and PhoenixMan were not far behind. Yoshi was a strange character as well as his Navi Swift, but it was no surprise that they were third. Then it was Lan and MegaMan, Amber and CrystalMan and then Yvonne and ArcherMan. Lan grinned at being so high on the leader board.


Dark had fallen outside after the completion of the last level. Brice stowed her PET into the open belt pouch that she had on and made her way to the nearest exit from the stadium. The glass doors of the foyer slid shut behind her with a soft, mechanical sigh. The TamaMedia Stadium had been built at the base of a mountain; the crisp air revealed a serene landscape bathed in pale moonlight. A brisk wind stirred the long strands of her black hair, a shadowy banner in the deep night.

The NetOp relished the tingling sensation the cold made with her warm skin as she lifted her blue-green eyes to the cloudless sky. The unveiled stars twinkled merrily in their dance across the heavens. Brice took several deep breaths and watched each visible stream as she let them go. It was nice out here, nothing to remind her of her worries, she could just forget for a while.

Chaud leaned against the wall inside the entrance with his arms folded, observing Brice through the cold glass. Her silhouette was framed by the stars and the darker shadow of the landscape.

There was something about Brice that seemed like she was sad all the time, though Chaud had seen her laugh with a few of the other NetOps here. Even then, hidden melancholy underlined the sound. It reminded him of a stage he went through around the time when he first met Lan.

The eerie feeling of being watched was so familiar that Brice almost ignored it. However, her instincts told her it was not just another awed or curious person watching; there was purpose behind the scrutiny. Brice slowly turned her head to the side, enough to see the glass doors. Highlighted by the lights behind him was the NetOp Chaud. She returned to gazing at the night's lights. A small smile crept into her expression as she contemplated the reasons why the famous Chaud Blaze would be studying her.

"Shouldn't you go before she sees you?" ProtoMan asked.

Chaud replied "How would she know that I was watching her specifically?"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Brice sighed. The alarm from her PET brought crashing back the melancholy she was trying to avoid. She breathed in the mountain air before going inside. Chaud was still there when Brice spun on her heel to face the immense stadium.

He didn't move a muscle as the doors slid open and she entered like a soft wind. She didn't acknowledge Chaud's presence when she ghosted right past him and up the foyer stairs. The NetOp paused at the top of the flight to look back at Chaud still leaning against the wall. His gaze had followed her every movement.

Brice couldn't help but speculate why Chaud had this uncanny knowing look to his eye. She didn't want to linger on the disconcerting thought of what he might have guessed. Not wanting to give him any more clues, the girl departed quickly around the corner.

Brice's antics left Chaud with a smile.


AN2: don't forget reviews are extremely appreciated.
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