Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Misconceptions of a hero

Messeges Hidden in dreams

by InuKag 3 reviews

Inu/Kag .... Mirok/Sang .... Things don't always go the way you plan them too... and sometimes... people aren't what they seem. If they aren't too careful, feelings could get inthe way of victory.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Koga, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Warnings: [!!!] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-09-16 - Updated: 2006-09-17 - 269 words

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Passing all the buildings, she could sense them as they faded into nothing. /Why are they disappearing? The busy streets turned to grassy plains of a certain perfection Kagome couldn't place; then it hit her, the feudal era. As she kept up her gait, it became dark, cloudy and cold; the shiver in her bones seemed to take over as she fell to her knees. Looking up, Kagome noticed she was sitting in front of a gravestone. It was surprisingly kept up, the most beautiful area amongst the darkness surrounding... engulfing. Reaching her hand to the stone, she moved the flowers that were blocking the words engraved within the rock. In the kanji it read:/

Here lies the greatest hanyou that ever lived and his powerful wife.
Their bravery and honor could not be matched by any other.

May your spirits be one with your friends forever and live on through
the eyes of your beautiful children.
Inuyasha and Higurashi Kagome,
you shall be honored by this memorial for all eternity.
Rest in peace and may your love continue to transcend all time.

Gasping, Kagome felt the tears begin to stain her face. Suddenly, there was a hand on her shoulder and she turned to see a man in red firecloth... hair as silver as the snow clouds, eyes as golden as a ray of long needed sun. Kissing her softly, he whispered in her ear. "I love you, please stay with me." Out of confusion, her tears stilled as she felt the man who took every fear away fade into the newly forming light that surrounded her soul.

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