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Isano, the story of the greatest ninja

by Saisano 2 reviews

The son of Zabuza, Senara (wolf demon), and know Kakashi will have to learn what it's like to be a true ninja, and a demon at that.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Kakashi, Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-09-16 - Updated: 2006-09-17 - 673 words


The Beginning

The branches swept like angry lions that day as the six year old boy named Isano looked our of the huts window. His mother, Senara, was out hunting again to find what little food they lived on. His father, he never knew, was a fighter who never gave a second thought to kill. The only one his mother talked about was a sensei.
His mother came back from the hunt drowsy and weak as usual. She was beautiful though, Isano always loved her sight. "I'm tired of this Isano!" she said dropping the rabbit meat which he ate greedily. "We are outcasts, no food..." Senara looked at the roof, "and hardly any shelter."
Isano looked at his mom as she started to weep. He came over and clutched her hand. "And my little son has to grow up like this." Senara said as she hugged him tight and cried into his hair. "The pine forest village will not accept us anymore, so not more!"
Isano looked at her then when he heard a loud crash. Senara handed her son a ninja headband. "Train hard my son, and always cover the eye of the wolf. No one shall ever know of your true power."
Their was a loud banging on the door. Isano held close to his mother. "Senara, you demon! You are to be executed by the law of the Pine Forest clan." Isano grasped his mother, but she let him go. "It is time to fight for your dreams my son. When I open this door and clear the guards away, you run!" Isano barely moved. "Isano, swear to me!" Isano cried, "Yes mother."
Senara grasped him for the last time. "Senara, open up!" She quickly got up and opened the door. "On what grounds!" "The Pine Forest Law that all shinobi are to be executed!" a Junín said. Senara chuckled, "What law?"
Senara turned into a demon wolf form. "No, not the dark wolf!" an ambu cried stepping back. Senara ran through them killing everyone. She continued her pace to the woods.
Isano timidly walked out of the hut. His eyes stared over the dead bodies, but he didn't care as he ran over them into the night. He placed his head band on to cover his eye, and cried his way through the great Mahogany forest.
Senara ran deep into the black forest where she turned back to her human form. Suddenly she heard a whips in the trees as someone landed behind her. "All this killing and running, where do you suppose you'll go?" Senara wept, "Why do you follow me Kakashi, when you know that you'll follow the same path as Zabuza?"
"Because I care for you." Senara turned to face him. "It should have been you who was Isano's father. Now he will grow up without a mother as well."
Tears fell from her eyes as Kakashi hugged her tight. "You know you don't have to fight this battle." The sound of a massive army shook the trees. "You're wrong Kakashi, this is my battle!"
Senara looked up into his eye. "Just like you hide your eye my son will have to hide himself from all possible harm." Kakashi lifted up his headband. His red eye pierced the mist that began to lay heavily on them.
"This is not your battle to fight Senara! I can take you back to my village, you and your son! I will keep you safe from..." Senara put her fingers up to his scarf covering his mouth. "I love you Kakashi, but I will fight to the death!"
Senara turned to her wolf form and looked at the road ahead. "Senara...don't..." "Take care of Isano...he is now your son!" Senara said as she darted ahead. "No!" Kakashi said running after her, but it was too late. A piercing howl stuck the starry sky.
Kakashi had known what had happened as he fell to the ground weeping. Know what to do....
Continued in next week's chapter
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