Categories > Movies > Star Wars > Love and The Force Know No Bounds

Reversal and Return

by Starseeker2424 0 reviews

It is the finale baby!!

Category: Star Wars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Luke - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2018-02-21 - 3336 words - Complete

Author's Note: Well here it is guys thank you for taking the time to read this. My song reccoomendations are "Thinking out Loud" by Ed Sheeran, "My Love" by Sia and "Anthem of the Angels" by Breaking Benjamin."

Rey lunged before Ben who was in the beginning stages of dropping to the floor and a blistering turquoise blade luckily knocked the purple saber off its course. She rapidly bent down and lifted Ben from off the floor. You ok?

Thanks to you I am more than I ever thought possible. I have my life back, I am definitely more than ok.

Watch out to your left here comes Padmé.

Rey accessed the reserves of adrenaline that comprised her connection to the Force and shot herself in the air and twisted over Padmé's shape.

The single recognizable emotion defining Padmé's psyche was an unfathomable needle of odium that periodically infused her supply with additional animosity, it was like a UV carrying embers. Nevertheless, Padmé kept her hatred in check and exploited it in a beneficial fashion as message of discipline as opposed to igniting a reckless onslaught.

The amputation of Padmé's last arm of flesh seared into her cognitive chamber the imperative of control and the danger of forgetting skill and strategy. Anticipating Rey's escape she pivoted and swept her auburn light saber to ward off the incoming attack of the woman behind her.

"I see you still insist on claiming the ownership of that weapon. But I have some news, that's not how inheritance works. You are desperately trying to fool yourself into believing that you are a member of this family, but everyone else knows you for what you truly are, a demon. You are not a Skywalker or a Solo. Embrace it honey, you were born to be bad. I think now is the perfect time for me to earn back that blade."

Rey devised a barrier between herself and any verbal attacks, she had failed once in letting Padmé the upper hand but she knew better than to make the same mistake in rapid succession. Judgment could be the deciding factor in who loved to tell the tale of this day.

"You sure talk a lot but you really have nothing interesting to say."

Rey prayed that Padmé would rise to the occasion and take the bait.

The female Skywalker only supplemented her want to reach victory with the quick quips and jabs that Rey would obviously throw at her. A practitioner of a sophisticated offensive style did not mean that Padmé permitted her defensive ability to atrophy.

Rey raised the lightsaber in an arc and slammed down. Padmé narrowly avoided the Djem So execution and flipped at an angle to further avoid another jab. Padmé orchestrated a ball of concussive potential and sent a Force Repulse out at all angles. The only ones able to withstand the blunt collision were Snoke and her father.

Padmé enhanced her speed and flew at Rey's crumpled form and jettisoned even faster. She twirled her lightsaber into a reverse grip Shien posture and stabbed through the intermediary air with deft precision and it halted centimeters from Rey's chest. She caught the lightsaber in the palm of her hand. Rey clenched her hand into a fist as it moved through the energy beam as if it were nothing but a nuisance and squeezed with the circumference of its circular silhouette and the lightsaber extinguished.

Padmé hurriedly pirouetted from the domain of her father's former saber and repeatedly disturbed the ignition switch from its stationary position but the only indication of the lightsaber cooperating were various crimson and amber pockets of plasma that bounced excitedly from the tip of the hilt. In an act of desperation, she psychically set fire to Rey's garments.

Her adversary was preoccupied with smothering the rambunctious chains of flame and Padmé finally activated the weapon. The tether that linked Rey to her human side was shredded to pieces. No longer was she just vying for disarming and incapacitating Luke's daughter the only outcome that would sate her bloodlust was another kill. She surged towards Padmé and best down with pure brute strength. Padmé began the fight with utter confidence but was drained of that reassurance in record time. Due to her the rigorous education in combat and years of physical engagements Padmé grew to be a prolific fighter.

Rey outclassed her in raw Force potential, but she was the refined and tactful duelist of the pair. If she capitalized on her marital superiority she could quite possibly come out on top. She feigned a lapse in balance and exploited Rey's shift in weight as she advanced to strike Padmé and twisted the lightsaber to be on level with Rey. The crimson blade crossed paths with Rey's non-dominant arm and pushed her blade to push through the shabby forearm gauntlets and lacerate the ligaments and tissue that connected to Rey's bicep.

Rey cried out in pain and Padmé scored another sizeable but shallow swipe that cauterized quicker than she expected. Rey failed to even relay a registration of hurt on her face and only continued on fighting.

"You are tough, but it is of little consequence."

Unnervingly, Rey refused to dignify the statement with a verbal response which worried Padmé as it proved that her Dun Möch methods had lost their effectiveness. Padmé made to exact another strike and Rey redirected it to the floor letting loose a battalion sparks. Rey telekinetically thrust the embers to Padmé's face and watched with sinister glee as her enemy was caught off guard. Working through the parade of singe marks left by the enthralled sparks Padmé managed to maintain her bodily integrity by countering all of Rey's strikes.

"My father abandoned you. Try as hard as you will, but it is impossible to run from your past. There is something carnal within you and it reared its ugly head on Naboo. Those Mandalorians were fathers, wives and mothers. They were some of my best friends and you bathed in their blood. I overestimated myself and I let them down, but now I can deliver your skull as tribute but it will never be enough."

"I did nothing of the sort. You are the one responsible for the fact that their families will never see them again. You led them into what they thought would be an easy job but I sense you didn't alert them of just what their target was capable of. Sweetheart you are just as bad as me. I may have been the butcher but you were the customer."

Rey's words resonated in Padmé's mind and she stumbled backward as she relived the screams of fading life and the grotesque squish of her comrade's bodies studded with ice and sleet. She foolishly dropped her lightsaber and slipped to her knees. Their names and faces spun like a revolving door, each vertical plane of durasteel carried the livelihood of every soldier killed.

Minute crunches surrounded her extremities, abdomen, diaphragm and head and grew in momentum fast. She mistakenly thought that they were the spirits of her fallen friends slowly using their incorporeal fingers and hands to avenge themselves by attack her and she surrendered to their mercy. In actuality Rey implemented an invisible clamp to fracture any piece of carbon quartz it came into contact with. Rey indulged in an an inhuman laugh as she delightedly broke every bone in Padmé's body.

With a jerk of her hand Rey forced Padmé to her knees and Padmé began to collapse into herself as her ribs snapped and her spine caved in. Padmé swore to herself that she would never supplicate anyone to be her hero but for the sake of living she did the unthinkable, she asked her father for help.

"Father help me."

A whisper of a time gone by when Luke had been captured in a net of electricity on the Second Death Star, so she called out for her father to help save her from the razor barbs of the torrential lightning. His child was now in the same position. He whipped around and beheld Rey's first voluntary steps down the Dark path.

Ben was a pariah and he had learned to embrace his role of solitary. The only other student that wasn't too afraid to converse with him was a four-year-old girl who sported a ridiculous hair style of three buns on the back of her head. It reminded him of his mother's rather outrageous arrangements of her hair and he took pity on the child. He would later know that he had found someone or more accurately he had been found by a true friend.

The night of the Cleansing, Ben had retreated to his personal quarters and meditated in front of a holocron as the teachings of the Sith wafted into his soul and mind through osmosis. His conversion was nigh complete as he had humbled himself to be an apprentice once more, but this time to a greater teacher. The pyramid glistened and radiated with photons of ruby. Every wall was bathed in a film of scarlet that shifted to the rhythm of the Lord's voice. Ben had steeled himself on this path and it was the time to display what he had learned. Before he could deactivate the holocron a little head popped into his room and childishly asked, "Is that a nightlight? You are almost 16 Ben, I don't even need a nightlight."

"No Rey it is not a nightlight. I thought I told you to leave me alone."

"You have but that doesn't mean I have to listen."

Ben blasted up from the metal floor and turned his lightsaber on. He pointed it at Rey and she jumped in fright. The staff of unruly red plasma was unlike anything any of the students had seen before. They were warned of the evil associated with a ruby blade and it meant only one thing: Ben was had fallen to the Dark side.

"I thought you were my friend Ben."

"Rey I am going to tell you one more time, go away."

"But I thought…"

"Leave now!" The room reverberated in a slight Force Quake as Ben lashed out. Rey remained steadfast and she even seemed ready to hurl an insult. Ben became jumpy and his unsteady grip allowed the blade to waver and it clipped Rey on the shoulder. She yelped. The one person she had really grown to trust at the Academy had now hurt her.

Rey locked eyes with Ben one more time and Ben knew that he had made a mistake beyond repair. Rey split from the room and that was the last time that Ben would ever see his only friend.

Luke and Leia had formed a circle back to back. Luke employed his clover colored blade to deflect blaster bolts and protect himself from Snoke's own blade. Leia fervently dodged and ducked out of the way of Stormtroopers and she obtained a rifle from the corpse of a recently dispatched trooper. Thanks to her dexterity Leia was able to operate a rifle in one hand and a hold out blaster in the other.

When the situation demanded it the General kicked the Stormtroopers down and then took the initiative to keep them permanently that way with a well aimed shot. If a Stormtrooper penetrated the boundaries of her range firing ability she would bludgeon them in the back and head with the rifles and attack with retractable blade that rest on the top of her pistol.

Chewbacca and R2 fought with much valor and they held their own. R2 was relentless in shocking the living daylights of the Stormtroopers and Chewbacca had already set a new record with the amount of Stormtroopers he had taken down. They were all that was left of the old clue in the terms of not being part of the biological family so they vowed to stay together always.

Snoke was immensely capable with a lightsaber and Luke was constantly calculating knew modes of combat when Snoke proved that he had divined the information from the Force a few seconds before the notion even took root in Luke's mind. Snoke was a specialist in Juyo. Luke just barely depended on his competency on Soresu to contend with Snoke's thrusts and sweeps.

In need of a reprieve Luke tried to extricate Snoke from his immediate vicinity via a Force Wave but Snoke just jammed his lightsaber into the floor and employed it as an anchor to remaining upright and in control of his anatomical faculties. This back and forth lasted for several minutes. Luke had just maneuvered Snoke's lightsaber from his possession when a telepathic cry translated into tangible dialogue. Snoke could wait, but his daughter could not. Luke entered into a catatonic state as he saw Rey's formerly kind and bubbly demeanor become one of nightmares. He had been afraid of such a thing happening but he had interpreted the situation as positive.

He perceived himself able to encourage the benevolent portion of Rey's essence and he thought he had prevailed but he was once again wrong. Although giving up would have been the option of least resistance it was never to late to appeal to one's humanity as his father had shown him.

"Rey. Please release my daughter. This is not you."

Rey telekinetically flung his broken daughter several feet away into a mangled heap.

"Luke you of all people know that this was supposed to happen. I know about my heritage."

"Rey and it is just that heritage, it means nothing about you. You are Good."

"Save it. No proverbs or meditation or happy thoughts will change the fact that I am a child of the Dark side. You advocate for forgiveness and acceptance when you erased my memory, never thought to tell me where or who my family is and you left me like garbage on a desert planet."

"Rey I cannot begin to ask for forgiveness but this isn't the way."

"Way to what? Happiness? Security? The light? None of which you have ever even tried to give me. When I made that trek weeks ago to seek out the prodigal Luke Skywalker I was misinformed as to who you are. I should have rammed this blade through your heart."

Snoke had gotten his saber back and was closing in on Ben Solo when he finally heard the words he had been waiting for. Rey had come to find the Dark Side for herself and she recovered her senses from the illusion that forever shrouds the Skywalker line in fallacies. Now was the time to bring her to the fold.

"Enough!" Snoke bellowed. Everyone present save Luke were then caught in a Static Barrier as any movement was made impossible.

"Rey, daughter of Palpatine. I believe now is the time for proper introductions. I am Snoke, a former pupil of your great grandfather and I am to remain in his debt for eternity. My humble attempt at returning the favor has now begun. You have the potential to annihilate all adversity, expunge the Skywalker clan, and conquer the cosmos. Are you ready to make these things happen?"

Rey couldn't contain Luke in an entire hold but she was capable enough to impede the acceleration of his advance. She tested the prospect of Snoke's proposal in her mind like searching for the ideal side of a dice. Like Dejarik, this could be fun.

"What have I got to lose? I am in."

Snoke nodded in satisfaction and decided to assist his new charge in what she desired to accomplish.

Snoke casually transformed his Force energies into a veil of obsidian. The shadow immediately held Luke down like chains and he was brought to his hands and knees. His lightsaber had been removed by Rey as she combusted the weapon and it exploded into atoms.

"Watch Luke Skywalker as your greatest failure becomes the Galaxy's greatest victory. Let the Imperial Dynasty reclaim its rightful place."

Rey elevated the turquoise lightsaber above her head in a posture almost akin to a devoted priest thanking its patron and she began to bring down the blade.

"Rey no, don't do this. Fight it. Fight for us, fight for you fight for me. I lost you once due to my selfishness and you were kind enough to not give up on me. I cannot give up on you. Please give me the lightsaber."

Ben extended his hand but unlike that night where he threatened Rey with his sword of laser he was asking to receive a beacon of Good.

Rey paused and genuinely listened to Ben. Something within her stirred as her full history with Ben played out. The tapestry of her life was now complete as the damaged threads had been repaired with meeting Ben once again.

They started out as the unlikeliest of a pair, partners in crime, she was his sidekick and he begrudgingly accepted that she would never leave him, then they became more than strangers separated by years apart and the vastly different quality of their lives, and now they were partners who worked well together and knew each other deeply. A glimpse of something else more terrifying then she could ever imagine took shape. A future where they were lovers, and nothing could stand in their way. But who was she to deserve love?

"My answer is no. I truly am sorry."

"NO!" Ben overpowered Rey's vice grip on the Skywalker heirloom and it teleported into the hands of its new owner. It was up to him now to protect those he loved.

The roles had reversed. The messiah degenerated into the villain, and the villain ascended to the station of messiah. It became quite apparent that love and the force knew no bounds when it came to them.

Somewhere in a world light years away, in the shade of a marble moon gently caressing the contours of the vast landscape of night someone long ago left behind stirred.

Equilibrium had once again been foiled. It rang true that history repeated itself and a burgeoning entity awoke but it was feasible that this generation could make the fateful change. Ben Solo and Rey, along with a select few were destined to bring the Galaxy into a new age.

But the question at hand was which side, if any would rule? The Dark or the Light?

Author's Note: And it is finished. I am so happy to be able to press that 'Complete' button. My first multichapter fic- its one for the books. There have been no reviews in a year so hopefully more will come, but if not I am just happy people are seeing this and I know that I had the strength and determination to spend so many hours writing. There are several allusions to other media culture and Star Wars Episodes so see if you can find all of them. I as always hope that this does not suck. This has been quite a ride. Regarding Ben and Rey. THEY ARE NOT RELATED AT ALL NOR DID BEN OR REY HAVE ROMANTIC FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER WHEN REY WAS A 6 YEAR OLD. I just wanted to make that clear that it could grow into something more but it needs more time. I hope the new owner with the lightsaber thing is not too much like Harry Potter but it was important to show that Ben has reclaimed his place in the Skywalker family. Padmé is a few months older than Ben. She is 31 at the time of this story and Ben is 30. Rey will turn 20 a few months after the time of this story. There will be more information revealed on Rey's family and we will learn who her parents are in the Sequel will be called, "Love and the Force are the Ties that Bind."
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