Categories > Original > Fantasy > Let's See Where This One Goes, Eh?

Piss Off

by mmaredding-chase07 0 reviews


Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2018-02-23 - 166 words

"Piss Off,"


"I asked nicely."

"Not really."


"I already said no." The taller boy, leaned across the aisle, causing me to feel his breath on my cheek. I shivered slightly.

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all, Love."

"Don't call me that."

"Sure, Love." I glared at him from the corner of my eye, still writing the class notes furiously. He was smirking. Of fucking course.

"Fuck you," I snarled.

"Maybe later," He winked, I felt my face burn red.

"Shut up," I muttered, turning back to my work. I could feel his smirk.

"Hey," he tapped my shoulder with his pencil. I ignored him. "hey," He tried again. "Hey, hey, hey," He continued to poke me. "Hey, love," I finally tuned around.

"What do you want?" I hissed at him.

"I'm bored,"

"well, bother someone else!"

"But you're much more fun!"


"Miss Kennedy, and Mr. Michael, is there a problem?" Called Mr. Smith.

"No sir," I answered,kicking Michael's shin under the desk.
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