Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

Tea With Michael

by Emilie_D 1 review

Michael decides to meddle.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-09-18 - Updated: 2006-09-18 - 2809 words - Complete

Eventually, Severus and Zelda got themselves dressed - but only because they had missed lunch, and therefore were now both ravenous. There was little conversation between them as they ate, although they eyed each other closely. The mood between them swerved from serious, when they thought about Severus's imminent departure, to giddiness as they remembered the delights of the past few hours... and to quiet joy at their recent commitment to a shared future.

"Tonight?" Zelda asked calmly.

"I think so," he replied, happy that there was no need to play out the love and regret again. Leaving her was going to be difficult enough, and the gift she offered him now was her acceptance of reality. He controlled the swell of love and gratitude with an effort.

"Must you go to him immediately?" she asked in a steady voice.

"I do not believe so. In this situation, I think I should take a few days to evaluate things, and perhaps also find out what Bellatrix has been up to lately." His expression became irritated, as he continued, "I dislike this mission, so I must be sure of my own motives; which are that the need to stay under cover is real, rather than a means of avoiding reality."

Severus had finished eating, and had begun clearing the table and washing dishes as he spoke. He found these simple chores amazingly comforting, and when Zelda picked up a dishtowel and began to dry, he realized that mundane tasks are even more pleasant when shared. His eyes met with Zelda's, and they shared this pleasant feeling.

"What will you do, my girl?" Severus asked quietly. He realized now how empty the house would be to her; trying to accomplish his task and survive would distract him, but she would be alone again. Having just experienced for himself the more comforting side of human companionship, he worried to think of her being here by herself. He knew that even he would no longer feel as comfortable as he used to be in such a situation.

"I'd thought of going to Chicago for a few days," she answered ruefully, "pretending to care about museums and shopping. But that was before Michael appointed himself my bodyguard."

"You would be anonymous in Chicago," Severus said, "and that is desirable."

"I can't stay in Chicago forever," replied Zelda. "When I found you, I had just started to take my week off, and then I was coming back here to get the house organized." She sighed. "After that, I have a mountain of new grade level requirements from the State to go through, so I was going to plan my curriculum for the coming school year."

"You stay very busy, don't you?" he noted.

She shook her head wonderingly, trying to mentally put this new love into the perspective of her life. "Sev, Eli graduated early... this past January, and left for college," she explained. "This is the first summer that I've planned to be alone, so I needed to keep busy." She smiled happily at him. "Our timing is perfect, from my perspective. I wouldn't have wanted to wait another day to find you, and while I love my kids, they're self-sufficient now."

The kitchen was clean now, and they went outside and settled into the hammock again.

Severus had so many questions for her; there was so much he did not know about her. "Do you actually rewrite your curriculum every year?" he asked.

"I might ask you why you don't," she chuckled, "But politicians here change things constantly, so there are always adjustments." She looked a little embarrassed as she continued. "Mostly I do it for me, so I won't be bored. Every year some things work well, and some don't, but I can always think of ways to tweak my project assignments."

Severus smiled as he realized that under her droll manner was a stern teacher with high expectations for herself and her students. "Potter was right," he mused, "you do resemble Minerva McGonagall."

"Really?" she said wryly, "Tell me about her. She's the one you went to see, and I saw your memory of her. I hope you don't see a physical resemblance..."

Severus eyed her quizzically, before saying, "No, my girl. But she was my Transfiguration teacher when I was a student, and she is extremely intelligent and sets a high standard for her students." He smirked. "She is also a model of strictness. I have not seen that side of you, but perhaps that is why Potter decided to take your wand warning to heart."

"Fair enough, dear boy. I can live with that resemblance," she said. "Back to the original subject, I can't leave now with Michael on high alert. He worries me." She frowned. "He's a born warrior, you know, and doesn't fit in this safe little world. He'd love nothing more than to join the ultimate battle against evil."

"If he had magical ability, I would beg him to do so," replied Severus. "Underneath that obnoxious humor, he is a very impressive man. That reminds me... has it ever occurred to you that he may be capable of Legilimency?"

"Since I never knew it existed until now, no," Zelda replied. "Why?"

"Before I told him anything this morning, I examined him, and he could feel it," Severus said slowly. "A Muggle should not have been so conscious of his mind."

"I wonder how far your people really understand this stuff," Zelda quipped, and then added bravely, "I'll give it some thought, dear boy. It'll give me an interest after you're gone."

Severus said nothing, as his mind had become fixated on what he had just said about Muggles. Thinking for a moment, he drew his wand and handed it to Zelda. "Give it a wave, my darling," he said.

She took it cautiously and looked at it. The smooth wood felt warm in her hand, although he had not been holding it. She looked up at him doubtfully.

"Zelda, it will not bite you," he said ironically. "Just wave it, most probably nothing will happen."

She prayed fervently that nothing would happen... recalling the way he had used it, she held it firmly and waved. To her surprise, a tiny blue spark came out of the end, followed by a faint puff of white smoke. She was shocked, but it seemed like a harmless little thing.

"Did we expect fireworks?" she asked doubtingly.

"We had no expectations whatsoever," Severus calmly replied, although secretly, he was a little startled by what he saw. Nothing should have happened, if she were truly unable to do magic. Still, it was hardly an example of power, and she looked very uncomfortable, he thought affectionately. "Do not worry, my love," he said, "it was a silly thing to ask of you."

"I like your 'other' wand much better, Sev," she murmured saucily, kissing his neck.

"Ah... Zelda," Severus said contentedly, "I am extremely lucky." He gathered her tightly against himself and they fell asleep together.


Severus awoke to the feel of a long, dripping tongue slathering his cheek.

"Zelda? What is it?" Severus muttered, disoriented from being deep asleep.

Zelda opened her sleepy eyes, and looked into a pair of limpid brown orbs. She groaned. "It's Lola," she said, "Michael can't be far behind."

"Lola, hey baby, come here," said Zelda as she dragged herself out of Severus's arms to stand up. The graceful black dog danced backward, just out of her reach.

"Curse it, where's Michael?" she asked crossly. "He's the only one she'll mind."

Severus lay in the hammock, watching her efforts and chuckling. "You are on your own, my girl. I placed a special Muggle-Repelling Charm earlier, so the dog is here, but Michael cannot enter."

Zelda sat down on the grass, laughing helplessly. "Thank the Goddess!" she said, "Remove the spell immediately... Otherwise who will rid me of this meddlesome dog?"

Severus regretfully undid the spell, and a few minutes later Michael came around the side of the house, carrying a pink dog leash in his hand. Lola pranced up to him, before turning back to run toward Zelda, who collapsed on to the grass, still laughing. The dog was careful to stay out of reach of both of them.

Severus remained where he was, smirking at the goings on. "You told me that she would mind Michael, darling." He watched Zelda, his eyes shining with love, unaware that Michael was watching him also.

She lay unmoving and the dog became curious - poking her slender nose into Zelda's face - to be instantly captured. Zelda sat up, grinning triumphantly. "Michael, take your beast!" she said as she kissed the elegant nose, before she handed her over to him.

"Come here, my girl," Severus said quietly. She went to him, and he pulled her down into his arms to held her close, miserably aware of his imminent leaving. She caught his thought and kissed his cheek, then buried her face against his neck.

"You people think too much, you know," Michael said, standing over them with a serious expression.

Zelda looked up at him, weary of games. "Why are you here, Michael?" she asked. "Lola never escapes, you did this on purpose."

"Guilty as charged, sweetheart," he said, adding; "Listen, it's difficult I know, but if you wallow in it, it'll be worse for Severus, wherever he's going - and worse for you too, Zel."

"What then, do you suggest that we do, Michael?" Severus asked frigidly.

"Come for a walk with Uncle Michael, my children," Michael replied. "We'll have a bite to eat and talk a little, then you can have some time to say your goodbyes." He stood, patiently waiting for an answer.

Severus thought that Zelda seemed almost grateful for the distraction. After she agreed, he went with her inside, where she changed clothes, and then - with Lola in tow, the three walked to Michael's house.

His place was similar in layout to Zelda's, but more Spartan in décor. Zelda sat down in a chair, trying hard to behave normally, even though she felt more like she was getting ready to attend a funeral. Severus sat across from her on the couch, his face expressionless.

Michael watched them, a sad smile on his lips, and said, "I didn't bring you here to torture you with social niceties, idiots," he said, "Zelda go and sit with him, for heaven's sake. I know you want to."

He held a hand out to her, so she rose and hugged him. "Thanks, babe," she said, her lips twisting into a faint smile.

"I'll be right back," he said, watching as Zelda sank to the couch next to Severus and relaxed into his embrace... and then he left the room.

"What now?" Severus asked, when Michael had gone. Her closeness comforted him.

Zelda rolled her eyes. "I think Michael's adopted us. Oh Sev, we'll do this, but it feels awful." She slid into his lap so she could look up at him, and couldn't help smiling into his black eyes. She rubbed her cheek against his, and kissed his nose, and his lips, saying; "You're the most gorgeous, sexy man I've ever seen."

"You are barking mad, my girl, and I adore you for that," he murmured, running his thin fingers through her bright curls. "I do not wish to appear... needy, but do you remember that you agreed to marry me?"

She smirked at him, "If you're having second thoughts, it's too late," she said, "I said I'd marry you, so now you're stuck with me."

Warmth flooded through him and he tightened his arms around her. He still wondered how this had all happened, but he could not deny it was real. He had a place; he belonged somewhere now... with Zelda. The knowledge made it a little easier to leave, knowing that he could return to her.

Michael found them like that when he returned a few minutes later, bringing tea. "Will you pour, Zel?" he asked, "I'm going to get the rest."

Zelda poured fragrant tea into cups and handed one to Severus. Michael came back bringing sandwiches and fresh fruit, and sat down across from them. He accepted his tea, looking back and forth between them, his eyes twinkling.

"This is the most interesting situation I've ever run across," he said, "I always thought you had it in you, Zel. Nice to see I was right."

Zelda gulped down her tea, set the cup down and put her hand on Severus's knee. "I'm glad I amuse you," she said acidly. "Do you have any useful comments, /my dear old friend/?" Her tone was decidedly nasty.

"Ah, the bitch is back, babe," Michael genially noted. "Does Severus have any idea who he has on his hands?" He looked at Severus as he spoke, and continued, "Our Zelda's the toughest-minded, most obnoxious woman I know, who never hesitates to piss off anyone in her quest for truth and justice."

Severus watched them both; intrigued with the odd way they showed their obvious affection for each other.

"Now you've made me blush, Michael." Zelda said sardonically. "If you brought us here as prey for your entertainment, I'm really not in the mood. Dispatch us and be done with it." She picked up a peach and bit into it hard, making juice run down her chin. She and giggled, reaching for a napkin.

Michael sneered, "Your cynicism's definitely part of your charm, Zel. Especially since underneath it all you're a cream puff."

"I'd love to... say, see you birth a child, darling," she quipped, "so I could watch you crumble." She casually took another bite of her peach, this time keeping the napkin ready.

"Are you feeling better, Zel?" Michael said, his tone now completely serious. "You won't be able to cope with this unless you get a grip on yourself."

Zelda sat up straight and looked directly at him. "Better now, thanks," she said firmly.

He looked at Severus. "You?"

"Fine," Severus replied shortly. "Thank you, Michael."

"Good. Now both of you eat up, while I talk," He looked intently at Severus; "This must be a bad situation. I know nothing about magic; I don't know where you come from. But I see that it's real, that you're serious, and if I can help you... I'll do it."

Severus thought of trying to explain, but looking at Michael, he realized it was not necessary. The man knew he would be in over his head, and yet had still offered in spite of that. He wished that he knew more wizards who were as smart and competent.

"Thank you," he carefully replied, "I am glad you know, Michael. But the magical world is hidden from Muggles for many good reasons. If it is discovered that you know, you may have your memory modified," he explained. "Please be discreet."

"Silent as the grave, Severus," Michael cheerfully answered. "Listen, I assume from the hangdog looks I saw earlier that you're leaving tonight - right?"

Severus nodded sternly. He could no longer pretend otherwise.

"That's a better attitude," Michael said approvingly. "Will you have any contact with Zelda?"

"It is too dangerous," Severus muttered unhappily.

"Sensible... but hard on you both," Michael replied. Looking at Zelda's calm face, he said, "When he leaves, I'm coming over - and I'll stay the rest of the night."

She started to protest, but then realized that she would be grateful for his company. "Feeling all this gratitude's beginning to stifle me," she mused, "Would you please... please insult me again, Michael?"

Severus chuckled; glad to hear her joke again. "I'm glad you will not be alone after I am gone, my girl," he said, and his tone grew more serious as he added, "Thank you again, Michael. For the food, for the shooting lesson and," he smirked, "for watching out for my future wife."

Michael threw back his head and laughed. "I was impressed by the wand thing... but I think you've done the impossible, man," he exclaimed, and looked at Zelda, who was blushing. He told her, "I want to hear you say it, girl."

"He's very persuasive, Michael, and wonderful too. Did I mention sexy?" she added, before saying calmly, "Yes, I'm going to marry him."

"I'd given up hope, Zel, and I guess I can't tell anyone, can I?" Michael joked. "Congratulations, Severus. If I were straight she'd be my first choice, and if you were gay, well... never mind. Zelda - don't throw me that look, I'm just kidding!"

"Jerk!" she snapped. "Keep it up and you won't be invited to the wedding."

Laughter eased the stress, and they finished their tea. Afterwards, Zelda and Severus headed for home, having arranged that Michael would come to her house at about ten o'clock. So it was decided.
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