Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Perfect

Chapter 005

by pengz 1 review

A family secret revealed that causes more chaos in Andie's life.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-09-19 - Updated: 2006-09-20 - 1632 words

Thanks to GreenDayCrazy, FaithSlayer, _xtinaa, letter_bomb, wendy11, rok_owt_loud!, ColdHardBitch, zombiestarr01, coke_freak, gcmestsp, XrayPineapple, k8ie, p_xox_p, Punkness89, Chino, and Mrs. Andie Francis for being so damn supportive and reviewing. Stay after the chapter for a notice! :)

Chapter 005


Yesterday I made the horrible mistake of agreeing to meet up with my father whom I haven't seen in over a year. But I guess that's what I get for being so busy and tired, what with school -I'm a Rutgers Freshman now- supporting the band -My Chemical Romance- and dealing with Mikey, I didn't have the energy to argue when Giuliano called.


On my way out I noticed Mikey's disgruntled expression as he watched MTV with Frankie on our couch (I still live with the latter) and I was suddenly relieved that my evening would not be spent in his company. I now that sounds so horribly bitchy of me but I can't help it. Mikey's a great boyfriend, don't get me wrong, it's just that sometimes he can be a bit moody especially when he's drunk or drugged up and it's worse when he gets mad at me. But, oh God, there's nothing worse than the looks he gives me. There's one that he gives me, I call it the "Uh-oh" look, meaning I've done something extremely out of line according to him. He just gives me the "Uh-oh" and I start crying because I know nothing I do will change how bad he's going to hurt me. But tonight, as ironic as it may seem, a savior has come to relieve me of any horrible happenings in the form of my father.


I finally made it to Bella Rosa, this horribly formal Italian restaurant in Jersey City, to meet him. This is going to be awkward and I know he's going to rag about me being underdressed unlike everyone else. By underdressed, I mean I stuck out like a sore thumb with my all black Chuck Taylors, an Iron Maiden shirt, and my hole-y jeans, freshly duct-taped at my knee-hole. Who knows, maybe they won't let me in the restaurant and I can skip out on Daddy Dearest.


As I approached the small podium where this prim woman stood, with her neat little clipboard, she gave me the classic, "You look like trash." grimace.

"I'm with the Giuliano De Angelis party." I stated without fanfares or pleasantries. "Is he here yet?"

"And who might you be?" she all but scoffed, looking disdainfully at me as she scrutinized my choice of evening wear.

"Andie De Angelis, his daughter." I guess he's slept with her before -UGH, BAD MENTAL PICTURE!- because she decided to change her attitude and immediately led me to their second floor to a private room; I guess this is where they have the on-site catered parties and what-not.

"Mr. De Angelis? Your daughter is here." the hostess spoke softly, her haughty disposition replaced with a humbled one. She nudged me into the room. And there he was, the jerk of my life, my father, sitting pretty on one side of a small formally set table.

A year had done much to him. Gray hairs plagued his characteristically black, slicked-back up-do, lines along his face were deeper with, though he was still dressed the same as he had been since I could remember. Black suit, olive dress shirt, and a black silk tie. His fedora must be with his heavy wool coat in coat-check. Another thing that stayed the same was his condescending tone. "Leave us."

Instinctively, I turned to see the hostess's reaction only to see the door close with a snap.

"Ooookay." I said before seating myself in the chair across from my father.

"Good to see you, Andie." Giuliano said in a friendly manner, buttering a dinner roll for himself and offering me some, to which I refused.

"Cut the crap. Why did you want to see me in the first place?" At this, the slight smile that had previously occupied his aged face faded but it had not affect on me whatsoever; I was in his territory now and I had to keep my guard up.

"Look, I know I messed up with what I said to you the last time we talked--"

"You've been messing up since mom died." I said, cutting through his words with a simple statement.


It was true though, ever since mom died, things were never the same between me and my father. My therapist, whom I stopped seeing after one session, said that my anger and frustration was stemming from the fact that I felt my father was the reason my mother was dead. Yeah, I didn't need a professional to tell me that, thank you; I openly express that the receiving end of my contempt is also its epicenter. You see, the night my mom died, she and my father had a huge argument (the ones they had more and more of as the years went by) over something I could never quite understand. Well, in her distress, she went out for a drive and got hit by an eighteen-wheeler. I would have gone with her, but their fights had gotten so frequent that I learned to ignore and sleep through them knowing mom wouldn't explain them in the morning. Why didn't I just listen under the crack of their door, you ask? It's kind of hard to do that because whenever they fought over anything they'd switch over to Italian (mom was an Italian linguist) so I couldn't understand anything.


"Okay, fine, I'll 'cut the crap' as you say." he relented as I smirked in easy victory. "But she's the reason I wanted to see you."


"Your mother." It took a second for me to understand that he really meant my mother, so he continued. "It's time you knew the truth..." He snapped his fingers and the door to the private room we were in opened to reveal six or seven men, similarly dressed like my father. Each wore his dark hair slicked back, a black suit, and a surly look upon his face.


He's going to off me. Great. My own father is going to have me murdered and sleeping with the fishes in a matter of a few minutes! This is exactly how I've always wanted to go down.


I felt my throat closing up as the door did just after the last man entered, finishing the circle that now lined the circular shaped room. There was no time in my life that I ever felt so paralyzed and mute than I did now. I don't think Mikey could ever have scared the shit out of me like this presentation of imminent death did. My father was positively glowing now from, I assumed, entertaining thoughts on how to cruelly mutilate me Black Dahlia style.

"Andie, meet the men who've been making sure that you haven't been murdered in Belleville." Giuliano announced, gesturing about the room proudly.

Right now I feel like the air in my body has all been sucked out. Men who made sure that I wasn't murdered? "Wait, hold on. What?" I sputtered trying to make sense out of this thoroughly absurd situation.

Giuliano gave me a reassuring smile. "I don't know how else to tell you this without making you upset for keeping it away from you for so long." He gave a nervous chuckle as he tried, but failed, to lighten up the serious mood hanging over the room at large. "I'm- well, actually, the whole family is- in the mafia."

The room went quite still and it looked as though he was holding his breath for my reply. After a stretch mark silence, a giggle tumbled from my mouth and it grew until I was actually gasping for air.

"Oh, that's rich. You can lay it on real thick when you want to!" I nearly shrieked, clapping hysterically all the while. I rose from my seat to examine his hired help. "And this, this is almost believable, Giuliano, it really is." I patted a squat man on his bald head while on my tip-toes.

"Boss, you let your daughter call you by your first name?" He asked, seemingly unperturbed by my incessant petting.

"He's got a real-sounding Jersey accent too!" I squealed, very unlike me unless I was highly amused. Glancing back at the table, I found my father shaking his head disappointedly. It was then I realized everything was real.

My hands dropped heavily to my sides as though the blood inside was lead, shock finally setting in. "You're, a-a-a" I struggled to find the word, pointing an accusatory finger at Giuliano.

"Your father?" he supplied.


"Andie, please calm down." He supplicated, sounding almost worried.

"Did mom know?" My head was spinning at the possibilities and how quickly my realities were going from bent to broken. "Is this why mom died? Because of some stupid family rivalry or something from The Godfather?" The guilty look on his face and his sudden silence stopped my heart and the world went black.

OOOOOH SHIZA! It's going down down in an earlier round.

Um, I offer you all an extremely huge apology for going on a hiatus without leaving a notice. Really, really sorry about that. You see, the storyline I had kind of went up in flames when I watched the Godfathers I, II, & III, and Scarface a week after I posted chapter 004. I got so enamored over the idea of having a mafia background, it is New Jersey after all. See you all next time, I'M NOT GOING ON HIATUS THIS TIME, I PROMISE!!! (Yes, pun intended.)

18 September (HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?) 2006/ 1042p
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