Categories > Anime/Manga > Gravitation

Keep Away

by EIRI-CHICK 0 reviews

Eiri and Shuichi go to the park and craziness happens!

Category: Gravitation - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover, Humor - Characters: Yuki - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-09-20 - Updated: 2006-09-20 - 419 words - Complete

Disclaimer: All owned by their respective owners who owns them...hahaha!
A/N: Unbeta-ed, so any mistakes are mine. Gravitation /Kimi no Unaji ni Kanpai crossover

The blond man sitting on the park bench looks up from the book he was reading as the sound of shouting reaches his ears. He lookes up to see a pink-haired man barely out of his teens and a green-haired man that could have been his slightly older brother chasing a unusually tall, long-haired boy wearing a middle school uniform. The tall boy was carrying a beat-up pink bunny plushie in his mouth. The faster boy was obviously taunting them as they gave chase, weaving and dodging, not letting the two men get quite close enough to touch him.

Uesugi "Yuki" Eiri "hmmphed" and went back to reading his book, just as the two were finally able to corner the boy against a fence. The boy was quickly jumped upon by the shorter green-haired man, who grabs the bunny as the pink-haired man cheers him on. The boy puts up a bit of a fight by refusing to immediatly let go of the plushie, pulling his head back and shaking it occasionally.

'Hey...he's pulling his head back similar to the way a dog does,' Eiri thought absently as he glances up from his book. As he watches, the boy finally lets go of the beat-up toy, causing the man to fall backwards onto the grass.

"Are you all right Sakuma-san?" Shuichi yells, shocked.

"I'm fine Shu-chan!" he says, a sly smile on his face as he holds the plushie away as the boy lunges for it, mouth agape.

As Eiri watches the scene, a short-haired blond boy, this one smaller in stature and obviously of middle school age, runs up to the taller boy and begins yelling at him. The boy has a live black rabbit in a backpack on his back, and they are being followed by a very attractive long haired middle school-aged girl.

"Kenken, didn't I tell you to LEAVE OTHER PEOPLE'S TOYS ALONE?" he says as he promptly begins hitting the taller boy in the chest with a two by four, followed by the girl slapping them both. The forgotten two men stand nearby and watches the spectacle, stunned.

The taller boy begins walking away as the shorter one continues yelling, the girl following them both, also yelling.

The last thing that Eiri hears is, "At least I'm not eating humans anymore," as the loud trio walks away.
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