Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan > Heir to the Throne


by CaptainRiren 0 reviews

What was once a full length fic has been shortened into this prologue.

Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [V] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2018-07-08 - Updated: 2018-07-08 - 386 words

Once upon a time, there was a little vampire-demon prince by the name of Rivaille. His father was none other than the devil himself, a handsome one known by many names; Satan to mortals, Lucifer to his wife, and Papa to little Rivaille.

His mother was born poor, and his two elder brothers were the sons of her brother and father. They were princes as well by marriage, given the title when Lucifer saved Kuchel from her abusive life. But because of the brothers' blood, despite being older, their youngest brother was heir to the throne.

The elder brothers despised him for this. Rivaille looked up to Ivan and Arthur, respecting them for their strength and wishing he could be as cool as them. They took advantage of this, luring their brother into a false sense of security.

They despised their parents, as well - their father, for daring to ruin their chance at glory, and their mother for replacing them. So on the morning of Rivaille's birthday, they slaughtered their parents in their sleep, beheading them and feeding off the powerful blood. Then they brought in innocent, trusting little Rivaille, and did even worse.

What they failed to consider while taking turns with him was the demon blood their little brother had inherited as Lucifer's son. Being young and a half-breed, Rivaille could not control the power he inherited as the Underworld's ruler, and he obliterated his brothers on the spot.

He was taken in by his uncle, and ran away to the Overworld soon after. There he found a mate, and soon after discovered his brothers were not dead. In fact, they had grown in strength, one driven by fiery rage and the other by the ice in his heart. He had to face them once again, finding they had faked death.

The battle lasted what felt like years. It took the unleashing of his demon powers to defeat them, and it took the powers of God Himself, an angel known as Erwin Smith, combined with Rivaille's mate's love for him to revert him to normal before he could destroy everything in his path.

Peace returned after that, and Rivaille returned to the Underworld, taking his rightful place on the throne. The kingdom was prosperous, his mate was safe, everything was peaceful.

Until now.
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