Categories > Original > Romance


by holdyoongishands 0 reviews

Jimin takes a break from dance practice and goes out for coffee. Little does he know that he'll meet the man that'll change his life. (sorry that this chapter is so short it would have been long...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2018-08-15 - Updated: 2018-08-15 - 905 words

Coffee Chapter 1

Jimin is up late at the dance studio. He was practicing a new choreography and just couldn't get it right no matter how hard he tried. He sat down, slumped up against the all with his knees to his chest. It is 23:52 and he's tired of this but he thinks that if he doesn't get this perfect he'll disappoint his fans. Jimin listens to the song over and over again trying to figure out what he's messing up. bbbring bbbring Jimin hears his phone ringing from across the room. He gets up, wipes some of the sweat from his forehead and grabs his phone. Namjoon Hyung. Jimin picks up the phone. "Jimin-ah, are you still out practicing?" "Oh.. yeah hyung. Im trying to perfect the choreography but I just can't get it right." "Jimin, you need to get some rest. You've been working really hard these past few days and your body is gonna break soon. You should head home." "Ah, fine. I'm going to run through the moves one more time then I'll be done for the night." "Thanks Jiminie. I'll talk to you later." "Bye hyung." Namjoon was right. Jimin looks in the mirror. He notices how his eyes are puffy and his eyebags are as deep as ever. His muscles ached from how much he was over-working himself. Jimin hits play one last time. He does his best to fine-tune his movements. He grabs his jacket, bag, and keys and walks towards the door, taking one last glance at the studio before turning of the lights and locking the door.

Jimin steps out into the night sky. It's very cold now. Snow is falling and moonlight is keeping the sky lit. He stops for a moment, noticing how gracefully the snow falls and how it coats the land with white. the moonlight causes the snow to glimmer under the night sky. Jimin loves these moments. The type of moments where he doesn't have to worry about anything at all, the type of moments where he can appreciate the world around him. He sighs and looks down at his watch. The time reads 00:31. He realizes that he should head home. He walks slowly, his feet crunching the leaves quietly as he walks.


Jimin wakes up in his warm bed the next morning to his alarm clock ringing. It's 08:30. Jimin stretches and puts on comfortable clothes. He really thought about what Namjoon said and decided that he was going to take a break from dancing today. He dials Namjoon's number on his phone and Namjoon picks up almost immediately. "Namjoonie, I decided to take the day off today." "Ah, good Jiminie, you really deserve it. Make sure to rest well today." "I will." "Okay, I have to go. I'm running late for work. I'll talk to you later." "Oh! Then I won't bother you any longer. Bye!" Jimin began wondering what he should do today. "Maybe I could go get breakfast with Jungkookie! Oh, wait, he said he was going on a date with Taehyungie... I'll just go out on my own." He throws on an old sweatshirt, some sneakers, and grabs a beanie just in case its colder than he expected. He goes into the bathroom and does some quick makeup. He brushes out his soft black hair. A few minutes later he's ready to go. He steps out of the door an notices how the freshly fallen snow is coating eveything in sight. He walks out into the cool air an begins walking to his favorite cafe. He plugs in his earbuds and listens to his favourite songs.

20 minutes later, Jimin has made it to the cafe. He opens up the door and hears the jingle of a bell. The building is decorated with abstract paintings and small antiques. It smells of delicious pastries and warm coffee. Jimin walks up to the register. He takes a look at the menu, debating on getting a caramel macchiato or a mocha latte. He taps his chin for a momoent and decided on the macchiato. The man at the register asks, "Are you ready to order?" and Jimin freezes. The man he was looking at had beautiful soft, yet piercing eyes. He had pretty pink lips, which formed a pout. His nose was so small and cute and it made Jimin want to kiss him right there. Wait- no. He doesn't even know this man. "sir?" "O-oh yes s-sorry. I'll have a c-caramel macchiato." Jimin could tell that he was blushing. His voice was so deep and smooth and comforting- he almost couldn't take it. "Is that all?" "Y-yes." "Can I have a name?" "Jimin." The man smirked at him. Jimin didn't realize how obvious he was being- he must have caught him staring. "Okay, the total will be $2." "T-Thank you." While Jimin is paying for his drink he realizes that the man has a name tag. Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi. he didn't even know him, and he already knows that this man will be the death of him. He didn't evem do anything, but he's driving Jimin mad. Jimin was blushing so hard at this point. He couldn't help but hide his face. The message read, "Hey, you're cute. Call Me." with a phone number written after it. Jimin heard his name called and picked up his drink. He left as quickly as he possibly could. Min Yoongi. He really was something.
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