Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Void Between


by Umbra_Corvum 1 review


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2018-08-17 - 3123 words

A/N: Here’s the second chapter of the rewrite folks, picking up where the last one left off. I hope you enjoy reading it. I own nothing.

Lucius hit reality like it was a solid object, thrust back into the real world as his body struggled to remember that it could breathe; that it wasn’t being strangled to death by magically carnivorous plants. Looking warily at the creature that had sent him in a vision hopping adventure, he considered what had just happened. His rather formidable occlumency shields had been bypassed, and he’d been thrust into a mental landscape without realizing it. The creature’s ability to bypass his shields was worrying, but not entirely surprising given how Lucius’ other magic had failed to affect it. He couldn’t worry about that now however. For right now he needed to worry about the creature that had invaded his house, and more importantly Draco’s room. He looked up, and the creature was no longer standing where it had been, instead it was once again curled protective around Draco’s slumbering form. Taking a step forward, Lucius was stopped by a growl, and a glare from the creature’s glowing green eyes. Watching it warily, Lucius considered what his course of action would be. As furious as Lucius was about the situation, it didn’t appear that the creature was immediately dangerous to Draco, the visions had shown that.

Thus Lucius was already prepared to take his leave when the creature spoke again, “Leave.” Its voice triggering something in Lucius, causing him to automatically move towards the door. He forced himself to stop briefly, before deciding to leave anyway, his walk back towards his room much shakier than the walk there.

POV Switch

Narcissa was sitting on the bed reading a book when she heard the door open, looking up to see her husband entering the room. She was about to say something, but before she could, she saw the way her husband was shaking. A worried look crept across her face as she stood, walking around the bed towards Lucius. He’d been going to check up on Draco, and if something happened that caused him to lose his composure, it couldn’t be anything good. Drawing him into a hug, she held him for a couple of minutes, only drawing away when she felt the shaking stop and his breathing regularize.

His hand held in her’s, she spoke softly, rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb. “What happened love? What’s wrong?”

Narcissa watched Lucius’ face intently as she waited for an answer, taking in the worry and fear etched on his features. He opened and closed his mouth several times, clearly trying to say something but not quite managing to get it out. She was about to say something more when Lucius looked directly into her eyes, and shoulders sagging, simply said “Please.”

Knowing what was going on, as they’d done this sort of thing before, Narcissa slipped quietly into her husband's head. This was one of the things that most people didn’t know, but she was actually a fairly accomplished legilimens, and while she was not the Dark Lord, in this vestige of the mental arts she felt she was better even then Severus. Looking around her husband’s orderly mindscape, she found a close area, the mental constructs within it in a state of disarray. Drifting towards it, she saw that this was indeed the memories from tonight, she could see the new one forming. It didn’t take her long to find the relevant memory, as it appeared to be the source of much of the confusion. Reaching out, she slipped in, and simply watched, aghast, as the events of that night played in front of her.

When the memory finished, Narcissa quickly exited Lucius’s mind, feeling his defenses go back up behind her. Blinking several times as her mind returned to her body, she simply looked at Lucius for a while, gathering her thoughts before she spoke. “Everything is fine for now dear. The creature doesn’t look like it’s going to harm Draco; in fact it look like it will do quite the opposite.” She pulled him towards the bed as she continued speaking, settling them in for the night. “We can start looking into it tomorrow. We have the resources of multiple families at our disposal. We will make certain out our family— our son, is safe. For now though, it is time to go to sleep, we can worry about this in the morning.”

She sat there in the bed, and held Lucius in her arms until he fell asleep. After a few minutes of simply looking at her husband’s sleeping form, she carefully moved out from under him, slipping off the bed and quietly slipping on a more substantial robe. She stopped briefly by the edge of the bed, pressing a kiss onto Lucius’ brow before turning to exit the room. As she walked through the hallways of Malfoy Manor, she did so with a purpose. Despite her words to Lucius, there were some things she needed to do, and she needed to have them done before anybody woke up.

The Next Day, At Malfoy Manor

Draco sat up, blinking his eyes to clear the tiredness. Yawning, he got out of bed, plodding over to his wardrobe to pick out his clothes for the day. Arm full of clothes, a weary looking Draco entered the bathroom, hair stuck up at odd angles, looking tired, vastly different from his normal appearance. An hour and a half later, he exited the bathroom, some steam escaping through the open door. His hair was now impeccably styled, and all traces of tiredness were gone from his face; he was now the aristocratic heir that the rest of the world saw. He walked down towards the dining room with elegant grace, not rushing like some peasant. Or at least he did until he remembered what his father had said yesterday; today he was being taken to Diagon Alley to do school shopping. That meant he was going to get his wand! Proceeding the rest of the way to the dining room at a pace barely under running, Draco’s face was a mask of excitement as he rushed into the room. This dimmed slightly at what he found— or rather, didn’t find— inside. His mother was sitting at the table, waiting for him to arrive, but his father was nowhere to be seen. This was jarring to Draco, because for as long as he remembered his family had made a point to always have breakfast together, regardless of what was going on. With the exception of terrible illnesses, all three Malfoy’s ate dinner together every morning, even when Draco’s parents had to floo in to do so. So for his father to not be present was odd, and more then a bit flustering.

Looking towards his mother, there was a slight tinge of concern in his voice as he asked his question. “Mother, why isn’t father here? Is he sick?”

At his question something odd flickered through his mother’s eyes, but what it was he couldn’t tell. It cleared quickly however, and her expression was normal as she answered. “I don’t know exactly why, Draco darling. He was called in to the Department of Mysteries and he couldn’t refuse. He’ll be gone for a few days; I don’t know exactly how many. I’m sorry dear, I’ll be taking you to Diagon today instead of him.”

Subdued slightly, Draco sat down and began to eat, less then pleased with this abnormal event. As he did, he missed the looks the house elves kept sending towards the empty air behind him; though Narcissa certainly did not.

Earlier That Morning, At The Ministry

Lucius Malfoy strode through the Ministry building, his intimidating presence keeping most people out of his way. Today he was headed to the Department of Mysteries, and he walked with a purpose, ignoring anybody who was brave enough to talk to him. He had briefly considered the Magical Creature’s Department, but had discarded it. Due to his… political alignments, Lucius was fully aware of every human like creature that Department handled. Thus the Department of Mysteries was his best hope, holding the largest hoard of obscure magical lore the Ministry was aware of. While normal Ministry personnel didn’t have access to this stash, Lucius was influential enough with Fudge that people didn’t ask questions. There were numerous advantages to being rich after all.

Gringotts, Later That Morning

Narcissa watched as Draco exited the floo into Gringotts lobby, stumbling slightly as he did so. Seeing that he was following her, she walked up to one of the open tellers, and waited, speaking as soon as the goblin looked up.

The way she spoke in public was carefully crafted, managing to demonstrate her respect for both you and your position, while also giving off the impression that she was leagues above you regardless. “Greeting Master Goblin, I would like to speak to the Black account manager.”

“Of course Lady Malfoy,” came the goblin’s response, his tone equal in superiority, “I shall need to verify your key first.” As he finished speaking he held out his hand, and Narcissa gave him the key which was returned to her after a cursory examination.

Nodding, the Goblin hopped down from his desk and led Narcissa and Draco out of the lobby, and down the hallway towards the private rooms.

POV Switch

Nagnok, the Black account manager, sat at his desk in his private office. He was currently watching the door, waiting for Narcissa to arrive. As he did so, he considered what he’d been told in a quick and unexpected visit from one of the Goblin Elders. Apparently a creature of some sort was following the young heir Malfoy. This would be relatively standard— many wizards had familiars after all— but the wards had apparently gone crazy when it entered, yet the Elders were unable to actually see it, only able to confirm its existence based on the warping of magic around it. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a quick knock on the door, which opened soon after, revealing Narcissa and her son. Almost as soon as the latter came into view Nagnok could see what the Elder had been talking about. Not only was there an area of unusual magic closely following the boy, but the entire room seemed to be filled with tension, and something in the Goblins animalistic hindbrain was telling him to flee.

Giving a toothy goblin grin as Narcissa sat down, he was actually keeping a close watch on the young Heir as he spoke. “Good day Misses Black, it’s delightful to see you always. How may I help make both of us richer on this delightful day.”

Giving a light laugh as she responded, Nagnok easily picked out the seriousness in her eyes and tone; it appeared that this was not an ordinary meeting. “You’re a charmer as always Nagnok, but I’m not here to do anything besides access the vaults. I was hoping to get done here as quickly as possible, we’re going school shopping for Draco today.”

Realizing there was probably something she wanted to say in private, Nagnok opened a drawer of his desk and pulled out a random packet of files about— yak herding apparently. Perusing then quickly, he looked up towards Narcissa and said with a slight frown on his face, “I’m sorry Misses Black but I need to speak with you about a few matters related to the Black vaults. I’m afraid this may take awhile, and I’m going to have to ask your son to leave, but the guards can take him with them on their way out.”

Narcissa merely nodded in response, and the guards stationed around the room— sensing their dismal— stood and left, a mildly put out Draco going with them. As soon as the door closed, Nagnok presses a special button on the side of his desk and felt the advanced privacy wards shoot up around them.

“We can speak freely now Narcissa. What is it that you wished to talk about?” Nagnok inquired, his tone significantly more familiar now that they were alone.

Narcissa let out a quick sigh of relief before responding, though when she spoke it came out hesitantly, as if she was uncertain of what she wanted to speak about. “There… I… well… I have an issue and I need to search the main vault for solutions.”

Eyebrows raised, the goblin responded, choosing pick something he would eventually bring up regardless. “Would this issue have anything to do with the creature following your son around?”

“Yes!” She shout back immediately, her tone forceful and slightly surprised. “What do you know about it? Do you know what it is? Can you help?”

Pursing his lips slightly, Nagnok chose to return the random papers he’d grabbed back to their drawer before responding. “I unfortunately know very little about it. I was actually hoping you could give me more information. The wards went crazy as soon as it entered the bank, and even the Elders aren’t able to actually see it, only approximately where it is.”

Frowning slightly, Narcissa leaned backwards in her chair, massaging her forehead with one hand. “I can give you a physical description and not much else. I know almost nothing about it, and I was hoping some of the older tomes in the Black vaults may help.”

“I would gladly accept any information you could give me. A creature we can’t see and which can pass through Gringotts wards is extremely concerning from a security standpoint. In return I’d be willing to send you any information that came my way.” He answered, pulling out a device with which to take notes.

Nodding, Narcissa’s eyes unfocused slightly as she responded, a telltale sign of a witch or wizard using occlumency. “He’s over two meters tall, and is most certainly male. He has a pair of extremely dark black feathered wings on his back, extending over a meter in each direction. He exhibits dexterity with his wings, though I haven’t seen him in flight. He has claws on his hands as well as fangs in his mouth, both of which are several centimeters long. He has hair the same color as his wings, and from his head extends a pair of oddly textured horns. His most striking feature are his eyes, which glow through some unknown means, and are the exact same shade of green as the killing curse. He has few other notable features that were visible, though he was partially obscured in shadow. His actual form is extremely lithe and reasonably muscled. By human standards he would look to be in his very early 20s, possibly younger. He stopped the killing curse through some unknown means, and took two Crucios as well as as few other dark spells with no ill effect.” Narcissa blinked rapidly as her eyes refocused and she looked at Nagnok once more. “Though I would ask you not to repeat that last part to anybody likely to inform the ministry.”

Nagnok gave a shark-like grin at her last comment. “The goblins have always remained neutral, you know that Narcissa. I wouldn’t dream of breaking your trust.” Standing, the goblin pushed the button on his desk once more, before walking over the the door. “Shall we?”

Smiling slightly, Narcissa rose from her chair and followed the goblins as he exited the room.

A Little Later, In Diagon Alley

Garrick Ollivander watched the backs of the two Malfoy’s as they exited his shop, Draco in possession of a new wand. It was a relatively short wand at 10 inches, crafted from Hawthorn and containing the hair of a unicorn, one of the minority in that this one had been given willingly. They weren’t the only ones in the shop however. Ollivander had a gift, one which helped him greatly in wandmaking, and thus was able to make out the inhuman being following the young boy, regardless of its attempts to hide itself. How extraordinarily peculiar. Shaking his head Ollivander returned to his work as he thought. He didn’t know why, but he had the sneaking suspicion that young Draco would be coming back for another wand, even though the one he had now was a near perfect match.

Late That Night, Around Midnight

In a dark room, a young blonde boy slept, and two eyes glowing green watched him. After a while, the eyes moved, and a long arm reached out of the shadows to gently pull a small, thin wooden object out from the young boys pillow. Another arm emerged from the shadows, and its clawed hand appeared to gently pull a strand of blue light out of the end of the object, before forming a fist, and sniffing out the light. The object was then placed back under the pillow, equally gently, before the arms receded back into the shadows, and the eyes resumed their watch.

Deep Underground, At An Unknown Location

Deep in the darkness, something slumbered. Magic law heavily over the cavern in which it lay, so strong you could almost feel it in the air. This was old magic, long forgotten, and it would last long enough to be forgotten again. At least, that was the intent. In the darkness, the something stirred, moving for the first time in what could have been an eternity. As it did, the magic, already palpable, grew stronger still, focusing on the thing in the darkness. Soon, the creature stilled once more, but it’s slumber was not as deep as it had been before.

A/N: Thanks for reading everybody! Before you go I have two things I want to point out, just cuz. First, a change I made that might be less obvious but simultaneously more important than most of the other ones. Draco hasn’t been marked by the creature yet, even in the harder to see fuzzy version, and thus the goblin didn’t point it out. Second, I copied the “Later That Night At Midnight” portion directly from the old version, because I liked it and it still applies. That’s it, tell me what you think in the comments below, ask me questions and I’ll try and answer (without giving spoilers). Toodles!
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