Categories > Original > Drama > The Accomplice

The Accomplice

by PacoDust 0 reviews

Jason has always been willing to do what he has to do, no matter what it is. Zay has no problem living in his shadow, he's always wanted a more quiet life, but when Jason lets envy and greed take o...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2018-12-02 - Updated: 2018-12-02 - 495 words


Lets get one thing straight, I made Zayvier Suhrell. When I first started hanging with my little cousin he was a pussy. I was 10 and he was 8. We'd taken some state test the year before and did good. Good enough to go to some exclusive private school for free. So our parents spent all summer scraping for haircuts, new shoes and uniforms. Then come August here we were at the bus stop. We were clearly out of place. I was a scrawny olive tonned Iranian kid. I had straight black hair and big ass ears. Zay shared some of my features, but his mom was black. He was about the same color as Hennessey, with curly black hair. One of the other kids approached, "What are you supposed to be?" Zay stopped munching on his granola bar just long enough to answer,"Black and Iranian." The boy looked Zay up and down. "Oh ok,I get it" the boy snatched the granola bar from his hands, "you're like half nigger and half terroist." The other two boys with him howled with laughter. I looked at Zay, the little bastards just standing there. I have to step in as his cousin. "Leave him alone or we'll kick your ass" not the best come back but it'll do. The boy turns to me "Nobody was talking to you Aladdin. Hop back on your magic carpet." He pushes me, but I dont go down. I pull my arm back and smash my fist into his jaw. Instantly it becomes a brawl, Zay and I Versus the other three boys, in the middle of the street. We were beating the snot out of those kids when suddenly, "Hey! You kids cut that out!" Here came someones mom. Fighting at the bus stop on our first day? That wouldn't go well, I grabbed Zay and we ran. We ran like track stars for about three blocks until we got to a park. Zay collapsed with exhaustion, I placed my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I looked at him gasping for air, all of this time, he still hasn't said shit! I get mad "Damn what's wrong with you your mouth don't work?" I shout. He hops up and turns to me still breathing heavy. "Were you just gonna stand there and get your ass kicked?" He's still just standing there, still silent...I push him onto the ground "Say something!" He hops up and pushes me back. Now we're fighting again, just us against each other this time. Finally we collapse, bloody and tired. He finally speaks "I didn't know what to say.." He mumbles. I put my hand on his shoulder, "I'll always have your back, as long as you've got your front. I'll kick your ass if you ever take crap from anyone else again Zayvier" He looked at me and grinned through his busted lip and that was the beginning of something dangerous.
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