Categories > Games > Undertale

Undertale Headcanons, Imagines and Match-Ups

by Valentine_ 0 reviews

A place where I will answer asks as if this was a tumblr ask blog. Shoot them in, friends!

Category: Undertale - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2019-02-25 - 131 words

Hey! Okay, so, like, hear me out. I wanted to do this on Tumblr like any other normal person would, but that ain’t working out for’m gonna try it here.
This is an Undertale Thing. Where I will do headcanons, matchups and imagines for all you wonderful people!
I will do AUs! (I freaking love AUs!) But if I don’t know the AU very well, I won’t, because I don’t wanna screw them up.
And, yes, I realize that this is a lost cause, but I wanna dream, okay?
WARNING! I have very different ideas about these characters, so, if you don’t like that...well, I’m sorry! ;-; ;-; ;-;

Well, thanks for reading! See y’all soon, I hope!
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