Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Goes Around...Comes Around...Lost and Found...Love


by ilex 1 review

The morning after the night before and what a night THAT was! Christopher makes his presence known and hangs around to help. Dobby makes a promise.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Angelina Johnson, Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix, Bill Weasley, Cho, Colin Creevey, Crabbe, Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Ernie, Fleur, Flitwick, Fred, George, Ginny, Goyle, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, James, Justin, Kingsley, Lily - Warnings: [!] [?] [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-21 - Updated: 2006-09-21 - 2624 words


Chapter 5


Fastening the last few buttons on his tunic sleeve, Severus Snape descended the stairs from Anna's bed chamber. Glancing out the window at the distant mountain, he noted the pink tinged sky backlighting its craggy heights. Turning, he put his arms into the sleeves of his robe, being held up for him by Anna. She was barefoot and tousle haired, wearing an antique, fringed, silk kimono.

"I must leave .. it's nearly dawn."

"I know." She straightened his robe and brushed some lint off of his lapels.

"You're alarmingly domestic."

"Years of straightening ties." She smiled at him.

Snape picked up the notebook Anna had given him the night before. "This work of Christopher's will have a place of honor with my other reference books."

"He'd be proud. Thank you, Severus, for answering his questions and helping him without prejudice, but as a fellow scientist. He thought very highly of your skills and knowledge of potions."

"It was my privilege. Although, to be perfectly honest, when I realized he was married to you I felt I had to help him, as it might prove to you that I wasn't the monster you thought me to be."

"Severus, I never thought of you as a monster," Anna assured him. "Never, and you know that."

"Your capacity for forgiveness is second only to the Headmaster Dumbledore's," Severus replied.

He reached out and ran a finger down her cheek. They stood regarding one another for a long moment, lost in thoughts and memories of the previous night.

"You'd better go," Anna breathed, shaking them back to the present, "before the castle starts to stir."

"Yes, I .. ah." He looked around and put the book down again on the desk, so that he could pull her into his arms. "I don't know when we'll be together again...alone. It's far too dangerous."

"I know, but let's not worry. When the opportunity presents itself," she shrugged, "we'll take it." She smiled slyly and added, "At least you won't have to wait so long for your next kiss!"

"/Definitely /not!"

He kissed her, hard, released her, picked up the notebook and strode swiftly out of the classroom without looking back. Anna watched him leave with her head cocked to one side, a slight smile on her lips.

X # X # X

Professor Twigg-Jones sighed, walked over to a satchel on her desk, opened it and lifted out a jar filled with a silvery, iridescent liquid. From a box on the floor she retrieved a shallow stone basin - a Pensieve. Pouring the liquid slowly and carefully into the basin she reached for her wand and began touching her forehead, withdrawing strand after strand of thought thread, which she deposited into the gently swirling, mist covered pool.

After a while she finished, then, contemplating the Pensieve, stirred the surface ever so slightly with her wand. Miniatures of Severus and Anna appeared, embracing, kissing, whispering to each other and then they slowly sink back into the pool of shimmering liquid. Its surface smoothed over only to be broken by a single tear dropping into the center, causing little ripples to spread out to the edge.

"Don't cry, love."

Anna turned to the landscape painting hanging on the near wall. The painted figure of her late husband was leaning against a tree, smiling at her.

"Christopher, am I doing the right thing?"

"I don't know, darling, but this is how your life is evolving here and now, so don't back away, just be careful. Severus is correct; it's going to be extremely dangerous for both of you."

"Do you mind terribly? I know we talked about me finding someone, falling in love again, someday, but Severus Snape! I never imagined, in my wildest dreams!" Anna walked in a circle, hand to her forehead.

"Anna, you're not replacing me in your life, you're filling an empty space in your life, with a man who adores you. I saw enough to know he loves you desperately and he's also scared to death of losing you again. You two must continue your deception or Voldemort will take advantage of both of you, if he even suspects you care for each other," Christopher solemnly warned her.

"Voldemort." Anna sat down wearily on one of the student benches.

"I went and had a chat with Headmaster Dumbledore last night. He told me a bit more about Voldemort, Severus and Severus, your history together." Anna looked up at him, shocked, but Christopher held up his hand. "I can now see that this is truly where you belong, Anna. He was right, our Severus, and you can tell him I approve."

"Thank you, darling."

"By the way, could you unpack my portrait so that I might keep an eye on things from my favorite armchair? This meadow is full of rocks."

"Of course," Anna grinned. "Hang on a minute."

Searching around, she located a medium sized, brown paper wrapped package. Ripping the paper off, she uncovered a painting of what could only be described as a classic gentleman's library/study: paneled walls, shelves crammed with books, desk off to one side and two very comfortable looking leather wing chairs flanking a marble fireplace, in which a small pile of logs were blazing. Two Labrador retrievers lying on the hearth rug lifted their heads and their tails started wagging.

"Hello, you two good old things!" Anna smiled at them, causing their tails to beat faster. "Let's see .. how about somewhere at the back of the classroom, then you can see everyone and give me the high sign if anyone is cheating on their tests."

"Brilliant! They'll think you have eyes in the back of your head. How about putting it just to the left of the door?" Doctor Jones suggested, pointing.

"Perfect. Wingardium Leviosa!"

The painting drifted to the back wall.

"A little further to the left I think...there! Wait, let me check." Doctor Jones walked out of the landscape into his study. "Up a bit, love. Ok, that's got it!"

The painting settled itself against the wall with a soft thud.

"You're very good at getting around," noted Anna. "Have you seen much of the castle?"

"Well, no, but Headmaster Dippett has volunteered to give me the 'Grand Tour' later today. I'll try and keep a low profile but I'm very excited about seeing your old school in the daylight. It's quite the rock pile, isn't it?" noted Doctor Jones as he settled himself, with a sigh, in one of the wingchairs and began absently scratching the ears of one of the dogs.

"Rather! One hundred and forty two staircases."


"Too right."

Surveying the scattered contents of the packing crates, he coughed to hide a smile.

"What?" She looked up at him.

"Didn't get much unpacking done last night," he noted with a sly grin.

"Oh, shut up!" Anna shot back, looking around, and laughing. "It is a royal mess, isn't it?"

"Want me to go find Dobby? He seemed keen to help."

"Hold on! Just how much did you see and hear last night?" Anna faced him, hands on her hips.

"Truthfully? Well, I was pretty bored till Professor Dumbledore and that group of students showed up. I picked up a fair amount of information about what's been happening from that meeting. Then I realized you were arriving, so I hid up in yonder oak tree," pointing at the landscape painting, "and watched the fun. /Poor Severus! SMACK/! I'm just glad I never made you that mad at me."

"Don't push your luck or you'll find yourself facing the wall."

"You wouldn't!" gasped Doctor Jones in mock alarm, hand over his heart.

"Try me!" she replied, with a hint of challenge.

"/No thank you/. Anyway, I left you in Severus' capable arms and trotted off to find the Headmaster. Charming chap, made me feel quite at home. Of course, when some of the other former Headmasters realized I was a Muggle they were astonished, then intrigued, and then they turned a bit smug, really, at the thought of having a resident Muggle in their midst. Bragging rights, you see." Leaning back he smiled, rather proud of his new status.

Anna rubbed her eyes. "I'm going to have to tell Severus about your portrait, of course. You swear you didn't peek last night?" she inquired, glancing up at him suspiciously.

"There are no paintings in your bed chamber and what I did hear was muffled, nothing I could distinguish, I promise you. Besides, I've seen you naked, remember?" he added with a grin.

"Christopher Jones/! That's /not what I'm talking about!" Anna protested, although she blushed. "Severus would be mortified if he thought you'd listened to any of our......intimate moments or conversation."

"Sacred, I assure you! I did hear you giggling once though, before I fell asleep."

"Christopher ..."

"Sorry, love, but your voice does carry," he chuckled.

Slapping her forehead, Anna paced around her desk. "How in the world can I explain not telling him about your portrait?"

"Darling, you were busy talking and the subject never came up, that's all. Besides, I was still 'officially' wrapped up. I'll speak to him and put his mind at ease. Would that help?"

"Possibly .. probably .. I don't know. I'm so tired. It's been a long time since I pulled an all-nighter."

"Our honeymoon, if I remember correctly," he reminded her quietly, with a sly smile. Anna nodded and smiled back. Then, standing and rubbing his hands together briskly, Christopher headed toward the edge of the frame. "Well, anyway, let me pop downstairs and see if I can find Dobby."

"Would you? You're a dear," Anna replied, blowing him a kiss.

"That's one thing I do miss...kissing you. Well, someday I'll get my arms around you again. Fancy spending time here at Hogwarts as a wall decoration?"

"Not in the immediate future. No offense."

"None taken...back in a crack! Oh," sticking his head back into the frame, he inquired, "coffee?"

"Bless you, yes!"


X # X # X

Looking around at the scattered boxes, their contents overflowing in every direction, she frowned and then shook her head.

"Dobby, you dedicated little house elf, you came back last night and collected the food and drink trays. I wonder what you heard with those big ears of yours."

Bending over and reaching into the nearest crate, she lifted out a tall box and carefully removed a domed anniversary clock. Placing it carefully on one corner of her desk, Anna turned the clock around so the face was visible.

"Is that the time?" Anna exclaimed, as she tossed the empty box back in the crate. "Oh, Lord, I'm going to be late if I don't get moving."

"Dobby's on his way up here with your coffee. So," Christopher asked, flopping down in his chair and throwing one leg over the arm, "is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yes, please!" She glanced up at him from the middle of the sea of boxes and crates. "I can either sort out this lot or get dressed and go down to breakfast but I can't possibly manage both before my first class. Also, I don't dare be late again! Could you point out to Dobby where to put my books and assorted bits of stuff? I'll leave everything to your decorating skills, Christopher."

"Flattery will get you, well, /everywhere/, my dear. Leave it to me and Dobby. We'll soon have it all unpacked and settled. You know I'm a born organizer." He rubbed his hands together in eager anticipation.

"You're shameless, is what you are," admonished Anna, shaking her head. "Oh, by the way, Dobby was here last night to tidy up."

"Really? I must have been in Dumbledore's office"

"I'll have to have a word with him about Severus being here all night."

"Maybe he doesn't know."

"He's a house elf, of course he knows! They don't miss a trick, house elves. My family's, Daisy, always seemed to know what was happening, almost before we did."

"Speak of the devil," Christopher stage whispered as Dobby came trotting through the door and up to the front of the classroom with Anna's steaming mug of coffee.

"Good morning, Professor Twigg-Jones. Here is your coffee." Putting it down on the desk, he gazed up at her and inquired happily, "Is we unpacking now?"

"Yes, in a minute, Dobby. First, I need to talk to you about something. Come here," Anna instructed as she sat down on a box to get eye level with Dobby. He walked over to her, a little apprehensively.

"Is Dobby doing wrong?"

"Oh, no, Dobby. I just need to talk to you about something /very important/. It involves a secret and a promise." Professor Twigg-Jones grasped one of Dobby's hands.

"About what Miss? Dobby is good at promises and secrets. Dobby is a good house elf, even if he is getting paying now," he said proudly, standing up straight.

"I've heard you are an excellent house elf, Dobby, from none other than Headmaster Albus Dumbledore himself. So, here's what I need to know. When you came to get the trays last night, what did you hear?"

Dobby's ears drooped and he appeared slightly guilty. "I .. well, I is hearing you, Miss and .. and .."


"And Professor Snape, Miss, in your bed chamber."

"Ah .." She glanced up at Christopher, who just barely suppressed a grin. "Dobby, I need to tell you a secret, a very important secret and you must promise me that it will be just between you and me. Unless I tell you it's not a secret anymore. Ok?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Professor Snape and I are old friends. We were students together here at Hogwarts many years ago. Last night we discovered we cared for each other very, very much. But no-one, and I mean /no-one/, can know that we are secret friends or that he stayed here last night after Professor Dumbledore left. /It's very dangerous/. Voldemort could use that information against us or Hogwarts or Professor Dumbledore or even /Harry Potter/."

His huge eyes opening wide, Dobby puffed out his chest. "Dobby will not let anything happen to Professor Dumbledore or Harry Potter. NO! Voldemort is a very BAD wizard, Miss!"

"Yes, Dobby, he is. Now, you might see Professor Snape and me acting as if we don't like each other. That's our way of keeping the secret but we need your help, Dobby. Will you promise me to keep our secret?"

"Oh, yes Miss! Dobby is a good house elf and I is not telling /anyone/. You can count on Dobby, Miss!" He nodded his head emphatically.

"Oh, Dobby, that means a great deal to me!" She leaned over and hugged him. "Now, I need to get dressed, so Doctor Jones is going to help you sort through my things and you two can decide where best to put them all. Is that ok with you?"

"Yes, Miss. Dobby likes Doctor Jones. He is a very nice man. Dobby is sorry he is dead but is glad he is still here to help." He smiled up at Christopher and waved.

"Thanks, Dobby," Christopher laughed and waved. "I like you, too."

"Right then, I'm already running late. You two get cracking and I'll be back in a bit."

Anna ran up the stairs toward her chambers, stopped, turned around, came back down the stairs, picked up her coffee mug and started back to her bed chamber.

"This was the whole point of the coffee in the first place; getting my brain in gear."

"Dobby, books first I think," said Doctor Jones, eager to get started. "Let me find that list Anna had me write down for her."

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