Categories > Original > Romance > The Boy Next Door

The Boy Next Door

by ZanaRulez 3 reviews

Chris always thought he was straight, until he slowly started to fall in love with his new neighbor Daniel. There is some unappropriate stuff in later chapters, like implied rape, violence, and oth...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-21 - Updated: 2006-09-21 - 1103 words

YAY!! I know, it's taken me forever to get a story up on this site, but it's worth it. This is by far my best story and I'm not even done with it. The characters are all mine, so don't try stealing them. Oh, and I want to know what you think at the end, so give me some feed back. Tell me what you think, what you like or don't like. And if you want something edited, I'll think about it. So read and review, and enjoy! Oh, and if you want me to add the next chapter, tell me! Cause I won't do it unless people want it.


It was nearly fall, a bright sunny August 21st. The streets of mid-California were busy with the usual of-to-work early types. Their suits were neatly pressed and hair slicked back to perfection. Things were not so different in the home of 22 year old Chris Lawner and his 27 year old sister Jessi. Jessi was also their main source of income, seeing as Chris was still a college student.
This morning was, in Chris's view, perfect. The sun was shining, the air was clean, and he felt fine.
Chris came down the stairs, smiling and humming, and entered the kitchen where his older sister Jessi was at the table, reading the morning paper.
"Well, sunshine, you seem perky this morning," Jessi said, not taking her eyes off the paper. "The coffee's already made."
Chris, who was mid-way through grabbing the coffee beans, changed his hands direction and grabbed a cup.
"I knew that," he said, pouring himself a cup.
Jessi smiled, "sure you did. Anyway... what are you so happy about this morning?"
"Well, the results of the Resources test are being posted today," Chris said.
"Gee, School. How exciting," Jessi said dully. "And here I was hoping you had finally asked a girl out."
Chris choked on his coffee, "Jessi!!"
"What?" Jessi looked up. "Boys your age should be looking for a girlfriend, not falling in love with their school work."
"I know, but..." Chris paused, examining the tile floor. "I'm just not interested in finding a girlfriend right now."
"Hm..." Jessi stared at her brother for a moment, eyes observant. "Speaking of interesting things... someone bought the house next door."
"Already?" Chris returned his gaze to Jessi, thankful for the change in subject. "That house was put on sale just yesterday."
"I know, but obviously this guy wasn't too picky," Jessi sighed. "I saw him this morning when I got the paper."
"Really? What's he like?" Chris asked, taking a sip of his previously forgotten coffee.
"I don't know, I didn't really get to talk to him," Jessi said. "But he seemed okay, I guess."
"You guess?" Chris raised an eyebrow skeptically.
"You'll have to see him for yourself." Jessi winked at her younger brother conspiratorially.
Chris ignored the strange gesture, sipping his source of caffeine calmly. His sister's humor was always strange, especially when it came to people she thought were right for him. And the people weren't always female.
"Sure, I'll take your word for it," Chris finished off his coffee and placed the cup in the sink. "But maybe tomorrow, right now, I'm running late."
"Alright," Jessi was about to turn back to the paper, but then she remembered something. "Hey, wait a sec."
"What?" Chris turned back to his sister, his frame in the kitchen's doorway.
"I'm going out with Mark tonight, so you'll hove to fend for yourself with tonight's dinner," Jessi said.
"Right, right, see you later," Chris nodded in acknowledgment and continued to the front door.
Chris reached into the closet and grabbed his coat, but just as he was reaching for the doorknob, the doorbell rang. Sighing, he opened the door and came face-to-face with the most attractive man he had ever seen.
His vision was compromised of long dark hair tied back, deep blue eyes, and a single dangling silver cross earring from his right ear. Chris had never seen a man like this before. The previously mentioned man was dressed in black jeans and a heavy metal T-shirt. Of what Chris could see, there was a tattoo on the man's shoulder, but the full picture was obscured from his vision.
"Uh... c-can I help you?" Chris said, barely getting over his moment of shock.
"Yeah, I was wondering if I could use your phone," the man said in the sexiest voice Chris had ever heard. "See, I have just moved in next door and I need to get touch with a friend of mine."
"S-sure, I guess that would be alright," Chris moved out of the way, allowing the strangely alluring man entrance into the house. "It's around that corner there."
"Thanks man," the man patted Chris's shoulder with an elegant hand.
"Sure, Mr.... uh..." Chris watched him carefully, unsure of what to call him.
"It's Daniel. Daniel Crawford," the man said, picking up the phone.
"Oh... well, you're welcome, Mr. Crawford." Chris said, still feeling extremely ineloquent.
"Please, just Daniel, thanks." Daniel said, starting to dial.
"So, Daniel... where are you from?" Chris asked, walking up to the other man, searching his mind for more innocent small-talk.
Daniel didn't answer, seeming to ignore Chris's question.
"I asked you a question." Chris said, pride wounded from being so blatantly ignored.
"And I heard you." Daniel replied coolly.
"So, where are you from?" Chris asked again, annoyance spiking his tone.
Daniel slammed the phone down on the hook. Chris flinched, noticing almost immediately that Daniel's mood had changed, and not for the better. Before Chris could blink, he found himself pinned roughly against the wall by the semi-irate Daniel.
"D-Daniel?" Chris asked, a nervous stutter entering his voice.
"Here's a tip," Daniel said, leaning in close to Chris's face, eyes burning with an unknown emotion. "Don't EVER ask ANYTHING about my personal life. It's my business, MY life, and I don't need YOU interrupting it. You got all that?"
Chris nodded frantically; not taking his eyes off Daniel's burning ones.
"Good, I'm glad we're on the same page here." Daniel let go of Chris. "Thanks for letting me use the phone."
"S-sure, any-anytime," Chris stuttered after finding his voice, terror and confusion still masking any of his previous social skills.
Daniel smiled down at Chris, nodding to himself before abruptly letting himself out of the house.
"Chris? Chris!" Jessi came into the front room to find her brother still there. "I thought you were leaving. Who was at the door?"
"Ah... Um... it was... our new neighbor." Chris was barely able to get out.
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