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Effective cure for Panax fruticosum L Extract

by novaco 0 reviews

Based on the results of pharmacological research, the Vietnam Military Medical Institute in 1964 used it in testing at the owner of dose 0.23 to 0.50 g to see a day in the form of pureed powder or ...

Category: American Gods - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2019-09-16 - 1096 words

Effective cure for Panax fruticosum L Extract:

A. Describe the Panax fruticosum L Extract

Panax fruticosum L Extract, also known as fish lettuce (because people often take leaves to eat raw fish, but the common name is Dinh lang) is a small plant, smooth, not owning thorns, usually high 0 , 8 to 1, trees grown in low land can be as high as 1.8 to 2 meters. The hair of 3-lane double leaves is 20-40cm long, without leaves bearing each other. The leaf stalks are long and thin, with no serrated leaves. The paniculation cluster is 7-18 mm short, dispersed, carrying a variety of small flowers with thin fibers. Fruit 3-4 mm long flat, one mm thick.

B. Distribution, harvesting and processing

The tree is grown as an ornamental tree throughout the country, has grown both in Vietnam, Laos and southern China.
Previously, no instructions for taking drugs, should use the recent research on nutritional effects for beginners. Usually dig roots, wash dirt, or dry to consume and process medicines

C. Chemical composition

In the tubers found to contain alcoid, glucoside, saponin, flavonoid, tannin, amino acid vitamin B1 including lysine, xystei and amino acid methionine ... Will not replace.

D. Pharmacological effects

In 1961, the medicine, medicine and surgery department of the Vietnamese military hospital studied the effects of improving the body's recovery ability and some other effects gave the following conclusions:

01. Roots and tubers are used for chromatin, and it has been found to increase the body's ability to endure compared to ginseng.
Gingseng and other plants along them were purchased to enhance the body's stamina. But on experiment, the effect of ending and accumulating quickly.

02. Property Panax fruticosum L Liquid 0.1 ml for live weight 20g reduces the activity of mice.

03. The active ingredient in the direct effect of rhizomes for myocardial frogs, with a fixed dose causes a decrease in myocardial tone, causing the heart to be weak and constricted and ultimately limit the heart.

04. Original solution of 0.2 to 1% of the cause of the ear rabbit ear circuit isolation Kravkov secret.

05. High-dose 0.5-ml Panax fruticosum L Extract cao đinh lăng in Novaco 100-200% per kilogram of body weight injected with increased intravenous ear amplitude and transient hypotensive frequency.

06. On the uterus in place, take a high dose of 1 ml 100% for one kilogram of Lang tomb intravenous ear uterus increased slightly.

07. Panax fruticosum L Extract has a 5-fold increase in urinary effect compared to daily taking a two-ml oral dose of 100% weight loss for 100g body weight (experiment on Chinese mice).

08. Poisonous dose: less toxic, more ginseng is less toxic. Surgical disease of rats died of toxic doses, which saw heavy damage to infrastructure businesses, especially in the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain, eventually dying. The dose of toxin injection DL50 into the peritoneum of Dinh Lang is 32.9g kg when the ginseng of DL50 is 16.5g kg, of the 5 packages of households the former Soviet Union (Eleutherococcus) is 14.5g kilograms, showing less toxic lentils than 2 processing ginseng and packing Soviet troops. The dose of 50g kg of body weight still lives on a normal mouse.
Chronic toxicity is seen in the liver, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, nutrition of heart, liver and kidney instability. Before death, cholera, ruffled, tired, poor appetite, weight loss.

09. To enhance the mouse's resistance against the harmful effects of ultra-high frequency radiation and show the mouse's lifespan over some drug packaging like 1 part of Eleutherococcus Five of the former Soviet Union. This effect can be attributed to the usual catalyst, but it is also possible because of the thermo-regulation mechanism of Chenling

10. Application Xavaev (the former Soviet Union) bought together medicinal plants that work well for astronauts to exercise in a static, head-tilted position.
Piloting on people, root powder increases the stamina of the team, promotes fitness and sports in gloves and exercise tests.

Roots of Panax fruticosum L

E. Consumption and dosage

Based on the results of pharmacological research, the Vietnam Military Medical Institute in 1964 used it in testing at the owner of dose 0.23 to 0.50 g to see a day in the form of pureed powder or decoction (30 degrees). The result has increased the body's ability to recover as in laboratory studies.
In humans, eating raw fish outside of use, not carrying a place to treat cough, hemoptysis, diuretic, milk, severe dysentery. In India, according to KM Naikarai, is also consumed to treat fever and firm skin.


01. Healing of tired, lazy activities:

Dried roots, sliced 0.5 g, add 100 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes, divided into two or 3 cups daily.

02. Tender milk, breast milk are tight.

Roots 30 - 40g. Add 500ml of 250ml water. Hot water. Drinking is 2-3 days, each time breast pain, normal milk flow (jeweler, medical practice, 7-1963).

03. Make the wound calm:

Pound leaves cover the wound. can harmonize Vietnamese medicinal plants and herbs

Others have used prescription tubers (roots) Lentils:

Cure ipotence, mobile satellites
Dinh lang, lac lac, course, royal crystals, Polygonum, characters, labels, bran, each 12 grams; High flavor ban long each 8 grams, cardamom 6 grams. Drink water during the day.

Cure prolonged fever, headache, appetite and thirst, hot people, chest pain, yellow urine
LH 30 grams of fresh roots, leaves or 10 grams of lemon peel, tangerine peel of 10 grams, lake roots are 20 grams less, bamboo leaves of 20 grams, licorice wire 30 grams, pennywort 30 grams, sour me 20 seeds. Most chopped, filled with water, perfect properties for 300 ml, divided into 3 doses of daily consumption.

Cure chronic hepatitis
Sparkling 12 grams, è 20 grams, reason 16 grams, chi-mail, doubtful painting, sea beans, reeds, remote electronic money, ranking each position Selling packages of 12 grams; Depressed metal, ox each flavor 8 grams each. Day 1 is the perfect drink.

Cure anemia
Lagerstroemia, Polygonum, field, royal crystal per sample of 100 grams; ventricles 20 grams, crushed into powder, sieve flour drink ideal, every day 100 grams.

Relieve back pain, knee, or numbness in hands and leg pain, rheumatism
LH 12 grams of Cu, crusher, Ha thu o, blood dragon, grass scratch, Millennium event all 8 grams, tangerine peel, cinnamon pepper 4 grams, 600 ml of water is also added to the size of 250 ml, Que item Pepper is finished cooking. Divide up to two doses a day. Drink warm as medicine.

Women take part in use, which increases the amount of breast milk
Tangerine is 40 grams, 3 slices of fresh ginger, can be poured 600 ml of 300 ml water. Divide 3 doses a day as directed at Novaco. Drink warm as medicine.

Chronic asthma cough
Tools of lentils, Bach sets, hunting beans, platinum packages, golden turmeric, thick leaves almost 8 grams, 6 grams of beef bones, 4 grams of dry ginger, and 600 ml of fresh water poured about 250 ml. Drink at a warm time. Divide the drink twice.
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