Categories > Games > Pokemon

pokemon copper a pokemon game story 6

by hotdogcheese33 0 reviews

pokemon gen 1 4 and 8 off spin

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2020-04-12 - 424 words

pokemon copper a pokemon game story 6
pg 12 rating,

henry and georgie start in the ocato region
professor cheese gives them a choice of 3 pokemon
rock/earth - rocklo electric - jolteon jr fire - torcho b
henry says screw the rules and takes the hotdog pokemon known has
hotdog (fire/rock type)
georgie picks jolteon jr
and henry mercilessly beats georgie and georgie gives up forever
before going to route 1
henry proceeds to take down team flare blitz w/out going through their
riddles and traps
he then freeze their admin, team flare admin sally and while she
is froze she tells her boss boss cheesy to surrender and he does
then he steals their poison and fire pokemon (all 400 of them)
henry proceeds to make an assault on the gyms instead of going
through it legally and burns down all the gyms and gets the 8 badges
(nobody got hurt during this movie)
as henry arrives to the elite four he finds out there are only 3
elite fours and 1 emperor instead of champion
he paralyzes the first elite four sallo and skips to the third match
elite four 2 johnny tries bringing him back but henry blocks off the door
(johhny dark type) is forced to forfeit
elite 4 3 bobbo the ghost type trainer loses in a battle easily
and gets curbstomped by henry
henry goes forward only to find yami yugi present
and henry thinks this is a joke which he is right
he throws yami yugi off the nearby cliff
(he vanishes but did not feel pain or get hurt)
henry proceeds to the real champion
lance-blaze the 3 dragon and 3 steel type trainer
henry barely beats him and claims lance-blaze should've lost easier
so he sends out gengar and puts him into a sleep
when he arrives in the hall of fame computer
a guard is there and the guard tells him he cheated through the elite four
henry laughing also uses charizard mega Y to burn him but he does not feel
pain and the guard leaves the room
other trainers are there and report henry to the police
but the police arrest the taddler tailers instead of henry
as soon as henry is about to insert himself into the hall of fame computer
professor cheeses stops him and pokemon battles him
professor cheese is easily defeated by henry's bs team
professor cheese congragulates him and henry locks prof cheese in the closet
henry inserts himself and his team into the computer
and vows to create the evil team "team cheaters'
the end
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