Categories > Games > Pokemon > Pokémon A Different Journey Kanto Arc

Abra and The Psychic Pokemon

by MeganSH129 0 reviews

Ash loses to Sabrina.

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2020-06-12 - 136 words - Complete

Ten minutes later.

It’s 7:30 am.

Ash,Brock,Dylan,Misty and I are in Saffron City.

Ten minutes later.

It’s 7:40 am.

We defeated the Team Rocket Trio and we sent them blasting off again.

We met Sabrina’s little doll friend and she got us back to the Gym with her Abra.

Ten minutes later.

It’s 7:50 am.

I defeated Sabrina the Gym Leader and I got the Marsh Badge.

Ten minutes later.

It’s 8:00 am.

Ash battled against Sabrina the Gym Leader and he lost because the Abra she owned was stronger.

Sabrina pulled out a map out of her pocket and she showed it to Ash.

We're leaving for Lavender Town and Ash will capture a Ghost Type Pokemon.

The Chapter Ends.

I hoped that you loved it Pokemongirl21589,midnightrebellion86,TheMythicalGreninja and PassivePeppermint.
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