Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > I'm still working on a title

Chapter III

by SnowAhriman 0 reviews

Well Sesshomaru comes home with some guest.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Kagome, Rin, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Published: 2006-09-24 - Updated: 2006-09-24 - 1378 words

Snow: I don't own Inuyasha or YYH...I don't even like some of the pairing I have in this fic but the plot line is mine. And well there isn't many...or any others that I know of, of this pairing. I hope you like it if not flame...Hell I need the reviews.

Chapter 3

The castle's staff had the garden cleaned before their lord came home that evening. The moment Sesshomaru was with in the inner gates of his home a very excited Rin was attached to his leg. Patting her head he asked how she had been for the last three days.

"Great! Hiei killed the bad youkai that tried to hurt me."

Sesshomaru looked to the youkai her left in charge of his ward. He received a cool calm look in return. The lord's eyes said they would talk later.

By this time Rin and Shippo were off playing to the side with the miko watching from her place behind Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru-sama," Hiei greeted with a slight nod.

"Hiei this is Kagome. She will be staying for a while and will be spending most of that time with the children..."

Hiei nodded in understanding. Along with his Rin guard duties he was now to keep an eye on the new comers as well. He hadn't even been there a week and he felt like Sesshomaru's servant.


After everyone went to bed, Hiei headed to the library Rin had shown him. He was planning on trying to find a way home to his own time. He was for sure he was in the past but with out a way of contacting Koenma or convincing him of his own identity he was on his own.

Opening the door he found he wouldn't be alone. The miko, Kagome was at a table reading by candle light or so he first thought.

"Where did you get the flashlight?" He said in the deep voice that could send chills up and down any one's spin. She jumped, dropping her book and taking hold of the front of her shirt as though trying to calm down her heart rate.

"Hiei? How do you know what a flash light is?"

"How do you have one?" Hiei answered her question with one of his own to throw her off but she was quicker than he first thought.

"I asked first." She smirked thinking that she had won.

"No, you didn't."

"You're a jerk, you know that?"


"If you must know I am not from this era, happy?"

Hiei stared at her, "That makes two of us."

"Want to hear something funny? I want some ice cream, a huge cone."

Hiei's mouth began to water at just the thought of the one good thing the human race ever came up with, Sweet Snow. He was snapped out of his day dream when the miko started to laugh.

"When and where are you from?" She asked trying to find common ground.

"The Makai, around 2000 something in the Nigenkai, but I don't keep up with their dates," he answered. How could he feel so at ease with everyone her met here yet his closest friends hardly knew him and his sister didn't even know they were related until right before he left to this time period.

"So you are from the same era as me. That's cool and can you explain why you are here? Have you fallen down any wells as of late?" Kagome asked the youkai trying to wrap her mind around it all.

"No but I woke up in one," he went on to tell the same thing that he told Sesshomaru.

"Sounds like your portal was connected to mine, but I don't know how they could have been linked...but I can for sure tell you that they aren't anymore. I used my portal not to long ago right before I met up with Sesshomaru." (1)

'Well there goes that idea.' Hiei thought as he started to review over the shelves again but this time his searched was narrowed to connected and linked portals.

Kagome left the library around midnight and Hiei wasn't far behind her. He couldn't find a single thing about crossing portals and the few things he didn't find were nothing but theories not how it could have been done. It started to look like he was going to be here for a while.


Hiei watched from a near by tree as Kagome and the children played. Rin has asked him if he wished to join but he declined with a snort. The girl just shrugged her shoulder and ran after Shippo.

They were playing tag, a game the young woman had taught them before and they seemed to enjoy greatly. With Shippo's nose, hide and seek wasn't that much fun, so tag it was. They played until they were laying in the grass breathing heavily from their exhaustion and their laugher.

Lunch was brought to the garden because the fare weather. Sesshomaru ate with them sitting at the head of the table. Kagome set to his left and Rin to his right. On the other side of Kagome set Shippo as Hiei set next to Rin.

Hiei was use to Rin's nonstop meal time talking but when Kagome and Shippo were added in he wished he could leave the table.

"Well Hiei tell us about one of your adventures."

"Hn, there isn't anything to tell." Was his answer to the miko but Rin wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Please Hiei-kun...for me?" She had those cute puppy dog eyes on and when he turned away Shippo had them on as well.

"I once met a thief. He was a kitsune who was reborn as a human, Youko..."

"Youko Kurama!?!" Shippo said standing up putting his hands on the table. He was getting taller in the middle of some early growth spurts.

"Yes," Hiei said going on. "I was looking for my sister and felt his aura. I was young and a baka so I challenged him. I can't say I won because I didn't walk away from the alley. He carried me to a safe location and bandaged me up. He became my partner in crime until we stole the wrong thing.

Reikai was very picky about three treasures I wanted one of them and offered the other two to Kurama and another demon in exchange for their help.

We were caught not too long after ward by Urameshi Yusuke. Yusuke was Reikai's' new errand boy but he took us all out.

Kurama and I were offered a deal. Help Yusuke defend the Nigenkai from things that went bump in the night and we got clean slates." Hiei stopped and turned to the head of the table. Sesshomaru's chin was resting on his one hand and was listening to Hiei just as the other three were.

"Well did you take it or are we talking to a wanted criminal?" The deep voice from the host questioned.

"We took it but for differing reasons."

"So what happened?" Kagome asked as the children ran off. Sesshomaru was dealing with a message from another taiyoukai.

"Nothing, Kurama came to me after many missons of doing our job and said he had feeling for me. He then told me not to answer right away but he wouldn't wait forever."

"He didn't did her?"

"No the day I was going to tell him I did return his feeling I found him in bed with Yusuke."

Hiei looked up and noticed Sesshomaru was gone. Again he questioned if the portal did something to him to make him act so open with strangers. That and what the message said to pull the inu away.

End Chapter

1. Before you ask....NO HIEI CAN'T USE KAGOME'S PORTAL! They don't know if he would end up in the right time or place. He could be in a different universe or something. So they aren't going to risk it. And if they did it would fuck up the plot line now wouldn't it?

Snow: Okay that is chapter three. I don't think anyone is reading this so I'm not going to post four until I get a review...but I'll have it typed...maybe. Who knows these days?
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