Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

Let's Go To The Dungeon

by Emilie_D 2 reviews

Severus shows Zelda around Hogwarts.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-09-24 - Updated: 2006-09-24 - 3870 words - Complete

A knock on the door woke Zelda, and her first sight was Severus lying on his side next to her, awake.

He fondled her teasingly and said, "Answer the door, my girl."

Another round of knocking forced her from the bed, and as she slipped on a robe, he magically closed the bed curtains. She opened the door slightly, and saw Minerva McGonagall levitating a large tray.

"May I come in?" she asked, and when Zelda opened the door wide, she brought the tray to rest on the nearest table, glancing at the firmly closed bed curtains. "You did not come down to lunch, so I brought lunch to you. The house elves will wonder at the amount of food you consume."

"Thanks, Minerva," Zelda said. "I er... almost went down to lunch, but changed my mind. Severus must be starving, I know I am."

"Have you accomplished much?" Minerva asked acidly, glancing at Zelda's bathrobe.

Zelda smiled innocently and said, "I asked Severus to put me under the Imperius Curse, to see what it felt like and whether I could resist it. I needed to rest afterward."

"Were you able to?" Minerva asked, flabbergasted that a Muggle would attempt such a thing.

"I did very badly actually, but in the end I did manage to resist it some. It's quite difficult, isn't it?" replied Zelda.

Minerva stared at her. Zelda seemed not to grasp that few wizards could resist that particular curse. "Yes. Quite difficult," she replied weakly. "I hope that you and Severus will dine with me in my office tonight. There are so few people I can consult with, and I wish to take advantage of his insight while I may. If it is acceptable I shall collect you here at about eight o'clock."

"That sounds splendid, Minerva. We'll be here," Zelda said pleasantly.

"By the way, this morning after I left you, I placed a Charm on this corridor for the time that Severus is with us," Minerva said, as she stepped out the door.

"Brilliant. Thanks, Minerva," Zelda said, beaming at her.

As the door closed, the bed curtains flew open and Severus said, "I wish I had known that before I sent you nude into a public corridor. I knew you'd be unable to resist it at first."

"I know," she said. "It felt so reassuring to obey, but underneath I was dying of humiliation. It's a monstrous thing. At least I didn't hurt anyone... that'd be horrible."

"It is horrible," he said, and his brow was furrowed.

Zelda decided he'd had enough of worry, so she took off her robe and joined him in bed. "What shall we do when we're married, Sev?" she asked, smoothing his brow with her fingers.

"First?" he growled, kissing the base of her throat.

"Besides that," she laughed, running her fingers through his lank, black hair. "We don't need to be married to do that, right?"

Severus frowned slightly. "Zelda... will you change your name to mine when you marry me?" he asked tentatively. "I believe that among Muggles, many women do not."

"I gather your society's more old fashioned," she said, running her finger down his nose. "Do you want me to?" she asked, already knowing what his answer would be. She kissed his nose and waited for his response.

"You know that I wish it," he said, a trifle shamefaced. "But if you don't... "

"I didn't do it for my first marriage, you know," she replied, "I suppose it's a shocking defeat for women's rights, but of course I'll change my name. I'd love to."

His faint smile melted her heart, and she kissed his cheek, saying, "I appreciate you asking. I don't want to be taken for granted."

"I can never take you for granted," Severus said. "Thank you, darling girl. I am indecently happy when I imagine married life with you."

"Can you imagine eating lunch?" she asked practically. "Since Minerva so kindly brought food for us, we should eat. Actually I'm completely starved. Aren't you?"

"Now that you mention it, I am," he said, rising and pulling on his pants.

They ate at the table by the windows, looking out on the sunlit grounds of Hogwarts. Minerva had supplied enough to feed several people, and Zelda smiled contentedly when she discovered a pot of excellent coffee.

"How do you stay so thin, eating meals like this?" Zelda asked. "I'd look like Professor Slughorn if I ate like this all the time."

"The entire school is vast. Since Apparating is not allowed in the castle or grounds, everyone walks all the time. Except Horace Slughorn, of course," Severus said sarcastically. "What did you think of him?"

Her lip curled, and he smirked enquiringly.

"He kissed my hand," she explained gravely. "Before breakfast, which is a hard thing to stomach. He questioned me at dinner about all the people he thought I must know, being from America. He must be competent at teaching Potions, because otherwise he acts like an idiot."

"He is quite competent," Severus said grudgingly. "He taught Potions when I was a student, and was Head of Slytherin House. Under the revolting manner he is very clever."

"So you're well acquainted with him," Zelda replied. "You know, they were talking a bit at dinner, explaining about the four Houses, Sev... " Her voice trailed off, tempting him to jump in.

When he remained stubbornly silent, she continued, "With Professor Slughorn sitting on the other side of me, Hagrid couldn't go into details, but he did mention Slytherin has produced loads of Death Eaters."

"Also, loads, as you put it, of people who aren't Death Eaters," Severus responded defensively. "Please do not take the word of a lot of Gryffindors."

"It interests me to hear what they say, that's all." she said, her eyes bright with questions. "Since you're Head of Slytherin, I'm curious."

He groaned irritably, considering how childish it might seem to someone who came fresh to the whole House rivalry. Furthermore, he knew his students hated him and he wished she would not learn that.

"Don't fret," said Zelda gently. "I'm on your side. If I tease too much, tell me to shut up." She put her elbows on the table and propped her chin in her hands. "You don't know me at all, except really you're the only one who knows me," she mused. "It works both ways. So we're doing it backwards, but it's okay, isn't it?"

He hadn't considered it, but his clever Zelda was right. She knew much of his heart, but naught of his history. He had not even met her children; he knew nothing of her past, yet he knew her essential goodness. But still...

"Do you think anything those people say about you will make me think less of you?" she asked irritably. "I know you, Severus Snape. I know all I need to know to marry you. When you find out that I'm a freak I, will you change your mind?"

"You are not a freak, my girl," he replied coldly.

"You're wonderful," she smiled ironically. "I've always been out of step with the world around me. It seems you're out of step too, so I think we're okay."

"I wish that we could leave this room," Severus said. He got up from the table and paced irritably. "I am not accustomed to idleness."

"Where would you like to go?" Zelda asked, and her eyes were sparkling. "I'll go anywhere you like."

He stopped pacing and turned to look enquiringly at her. "You are serious," he exclaimed. "Will you go with me now?"

"Without the Imperius Curse, but with clothes?" she asked in return. "Sev, you're my preferred guide to the magical world. I'll go anywhere you like."

"A challenge?" Severus enquired slyly. "All right, my girl. Dress yourself, and we'll go."

Gazing at his future bride as she dressed herself, Severus marveled at how she had only to put on robes to seem magical to him. He never noticed fashion trends among witches, but Zelda's style was her own whether she was in her Muggle world or at Hogwarts.

"Where will you take me?" Zelda asked, "I'm ready."

"What would you like too see?" he replied, "If it is not too risky, I will take you anywhere you wish to go."

"May I see your dungeon lair?" she asked wistfully.

"With all of Hogwarts, you choose the dungeons?" he asked sarcastically. He was secretly charmed that she wished to visit the place where he had spent years of his life.

"Let's go to the dungeon," she said.

They went to the door, and mindful of Minerva's Charm, they stepped into the corridor without fearing discovery, and almost ran directly into the Headmistress herself.

"Well! You two are becoming bold," she declared ironically. "Where are you going?"

Severus was struck dumb at being caught acting so foolishly, but Zelda smiled sweetly and said, "Even Sev and I can't stay cooped up in the bedroom all the time. I asked him to show me the dungeon, Minerva."

Minerva smiled slightly, and said, "Do you realize that Horace Slughorn is in residence at Hogwarts this summer?"

"I was going to ask Severus to Obliviate him if he caught us..." Zelda replied casually.

"Were you really?" Severus said, and his mouth was twitching suspiciously.

"Or you can distract him, while I sneak up behind and bat him over the head with a cauldron," she murmured seriously.

Minerva forced herself not to laugh. The sight of Severus Snape struggling to maintain his rigid composure was delightful. Remembering his unhappy student days, and his self-imposed isolation since his return to Hogwarts, it charmed her to see him acting like a schoolboy caught breaking the rules.

"Will we be discovered if we leave the corridor, Minerva?" asked Zelda.

"Since the weather is so fine, I believe that everyone has gone to Hogsmeade this afternoon," Minerva said casually. "Unless you encounter Peeves I believe you will be safe."

"Thank you," replied Severus repressively. "We will return here in time for dinner."

"Is Professor Slughorn moving in, Minerva? What will happen to Severus's things, if he's a fugitive?" Zelda asked.

"They should be removed, I suppose. Horace has not yet actually moved into the Slytherin Head's rooms, Severus," Minerva said. "Perhaps I shall have your things moved to the Room of Requirement, if that is acceptable to you."

"Thank you, Minerva," he replied. "That will be excellent." He smiled smugly and said, "I shall now take Zelda for a scenic tour of the dungeon."

Minerva watched them walk away. She had doubted whether the withdrawn, clever and magically powerful Severus Snape could actually love a Muggle, but seeing him with Zelda, she believed it. Zelda put a hand on his waist, and after a moment, Minerva watched Severus slip his arm around Zelda and pull her close. They reached the stairway, turned the corner and were gone from her view.

"I don't think I could ever learn my way around here," Zelda said ruefully, passing through corridors and down stairs. The final staircase was narrow, with stone steps under her feet. The air was cold and dank, like a cave, she thought, and the atmosphere was, well... dungeon-like. She looked at Severus enquiringly.

"This way," he said. He felt odd. It had only been a short time, but he felt like a stranger here already. He flung open the door of his old Potions classroom, and the strangeness vanished. He had not taught here during the past school year, but this room still felt blessedly familiar. He glanced at Zelda, who was wandering around, fascinated.

His huge, old battered desk had been polished and covered by an elegant leather desk set, and a cut glass jar containing what looked like crystallized pineapple gleamed. The chair behind it was cushiony and covered in deep green velvet.

"Professor Slughorn's style, I see," Zelda said, gazing at the luxurious appointments.

"Yes," he said coldly. The rest of the room was comfortingly familiar, however. "What do you think, my girl?" he asked.

"Aside from the ridiculous desk ornaments, it's marvelous," she said. She wandered around, gazing at a pile of old cauldrons. A large cupboard in the corner contained shelves of old textbooks, and a complete set of equipment, in immaculate condition. A basin in the corner had a gargoyle spout that looked like it would spew water. Daylight entered from a row of small windows running the length of one wall.

"Nice big desk," Zelda murmured cynically. "Did any of your students ever offer to, um... earn extra credit on it?"

Severus curled his lip and said repressively, "That is not amusing, my girl."

"You teach teenagers, and I know teenage girls," she said. "Boys too, for that matter. It's a sick, sick world we live in, isn't it?"

His lip curled. Severus had never found the advances of his students flattering; in fact he had been disgusted, wondering why he, out of all the Hogwarts staff, was frequently singled out for such embarrassment.

"You didn't believe that you're amazingly sexy, did you?" Zelda said, putting her arms around him. "I'm glad you didn't exploit the horny little dolts."

Severus felt understood at last. She accepted that his older students might make advances, and found him perfectly right not to take them up on it. He had wondered bitterly at times why he didn't just do it, since his fellow adults never offered. But they were so shallow, so... inexperienced, even the brightest ones. It would be degrading and wrong, and he had enough reasons to despise himself for his vile choices. So he had refused, and on that subject, his conscience was clear.

"Come to my office," he said abruptly, but there was a slight smile in his eyes. He took her hand and led her down the stone passageway.

"This is still my office, I suppose, until they empty it," he said as he opened the door. He flicked his wand and a fire sprang up in the fireplace, providing the only light except for one small window.

Zelda saw shelves on every wall, filled with jars of various colored liquids, and each containing an animal or plant specimen. She carefully studied a large frog floating in purple liquid, and then examined all of the other jars. He had been meticulous in the preservation and display of his specimens, and she found his precise attention to detail admirable.

Meanwhile, Severus had gone to the cupboard in the corner and was examining his personal store of potion ingredients. "It is a shame," he muttered.

"What's a shame, dear boy?" Zelda asked, coming to stand beside him.

"Some of these ingredients are quite rare and difficult to replace. It will be too bad if a house elf throws them away."

"Jobberknoll feathers and boomslang skin," Zelda read off of jars. "What's gillyweed?" she asked curiously.

"I could give you a lecture, my girl, which would take far too long." he replied. "Or I will promise to explain anything you wish to know later."

"When we have more time," she said, smiling. "If you're worried about it going to waste, ask Minerva to suggest that Professor Slughorn save anything of value."

"An excellent idea, my girl," Severus said.

"Any personal effects that you don't wish to lose?" she asked. "Take them now."

"I have never been one for collecting memorabilia," he said absently. "But perhaps..."

Severus took two small pouches from a desk drawer, and put several small, shriveled brown things from a jar into each. Then he filled two small flasks from a beaker of liquid, and put them into his pocket. "All right," he said, extinguishing the fire. He left his office without a backward glance.

They entered his personal rooms next, and discovered boxes and trunks piled inside the doorway. "He has not moved in yet," Severus commented dispassionately.

Zelda looked curiously at her lover's personal space. She bit her lip to keep from smiling at his extremely Spartan accommodations. The furniture looked quite comfortable, but there was not nearly enough to fill the spacious sitting room. The windows were large for a dungeon, but they were thoroughly covered by heavy draperies, and the light was dim. Covering the table though, and filling a wall of shelves was what must be Severus's greatest luxury, a vast collection of books.

"Are they all yours?" Zelda asked, fascinated.

"Yes," he said softly. "I disliked leaving them, and now it must appear that I was never here. I suppose if Minerva orders them to be stored they will be safe."

Zelda heard the regret in his voice. There was nothing to be done about his belongings. She hugged him and he took her hand, leading her into his bedroom.

Severus noticed that nothing had yet been touched in here. While Zelda wandered past him into the bathroom, exploring, he opened his wardrobe. No one would notice if he took some things, he thought. A warm embrace interrupted his musing.

"What do you wear when you're not masquerading as a Muggle?" she asked curiously. "Keep up the refugee charade publicly, but you don't have to play the Muggle at dinner tonight."

Severus hesitated. His clothes were part of him, but what if Zelda... perhaps she'd think...

"Go on, you can't wear the same clothes for the rest of your life," she said, glancing at the unrelenting black and white in the wardrobe. "What are you worried about? I'll poke around for a few minutes while you change clothes."

She left him. Severus reluctantly, yet longingly, took off his leather jacket and the Muggle t-shirt he had become fond of. He slipped into his own immaculate, white shirt and began doing up buttons. His biker boots and jeans came off next, and then his trousers required much more buttoning.

Severus smiled ruefully as he tied his cravat. He knew bloody well why he chose to dress like this. However, he now had a good reason to undress quickly. He slipped into his frock coat and began the final round of buttoning. He worried about Zelda's reaction as he entered the sitting room.

Zelda was waiting across the room, and turned quickly to see the real Severus Snape. She deliberately avoided eye contact, to take in the complete Snape persona, and her blue eyes widened. The man before her was stern, icy and completely untouchable. A flush appeared on his thin cheeks and at last she met his hesitant gaze, and then he was still Severus.

"I imagine you had to beat those students off with a stick," she said chuckling. "Did you choose to be the sexiest wizard on earth, or did it just happen?"

"Do not mock me, Zelda," he muttered, scowling in embarrassment.

"I'm serious," she replied, crossing quickly to stand before him. "You seem a bit less approachable now, or I'd love to kiss you."

His rare smile appeared and he swept her into his arms and kissed her.

"How long do you think it'll take me to remove it all?" Zelda asked, combing her fingers through his black hair and biting his ear lobe.

"I would be utterly demoralized if Horace Slughorn walked in on us," he said, wishing he dared to frolic in his own bed with her. Never during his tenure had the Head of Slytherin House cavorted with a sexy lady here, although he had heard the stories about Phineas Nigellus...

"What time is it, Professor?" Zelda asked, her eyes dancing wickedly.

"About three o'clock, I believe," he replied.

"I imagine the Slughorn's probably knocking a few back in the pub," she said, leading him back to his bedroom. "I think we can risk it."

She began to take off her robes while he watched, and when she was naked she began undoing the buttons on his frock coat. "It's like Christmas came early, and I get to open the best present of all," she said happily, as she removed it, and untied his cravat.

Severus reached for his wand, turned toward the door and murmured, "Colloportus!"

Zelda began unbuttoning his shirt, and pressed her face to his chest, inhaling deeply before she removed it. When Severus lifted her up, she put her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek against him as he carried her to his bed.

"I wasn't finished, you know," she said, unbuttoning his trousers and letting her fingers roam inside as she worked. She smiled, seeing through his icy Snape persona, which had returned with his normal clothing, to the passionate wizard she knew.

Finally she finished, and the process had seemed like an eternity to Severus. He must consider magically modifying his wardrobe to accommodate making love to Zelda, he thought idly. He forgot his fear of intrusion and they were left completely alone as he made love to her in his own bed at Hogwarts. It was a perfect hour.

At her urging, Severus conjured a small trunk. He put his clothing and a few personal effects into it. He also added his Muggle clothes, to be worn when he left Hogwarts.

"You'll be wearing your Muggle disguise soon enough," said Zelda, "Wear what you're used to. You're amazing in your ordinary Professor Snape-wear."

The corridors of Hogwarts were still deserted as they ascended from the dungeons with his trunk levitating before them. They reached her room without incident, and Severus stowed his trunk in the wardrobe and turned to Zelda.

"Well?" he queried, ruffling her tousled curls affectionately.

"How many times will you get undressed in one day?" she asked. "You won't be here much longer and I've missed you."

He magically undid all the buttons, and in no time they were in bed, holding each other. Severus gazed into her eyes, finding sorrow and fear for his safety. "Zelda," he said quietly, "I thought I might never see you again when I left you, but in spite of the circumstances I am having an outrageously happy day with you. When I go tomorrow night, we must believe it is not the end."

Zelda saw hope in his black eyes, and if he could hope... "You're right," she said, "We'll behave as if it's inevitable that we'll be together, and it will happen." She sighed gently and continued, "I'm afraid at times."

"I too, my girl," he said. "But the unlikely fact that we found each other tells me that our future is possible too."

Zelda felt her courage returning. She pulled back slightly and studied his face. "Your eyes are wonderful," she said. "The first time I looked in them, I saw you and loved you and believed I was going mad. But it was you, Severus." She ran a finger lightly over the healing scar on his cheek and hugged him as hard as she could.

Severus held her close and inevitably they made love again. His last thought was that he had a long, lonely time to make up for, so he must take advantage of every opportunity with her that he could manage. It was most pleasing that she enjoyed it as much as he did.
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