Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > [ Fatality Is Like Ghosts In The Snow ]

[ Fatality Is Like Ghosts In The Snow] Chapter Seven

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Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-09-28 - Updated: 2006-09-28 - 834 words

October 5th, 2006
8:48 PM

"No. No. You're not coming. You can't come, Frank..."
"I'm not letting you go alone!"
"I've got to. You're only human-"
"Yeah," Frank said, a little bitterly, "But I'm not, am I? Let me come with you. I can fight. I can heal as easily as you."
Trent sighed and ran a hand over his face. "Fine. You can come. But do everything I tell you."
Frank nodded.
"Got your gun?"
Frank nodded again and produced the Walther he'd been given two days before. "Haven't left the house without it."
"Good man."
Two minutes later, they were walking out the door. "Who else is coming?" Frank asked quietly, stowing the gun away under his jacket, as they reached the first intersection. Halfway to where Krishna was supposed to be.
"I'm not sure. I don't think anyone but me and you. And Krishna... and some of his boys. I don't know exactly who. Just that there are supposed to be about five of them." Trent paused. "Think we ought to get Chris or Gaia to come with us?"
Frank shook his head. "Liabilities. We can't risk losing anyone else. And with just us, we'll be harder to spot and pick off."
Trent nodded slowly. "Good idea. Frank..." He let his lips meet Frank's for what he was sure would be the last time. He pulled away completely after a few seconds.
"If something happens to me tonight-" If, yeah right, like there's going to be an if-"I want you and Ray to take over, man the rebels equally."
Frank nodded slowly.
"We'll try."
Out of nowhere, the limb next to Frank's head shattered into woodchips. The Walther was in Frank's hand in a movement faster than Trent's eyes could follow. Trent drew his own Glock and gripped it tightly.
"Get down."
Frank remained where he was. "No."
"Frank, you said you'd do what I told you. Get down."
Frank reluctantly dropped into a crouch as a bullet whizzed by overhead. "I'm tired of hiding," he said through gritted teeth.
"Frank, don't-"
But the older man had already stood up and fired off a round into the surrounding trees. There were agonized cries from the trees and Frank dropped to the ground again.
"Got one of them," he whispered, his eyes shining darkly. "Maybe more."
"You got more than one," Trent whispered back. "Listen."
There was a sudden silence.
"Come out and play, little halfling," a cold, singsong voice called from the trees.
A stretch, then-
"Who's afraid of the big, bad wolf?" There was a taunting edge to Krishna's voice now. He seemed to be closer.
"Trent-" Frank began, but Trent was already standing.
Krishna was standing a bare ten feet away, a switchblade drawn. Trent let the Glock fall from his fingers and withdrew his own six-inch blade.
"Come on, Jared," Krishna said coldly, "Man to man. Fight me. See who's better. A slave without his master... or me." He smiled. "I already know the outcome."
Trent didn't reply but lunged, drawing a fine band of blood on Krishna's dark cheek. Frank was on his feet in a flash, his gun in hand.
"This isn't your fight," Trent snarled, blocking a slice to the face with his arm, Krishna's blade slitting his arm open. Trent swore and tore open the chest of Krishna's shirt with the tip of his blade, not hard enough to draw blood.
"Playing with me, halfling?" Krishna asked, his smooth drawl affected a little by the panting behind his words.
Trent didn't respond but went to slash at Krishna's blade hand, this time scoring a deep cut on the back. A flash of white bone was exposed briefly and Krishna swore loudly, dragging his knife down Trent's other arm. The other vampire responded with a slash that gashed Krishna's arm open. Trent was thrown to the ground and Krishna stood over him, his knife poised over Trent's unprotected chest-
And another knife sliced the back of his shirt open. For a moment, everything was still, then Frank backed up, Trent rising quickly.
"You son of a bitch," Krishna hissed, throwing his knife to the ground and plunging a hand inside his jacket and withdrawing a gun.
In that moment, everything was decided.
"I don't want to die."
"You won't."
The gun was fired and Trent threw himself in front of Frank, catching the bullet straight in his chest. He fell to the pavement and didn't rise.
"I told you what the outcome would be." Krishna flashed Frank a cold smile and disappeared into the darkness.
Frank dropped to his knees beside Trent. The wound was painfully, obviously fatal. Trent's eyes were already glassing over.
"No!" Frank meant to do anything but whisper, but that was all he could manage. He slipped his hand inside Trent's.
Trent turned to look at him once more, their eyes meeting, and they stayed that way, locked in that gaze, long after the light had left Trent's eyes.
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