Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Goes Around...Comes Around...Lost and Found...Love

Henry...Could I have a word, please?

by ilex 0 reviews

Luna wins a bet or two. And we have a visit from the Vicar.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Angelina Johnson, Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix, Bill Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Colin Creevey, Crabbe, Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Ernie, Fleur, Flitwick, Fred, George, Ginny, Goyle, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, James, Justin, Kingsley, - Warnings: [!] [?] [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-28 - Updated: 2006-09-28 - 2241 words


Chapter 52

Henry...could I have a word, please?

After slamming the door, Anna and Severus stood glaring at each other for a minute.

"How DARE you come charging into my classroom, like..."



"/When were you planning on telling me/?"

Anna stopped, closed her mouth, and then dropped her head.

"WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME?" Severus repeated the question in a louder voice. He was close to totally losing control of his temper.

"Albus and I decided you should hear about this with the rest of the staff, so you wouldn't do exactly what you've just done. Come tearing up here and make a scene. I needed every spare minute of the last two weeks to get things in place, IN SECRET, without interruptions." She snarled at him, and then Anna took a deep breath and calmed down.

"I'm sorry Severus, but it was to protect you as much as to protect my plans. If anyone suspected I was going anywhere but London, I might not have been able to pull this off. As it is, we don't think word could be gotten to Voldemort in time tonight to make any difference. It had to be this way, don't you see?"

Snape stared at her, turned and walking to the door, put out his hands to lean on it.

"How will I know you're safe?" He asked quietly. "I've never felt this helpless in my life, Anna.

Turning around, he saw she was in tears. He went to her and folded her into his arms. She cried without holding back. Severus was fast realizing what a horrible strain she had been under.

X # X # X

"I'm sorry, darling, for yelling at you. I'm just worried, that's all. Please don't cry. I'm not good with tears, and I'm out of tissues at the moment."

Stepping back from his embrace, she gave a hiccup of a laugh and reached around him for a box of tissues on a nearby table.

"Ah, good, at least you were prepared."

He took one and dried her eyes."

"I'm leaving Christopher's portrait in Albus' office. He'll be our go between, so we'll be able to keep in touch, love. It's all I could think of. I'm taking his portrait from Briarwood with me and he'll also be able to contact Remus in London, at the townhouse."

"Are you sure you'll be in a safe location? It didn't save James and Lily."

"Their location was fine; it was their Secret Keeper who was all wrong. I haven't made the same mistake. Trust me."

"As long as you can contact us safely, I'll be able to rest easier."

"I'll be fine. Winky will be with me and we'll stay put and stay safe, I promise."

Taking her in his arms again, he lifted her chin to kiss her, but hesitated at the look in her eyes.

"What is it? What's the matter?"

"Severus, I want you to know, I resisted going into hiding and I probably would have fought the idea outright, except, well, there was another point for me to consider."

"What? I don't understand."

"I'm protecting two lives, Severus; mine and...our child's."

Snape froze. Was he hearing her correctly? Did she say /child/?

"You're /pregnant/?"


For one long moment, neither of them moved. Then, to Anna's astonishment, an honest, wide, joyous grin spread across Severus' face. He kissed her, picked her up and spun her around.

"Put me down, you fool!" Anna laughed.

"When did this..."

"When/? That /physical therapy session did wonders for me, it would seem."

"Marry me."

"What? Now? There's no time!"

"Yes, now/! I'm serious. /Before you go into hiding. Tonight! Please darling. Come with me!"

X # X # X

He grabbed her hand and started pulling her toward the door. Anna dug in her heels and Severus stopped and looked at her, the silly grin still on his face.

"Severus! /Think/! We can't just go skipping down the halls, holding hands, like a couple of love sick students! Are you /insane/!?!"

"What?...Oh, well, ah, yes, well, we'll just have to do what the Headmaster suggested, then. I'm mad that you're continuing the D.A. through the summer and we're just going to see him about it. Can you act mad at me, yell at me, and tell me to mind my own business. I'm just going to have to scowl and mutter, because if I look at you, I have the feeling I'll dissolve into a fit of the giggles and give the whole thing away." He finished in a rush, smiling at her and giving her a quick kiss.

"What about the kids?"

"What about them? Let them draw their own conclusions. They'll follow us, but I don't care."

Anna shook her head.

"You are insane, Severus Snape, and I love you."


Another quick kiss.

"Right, let's do this before I lose my nerve. After you, Professor!" said Anna, as she bowed him toward the door.

Severus grabbed the door knob, took a deep breath and yanked the door open.

X # X # X

"We'll just see about /that/!" He stormed down the stairs, ignoring the students on the way to the classroom door.

"Oh, no you don't/, Severus Snape!" Anna came out on the landing and yelled after him. "Come /back here!"

Anna pelted down the stairs and took off after his retreating form.

Harry, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna and Hermione looked at one another and tumbled out of the classroom and down the hall in Anna's wake. Christopher laughed and took off out of the frame of his portrait.

X # X # X

Striding down the hall, scattering students left and right, Professor Twigg-Jones matching him, step for step, Snape glared at the occasional student who dared look at him with an absolutely murderous gaze.

"Severus have absolutely NO right to stick you nose in /where it doesn't belong/."

They turned a corner.

"If I deem it necessary to meet with the D.A. every single day of the summer holiday, it's none of you /business/."

Up a staircase.

"How DARE you try and tell me how to spend my holiday time."

Down another hall.

"I won't stand for this interference! And Professor Dumbledore will back me up on this."

They reached the entrance to the stairs to Dumbledore's office and Severus went right in without looking at Anna. She stamped her foot and followed him. The D.A. members scrambled up behind her. A crowd of students gathered at the bottom, looking up the stairs and wondering what was going on.

X # X # X

The D.A. group burst into Dumbledore's office and skidded to a stop. Anna was in Severus' arms, both of them smiling and laughing. Luna tapped Ron on the arm, stuck out her hand, palm up, and he silently handed over a Sickle.

"This is bizarre." Harry looked at the others, who nodded.

"Etched in my mind." Ron agreed.

"Ah, as to /that/." Dumbledore's voice announced his arrival. He joined the group and gave Anna a hug and shook Severus' hand.

"Christopher informed me you were all on your way to my office, but," turning to the students, "I will have to do a Memory Charm on all of you. It is for your own safety. You must not have any information about Anna and Severus' true relationship in your minds, but let's do that in a bit." Turning back to Anna and Severus, he asked with a smile, "First, why did you two feel it necessary to put on this little performance and come tearing up here?

"I have asked Anna to marry me." Severus was beaming and pulled Anna close to his side.

"/Bloody Hell/!" Ron swore.

Luna once again held out her hand, but this time Ron dropped a Galleon onto her outstretched palm.

Dumbledore chuckled. "Very astute, Miss Lovegood."

"How long have you known, Luna?" Anna asked.

"Since you slapped him." Luna replied, with a smile.

"Bloody Hell! Severus gasped, looked at Anna aghast, and they dissolved in laughter.

"It's true," added Ginny. "We thought she was off her nut."

"Well, Congratulations," Hermione stepped forward and hugged Anna, as did Ginny.

Neville, however, looked as if he was about to faint.

X # X # X

"Snape/? You want to /marry Professor Snape? WHY?"

"Neville," Anna went to him, "it's simple. I love him and he loves me. I know this is hard for you, especially, to understand, but Severus is not the man you think you know. It's a charade. He has to act as he does, to help the Order defeat Voldemort. Neville, this is our personal, private life, hidden until now, from all but Professor Dumbledore and Christopher, who approves, by the way."

"I do, Neville." Doctor Jones had been watching from Headmaster Dippett's portrait. "It's ok with me. I've know all year and they are made for each other."

"Longbottom." Severus came over to stand by Anna. "Neville. I would be honored if you would stand up for me as my best man."

Holding out his hand, he smiled at Neville, which sealed the deal as far as Neville was concerned.

"I'd be proud," he replied, shaking Snape's hand, but leaning in, he stage whispered, "You better be good to her, or your arse is mine, Severus, old man." He grinned at Severus and wiggled his eyebrows.

Severus, slightly taken aback, looked at Anna. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Can you marry us, Albus?" Anna turned to the Headmaster.

"No, but I have a good friend who can. Give me a moment."

X # X # X

He walked over to the fireplace, threw in some Floo powder and stuck his head into the green flames.

"Henry...could I have a word, please? Yes, good afternoon. Are you busy? Could I impose on you for about ten minutes? Splendid. Thank you."

Pulling his head out, Dumbledore stepped back and with a puff of green smoke, a short, bald vicar walked out of the fire.

"Nothing serious, I hope, Albus."

"No, no, just a wedding. Could you do the honors?"

"Delighted." Looking around at the assembled group, he inquired, "Who is the lucky couple?"

"Professor Snape and Professor Twigg-Jones."

"Got the license?"

"Well, no, Henry, it's a bit of a rush and timing problem, that." Dumbledore looked embarrassed at not having thought of the license. "They will be keeping the marriage a secret for now, as I'm sorry to say, it's our world again, having trouble with Voldemort."

"Oh, dear. Well, I'll make a deal with you two," the Vicar said, pointing at Severus and Anna. "I'll marry you now, if you promise to do it /properly/, at my church, as soon as it is possible and safe."

"Agreed." Severus looked at Anna, who nodded.

"Splendid. Who is the best man?"

Neville stepped forward, grinning.

"Your witness?" Henry asked, looking at Anna.

"I think Miss Lovegood. She knew from the start." Anna stretched out a hand to Luna who walked over and hugged her.

"My pleasure."

"The others are honored guests," Albus informed the Vicar. "Including," pointing to the portrait, "the late husband."

"Really? And you approve?"

"Quite. And it's about time, too." Christopher smiled down, laughing.

"Right. Well, if you will just stand here and join hands. I'll do the short but sweet version."

Hermione slipped her hand into Ron's and Harry put his arm around Ginny's shoulder.

X # X # X

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered her to bear witness at the marriage of..." looking up at Severus.

"Severus Snape."

"Thank you. Severus. And..."

"Anastasia Twigg-Jones."

"Anastasia. Do you, Severus, take Anastasia to be your wife?"

"I do." Severus looked deep into Anna's eyes.

"Anastasia, do you take Severus to be you husband?"

"I do," whispered Anna.

"The ring."

"Ring?" Severus looked blank and turned to Anna, one eyebrow raised.

"Wait!" Anna turned to Christopher. "Is it alright with you if we just recycle our ring until Severus can get me a proper one?"

"I think, in these circumstances, that's an excellent idea, my dear, by all means." Christopher nodded.

Anna removed her wedding ring and handed it to Severus.

"Place the ring on her finger, please and repeat after me."

Severus slipped the ring back on Anna's finger and looked at the Vicar.

"With this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed." Severus lifted her hand and kissed the ring.

"Splendid." Dumbledore whispered. He glanced up at Christopher, who winked.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss your bride, Severus."

X # X # X

Needing no further instructions, Severus gathered Anna into his arms and gave her a good long kiss. Everyone applauded and whistled. The happy couple came up for air, laughing, and shook hands and hugged the students gathered around them.

"Well, if that's all, Albus, I'll be getting back before my dinner cools off too much. Call me if you need anything. Oh, are we still on for cribbage on Tuesday?"

"Of course, I'm looking forward to it."

"Excellent. See you then. Goodbye, all."

"Thank you, Vicar." Anna kissed his cheek and Severus shook his hand.

The vicar took a handful of Floo powder, tossed it into the fireplace and said "The Vicarage" and disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

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