Categories > Games > Undertale > My Undertale AU's

Rex - Lgbtq+tale

by LuxIsAnEnby 0 reviews

L+T!Cross is here :) Also I would like to put I am not going to put any warnings from now on because Its annoying so Violence and Alternate Universe on all of the rest

Category: Undertale - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2021-03-12 - 96 words

Name: Sans XXXX
Rex, L+T!Cross
Oreo, T-Rex
L+T!Dream (Lover)
L+T!Dust (Friend)
L+T!X-Chara (Annoying 'Companion')
L+T!Killer (Friend)
L+T!Horror (...Friend??)
L+T!Nightmare (Boss)
L+T!Ink (Brother)
L+T!Reaper (Brother)
Additional Info
Birthday: 10/10/####
Species: Magical Skeleton
Gender: Male
Battle Info
HP: Unknown (1?)
AT: 20
DF: 20
ACTs: Check, Talk, Pun, Give Soul
Short Backstory
- Basically Cross's past except No X-Event
- Bi :)
Wears the same thing as Cross but his outfit is Pink, Purple, and Blue as well as his knife.
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