Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Naruto The Sleeping Beast

Chapter 10: First Match!

by WR7D1 0 reviews

Chapter 10: First Match!

Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2021-06-17 - 4375 words

Battle Arena

Peering around the stadium with a bored expression on his face, Naruto tried to locate the Jonin senseis of the Sand and Sound without actually giving off the impression of doing so. It looked more like he was trying to wave off sleepiness from his eyes.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see all four students of his Milf mom gathered at one side of the audience, no doubt anticipating the excitement of his match with Neji Hyuga. Anko Mitarashi, Kurenai Yuhi, Hana Inuzuka and Yugao Uzuki.

Actually Hana wasn't her Genin student but since she was friends with the three women, she had spent more time training with Kushina than her own team.

And they were giving him wide, predatory grins. Being naturally inclined towards a predator-like mindset, Anko and Hana were more open with their expressions that clearly said 'I am gonna suck your balls dry after you defeat that asshole' while Kurenai and Yugao were more subtle with their hints.

Yugao was calm and content mostly because he had rocked her world just yesterday after she got back from a patrol mission. The purple haired Sword user tracked him down all the way to the Forest of Death and promptly rode him to a few explosive orgasms.

Apparently she was quite happy about the fact that he had saved her childhood friend from the enemy Jonins and wanted to reward him. She did reward him quite … generously. She should be still sore from how hard he had fucked her phat rump.

Moving away from the four Kunoichi with a subtle wink directed at Kurenai since she was the more reserved one, Naruto turned to his teammates and offered them a lazy nod… well teammate since Sasuke was still missing and Sakura had failed in the second exam by a tie against Ino.

Sakura accepted his nod with a smile but surprised him by sending a sultry wink. Why the fuck was she so … different from the girl he had seen a month ago?

The lazy redhead soon got his answer when his sharp eyes picked up on Ino's hands groping the pinkette's massive buttcheeks from behind and giving him her predatory smirk. Well what do you know? They actually resolved their differences and found common ground.

And last but certainly not the least, his eyes found Tenten … sharpening her weapons and staring at him with a glare? What the fuck?

"Are both fighters ready?" Genma asked in a lazy tone, giving each of the combatants a short glance.

"Ready for what?" Naruto asked absently.

Why was Tenten angry at him? It wasn't his fault her ass hurt, I mean sure it was his dick that had fucked her massive butt for the better part of the previous afternoon but she had been the one who had suggested anal sex in the first place.

You don't just corner a guy like him who had been emotionally tortured by his summons to the point that his balls were almost threatening to burst from tension and ask him to bang you up the ass. That phat teenage booty is bound to be destroyed.

The Special Jonin sweatdropped. "For your match, obviously"

Kage Booth

"I must admit I am curious to know more about your son, Lord Hokage" the Kazekage of the Sand started in a hoarse tone as he stared at the battleground beneath, brown eyes glued to the tall and kimono-clad form of the Fourth's son. "I wonder how he will do against my son, Gaara"

"As surprising as this may sound but even I don't know the full extent of my son's abilities" Minato replied casually, giving a brief glance towards the robe-clad Kage. "He seems intent on keeping his prowess a sealed secret, something which I have no idea to be annoyed or proud of"

Actually he was more proud than he could possibly put into words. The true face of a Shinobi was staying in the darkness, never seeing the light of day and Naruto was following that code to the T.

The surprising speed he showed during the Preliminary exams was a glaring testament to that fact.

"How about I erase both of your worries and say that even if all of the gathered participants come together and fight him at the same time, they would have trouble maintaining their defenses" Kushina announced flatly, her voice a mixture of pride and smugness.

"I wonder if you are saying those words due to motherly pride or from a warrior's perspective, Lady Kushina" the brown haired Kage stated blankly, a certain steel to his voice. "Because surely you cannot overlook the danger my son brings to the table for he has been trained by the finest of our Jonins"

"I am inclined to agree with my sister" Mei Uzumaki interrupted, mostly because she knew that another word from the Kazekage would push her volatile sister towards a destructive rampage and he would be killed …painfully. "While I have no knowledge of my nephew's strength, I am willing to put my confidence in any student personally trained by Kushina"

If she didn't, Kushina would most likely torture her for days and the problem was that Kushina's methods of torture were exceedingly severe because she knew her only weakness…Naruto. Not physically severe but mentally. And that method was banning her from ever having sex with her son while fucking said son right in front of her to drive her insane.

"Enough with the chitchat!" Kushina snarled angrily, snapping the others out of their stupors as Minato gave his wife a nervous glance. "Just watch the match and my son will show you just how outclassed the other Genins are!"

Needless to say, the gathered high profile personals were quick to agree with her demands.

Battle Arena


Neji Hyuga instantly jumped back and adopted a defensive position to ward off any invisible attack while Naruto merely sweatdropped at the jumpy Hyuga.

"Why so jumpy?" he asked lazily, yawning like he hadn't slept for days. This time it wasn't an act or because he was bored, he really did miss days of sleep due to constant training on that damned mountain.

Training was one thing on that mountain since the magical properties of the location allowed him to use any technique he so wished but he also had to keep one eye open for a sneak attack by the Queen of his summons.

She was obsessed … by obsessed I mean 'I wanna have a hundred children with you in a month' kind of obsessed.

"I will not be fooled by your deceptions" the long haired Hyuga stated in a blank tone as he activated his famous Byakugan, veins bulging out at the sides of his white eyes. "My eyes see all"

Naruto misunderstood his words and promptly covered his crotch and back with a twitching eyebrow. "Eyes up here, buddy, you are not supposed to see that"

Neji blinked several times before his mind registered what the redhead was getting at and instantly tried to mend his words. "What!? That's not what I meant!"

The lazy redhead was not having any of his words as he continued to glare at the sputtering Hyuga boy while keeping his goodies covered. He had nothing to be ashamed of but letting a guy get an eyeful of his junk was not a comforting thought. "I don't care what you meant, turn off those freaky eyes of yours or I'll beat you up like a drum"

"Like I said I won't fall for your tricks" the branch Hyuga snarled angrily, flaring his white eyes once again as he descended into a strange stance. There was no way he would ever willingly turn off his eyes in a battle, especially against a tricky opponent like this guy.

He beat Kiba in the span of a few seconds with speed unlike any Genin had ever displayed. Even his Jonin sensei was shocked and that was saying something considering the man was considered to be the third fastest after Minato and Kushina.

"This is not a trick" Naruto insisted guardedly, still keeping his crotch covered by his hands. "Turn off your Byakuzan or whatever the fuck it is called or I'll seriously hurt you"

"Enough, you are within the range of my divination!"

Naruto watched with a bored look on his sleepy visage as Neji blurred forward and crouched down right in front of him, eyes flaring up for a brief second before a blurry hail of finger jabs rained over his body.

To the eyes of the inexperienced, the results were clearly in Neji's favor since the boy was practically beating Naruto like an immovable target, sealing off all of his chakra points while the redhead Uzumaki was too weak to do anything but take the pokes.

To those who knew actual combat, it looked more like an ant desperately trying to move an elephant. Naruto's wasn't moving because he couldn't but rather because he was too busy staring at Neji hell-bent on completing his technique with a deadpan look on his face.

"Knock it off, are you trying to tickle me to death or what!?"

The entire stadium let out a collective gasp when Naruto swatted away the shocked boy with a backhand strong enough to send him flying all the way to the other side of the arena, colliding with the curved wall like a lifeless sack of meat.

Kage Booth

The Kazekage could feel a set of smug purple eyes staring at his shocked visage from his peripheral vision as he witnessed the young boy defeat his opponent with a simple backhand to the face. He knew the damned wife of the thrice damned Hokage was looking at him with that smug smirk on her face and no doubt waiting for him to concede defeat.

"Lord Kazekage, would you like to say something?" the busty Uzumaki Milf asked in a haughty voice, a wide foxy grin dancing on her succulent lips.

The leader of the Hidden Sand sighed in resignation, knowing that ignoring the stubborn woman would only create more problems for him later on. "I suppose I was wrong about your son, Lady Kushina, he does indeed possess more strength than I'd imagined"

The Queen of Milfs nodded proudly, puffing out her massive, meaty chest in motherly pride. Of course her baby boy was strong. Who in their right mind would deny that undisputed fact? "Glad to hear it"

Minato merely smiled at his wife's enthusiasm and couldn't help but feel even more proud of his son. He was barely 14 and the boy was arguably the strongest youngster since the days of the First Hokage. Then again, with what he was and who he used to be, it was no surprise that fighting Genins would look childish to him.

Mei, on the other hand had trouble controlling the flow of her pussy juices as she blushed beat red and squirmed in her seat. Uzumaki women had one weakness and that weakness was strong Uzumaki males.

That brief display of brutality got her so turned on that she could barely see straight. Her emerald eyes were foggy and glazed, her meaty chest was heaving in arousal and the clenching of her plump, thick thighs could barely stop the flow of lubricating juice leaking out of her cunt.

Kushina noticed her sister's dilemma and smirked. "Aww, is my little sis turned on by her hunk nephew?"

The redheaded Mizukage blushed even harder. "S-shut up, sis, I don't n-need your taunts right now!"

"Of course, what you do need is a big, fat and throbbing Uzumaki cock stretching out that bitchy cunt of yours like a rubber glove" the buxom Milf purred seductively, nearing towards her aroused sister with a heated look on her face. "You want that fat horse dick to stretch you out and flood your slutty womb with thick, gooey Uzumaki batter"

The green-eyed Mizukage clenched her thick muscularly feminine thighs even tighter and whimpered like a wounded puppy, eyes tearing up from embarrassment and arousal as she glared at her smirking sister. "S-shut the fuck up, sis, you're making it worse!"

Infirmary, Stadium

"Dumbass" Naruto muttered under his breath as he entered into the infirmary and observed an unconscious Neji from the doorway of his room with a dry look on his face. Who the fuck told this guy to knock horns with him?

Didn't Tenten ever tell this guy that Naruto Uzumaki was rarely annoyed by things but when he was annoyed and that thing was not removed from his face, then all hell breaks loose.

"Well hello sweetie, I am surprised to see you here" a soft, melodious voice announced from the back of the corridor, causing the redhead to smirk inwardly and turn his attention towards the approaching figure.

Gently approaching him from the end of the corridor was a beautiful woman with long black silky hair, reaching all the way down to the small of her back. The silkiness of her black locks accentuated her beautiful face, cute nose, pouty lips and the innocence of her white pupil-less eyes.

Beautiful round face, white eyes of love and innocence, pouty plump lips perfect for sucking on cocks, titanic gravity-defying G cup tits, slim waist, taut stomach begging to be bloated with seed, wide hips able to give birth to triplets with ease, thick muscular thighs supporting one of the biggest, fattest and juiciest asses ever.

Hitomi Hyuga, wife of Hiashi, mother of Hinata and Hanabi Hyuga.

She was known to possess the second largest pair of tits in the Elemental Nations, surpassing even Tsunade of the Sannin in that regard and ranking second just behind the Queen of Milfs herself, Kushina Uzumaki.

He could certainly see why. Those heavy globes of milk-containing flesh had to be bigger than a cantaloupe each, brazenly defying gravity.

And that ass… My God that ass was just something else. Each globe round, perfectly fat and succulently perky, brazenly defying the laws of physics, all rounded up into a heart-shaped mass of Milf lusciousness.

"Hello Lady Hyuga" Naruto greeted gently as the thicc Milf approached him with an unintentional sway to her wide hips and a seductive jiggle to the meatiness of her fat tits with each step. She was clearly not wearing a bra, most likely because no bra could contain those phat orbs.

Now that he thought about it, not a single Milf that he had fucked stupid had ever bothered to wear a bra as far as he could remember.

Hitomi gave him a mock glare as she neared the redhead. "Stop that. Young man, there is no lady or miss between us, you can call me Hitomi"

"Well then Hitomi…" Naruto started in a hungry tone as he walked forward and grabbed the Milf by her thin waist, nearing her to his muscular chest, earning a cute 'eep' from the thicc woman as he reached for the fatness of her booty. "Do you mind if I call you my Hyuga slut?"

Cheeks tinted a healthy red; the mature Milf gave her young lover a cute look of innocence. "That is quite the bold claim but it depends"

"On what?"

"If you can really handle me being your slut" the Hyuga matriarch replied in a sweet motherly tone, wrapping her delicate arms around her Uzumaki stud, while said boy openly groped the doughy expanse of her phat rump through her kimono robe. "Not many can handle this body"

Naruto chuckled good-naturedly, cock hardening in anticipation for what he was going to do to this thick woman. That was true, no one besides him could ever hope to handle a phat-butted Milf like Hitomi by themselves.

"The fact that your pussy and ass has been reshaped to the size of my dick should be more than enough evidence that I can handle this slutty body of yours just fine"

Giggling like a schoolgirl meeting with her crush, the fat-breasted woman captured her Uzumaki lover's lips in a passionate kiss, moaning like a wanton slut as she locked lips with someone other than her husband.

Her massive breasts mashed straight into his muscular chest, delicately erect nobs tickling his kimono- covered skin. His hands continued to grab at the massive globes of her ass, sinking his finger into the doughy flesh, squeezing, fondling and pinching the meaty orb without mercy.

The black haired Milf moaned into the kiss as she felt her young lover's wandering hands explore her massive ass and thick thighs, increasing the force of her sucking while Naruto's teeth bite into her upper lip, nibbling, sucking, and licking the pouty flesh with expert ease.

Her hold on the back of his neck tightened as she neared him to her lips and practically sucked everything from his mouth with animalistic intensity, feeling the familiar hardness of his cock pressing against her stomach.

Soon enough, the need for oxygen separated the passionate duo from their loving embrace.

"You know, you're the third person that just drives me crazy by simply being around me" Naruto started in an edgy tone as he separated from the Milf but continued to grope her fat ass through the annoying dress. "The kind of person that I just want to grab and fuck for as long as I can"

"Oh my, how kinky" Hitomi giggled amusingly, hands moving to gently stroke her lover's strong muscular chest through his black kimono as she gazed into his eyes with innocent lust. "Something tells you aren't here to see if my nephew is alright or not"

The redhead boy smiled like a mischievous fox. "Of course not"

"Well then honey, why are you here?" she asked in a sweet voice, offering up one of her innocently fuckable smiles that just drove her Uzumaki lover insane.

"I was waiting for this phat ass Hyuga Milf and wanted to fuck her like my personal whore till my next match" the lazy Uzumaki growled hungrily, hiking up the Milf's dress up to her neck and hungrily sucking on her fat breasts as she moaned cutely. "Have you seen her by any chance?"

"I might've seen her" the Hyuga matriarch moaned out as her meaty breasts were suckled by her feral lover. She could feel her thick tit milk being sucked away from her meaty breasts and streaming into her lover's hungry mouth as he sucked on her nipples alternatively. "But she might be afraid of what you could do to her"

"I'm going to bend her over that bed, lick her cheating cunt like a lollipop, spank her fat, meaty ass like a drum, mount her thick hips like my breeding mare and fuck her so hard that she barely has enough energy to walk straight after I am done emptying every drop of my nut into her cheating womb!"

Each word was causing Hitomi to leak lubricating juices like a broken pipe and whimper helplessly, not to mention the feral and hungry way Naruto was sucking and biting her fat breasts. The more he sucked on her fat tits and drank her milk, the hornier she became. "Oh my! That sounds … ah … so lewd!"

Letting go of her right nipple with a loud pop, Naruto gave the thicc Milf a savagely demonic look, smirking like a predator on the prowl for his prey. "Do you think she'd be interested in being my cum-guzzling whore for the next hour or so?"

The mother of two almost cummed from that look alone as her pussy drooled in anticipation. Screw Hiashi and screw Neji to hell. Getting some prime Uzumaki dick was her first priority in life. "She'd be definitely interested!"

An Hour Later

While Naruto was busy fucking the thicc Hyuga Milf like his personal whore next to the bed of her unconscious nephew, a certain dilemma was going on behind the scenes. The stadium was home to thousands of murmurs and angry shouts of displeasure.

Minato observed the displeasure of his people as well as those of the Feudal Lords and other diplomats gathered at the arena with a contemplating look on his face.

A Chunin appeared before the Hokage, bowing in respect. "Lord Hokage, Sasuke is still missing and we have no idea where he is as of right now"

The Namikaze blond nodded softly, gesturing for the Chunin to stand straight. "We have no choice then, Sasuke will have to be disqualified"

"I suggest you rethink your decision, Lord Hokage" the leader of the Hidden Sand made his displeasure known by giving the blond Leaf ninja a narrow eyed look behind his veil. "Many of the Feudal Lords and other dignitaries, myself included, have come to witness the power of the last Uchiha in action. Surely you can look the other way just this once and give the lad a few more minutes to make himself known"

Whether Minato was going to agree or decline his offer did not come to pass as Kushina's famous temper flared up. "I do not know about the Sand but the Leaf does not show favoritism when it comes to her Ninja, Uchiha or otherwise"

The brown haired Kazekage almost snarled at the fiery Milf, trying to control his anger. "I assure you my village has practiced impartiality in all Shinobi matters but I am not above acts which can provide my people some semblance of entertainment"

"Kushina is right, Lord Kazekage" Minato agreed calmly, his Kage charisma and aura blasting into full power as he turned to the veiled leader. "Entertainment is fine but actions that send the wrong message are strictly prohibited in the Leaf. If we allow Sasuke to participate even after appearing late, what message does that send to the rest of our upcoming generation?"

"Not to mention his tardiness could prove lethal to the safety of his teammates while on dangerous missions where precision and occasion are key factors to determine success or failure" Mei added seriously. "Besides, I have heard that he's been showing signs of instability since … the second part of the exams"

Mei refrained from mentioning Orochimaru since she was sure Minato would not appreciate that kind of sensitive information be given to potential attackers.

"I see" the desert dwelling Shinobi muttered emotionlessly, veiling his boiling anger. "Who would fight my son in the finals then?"

The busty Uzumaki Queen of Milfs offered up a smug smile of motherly pride, puffing out her meaty chest as she thought of her handsome stud child. "My son of course"

Speaking of that handsome stud, where the fuck was he? It was almost time for his match again and he was missing. That horny, lazy bastard better not be fucking some whore behind her back!

Walking back to the arena with a smug grin on his face, Naruto couldn't help but feel like he was walking on cloud nine as he calmly approached the participants' deck. Few people could actually go toe to toe with him in sex and even fewer could actually endure his beastly thrusts.

Hitomi was one of those few Milfs who could take his savage thrusts with little effort. The busty woman had the third thickest body of any woman he had ever seen and that was saying something considering he had Kushina Uzumaki as his mother, Mito Uzumaki as his grandmother and the Queen of his summons as his breeding slut.

Right after Kushina and Mito, Hitomi had the kind of thicc body that just made you want to plug her holes up with thick cock and continue emptying your balls into her sinful form for all eternity. Perhaps the plumpness of her form was the only thing stopping her insides from collapsing.

She had thickness and fatness in the most dangerous of places and could take his savage thrusts into her motherly holes with ease.

If he fucked anyone as hard as he always pounds Hitomi, they would most likely lose the ability to walk properly for at least a week but the Milf took his dick like nothing and still walked out of the infirmary with a sway to her wide, childbearing hips and an innocently seductive smile on her face.

He fucked the thicc Milf like a cheap whore and she greedily took the blurring thrusts of his pubic against the fat, meaty expanse of her giant ass. The view of her thick cheeks clapping lewdly against each with each thrust, not to mention her cute 'eeps' with each thrust into her cunt had him bang her even harder.

At the end, he left the Hyuga matriarch bent over a bed in the infirmary, dress hiked up to her back, thick muscularly fat legs spread wide open, massively phat ass on display and a steady flow of thick gooey cream leaking out of her gaping holes like broken faucets.

The surprising part which still brought an amused and impressed smile to his lips was how quickly she recovered from being fucked stupid. The thicc mother of two children was up and about in almost 15 minutes, clothes all proper, no signs of the debauchery she had taken part in and certainly no signs showing just how hard she'd had her cheating pussy fucked.

The Hyuga matriarch walked out of the infirmary with her famous motherly smile and an unintentional sway to her wide, childbearing hips which caused her fat ass to wobble in her modest dress. No wonder Hanabi and Hinata were sporting Milf-worthy assets at their tender ages, especially 10 years old Hanabi, when their mother was this thicc.

He had been tempted to grab the cheating Milf and fuck her stupid once again. The guards watching outside be damned!

He'd definitely be taking that woman as his fourth wife… ok scratch that. His volatile mother would never allow him to take anyone beside the Queen of Milfs herself as his wife. So the Hyuga matriarch would have to endure being his lover.

If not, he could keep her as his slut.

With a smug smirk playing on his lips, Naruto walked through the shadows of the arena entrance and made his presence known to the cheers of the stadium.

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