Categories > Books > Harry Potter > All Men must Serve

Chapter 7: Sharing

by selenepotter 0 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2022-02-07 - Updated: 2022-02-07 - 2234 words - Complete


Now that night has fallen and the feast has ended, I thought I should go take a look at the Underworld of this city. So, after changing my hair and skin tone to a shade of green so deeply dark it was nearly black and swapping my medieval gown for a much smaller costume made of a skirt of leaves and a couple of large leaves to cover my top, I grabbed one of my bags of seeds and snuck out of my room. It was so late, almost no one was still awake. There were a few close calls, but I was able to make it unnoticed to to the castle’s outer wall. I dropped a seed over the wall which quickly grew tall enough for me to climb onto. The Vine was stiff enough to hold my weight, so I commanded it to bend over, lowering me onto a nearby rooftop. From there, began my own tour of the city, running across the roofs and hopping from building to building, occasionally dropping a seed in a bare patch of earth or a planter on someone’s balcony. Presently, I came to a district that reeked of sexual pheromones. This was one of the few area’s where people were still walking streets, and from the sounds coming out the windows, it was clear I had found the brothel district. On the street below I spotted a familiar face, Lord Baelish. What is he doing here? I wouldn’t think he would need to pay for companionship. I had to back track a bit to get myself on the roof of a building a cross the street from the one Baelish had entered, a place where I could more easily hear what was going on inside and even see in a few upper floor windows where people had left curtains open. It quickly be came clear that Baelish was the owner of this establishment, not a customer. I had no idea he was involved in criminal enterprises. Looks like he might be a good target for me to subvert. After spying on him for a while, I resumed my tour of the city’s rooftops. When I found the poorest part of town, I was in for a shock. Although it was clearly the most run down part of the city with the cheapest buildings, there were a few brand new buildings interspersed amongst the slums: a Newspaper, a Library, a Fire Station and various factories. Clearly someone had been trying to help these poor people. Unlike the rest of the city, people were still walking the streets. It was just as busy as the brothel section. Looking around from my rooftop vantage point I could see several robberies taking place simultaneously. I picked one and headed towards it. I released some pollen to disable the gang and their victim, then hopped down from the roof. From what I had seen, the tall muscular woman was the leader of this gang. Well . . . . former leader. As she stood there stupefied, I pulled her into a kiss. Her ability to return the kiss told he that I was correct about her being a woman’s woman and that she was under my power now.

“Who are you?” my new love slave asked.

“I’m Plantwoman!” I proclaimed, lowering he pitch of my voice. If only she understood the joke. “But you can call me boss. From now one, you and your gang, work for me. I will come by occasionally for my cut. In the meantime, do not bother any unusual plants you find.”

Before I left I did the same to each of the members of her gang and even their victim, ensnaring their will with a poisoned kiss. I then, planted a seed, that rapidly grew into a tree in this back alley. I sat on a branch and was lifted up as it grew, hopping off when I was high enough to reach the roof. I then, made a tour of this part of town, planting seeds as I went, until my bag was empty. Now that I no longer had anything to plant, I returned to the Red Keep, using the same vine to lift me over the castle walls.


While we were breaking our fast, I asked father about the plans for the war. But he brushed me off, assuring me that the Small Council would make plans. So Bran and I spent the morning in the Practice Yard, where I taught him more fighting techniques. He had befriended a fellow Page last night. So I had Bran spar against his new friend, Edric, while instructing them. I then, had a brief spar against Prince Renly and a female warrior named: Brienne of Tarth. I could tell she was in love with Renly, who seemed oblivious to her adoration. But her feelings for him distracted her and I defeated the two them together, quite easily.

“Can we go to the Godswood for our meditation?” asked Bran. “Edric wanted to talk to us about the anti-Force, which he calls magic.”

“A lot of people mistake the Force for magic,” I chided Bran. “But yes, he may join us. I was wanting to see the Godwood anyway. We should bring our direwolves too. Let them get some exercise.”

When we arrived at the Godswood, Lady Margaery was already there, walking around and planting a seed every few steps. She was wearing a gray gown that so perfectly matched the colour of the bark of the oak trees that I might have missed her if it had not been for my connection to the Force. Other than her, we were alone in the Godswood. I knew Bran found it easier to meditate if he was sitting in the shade of a weirwood, so we proceeded in to the center of the Godwood, only to find a magnificent oak as the Heart Tree, next to a white stump that had once been a weirwood tree. I think I like this Godswood better than the one at Winterfell. This Oak tree doesn’t give me a headache like the weirwoods do. Bran and Edric sat on the stump, while I sat on the ground, next to the mighty oak tree. Ghost and Summer were running around the small forrest investigating all the new smells.

“Close your eyes,” I instructed. “Listen to your breathing. . . .Feel yourself being connected to everything. . . Open your mind to the One Universal Force that connects us all . . . Let the Force flow through you . . .”

“You’re Levitating!” called out Edric. “Margaery, Look! He’s a Wizard too!”

“You are supposed to have your eyes closed,” I scolded, as I lowered me legs so I could stand on the ground. “It’s not magic. It’s my connection to the Force that lets me do such things.”

To demonstrate, I used my connection to the Force to lift a small stone into the air.

“I can do that too!” said Edric as a stick suddenly appeared in his hand and he waved it. Another stone rose into the air as I felt a laser beam of this thing that was the opposite of the Force, shoot out of the stick. It felt ten times worse that the headaches that warging gave me. But I tried not to let the others see how much pain I was in.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Magic!” replied Edric. “Just like last night when Bran looked through the eyes of his familiar. Here, try this.

He handed his stick to Bran, and a few sparks came out. To me, it felt like I had been hit in the head in the practice yard after forgetting to wear my helmet.

“Brilliant!” exclaimed Edric. “You’re a Wizard Bran! I’ll make you a wand as soon as I can! But listen.” said Edric as he lowered his voice. “You should be very careful about who you let know about your magic.”

I glanced at Lady Margaery, whom I had only met last night. She was close enough to hear every world we were saying. Edric saw where I was looking.

“Oh, don’t worry about her,” assured Edric. “She has powers too. But she claims it’s just science, not magic.”

“Powers?” I asked.

She broke into a smile as she stared at me. Suddenly I became aware that all over the Godswood strange and unusual Plants were rapidly going through years worth of growth. But I couldn’t feel her using the Force to excelerate the rate at which the plants were growing, nor could I feel that anti-Force that Edric insisted was “magic”.

“Science.” stated Lady Margaery, as she gave me a wink.

“Why do you think we should hide our abilities?” I asked.

“When I regrew the Weirwood Tree at Storm’s End, the Septon and the Maester got very upset about it,” explained Edric. “I think if they knew it was me, they might try to hurt me.”

“Re-grew the Weirdwood Tree?” asked Bran, as he hopped off the stump and looked at it.

“Like this,” said Edric as he touched his stick to the stump.

What followed was worse than being burned alive! It felt like someone had split my head open and it exploded in a splattery mess that I could still feel as the shards of my brain flew in every direction! I heard myself scream in the instant I experienced all this before I passed out!


As I was leaving, the villagers were burning down their little Sept, with Gregor Clegane’s body still inside. I had the head in a bag. I would need to find some salt to preserve it so that it would be recognisable when I got back to Dorn and showed it to my family. But I was definately not taking the short way, by ship. I would be returning by land no mater how long it took. I’m in no hurry. Perhaps I’ll stop by King’s Landing on the way.


It had taken a while for us to get here. The nights were the worse, even gagged the Wights made constant noises that made it difficult to sleep. But now we were stepping out of the forrest, in sight of The Wall, and the gate to the tunnel that went under the wall at Castle Black. It was just Ygrette, Wun-Wun and I. (Unless you counted the bundle of chained up Wights on the giant’s back) I waved a parley flag on a stick, hoping the Crows would be willing to parley. On top of the wall I could hear a horn blast two notes. After a few minutes, the gate to the tunnel opened and a group of men on horses rode out. We walked forward in an attempt to meet them half-way. As he drew closer, I could see that although he was dressed all in black like any other Crow, he was obviously some high ranked kneeler, a High Lord or something. If it wasn’t clear from the way he carried himself, the fancy, gold and jewel encrusted scabbard on his sword would be proof enough.

“What do you want?” asked the yellow-bearded Crow-knight.


When I regrew the Weirwood Tree, Ser Jon screamed and collapsed into unconsiousness. He scream was the loudest he could manage, the kind people made from the Cruciatus Curse. And just my luck, when the guards heard that scream they came running. In this case, the guards in question were Reachlander soldiers he had been stationed just outside to guard their liege lord’s daughter.

“My Lady are you in danger?” asked a tall man with an apple painted on his breastplate.

“No, no, I’m fine,” assured Lady Margaery. “Ser Jon, however, needs a Maester.”

“By the Seven!” exclaimed another Guard, this one with a Tulip painted on his Breastplate. He was openly gaping at the sight of the full grown Weirwood tree that hadn’t been there before.

I could feel my self tensing up as a prepared for battle. I was caught at the scene when the magic Tree had re-grown. Who knew if I would get blamed for this. I knew I could simply vanish, turn invisible or apparate away. But that would mean leaving Margaery and Bran to surfer whatever fate befell magi in this world. So I stood on guard, with my wand hidden but ready. The direwolves, sensing the tension has stopped playing and were padding over to us. They stopped on either side of Bran and growled at the guards.

“Summer! Ghost! Stop that!” commanded Bran. “They are here to help Jon.” He then pulled the two massive direwolves away.

The guards gingerly stepped forward and helped lift Ser Jon to carry him away. I serepticiously cast a featherlight charm on him so it would be easier for them to carry him.

Note: Yes. I am a fan of “The Havok Side of the Force”, a SW/HP fanfic where The Force and Magic are in Opposition to each other. If it ever gets finished, I predict that it will be revealed that there is no Force in the HP world because: Long, Long ago . . . in a Galaxy, far, far, away, Harry Potter broke the Force . . . with Magic.
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