Categories > Movies > Marvel Cinematic Universe > Spider-Man's Little Sister

4. Just a Normal Day as Isla Parker

by MapleWritesFanfics 0 reviews

Just the beginning of Far From Home from Isla's POV

Category: Marvel Cinematic Universe - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2022-03-06 - 1848 words

"When I Blipped back to my apartment, the family that was living there was very confused. The wife thought that I was a mistress. The grandma thought that I was a ghost. It was It was really a mess. Thank you for coming out to support those who have been displaced by the Blip." Aunt May concluded her speech. "And, of course, thanks to our very own Spider-Man and Spider-Girl!" The crowd applauded.

Peter stepped up to the mic, clearing his throat. "Thank you, Miss Parker, for having us." Peter gave the crowd a double thumbs up.

"And thank you, you guys, for having us." I say. More applause from the crowd.

"Thank you Spider-Man and Spider-Girl!" Aunt May tells the crowd. "They'll be right back out to take photos and videos. Thank you!" The three of us turn and walk back behind the stage.

Peter's nanotech helmet contracts. "That was amazing."

May gives him a high-five. "That was great." I pull my magenta mask off

Peter slides his hands through his hair. "Ah, that was so cool. I was so nervous."

"I thought I was a little stiff. I felt like I wasn't in the pocket." Aunt May admits.

"No, I thought you did great."

"You both did great." I smile at my family.

"Yeah, well, I did actually think you were a little stiff, Peter."

"Uh, yeah, I felt that too. I felt that too." Peter repeats himself.

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. Did you get your passport?" She asks him.


"Mini toothpaste?" Aunt May starts checking to make sure Peter has what he needs for his school trip.

"Yeah, I did." 

We hear a noise from outside the door. Peter's nanotech helmet expands to cover his head as I pull my mask back on.

Happy comes through the door carrying a giant cheque. "Hey, sorry I'm late."

Peter's helmet contracts and I pull my mask off again. "Happy. Hey."

"Oh, you look lovely." He says to Aunt May.

"Thanks. You too." She replies.

"Thank you."

"New dress?" He asks.

"Yeah, yes, it is." Peter and I look at her. The confused look on his face mirrors my own. "Is it a new beard?" Aunt May asks Happy.

"It's my Blip beard. 'Cause I grew it in the Blip. Blip beard."

"I see. Yeah." May smiles.

"Anyway, so, the reason I'm late is because this was misplaced at the office. Can you believe it? Because it's enormous. Not the amount, the size." He hands May the cheque. "The amount's nice too. They're generous."

"Oh." May laughs.

"Pepper Potts said, sorry she couldn't be here." 

Peter and I are still just looking at the two of them, confused as heck.

"I think I'm gonna go change the Sterno under the vegan lasagna." May says. "Spider-Man, Spider-Girl, go shake hands."

"Will do." Peter and I say in unison, Peter does a little salute before turning to Happy. "What just happened?"

"I was wondering the exact same thing." My brain is still stuck in confusion.

"Heads up Peter, Nick Fury's calling you." Happy nods to Peter.

"Nick Fury's gonna call me?"



"Why? 'Cause he probably has hero stuff for you to do. You're a superhero. He calls superheroes."

"Yeah, Peter." I tease.

"Well if it was really that important he'd probably call someone else, not me." He wasn't even phased by my comment.

Peter's phone rings. "Apparently not." Happy says.

Peter rushes over to the bag to pull out his phone.

"No caller ID. It's him." Happy confirms.

"I don't really want to talk to Nick Fury." Peter says to us.

"Answer the phone." Happy tells him.

"Why?" My brother asks.

"Because if you don't talk to him, then I have to talk to him, and I don't want to talk to him." Happy says.

"Why not?" Peter asks. I don't know why I'm just watching this play out, but it's fun.

"'Cause I'm scared. Answer the phone." Happy tells Peter.

Peter presses the decline call button.

"You sent Nick Fury to voicemail?"

"Yeah." Peter turns around. I try to stifle my laugh, but it doesn't work that well.

"You don't send Nick Fury to voicemail." Happy tells Peter. 

"Did you hear that? They're calling me and Spider-Girl." Peter tries to dodge Happy. "I gotta go. I gotta go." I pull my mask on to follow my brother.

"You gotta talk to him." Happy frowns at Peter.

"I'm gonna call him. I promise you I'm gonna call him. I will." Peter's nanotech helmet expands over his head as we walk through the curtains.

"You do not ghost Nick Fury." Happy is getting closer to yelling.

"I promise you, I'll call him." He pauses in between the two sets of curtains and turns around. "After my trip." I roll my eyes at him. This could be important.

"Hey!" Peter and I call to the audience as we run onstage. Cameras flash and Peter and I are overwhelmed with questions, mostly Peter though. 

"Hey!" I almost yell it for the crowd to hear me. "One at a time!"

"Are you the head Avenger now?" One of the reporters asks Peter.

"Uh, no. I'm not." Peter answers.

"If aliens come back, what will you do?" Another asks.

"Does anyone have any neighbourhood questions?" I look  at my brother. Even though I can't see his face I still know what he's feeling.

"Sean Winford, Queens Tribune." A third reporter calls himself. "What's it like to take over from Tony Stark? Those are some big shoes to fill." I can tell that the questions are overwhelming Peter.

"I'mma... I'm gonna go. Thanks, so much everyone, for coming." Peter jumps up and swings out. 

The reporters start pummelling me with questions. 

"Look, I'm really new at this and don't have any answers for you." I tell them before swinging up and out of the building to find Peter.

I see him on the roof looking over at a mural of Iron Man and sit down beside him. Peter turns away from the mural. I can see some tears in his eyes. 

"Hey, I miss him too." I wrap my arms around my older brother. Shedding a couple tears myself after looking at the colourful mural.

"I just wish..." Peter shakes his head. "I just wish he was still here." 

"I do too. I know what he meant to you, Pete." He hasn't been the same since Tony died. No one has. That's why I think it's good that he's going on this class trip to Europe. He gets a break from everything and just gets to be himself with his friends.

Peter is looking through the mess that our room has become over the course of the morning searching for something.

"Peter, your phone's going off again!" I alert him. He just ignores the call. It's been happening since last night.

He looks over at the closet. Just long enough for May to walk over to the door holding a banana. Peter hasn't even realized that she's there yet. May tosses the banana at Peter. I watch as it hits him in the face.

May covers her mouth with her hands. "So sorry. I thought you could sense that with your..." she searches for the word. "Peter tingle." I let out a giggle at that. 

"Please do not start calling it my Peter-tingle." 

I continue to giggle at 'Peter-tingle' from the top bunk.

"So, what's up? You can dodge bullets but not bananas?" May asks.

"No, I just really need this vacation. I need a break."

May wraps her arms around him. You deserve it. Isla, come on. Why don't we let Peter pack on his own."

I jump down from the top bunk. "Ok."

May spins around. "You should pack your suit, just in case. I have a tingle about it." 

I giggle as the two of us walk away from the room. 

"Please stop saying tingle, May." Peter says from the room. I catch him say, "No." and close the closet door quietly with my super hearing and roll my eyes.

"So, how's it going at school?" May asks me.

"It's going good, I guess." I tell her. 

"What do you mean by that?" She asks.

"Nothing." I shake my head. "I just miss hanging out with lots of my friends in person. I know I call them all the time, but it's just different in person, I guess."

May puts her hand on mine. "Well, why don't I see if I can get a day off soon and we can go upstate for the day?"

"Really?" I ask.


"That. Would. Be. Amazing." I exclaim.

"Ok, then I'll try to get it off." 

"Thank you so much Aunt May!" I hug her as tight as I can. 

"You're welcome." She smiles at me and I smile back. She's been there for me forever. She was there when I realized my parents were never coming back. When Peter and I first moved in with Aunt May, and back then Uncle Ben I didn't know what was really going on. I would constantly ask when my parents were coming home all the time. I didn't understand the concept of death until I was four or five. It was around the time Uncle Ben passed when I realized this. And when I realized that they were gone and never coming home I was crushed. Aunt May was there for me then. She was always there.

May pats my back. "Ok, well, I have to get ready to go to work. School's out, right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, school's out. I might go do something today though." I reply.

"Like fight crime?" She asks me.


"Be careful, Isla. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'm always careful, May." I tell her.

"Fine Isla." May goes to get ready.

I go back to mine and Peter's room. My suit is always on underneath my everyday clothes. We go to drop Peter off at the airport. "Don't do anything stupid while you're gone!" I call to him.

"I won't Isla!" he calls back to me. I roll my eyes as my brother walks away. I have a feeling he's going to do something really stupid on this trip. 

May drove the car away from the airport when they couldn't see Peter through the windows anymore. "So, do you need me to drop you off anywhere in particular?" 

"Anywhere in the city's really fine." I reply.


May drops me off a few blocks away from the F.E.A.S.T. shelter where she works. I wave goodbye and find a place where I can safely get onto a roof without people noticing.

*And with that I am back. I was sick for a bit and didn't get around to writing this until yesterday. But we're finally here and into Far From Home. Also, I might only update this once or twice a week from now on. I just have a lot going on right now. Have a good day.

- Maple
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