Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 39: visiting Sparta

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Fleet Admiral’s log, Stardate 57616.9 - Our first group from the Odyssey are going to Sparta

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: William Adama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-04-10 - 1833 words - Complete


Chapter 39: visiting Sparta

Fleet Admiral’s log, Stardate 57616.9 - Our first group from the Odyssey are going to Sparta today and 50 more are coming down here to Athens for leave. The Medeusan Crew of the Polvo are also taking shore leave here in Athens. The Crew of the Pugita are also eager to see Kobol. But their leaves will have to wait until the Odyssey and Polvo are gone. After they leave here, the Polvo will be going to Caprica. While the Pugita will be stationed here, at Kobol.

Kobol - Sparta

There was a bit of a tingle as Captain Penelope Illyria and 49 of her shipmates were transported for the second half of their leave. Although Sparta was reputed to have twice as many people as Athens. You couldn’t tell it by looking at this barely a town. It had only a single pub, a general store, a few houses and some temples to the Lords that were still under construction. These looked like they would be more elaborate than the ones in Athens when they were finished. And it also appeared that they were put to use when the workers were not building. There was a small crowd of people waiting for them. One of them stepped forward.

“Hi, I’m Tom Zarek, the major of Sparta, and you must be Commander Illyria.”

“It’s Captain now,” explained Illyria. “My rank got changed when I joined Starfleet. You’re not what I expected. I never thought I would see the infamous terrorist Tom Zarek as Mayor of a small town.”

“Life surprises us all,” agreed Zarek. “As you can see, our tavern is rather small and our Temple of Aphrodite is just a building. There’s no priestesses or even acolytes to run it. But I’m sure your crew saw enough of those sorts of things in Athens. We thought we’d offer you a more wholesome experience. . . . These people have all agreed to host your crew. Each of them will get to spend a couple of days living on a family farm.”

“Well, I thank you for your hospitality,” replied Illyria. “Who will I be staying with?”

“This is Hector Holmes,” introduced Zarek. “His family has a farm near here that you’ll be staying with.”

“I’m pleased to meet you,” said Illyria.

The Holmes family were Saggitarians. They ran a family farm with their two children. They were very religious, but not obnoxious about it. It was a very peaceful two days with them.

On the second day, she walked back to the town to find Mayor Zarek was waiting for her.

“Could I have a moment of your time?” asked Zarek.

“Of course, mister Mayor,” replied Illyria. “How may I help you?”

“Next time we have elections I’m going to run for President of Kobol,” explained Zarek. “And I’m going to win. Most of our people have settled here, where they don’t have to deal with Cylons or aliens. I hope I can count on your loyalty.”

“I have already taken up the admiral’s offer to join the Starfleet,” said Illyria. “And I am loyal to the chain of command. What would you do as president that would require my loyalty, anyway?”

“I intend to pull Kobol our of this Federation of toasters and Aliens. To make Kobol a human only world,” replied Zarek.

“That would not be wise,” countered Illyria. I’ve had time to see what you have, both here and in Athens. And I think both are necessary for the survival of our people. With out the Federation, trade would dry up. I saw two different freighters when I arrived. What happens when they stop coming? You need the factories and trade and scientists that Athens brings you. But you also need to have a place like this, to provide a moral center for our people.”

“I’ll consider what you said,” replied Zarek. “But If you endorse me now, It may help your career advancement after I win . . .”

“I think, as President, you’ll want to know that I can not be persuaded to betray my superiors.” said Illyria. “After all, as president, you will be at the top of my chain of command.”

Kobol - Athens - Starfleet Command - Fleet Admiral Adama’s office

“So you’ve had a chance to see Kobol,” observed Adama. “Are you still interested in Starfleet?”

“More than ever!” said Illyria. “What you’ve built here, . . . are building, . . . is worth protecting. You should be very proud of what you’ve accomplished and I want to be a part of it, It’s just . . . .”

“Yes? . . .” asked Adama. “Got something on your mind?”

“The uniforms sir,” protested Illyria. “To my eyes they look like pajamas!”

“Mine too,” agreed Adama. “And they look better on the young and fit than they do on me. But they are practical. They’re very light weight, well insulated can double as a pressure suit and if you have a hull breach, the collar automatically deploys as a hood that keeps a small amount of air on you so you have more time to get to a pressurized part of the ship. But I agree about the look. Tell you what . . . I’ll look into improving the way they look.”

“Thank you sir,” replied Illyria. “What’s next?”

“You’ll send another 50 people down for leave and the ones that came with you will get to decide whether they want to retire or join Starfleet.” ordered Adama. “Then you and the other Starfleet recruits will get hooked up to the Cerebroedumatron, which most of us just call the learning machine. It will give you a gigantic headache, four years of education as if you had attended Starfleet Academy including knowledge of Colonial Stadard, which you already know and Argos’ Universe Earth English, which you do not know. It will take you a day to recover from that. Then, after you’ve been issued your new uniforms, You’ll go back to the Odyssey and start converting it from a Colonial ship to a Starfleet ship.”

Kobol Orbit - Cruiserstar Odyssey - C&C

There was a second of a musical tinkling as Commander Penelope Illyria materialized out of thin air dressed in strange pajamas.

“Commander!” exclaimed Major Moore. “What the frak is goin’ on? Is this that teleportation machine?”

“I’ve joined the Starfleet and I’m taking this ship with me,” explained Illyria. “Pick 49 officers that we can spare, the higher the rank the better, then you’ll be going with them on 4 days leave on the planet. After your leave, you’ll have a choice, retire there or join Starfleet. I hope you’ll choose to come back here like I did.”

“Are you out of your frakin’ mind!?!” yelled Moore.

“I’ve seen Kobol,” replied Illyria. “They have something worth defending. . . . Just get it done, Major.”

When he returned from Kobol, her XO was convinced and was wearing his own Starfleet uniform.

“Glad to see you’ve signed up,” said Illlyria.

“All that technology, those aliens, peace with the Cylons, that beautiful world . . .How could I NOT want to be a part of that?” replied Moore. “I’m with you . . . Captain.”

“Glad to have you . . Commander,” replied Illyria. “Now help me get this ship into shape.”

A few hours later they were taking a break with some glasses of ambrosia.

“I forgot to ask you, when you were on leave, did you meet anyone interesting?” asked Illyria.

“You’re going to find this hard to believe, but I met a Cylon that seemed interested in me, Tricia Six.” replied Moore. “We had dinner and talked, nothing happened. But we have plans to meet again in the future. You?”

“I shared a drink with a Medeusan,” admitted Illyria. “I didn’t get the feeling she was interested in me or even what gender she was.”

“We’re quite the pair, aren’t we,” mused Moore. “A few months again we were fighting for our lives, on the run from the Cylons and now . . . now we’re building a better future with the toasters and I’m thinking of dating one!”

“I’m not so sure about dating an alien, but talking with Ruža really showed me that the aliens, even the least human of them, are people.” said Illyria. “But I’m not so sure about this telepathy business. I had an alien waiter read my mind a bring me the drink I wanted before I could ask it. Then, the Medeusan I was talking to started talking to me in my own mind. Such a power could easily be abused in the wrong hands.”

“I had the same thing with the Talosian waiter that brought me the drink I wanted,” mused Moore. “I didn’t make the connection that he read my mind.”

“And three of the members of our Federation can do that,” pointed out Illyria.

“More than three if you count some of the races that might be on the Argos,” said Moore. “Did Tom Zarek hit you up for support?”

“Yeah,” said Illyria.

“Me too,” admitted Moore. “Offered me Captaincy of the Odyssey. I told him I was loyal to you.”

“He gave me a similar offer,” said Illyria. “I told him I respected the chain of command. I didn’t understand at the time that being in Starfleet puts the President of Kobol outside my chain of command. We serve the Federation Council now, not Kobol.”

Deep Space - Battlestar Atalanta - Hanger Deck

“Commander, I think you need to see this,” said Deck Chief Oroville Smalls, as he led Commander Korren into the Raptor that the Cylons came here on.

“What am I looking at?” asked Commander Oedi Korren.

“The computer . . . all the electronics have been replaced! All of this . . . it’s like nothing I’ve even seen before!” explained Chief Smalls.

“New Cylon tech . . . there’s probably a tracker buried in there somewhere. Jettison this Raptor,” ordered Korren.

The two Federation officers continued to hide in plain sight. They walked the corridors of the ship acting as if there were on their way somewhere important, but avoiding the Hanger Deck and C&C. They’d had to remove their Starfleet uniforms and hide them in a space between walls. Since they didn’t have assigned racks, to sleep they would find a closet or cubby hole where if they were found, It would look like they had met there to frak in private and fallen asleep there, a pretense that eventually became reality. But for now, they had managed to blend in to the crew of the Atalanta.

Kobol Orbit - Cruiserstar Odyssey

Captain’s log, Stardate 57656.0 - Only 20% of my crew have opted to retire on Kobol. The rest have joined Starfleet. This leaves us a bit short-handed. We’ll be taking on new crew and alien crew members at each planet we stop at.
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